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Archival description
32 German colonies
Best. 7701, A L/1348 · File
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Wolfgang Heinze: Civil rights for Reich Germans abroad and in the colonies. <1914>, 8 S. Money and commemorative coins. 1, . Africa. 8, including illustrations by Franz Vollbehr, 1955, 1971. Wars against Hottentots and Hereros. 3, <1904>, 1934. German South West Africa in word and picture. Publisher of the "Maria Immaculata", Hünfeld near Fulda <1906>, 32 p. . Gustav Nightingale. 4.<1934>, oD. Dr. Carl Peters. 3, 2 Ab, [1941], 1956, 1958, o.D.Old signatures: L 1348.

administrative conference
Best. 903, A 201 · File · 1927-1929
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Protocol extracts concerning, among others, the warehouse for the consumer cooperative "Eintracht" in the port of Niehl, Kölner Renn-Verein concerning the reduction of the property tax surcharge, repair of the restaurants in the Volksgarten and Südpark, leasing of the airport restaurant, naming of the Beethovenpark, sports shops concerning the "Eintracht" consumer cooperative in the port of Niehl. Trade of tennis court administrators, French tropical fruit wholesalers in Cologne, visit of representatives of the city of Birmingham, bronze plaque in the Gürzenich for the 100th anniversary of the concert company, sports hall in Cologne-Sülz, hall in the knife extension area, evacuation of the Mülheimer Freiheit 24-30 houses, protocol questions concerning song songs at the U.C.J.-Congress, naming of a rowing boat of the youth department of the Marine-Verein after the Kreuzer Cologne, accommodation of the standard of the hunter regiment on foot no. 7, sports event in the stadium to the 80th birthday of the Reich President, transfer of the Gürzenich to a lecture of Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld concerning "The sexual crisis", purchase of the house Brandenburger Str. 14 for the purpose of the establishment of a youth home, transfer of the Gürzenich to the proletarian culture committee concerning the "Gürzenich". Reichsschulgesetz, redesign of the Gürzenich and reduction of street noise, racecourse for motor vehicles in Cologne, administration of the youth hostel, visitor accommodation at the German Gymnastics Festival, construction of a trotter racecourse, construction of riding paths in the city forest, permanent gardens on the Merheimer Heide, provision of municipal plants to decorate the casino hall for the Frauenbund of the German Colonial Society, Department Cologne, pollution of the streets, accidents in the street cleaning service, reduction of road construction costs for new residential buildings, advertising on the cycle track in the stadium, provision of the large exhibition hall for companies, wishes of the Bürgerverein Köln-Merheim, expropriation law for the Mülheimer bridge construction, Kölner Renn-Verein concerning the construction of the Mülheimer bridge. The race day coincides with sporting events, fees for the use of the stadium by schools, the erection of a monument, a riding path on Junkersdorfer Weg, the use of the Gürzenich for a lecture by Magnus Hirschfeld on "Die Geschlechtsnot der Jugend" ("The Gender Distress of Youth"), the purchase of the Schlösser'schen Gärten in Cologne-Subbelrath, the application of the Zeltlagerwerk europäischer Jugend ("Tent Camp Factory of European Youth") concerning the purchase of the Schlösser'schen Gärten in Cologne-Subbelrath. Tent camp in Cologne, reduction of the tax rate for events in the sports hall in Cologne-Ehrenfeld, leasing of the sports hall in Cologne-Ehrenfeld, participation in the exhibition "Young Germany" in Dortmund, construction of cycle paths along the arterial roads, Hänneschen theatre on the Pressa, Negotiations concerning the purchase of the Mauserhof in Cologne-Ehrenfeld, takeover of the German Sängerbund Festival in Cologne, use of the youth hostel, construction of a new Grossmarkthalle, admission of the school youth and youth clubs to the dress rehearsals of the Gürzenich concerts. Conversion of the church in Weiler into a youth home, illuminated advertising on the Stollwerck house, construction of playgrounds and sports fields below the Mülheimer Bridge, Reichsbund der Wohnungslosen (Reich Association of the Homeless) concerning the construction of cheap wooden houses, swastika windows on the Hohenzollernring 81 house, ugly advertising signs on the Neumarkt 27/29 house, affairs of the housing department, replacement of apartments for the east-west road breakthrough. Spielvereinigung 07 Sülz concerning timber-framed building on the Zwischenwerk VIb, tennis court on the area between Volksgarten and railway, complaint of Josef Büser, city councillor, concerning too narrow development of the Riehl housing estate by the GAG, subsidy for the Institute for Retail Research at the University of Cologne, ball festival in the Opera House, IG Farbenindustrie AG concerning the construction of the new building. Complaint about hesitant concession of a steam boiler, housing construction program 1929, housing construction in the district of Cologne, removal of the cathedral terrace, union Mannebach II regarding guarantee assumption for housing construction projects at the corner of Zülpicher Straße and Kanalstraße, wages for workers regarding ornamentation of the city on the 14th anniversary of the foundation of the city. German gymnastics festival, transfer of the Gürzenichsaal to an event with Erich Ludendorff, police cost issue, milk control, tax reduction in the Rheinlandhalle, takeover of the Tattersaal area on Venloer Straße, new construction at the stadium, new sports hall on Junkersdorfer Weg, cessation of operations at Halpaus, telephone system in the Ehape-Haus, incorporation negotiations with the Schlebusch office, New construction of a secondary school on Neusser Strasse, advantages for the city of Frankfurt due to the concentration of the paint industry, advice centre for sports medicine in the stadium, danger of ice and flooding in 1929, installation of a public swimming pool in the new school buildings in Kalkerfeld, invitation of an English football club, membership of the departments in honorary committees, relocation of the van der Zypen factory.

