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Archival description
Various clubs
Best. 608, A 401/96 · File · 1892-1895
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Kölner Fecht- und Turn-Club (1892, 1893, 1894), Vieh-Versicherungsverein under the protection of the holy Brigitta of the parish Bocklemünd und Mengenich (1892, with statutes, print), procurement of the information brochure Regeln für die Pflege und Ernährung der Kindern im ersten Lebensjahr (1892-1894), Order of the District President concerning the creation of a land credit bank in the Rhine Province (1892), Verein der Handlungsgehilfen zu Köln (1893), Anstalt für Kunststickerei und Frauenerwerb, Düsseldorf (1892, with statutes, report on the 1892 general meeting, prints), Cologne rowing club of 1877 concerning international rowing regatta 1894 and prizes (1893/1894 with program, print), club for poultry breeding "Columbia in Cologne concerning medals (1893, 1894, with programs, result of pigeon flying from Obertraubling near Regensburg and Voos near Nuremberg), (1893-1895, with annual reports for 1892, 1893, 1894, print), German Samaritan Association Cologne (1893/1894), Association Philantropia, Cologne (1893, with 41. prize), Cologne (1893, with 1892), Cologne (1893, with 1892, 1894, with 1892, 1894, with 1892, 1893, 1894, with 1893, with 1894, 1894, with 1893, 1894, with 1893, 1894, with 1894, with 1893, 1894, with 1894, 1894, with 1893, with 1894, with 1894, with 1894, with 1894, with 1893, with 1894, with 1894, with 1894, with 1894, with 1894, with 1893, with 1894, with 1894, with 1894, with 1894, with 1893, with 1894, with 1894, with 1893, with 1894, with 1893, with 1894, with 1894, with 1894, with 18./42nd annual report for 1892 and 1893 and statutes, 1887, prints, legacy of Dr. Hubert Dormagen in favour of the association), German association against the abuse of intellectual beverages (1892, notices of the association 10th year, no. 4, 1893, statutes, advertising brochure German words about German drinking, prints), International Samaritan Congress in Vienna (1893, with program, call for membership, prints), association of the electrical engineers of Germany concerning conference in Cologne (1893, with call, statutes, report of the 1. Annual Meeting in Cologne, Prints, Report in Elektrotechnisches Echo 6. Jahrgang, Issue 41, 1893), 42. Meeting of German philologists and schoolmen, Oskar Jäger, concerning meeting in Cologne 1895 (1893, with information of the cities Wiesbaden, Trier, Görlitz, Munich concerning subsidy), German Hülfsverein in Paris (1893, with annual report 1892 and 1893, prints), Rheinischer Kochkunst-Verein concerning exhibition for culinary art, army catering, folk nutrition in Cologne (1893, with exhibition program, print, report in Die Küche, 12. (born 42, 1893, invitation card), International Stenographer's Day, Working Committee for the Frequency Investigations of the German Language concerning Subsidies (1893, with memorandum, print), Verein der Handlungsgehilfen, Cologne (1893, 1894), Renten- und Pensionsanstalt für deutsche bildende Künstler, Weimar (1893), Verein Deutscher Lehrerinnen in England (1893, with club report 1892, print), Kölner Turnverein betreffend 50 Jahreiges Stiftungsfest und Ehrengeschenk 1893, Spielfeste vor dem Lindentor 1894 (1893, 1894, with correspondence with Gabriel Hermeling, newspaper article Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 300, 6th edition). November 1893), Verein deutscher Spediteure betreffend Spediteurtag in Köln 1894 (1894, with information from the cities of Dresden, Leipzig, Mannheim concerning subsidies, invitation, agenda, annual report 1893/1894, prints), Wöchnerinnen-Asyl-Verein (1894, 1895, with 6th Vereinsbericht für 1894, print), St. Florianus Kranken- und Sterbekasse (1894, with statutes, print), Katholisches Gesellenhospitium (1894, with statute, print), Werkmeister Bezirksverein für Köln und Umgegend betreffend 10jähriges Bestehen (1894, with statutes of the Deutscher Werkmeister-Verband), Druck), Verein zur Beförderung des Taubstummen-Unterrichts (1894, 1895), Brieftauben-Verein Union (1894), Verein der selbständigen Handwerker Kölns, Heinrich Bodewig, concerning Delegate Day of the Rheinischen Provinzial-Handwerkerbund 1894 (1894, with program, call, prints), Turnverein Ehrenfeld concerning Sieg-Rheinisches Gauturnfest (1894, Ehrenkarte, print), Kölner Rad-Rennverein 1894 concerning Ehrenpreis für Rennen, also international race, among others at the sports field Riehler Straße 201 (1894, with list of members), Internationaler Verein der Gasthof-Besitzer concerning General Assembly and 25th anniversary (1894, with festival program, invitation card, prints, minutes of General Assembly, Festbericht in: Wochenschrift des Internationalen Vereins der Gasthofbesitzer 24/25, 16., 23. June 1894), Stolze´sche Stenographen-Vereine zu Köln betreffend 13. Annual meeting of the stenographer associations Stolze´scher Direction from Rhineland and Westphalia (1894), Verein der Deutschen Reichsangehörigen zur Unterstützung hilfsbedürftiger Landsleute in Warschau (1894), Maurer- und Steinhauer-Gesellen-Krankenkasse betreffend 50 Jahreiges Bestehen (1894, with statutes from 1864, print), Verein für vereinfachte Stenografie (1894), Verein gegen Unwesen in Handel und Gewerbe zu Köln (1894, with invitation to a public meeting, printing), Verein für Gartenkultur und Botanik (1894, with exhibition of the Landwirtschaftlichen Verein Lokalabteilung Köln concerning eating potatoes, table and cooking fruit, printing), Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft concerning Wissmann-Feier (1895), Reisevereinigung Köln-Umgegend concerning medals for carrier pigeon associations (1895), Deutscher Verein von Gas- und Wasserfachmännern, Ortsausschuss Köln, concerning 35. Annual meeting (1895, with estimate) File number: HI XIX 2 13III402 HI 283.