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Description archivistique
Welfare office (inventory)

Find Resources: Rep. 800 files concerning youth and welfare care, some minute books Institutions/Personal History: The municipal welfare system begins with the foundation of the poor people's office through the entry into force of the city. After the transfer of the tasks of the Gemeindewaisenrat the Armenamt was renamed to 1 July 1900 in orphan and poor office and to 1 October 1918 in welfare office on 1 April 1883. On 3 July 1914 the local statute concerning the establishment of a youth welfare office was issued. As early as 1923, there were plans to merge the welfare office and the youth welfare office. Initially the name Jugend- und Wohlfahrtsamt was used unofficially. By Magistratsbeschluß of 5 April 1928 the united welfare and youth welfare office received the designation welfare office. Collection history: The collection consists of several provenances due to the above-mentioned office restructuring. Most of the files came through Arch-Zug. 1944/21 into the city archives. Further taxes were levied in 1990 and 1997 respectively. Notes on use: # 1,794 is blocked for use. A reader printer printout is available under Bibl. Sign. 98/45. Prints of the photos contained in the file can be found in the photo collection.