Best. 1070, A 68 · File · 08.04.1905
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains:Notes: "Remarkable from the election campaign: Denominational bias: right most, with DDP, with SPD most overcome. Christian enemy The SPD's stance is rescinded thanks to Z. The legal circles offer only limited protection of Christianity: no denominational school, free marriage legislation. In relation to the BVP, the denomination is no longer authoritative, it is behind the political one. The number of Z-people in Bavaria is constantly growing; the crisis of the BVP becomes apparent through the emerging formation of its own party; the success of the hero agitation lagged far behind expectations. Conclusions for the inner party life: Support for constitution and republic, purification of elements like v. Papen, v. Loë, v. Kerckerinck, unity of the party on the basis of the Weimar idea of state (Reichseinheit - liberation of the occupied territories). The attitude of the SPD is loyal to the state and the constitution; unlike that of the nationalists, it has awe and respect for the RP. The position of the Z as a middle party is still of highest importance; the Z has so far gone more to the left, because the right-wing parties want to rape it one-sidedly to a general way to the right (crisis in Prussia).Conclusions: in the Reich the cabinet of Luther has to be tolerated, since its end is probable and perhaps Stresemann will come. In Prussia all well-intentioned attempts have been smashed from the right; Cuno's letter to Jarres. Putting aside all questions of interest in favour of cultivating a state mentality. 3 p., independent full print: Hanns-Jochen Hauss, Die erste Volkswahl des Deutschen RP, Kallmünz/Opf. 1965, p. 180 f.1925 March 18 - Berlin: The Presidium of the Colonial Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft asks Marx whether he is ready for the case of his election to the RP: 1) his influence for an economic and political decision to the RP: 2) his influence for the election of the colonial Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft to the RP: 3) his influence for the election of the colonial Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft to the RP: 3) his influence for the election of the colonial Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft to the RP: 3) his influence for the election of the colonial Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft to the RP: 3) his influence for the election of the colonial Reichsgemeinschaft to the RP: 3) his influence for the election of the colonial Reichskammer to the RP: 3) his influence for the election of the colonial Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft to the RP. 2) in particular the entry of Dtschlds. into the League of Nations ... only if the equal rights of Dtschlds in all areas, including colonial matters, are unequivocally established. The response of the League of Nations to the RR memorandum is not considered a suitable basis for the entry of Dchlds. We would regard it as an irreconcilable and untenable contradiction if, on the one hand, Dtschld. were to be appointed as a member of the League of Nations for the supervision of the mandate administrations to which his colonies were subject, and, on the other hand, if he were to be reserved as unworthy and incapable of administering these colonies himself. Eh. Signatures: Seitz, Governor a. D. (German Colonial Society), Hahl, Governor a. D. (Reichsverband der Kolonialdt.), Lieutenant Colonel a. D. v. Boemcken (Kolonialkriegerbund). 2 S., masch.-schriftl. Ausf.1925 March 24 - Cologne: Manuscripts of two speeches. 5½ and 8 p., masch.-schriftl.1925 March 28: Handwritten mottoes of the presidential candidates Jarres, Hellpach, Marx and Otto Braun. Ztgs. neckline. Including postcard with picture and resume of Jarres.o. D. <1925, before March 30>: Three-trophic song 'Wählt Marx! by Otto Birkle-Lippstadt. Leaflet.1925 March 29 - Berlin: Dr. Alfons Steiger correctly states with Marx that in a speech given at the Z-Verein Berlin-Wilmersdorf he neither spoke of a letter from Crown Prince Rupprecht to Marx, as the 'Vossische Ztg. reports, nor of an "assignment to the speech by Marx, as the 'Berliner Tageblatt writes. Eh. Signature. 1 p., independent Ausf.1925 March 29 and 30: Preliminary results of the RP election in constituencies 1-10 and 17-18: East Prussia, Berlin, Potsdam I and II, Frankfurt/Oder, Stettin, Breslau, Liegnitz, Oppeln, Magdeburg, Westfalen-Nord and Westfalen-Süd; preliminary overall result. 13 p., forms, masch.-schriftl.1925 April 2 - Schloß Falkenberg/OS: Count Praschma returns to Marx's letter of March 30, despite the conversation of the previous day, because the danger does not seem to be over despite Höpker-Aschoff's alleged assumption. I repeat that your candidacy as that of the republican. The Social Democrats, in particular, will otherwise not be able to get their supporters to vote at all, and they will have to bring us, that is to say, large sections of the Z Party outside agriculture too, into the most serious conflict of conscience. Because the vote for your person then means a confession that is against our conviction. What is more, at least two-thirds of the votes you need for a majority must come from the Social Democrats, creating a dependency which we absolutely do not want. It is obvious that the Socialists will not content themselves with a provisional solution, but will demand security that Braun will be held by the Z for at least a number of years, as can already be read in all Ztgn. And so everyone who chooses you would also help to fortify the rule of Braun and the Weimar coalition in Prussia for the near future. It's just not sustainable for us. The mood against the continued existence of the Weimar regimes in Prussia is gradually so strong in the widest Z circles that serious fears exist for the party. You want this to end. It has been reported to me that at the last party committee the same reports were available from all parts of the country. The sample required now should lead to the rupture. I declare openly and honestly that, if things were going as they are, I would not be fighting your candidacy, that would be far from me, but I would not be able to avoid openly announcing, already because of my supporters who want to know my opinion, that I could not take part in the election and could not lift a finger for your candidacy. - They asked yesterday how to get out of this. - Perhaps even today a collective candidacy Geßler or another is still possible, if the Z declares itself for it without reservation. - I'm sure it would have been possible yesterday. Otherwise a clear rejection of any conditions for the votes of the Social Democrats and a positioning only by the Z of your person or, if you then shy away from this hopeless attempt, of another; may from foreign camps vote for whoever wants; in any case better a defeat in honour than a victory bought with such prices. Eh. Signature. 2½ S., masch.-schriftl. Ausf. with many independent improvements.1925 April 8 - Berlin: Marx to Count Praschma: I believe that their fears are unfounded. The course of events has already shown that my candidacy has not been drawn up as a republican one at all, but, as, incidentally, corresponds to the Z-principles, as one faithful to the constitution. It is precisely the installation of Hindenburg, which has just taken place, which will result in the contrast between black-red-gold and black-white-red now appearing more than is desirable and has been the case so far. I must expect every Z-follower to stand on the ground of the Constitution. A further confession is not required of him. It is then further feared that I will be brought into a certain dependence on the Social Democrats. In the usual sense of the word, this is unthinkable. I can tell you here in confidence that any conditions have not been established and demanded by the Social Democrats. Of course, this must not be said in public. In no way has any security been assumed for the adherence to brown as a min. presence in Prussia. There can certainly be no question of a promise being made to him to keep Braun for a number of years as a min. present. He'll have to get a vote of confidence from the LT after April 28. If that's not approved, we'll have to keep thinking. As far as Braun's choice is concerned, things have developed purely inevitably. There was simply nothing left for the Z to do but to choose brown again for the min. presentation. The election of democracy. Min. Present was more based on a misunderstanding and was neither of him nor of the Democrat. Group wanted. I would like to tell you personally about the long negotiations I have had with the right-wing parties. I have indeed exhausted all aspects that were conceivable at all. They smashed everything and in the end, as you know, rejected any further negotiations with me. It is outrageous how the right-wing parties have proceeded in recent months. It won't be the last word on this yet. It is not true that at the last party committee a large number of delegates expressed themselves against the policy followed by the Z. Last week, before the Party Committee and the press, I gave a detailed account of what had actually happened. I believe that the approval of my approach has been unanimous. Unfortunately, the right-wing press has poisoned public opinion in such a way that errors and disagreements can be explained. If I hadn't been hindered by my position, I would have already long ago explained in a public statement how things really happened. I can assure you that for a long time nothing has excited me as much as the development of things in Prussia. More and more it came to light that in a downright irresponsible way with the welfare of the Prussians. State has been played by the Parties of the Right. One wanted to force the Z in every way on a way, which it did not want to go and could not go. It will not be unknown to you that Geßler's collective candidacy, which had so much for itself, was not crushed by the Z, but by the DVP. I certainly didn't run for office out of stubbornness. I see all the hopeful prospects brought about by 1924 destroyed if an RP were now elected, which should be addressed as opponents of the existing constitution. I feel obliged to do everything in my power to avert the imminent danger of our fatherland. 2¼ S., as a concept a copy of Masch.-Schreiben auf Kopfbögen 'RT, Abgeordneten' provided with many independent corrections without certification. 1925 April 7 - Koblenz: independent. Justice Councillor E. Müller invites Marx for his upcoming stay in Koblenz and believes that Marx will win the race in spite of the ev. allies, Mr. Döring and tutti quanti. Eh. Signature. 1 Half.eigenhädigh. Version on personal head bow and Marx's reply note of 18 April 1925 April 8 - Karlsruhe: Hellpach asks Marx to be a guest of bad. to be state government. The public event may be arranged in your program in such a way that I am given the opportunity to welcome you in an opening speech and to justify the necessity of the support of all republican-minded people for your candidacy. Hellpach attaches even greater importance to this as he passes through the bad. will hardly be able to work abroad for your candidacy. He then hopes to see Marx participate in a sociable hour in a not too large circle of different professions, which is linked by the common spirit. Eh. Signature. l½ S., machine-written copy on head sheet 'The President'. 1925 April 8 - Karlsruhe: Hellpach to Marx: The DDP has taken a decisive part in the preparation of your republican candidacy for unity by putting aside all reservations and in correct appreciation of the situation and especially of your personality. We all stand in rank and file to now help bring victory to you. This is made more difficult in Baden by attacks from the Z-press. The 'Bodensee-Ztg.' of March 25 attacked Hellpach's management as minister of education, the 'Pfälzer Bote' of April 3 pointed maliciously to a script of Hellpach's 'Liebe und Liebesleben im 19. Cent.' written 24 years ago, which I would certainly have written quite differently in some sentences a few years later and even today, but whose moral seriousness I will not let touch even today. It would be really high time that in Dtschld. the custom to characterize someone by what he has said or written a human age before, from the political, economic, social and political world, would be to be found. The struggle of the decent camps disappears, and among political allies it seems completely unbearable to me and all my friends. Eh. Signature. 4 p., machine-written edition on head sheet 'Der Staatspräsident', in the appendix the attracted newspaper reports, one of them meigenhädigeh. Comment Hellpachs.1925 April 11 - Castle Falkenberg OS: Count Praschma thanks Marx for the letter of the 8th of the month and confirms that Marx from the beginning did not want his candidacy to be linked with the question of republic or monarchy. He denies, however, that Marx's application was not raised republican. It was clear that socialists and democrats had to do it, because they could only win their supporters for the pronounced Z-man and Catholics by doing so. But also the rallies of the Z are republican: so the call of the people's bloc; Cologne and Schles. With Hindenburg's election, Volksztg. announce the return of the Hohenzollern, which followed on foot, and scourge the BVP as monarchistic; leaflets printed by 'Germania' emphasize Marx as the guarantor of the republic. The schles. Farmers can now no longer participate if they are required to deny the monarchical attitude. In Catholic circles, therefore, Hindenburg will be elected or abstained for the most part; Praschma describes himself as not blind to the right-wing parties and in no way apologizes for their actions in the Prussian crisis: "But neither was the Z allowed to fall back on Braun now. I know enough from the Reich Council deliberations about the difficulties the Prussians are facing. Reg. with Braun and Severing makes the legislation of the empire, commercial contracts, taxes etc. This will destroy agriculture in the long run. Braun also immediately started to object to the primary school law. And the connection with your election will not be talked out of anyone's mouth; the socialists also make sure that opinion is spread because they need it for their own followers. I would have thought the Geßler candidature to be a very happy one; I am afraid that Stresemann, who smashed it, also plays a less than pleasant role in the present situation. Eh. Signature. 2 S., masch.-schriftl. Ausf. mit eigenhädig Verbesserungen und Briefschlus.1925 April 12 (Easter) - Oberstdorf: Wilhelm Frhr. v. Pechmann, who was allowed to recite Marx on the first day of his chancellorship because of the revaluation, recognizes in Hindenburg's candidacy a coincidence of God and invokes Marx to withdraw his own candidacy for the sake of the national community, if only because he should not allow himself to be downgraded to the figurehead of the SPD. Eh. Signature. 4½ S., independent Execution as "Open letter, personal headbows.o. D. Köthen: Müller writes to Marx that first and foremost the two confessions belong together and that the Z must not ally itself against Protestantism with the deniers of God. Eh. Signature. 1 half page. Eh. In the annex Ztgs. excerpt about corrupt SPD leaders in the Lausitz and an open letter of Frhrn. Franz v. Bodelschwingh an Marx, 1 p., print.1925 April 14 - Königsberg: Manuscript of a speech. 15 p., in addition to p. 9 three uncounted p., copy of Masch.-Schreiben. Many improvements.1925 April 16 - Berlin: Order of the meal of the Reichsbanner in honour of Marx in the Zoological Garden. 1 half page, print. <1925 April>: Manuscript of a speech in front of an old economic signature: 68.

Best. 903, A 233 · File · 1927-1928
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Committee for Public Installations, 7 April 1927 (invitation to tender for work in the stadium and in the Raderthal Volkspark); tipper plant of the company J. Pohlig AG in the port of Niehl; agenda of the finance committee of 28 November 1927 and 12 December 1927; Frauenbund der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft Abt. Köln (women's association of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l l g e s Abt. Cologne); accidents at the Fuhramtes in road traffic; representation of the deputy August Haas; resolutions of the administrative conference concerning the construction of a new tipper plant in the port of Niehl. Repair of the pubs in the Volksgarten and Südpark, leasing of the airport business, warehouse construction in the Niehl harbour by the consumer cooperative "Eintracht", beautification of the town hall square by flower boxes in the windows of the office buildings, operating time of the public fountains during the Pressa; newspaper articles about the airport business. Street cleaning, air traffic, Cologne airport, individual flight routes, Cologne-Rotterdam hydrofoil, radio stations, garbage collection, Lindbergh's ocean flight, Cologne harbours, Niehl town, stacking house affair, Neumarkt design, strike in the harbour; Lufthansa summer flight schedule 1927; Festschrift commemorating the 55th anniversary of the construction company Peter Selbach; opening of the Volksgarten-Restaurant (April 1927); summer flight schedule 1927 for Cologne; annual ticket for entering the German Stadium Berlin-Grunewald for Billstein, issued by Carl Diem.Old signatures: 233. Remark: Mixed form.

Best. 608, A 401/570 · File · 1905-1921
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains:City accession to the Committee (February-May 1905, with proposal of the Committee, activity report for 1903/1904, print); invitations to general meetings; negotiations of the Colonial Economic Committee, 2/1905, 2/1906, 2/1908, 2/1909 and 1/1920 (print); membership cards; "Unsere Kolonialwirtschaft in ihrer Bedeutung für Industrie und Arbeiterschaft, published by Kolonialwirtschaftlichen Komitee, Berlin 1909; activity report for 1907/1908; list of corporate members 1909 (printed); short activity reports for 1914-1916 (1915-1917); "Kriegsmitteilungen des Komitees Nr. 6, September 1916 and 33, December 1918; call for signatures of the Reichsverband der Kolonialdeutschen zur Rückforderung der Kolonien (January 1919, print); invitation to the board meeting of the Deutsche Kolonial-Gesellschaft, Department Cologne on 26 November 1919 at the Kölner Klub, Richartzstraße 12 (21 November 1919); termination of membership of the Colonial Economic Committee (January/February 1921).reference number:A2 XIX 2 43A11 VIII 1 1947-52,99.

colonial societies
Best. 1073, A 578 · File · 1881-1909
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains: D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i kanische Gesellschaft, D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i kanische Plantagengesellschaft, Settlement Society D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a , Committee for the Great D e u t s c h e Colonial Home, Pangani Society, Cameroon Hinterland Society, German Colonial Association, Usambara Coffee Building Society, German Africa Society, German Planters Society, German Women's Association of the Red Cross for the Colonies, German Women's Association for Nursing Care in the Colonies, German Colonial Society, Printed Matters, Correspondence, Maps. ca. 200 sheets cf. also no. 726 to no. 728 Alto signatures: 578.

colonial societies
Best. 1073, A 726 · File · 1885-1904
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft, Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Plantagengesellschaft, Siedlungsgesellschaft für Deutsch-Südwestafrika, Eisenbahngesellschaft für Deutsch-Ostafrika, Kamerun-Hinterland-Gesellschaft; correspondence, maps, printed matter. 257 sheet cf. also no. 578, 727, 728.old signatures: 726

colonial societies
Best. 1073, A 727 · File · 1877-1898
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains: German African Society, German Planters Society, African Society of German Catholics, German East African Plantation Society, Cameroon Hinterland Society, Settlement Society for German South-West Africa, Railway Society for German East Africa; printed matter, correspondence, maps. 183 sheet cf. also no. 578, 726, 728.old signatures: 727.

colonial societies
Best. 1073, A 728 · File · 1886-1896
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Deutsche Sundagesellschaft, Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, Carl-Peters- Stiftung, Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Plantagengesellschaft, Kamerun-Hinterland-Gesellschaft, Siedlungsgesellschaft für Deutsch-Südwestafrika, Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft; printed matter, correspondence, maps. 156 sheet cf. also no. 578, 726, 727.old signatures: 728.

Correspondence A - K
Best. 614, A 651 · File · 1938-1943
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Scope: 3.00 cm. Includes: Albertuswerke, Chemische Fabrik/Maschinenfabrik, Hanover Purchase of floor care products, 1939; Auslandsbrief-Prüfstelle Köln-Riehl Bank transfer of prey mail (Reisewerk von Le Vaillant) to the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1941; Auslands-Zeitungshandel G.m.b.H., Cologne Purchase of foreign newspapers and magazines, 1944; Bauer, H.W., 1940 - 1942 Letterhead: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, Hauptdienststelle München Ankauf der Zeitschrift "Deutscher Kolonial-Dienst", 1940; Discussion of ethnological problems; Behrens, Josef Potsdam Ankauf von optische zeichengerät, Prospekt, 1938; Benzinger, Theodor, Stuttgart Ankauf von Fotoalben über außereuropäische Völker, 1941; Berthold, Karl Borromäus, Köln (Meisterschule des Deutschen Handwerks) Congratulation on Bs. 50. birthday 21.12.1939; C

Correspondence A - L
Best. 614, A 34 · File · 1929-1932
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Includes among others: Abels, Hermann, Kunstsalon, Cologne Address by Julius Lips to the opening of the exhibition of the painter Emil Flecken; purchase of a watercolour by the painter Vollmberg; 1929-1931; farewell party for museum director Rademacher on 28.1.1931; Albrecht, H. collecting activity on his Africa expedition; 1931-1932; 'Anthropos', international magazine, St. Petersburg, Germany; 'Anthropos', international magazine, St. Petersburg, Germany; 'Anthropos', Germany Gabriel-Mödling b. Vienna Purchase of the General Index for the years 1906 to 1931; Workers' Cult, Berlin Loan or purchase of Lenin's death mask for the exhibition "Masks of People", 1931; Exhibition, Fair and Tourism Office of the City of Cologne Loan of ethnographics for the International Leather Show Berlin, 1930; Brown

Correspondence S
Best. 614, A 650 · File · 1920-1958
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Scope: fol. 1-299. Provenance(s): Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum.Contains:Stelzmann, Alexander, Köln-Nippes, Puebla, Uerdingen Departure as director of the German School 1920 - 1958 to Guatemala, 1920; dispatch of ethnographics from Latin America to Cologne, 1922; lectures in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1935; loans for a Mexico exhibition in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1935; Purchase of a Südsee-Keule; Strache, Wolf, Stuttgart, Verlag die Schönen Bücher 1953 - 1958 Claims of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum for display fees, specimen copies and specimen photographs; publication of a special volume "Plastik der Primitiven" (Sculpture of the Primitives) compiled from the ethnographic holdings of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum. Publication of illustrations from the work Plastik der Primitiven for an advertising brochure of Chemiewerke Homburg A.G., Frankfurt, 1955; photographer's permit for Benin sculptures of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum for an illustrated book about the sculpture of Benin, 1957/58; unauthorized publications of objects of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum in illustrated books; Strässer, Carl, Stuttgart, signal system 1953 - 1956 purchase of a sound system for the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, brochures; including: New draft for technical guidelines for Schultonbandgeräte, 6 pp. Reproduction; Stülpner, Kurt, Leipzig 1930 - 1956 Loan of literature; application as ethnologist at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1934; cf. 1938/40, reference of the National Socialist German Workers' Party - the head of the Auslands-Organisation-Rückwandereramt-Sozialabteilung; (cf. 1955/56) and enquiry of the Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung im Vermittlungsausgleich, Frankfurt, about job opportunities 1955/56; (for St.) Supardi-Heldt, Nera Maria, Rotterdam 1954 - 1955 Exhibition of the paintings of her husband, the painter Iman Supardi, about Indonesia in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Mueseum; from Sydow, Eckart, Berlin-Charlottenburg 1927 - 1942 photo orders; discussion of ethnographic problems; purchase of ethnographics for the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum on his expedition to Nigeria, at the beginning of 1936, 1935; Research trip to the grasslands of Cameroon and collecting for the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum in 1939; travel grants from the Cultural Department of the Federal Foreign Office and the German Research Foundation, 1937; financial participation in the research trip through the Ethnological Museum in Basel; entry permit for the French Mandate in Cameroon; Woermann Linie-Deutsch-Ostafrika-Linie, Hamburg und Reederei E. Laeisz, Hamburg concerning free or discounted passage for from S. to Lagos; transmission of ethnographics to the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum; death of S. 1942. Damages: Cat. B (can only be used as a digital copy) Old signatures: 650.

Der Young-Plan
Best. 1070, A 127 · File · 1924-1930
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

1924 Febr. 20 - Paris: Schacht reports about a conversation with Young. This one has a good impression of the German jobs. The committee of experts doesn't want any politics from Dtschld. Setting traps. Young's wish is to clear the Ruhr and reintegrate the railways into the German network. He developed a plan for Schacht to finance the German supplies of goods for the period of the moratorium with the help of the monetary bank. Pirelli has estimated the minimum amount for deliveries of goods at 600 million marks. Schacht didn't have a monetary policy. Objections to the project. For the railways, Young developed their transformation into an operating company managed according to purely commercial principles; a controller is to be political and military. Switch off influences. Young also made suggestions about the tactical approach against Frkr. in order to get it to accept the report. He wants to giveSchacht an insight into the main features of the report in 8-10 days. Poincares polit. Situation gets weaker every day after Young. Young kept Franqui's door very clever or better yet door very smart; if he can't get away with a project, he'll back off.31/2 p., Vervielf., Note: Confidential[1927, after Nov. 18]: Aide-memoire of the Reichsverband der Dt. Industrie on the correspondence between the General Agent for Repair Payments and the Reich Minister of Finance.6 p., copy v. Masch.-Schreiben.1929 June - Berlin: Der Präs. d. Dt. Kolonialgesellschaft, Gouverneur a. D. Seitz, with regard to the Hilton Young Report, Marx points out that England has introduced a kind of self-government in the form of a council of governors in East Africa and has appointed only Englishmen. The exclusion of the Germans is a violation of the League of Nations Statute. This would also be the case if the fact were true that all Germans there have to report to the authorities from time to time. After an italian. Ztgs.-Meldung should contain the secret English-French colonial agreement:1) England and Frkr. want a possible German or Italian. Demand that the mandate over Cameroon be given to another colonial region in need of power, oppose the desire to design the mandates as a permanent institution, or tie Cameroon definitively to Frkr. in some other way. 2) Mutual control of the American. Penetration policy in Africa. 3) Isolation and monopolization of the black population to the detriment and that of the economy! The interest of the other powers, which will no longer be able to trade directly with the natives in the future. A separate RT debate on this matter would be appropriate. Eh. Signature.21/4 p., copy. Head bow, head bow D. (probably 1929 Dec.): Manuscript of a speech by Marx to the Verhdlgn. about the Youngplan and domestic politics. Lage.9 S., masch.-schriftl. The approximate date of origin from the Zeitababababeauf S. 7 erschlossen.o. D.: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Interessenvertretungen für den Ersatz von Kriegs- und Verdrängungsschäden, Bund der Auslandsdt., Dt.Ostbund, Freie Interessenvertretung der im Ausland Schadenigten Inlandsdt.., Hilfsbund für die Elsaß-Lothringer im Reich, Reichsverbandder Kolonialdt. und Kolonialinterestedenten, Vereinigte Verbände heimattreuer Oberschlesier, Verein 'Wiederaufbau im Auslande' telegraph Scheidemann as chairman of the committee against the retention of surpluses from the liquidation of German private property abroad in favor of the annual payments for the Youngplan.1 1929 Jan. 13 - Chicago: Laurence P. Thul writes to Marx - quite confused - about his plans for an advantageous solution to the reparations problem for Dtschld. and his support by high-ranking personalities in the USA. Eh. Signature.10 p., independent Ausf., head bow 'National Decorating Company'.o. D.: The Annuities of the Youngplan 1929--1988 as well as the unique achievements.4 p., Vervielf.1930 Febr. 11 - Berlin: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Reichsbahnorganisationen, Allgemeiner Eisenbahner-Verband, Zentral-Gewerkschaftsbund Dt. Reichsbahnbeamten und -anwärter send copies of letters to the Chairman of the Budget Committee and to the RT because of the adaptation of the ReidJ. Railway Act to the Youngplan to the members of the Budget Committee and the Committee of the RT. Facsimile signatures: Wieg, Ruhlmann.1, 1 und 2 S., Vervielf.1930 Febr. 12 - Berlin: The Koloniale Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft presents itself to the RT-Abg. for reparation plan and colonial question. facsimile signature: Seitz, Gouverneur a. D.1 S., Druck.1930 March 8 - Altenburg (Thuringia): The Deutschbund community 'Osterland' asks Marx to submit the new tribute plan with the rest of Thuringia. RT-Abg. to disagree. Eh. Signature: Schubert, Deutschmeister.t S., copy with original of address.o. D. (1930, probably March 6-19): Record: If the other powers join e(iner) Kl(age) Frkrs. at the cour ni c h t, then the e(ine) won battle is! - The desire to punish malicious injured(un)persons for reprisals is nonsense! The all unanimous approach of Frkrs. k(önn)te e(ine) "hostile H(an)dl(un)g - e.g. seizure of German property in Frkr., decision of the claims! - who can give (un)g cause (un)g for the c(age) to the peoples (un)d! (Gegen?)Dtschld. k(önn)te(n) from it claims were asserted! We have only acknowledged the legitimacy of freedom! - Nothing has been said or agreed about the conduct of the dispute! - Art. 3 and (nd) Art. 6 of the Locarno contract are completely different! There is even in Art. 6 everything kept up! Teachers of international law now also need the word Sankt(ionen) for reprisals. - One may speak of san(ions) only if reprisals(aliens) must be recognized as justified from the outset. Henderson didn't show himself at all in the Hague! The Z has been critical of the Young plan until the end; the resolution will be very difficult! be responsible!Eh. on RT postcard. The proposed date after the 2nd and 3rd consultations of the Young Plan in the RT.o.D.: Notes from Marx on the advantages of the Young Plan.6 Half Pages, Independent.

England, Colonies
Best. 903, A 435 · File · 1931-1933
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Includes: Newspaper article on, among others, 1931 parliamentary elections, Macdonald government, Bank of England gold sales, currency, Gandhi and the obedience refusal campaign (1932), Prince of Wales' visit to Hamburg (1932), unemployment, demonstrations in London, English-German economic negotiations, Christmas celebrations of the Anglican Church in Cologne; 70th birthday of David Lloydt George.

Entertainment and uses
Best. 608, A 167 · File · 1920-1928
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains:Reminders concerning borrowed and non-returned books; personnel matters of auxiliary staff in the libraries; German Central Office for Popular Libraries, Hofmann, concerning petitions against the reduction of civil servants and employees in state and municipal service (1923, with printing of petitions); Regulations for the Public Libraries of the City of Cologne 1919 and draft 1924), submissions by the Rheinische Zeitung, Wilhelm Sollmann, and the Kölner Naturheil-Verein concerning the layout of the association's publications (1924), refusal by the librarian (widow Carl) Hartmann to accept the loan service in the public library VIII/Nippes due to poor heating (1923); Procurement of ovens, also for Volksbibliothek II/Antwerpener Straße; subsidies for the Preußische Volksbücherei-Vereinigung (Prussian People's Library Association) and the advisory centre for popular libraries for the administrative districts of Cologne, Koblenz and Trier (1924); Complaint by Volksbibliothekarin Hedwig Wieland, Volksbibliothek III/Geisselstraße because of rude behaviour of Hausmeister Weiser; various room, accommodation and personnel matters of the individual Volksbibliothek, telephone connections, including Volksbibliothek XI/Urbanstraße, IX/Kalk, Direktion Pfälzer Straße, Volksbibliothek III/Geisselstraße, correspondence with Paul Therstappen, among others; Local visits, including Neptunbad for the purpose of accommodating the Volksbibliothek III/Geisselstraße, with cost estimate, floor plan, break; examination of the introduction of lending fees, increase of fees; extension of lending times; establishment of a library in the Volksschule in Bickendorf, Borsigstraße (with cost estimate, plans, 1922); application of the youth cartel of the Free Trade Union of A.D.G.B. and the Allgemeine freie Angestelltenbund - Afa concerning the extension of evening lending times, reports of the individual libraries; dissolution of the library established in 1918 at the Berufs- und Fachschulen (1924); organisation of reading aloud evenings, justification of the contract with the Deutsche Zentralstelle für volkstümliches Büchereiwesen by Reuter against critical statements by Therstappen and Dr. Hanna Meuter (1925); application of the district cartel of the Christian trade unions concerning the interpretation of the newspaper "Der Deutsche, abgelehnt durch Reuter (1925), complaint of Josephine Küppers concerning the hanging of the picture of her brother Georg Küppers-Loosen, founder of the library An der Rechtsschule; Zweckverband für Leibesübungen Gross-Köln concerning procurement of gymnastics and sports literature, statement by Reuters with list of available literature (1925); submission by citizens for the establishment of a public library in Sülz, establishment in the elementary school in Palanterstraße (1920-1923, with cost estimate, floor plan); Appropriations for funds, budget matters, participation of the Volksbibliotheken in the Gesolei (with Gesolei advertising leaflets, report on a meeting of August Haas, a deputy of the Gesolei, concerning the participation of the City of Cologne in various forms, rejection of participation by Paul Honigsheim and Reuter according to the given exhibition scheme, request for a special exhibition in Cologne, cooperation with the Deutsche Zentralstelle für volkstümliches Büchereiwesen, Leipzig), inquiry concerning the establishment of a lending office in Dellbrück (1926); Temporary closure of library IX/Kalk, merger with Volksbibliothek XII/Deutz, Statistics for Deutz (1924); business distribution plan for the administration office (1926); complaint concerning the operation of a carpenter's workshop in the Volksbibliothek Ferdinandstraße by the son of the librarian, investigations (1924); Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Herausgabe und Verbreitung guter Jugendschriften und Bücher betreffend Unterstützung, abgelehnt (1926); opening of the Volksbibliothek Sülz, Palanterstraße 13 (1926); Deutsche Zentralstelle für volkstümliches Büchereiwesen, Walter Hofmann, concerning non-participation in the Gesolei (1926, with guidelines for municipal educational policy, print); Eugen Diederichs Verlag, Jena, concerning Deutsche Volkheit und Umfrage an deutsche Schriftsteller (1926, with prospectus of the series Deutsche Volkheit and favourable opinion by Reuter); Takeover of the library of the Westdeutsche Gesellschaft für Familienkunde (1926); relocation of the management from Pfälzerstraße to Andreaskloster; considerations for the establishment of a public library in the new school building Vorgebirgstraße in Zollstock (1927), Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft Abt. Köln, Albert Ahn, concerning the interpretation of association magazines (1927); air conditions harmful to health in the public library An der Rechtsschule, manufacture of a ventilation system (1926-1927); question by Ms H. Pair concerning the reinstatement of the distant works of Rudolf Herzog (1927); Deutscher Städtetag concerning the purchase of free copies of newspapers and the complaint of the Association of German Newspaper Publishers about excessive wishes (1928); Statements by city councillor Ernst Unger on the too low proportion of workers' poets in the libraries, statements by Reuter (1928, with list of available Fine Literature, as far as it is "suitable for workers"); full-time deployment of Paul Neuhaus-Gobiet, who had previously been employed in the children's reading halls; employment of unemployed persons who had left school as book helpers (1927-1928).Reference number:A11 II 3 247-52,292.

Exchange of letters L - Z
Best. 614, A 35 · File · 1932-1937
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Länderkundliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Ortsgruppe Leverkusen-Küppersteg Führung, 1937; Landesstelle der Reichsvereinigung Deutscher Lichtspielstellen, Cologne "Questionnaire for the future members of the Reichsvereinigung Deutscher Lichtspielstellen e. V., Berlin und ihrer Landesverbände" for the purpose of obtaining membership, o.D.; Rheinische Landesbildstelle, Cologne Loan of ethnological films for the promotion of the Winterhilfswerk, 1934; Lepper, W., Honnef Taxation of an amphora; Lettow-Vorbeck, Ada von, Neckargemünd Photos of crosshairs from the works of Willi Foy, 1937; Lieverwirth, O.H., Kaiserslautern Acquisition of ethnographic collections from Dutch East India; Lippmann, Martin, Frankfurt Collection activity for the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum on his expedition to South Nigeria, 1935; Lohbeck, Ernst, Wesel Acquisition of ethnological photos; Lübbert, Konteradmiral, Berlin Acquisition of a "Neumecklenburg-Schnitzerei, 1936; Ludwig, Julius, städt. Deputy, Cologne planned special exhibition for the year 1936 on the occasion of the Olympic Games, 1936; 1st "Wajang", shadow play, batik and magnificent weapons from Java 2. bark fabrics from all over the world 3. ikat and other fabrics from Indonesia. Zöhrer, Dr. Ludwig G.A., Vienna Lecture in Cologne about his trip to the Tuareg in 1935, 1937; Mexican Consulate, Cologne (Consul Leopold Kiel) Special exhibition "Arts and Crafts of the Mexican Indians", 1935; National Socialist German Workers' Party, local group Köln-Zollstock Dienstbefreiung für den Pg. Josef Kessel sen. für Wahlvorbereitungen, 1936; Baumgarten, Letterhead: Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund (N.S.D.St.B.)), Cologne Leave of absence from the museum service for the management of training camps of the N.S.D.St.B. from May to August 1934; Neuerburg, Heinrich "Haus Neuerburg", Cologne Loan of 5 ship models for the exhibition "Schiff und Schiffahrt", 1935; Neuss, Waler, Honnef Donation of a Finnish wedding ring, 1937; Nordische Gesellschaft Köln Lecture events of the Westkontor; therein: Lecture programme for the Kontore, 2 p., 1934; founding of an association to support the Düsseldorf museums; information about the association to support the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum regarding its founding. Number and social status of the members, use of membership funds, 1933; Chief President of the Rhine Province (Haake, Chairman of the Association of Rhineland Local Museums), reorganization of the association in organizational and statutory terms, 1934; Pressler, C.W., Berlin, purchase of an Indonesian collection, 1934; Kameradschaft 1. Oberrh. Infantrie-Regiment 97, Cologne, leadership; therein: Invitation of the comradeship to the monthly compulsory meeting on March 14.1936; theme of the lecture by Captain Schröder: Own experiences in war and peace in our former colony Deutsch-Ost-Afrika; 1936; Reichsarbeitsdienst, Dienstabteilung 3/212 Kevelaer Dienstabteilung 3/212 Radevormwald, provision of ethnographics for the decoration of the team rooms, 1936; Reichs- und Preußischer Minister für Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung, Berlin Runderlaß wegen unentgeltlichen Eintritts für Provinzialkonservatoren und selbständige Kunstwissenschaftler zu den Museen, 1935; Reichsnährstand, Landesbauernschaft Rheinland, Bonn Description of the traditional costumes in the district of Cologne, 1935; Reichspostdirektion Köln Establishment of a special post office in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum on the occasion of a stamp exhibition and the special show: "Ethnology and Stamps", 1937; Reichs-Rundfunk G.m.b.H., Reichssender Köln Radio report on the 30th anniversary of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum on 12.11.1936; Giant, Günther, Lord Mayor, Cologne Invitations to exhibitions of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1933-1936; Rodens, Franz, Cologne Agreement with Andreas Scheller on a report in the Westdeutscher Beobachter on Cologne museums and especially on the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1933; Söderström, Jan, Furuberg, Sweden Information on Ethnographika, 1934-1936; Scheller, Maria, Cologne Replacement of two by their deceased spouse (Andreas S., Cologne); The German writer, Günther, and the German writer, Günther, are the first to be informed about the history of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum.), 1932-1933; Schoeller, Mrs. Hugo, Düren, acknowledgement of receipt for the donation of the New Guinea collection of her mother Mrs. Geheimrat Peill, 1933; Pater Schüttler, Missionshaus Knechtsteden, loan of ethnographics for an Angola exhibition, 1937; Stagma (Staatlich genehmigte Gesellschaft zur Verwertung musikalischer Urheberrechte), Cologne, copyright claims for the works of art lent out on 2 January 1933; Pater Schüttler, Missionshaus Knechtsteden, 1933; and the collection of the works of art lent on 2 December 1933.3.Works performed in a concert in 1932, lawsuit, court summons; 1933-1934 Stollenwerk, Karl, Monschau Literatur zur Rassenforschung, 1935; Stotzenbrug, Liese, Essen Ankauf Peruischer Trinkgefäße, 1936; Väth, Felix, Mainz Ankauf Südamerikanischer Ethnographika, 1934; Haake, Heinz, Landeshauptmann (Chairman of the Verband der rheinischen Heimatmuseen) Dissolution of the association and its organs in its present form, scheduling of a constituent meeting of the association in its new form, 20.6.1934; West German Observer G.m.b.H., Gauverlag der NSDAP Köln-Aachen darin: Die Völker der deutschen Kolonien in Afrika - Special exhibition in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1 p., maschrftl., copy; Die Völker der deutschen Kolonien in Afrika - Visits the special exhibition in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1 p., maschrftl., copy; A life as a researcher in New Guinea. Lecture: Pater Franz J. Kirschbaum "Sprachen, Kulturen und Geisterkult bei den Eingeborenen Nord-Neuguineas", 3 p., maschrftl., copy, 1936; Reichsrundfunk-Gesellschaft, Reichssender Köln u.a. Lectures by Andreas Scheller about sports competitions of non-European peoples (during the Olympic Games) 1936; Zollamt Köln duty free import of ethnographics, 1937 old signatures: 35.

foreign German language
Best. 1070, A 599 · File · 1924-1934
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains: among other things: Articles by Prof. A. Timpe - Berlin, Prof. Willibald Klatt, Stud.-R. Ludwig Schade - Berlin, Stud.-R. Peters - Dillenburg, Senator H. Strunk - Hamburg, Max Größer - Hamburg, Heinz Manthe - Düren, Karl Hoeber, Prelate Schreiber, Paul Rohrbach, Franz Wehling, P. Prange, Bishop Berning - Osnabrück, Dr. K. Wäsch, Stud.-R. Anton Engels - Rheinbach, H. Dieckmann - Berlin, Joh. v. Eckardt - Berlin, Franz Riedl - Vienna, Hans-Siegfried Weber, Prof. Thomas Ohm, UIrich v. Riet, P. Prof. Chrysostomus Strömer OFM, Richard Wichterich. Prof. Aufhäuser. Prof. Gilbert Rahm OSB, Georg Grassl, Member of the South Slav National Assembly, P. Sonnenschein, Paul Schiemann, Hubert Strecker, Erich Duems, GS d. dt. Kolonialgesellschaft, Franz S. Betten SJ - Milwaukee, P. Mathias Kraus, Prof. W. Kapp - Freiburg, Albert Aich, Prof. Barth - Karlsruhe, Dr. G. Baron Wrangel - Berlin. B (can only be used as a digital copy).