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13691 Personal estate Karl Süpfle (holdings)
Sächsisches Staatsarchiv, 13691 · Bestand · 1880 - 1942
Teil von Saxon State Archives (Archivtektonik)
  • 1880 - 1942, Sächsisches Staatsarchiv, 13691* description: History: Prof. Dr. med. Karl Süpfle was born on 09.12.1880 in Metz. After his studies and doctorate at the University of Heidelberg and his habilitation at the University of Freiburg in 1908, Süpfle became a private lecturer under Max von Gruber at the Institute of Hygiene at the University of Munich and, from 1911, an unscheduled professor. He participated in the First World War as a consultant hygienist in the Bavarian army. In 1927, Süpfle became director of the Institute of Hygiene at the Technical University of Dresden, and in 1937 he moved to the University of Hamburg in the same function. On 01.08.1939 he was called up as a senior war doctor for the Wehrmacht. He fell off Stalingrad on 26.09.1942. Süpfles' main areas of research were bacteriology and immunology, disinfection and vaccination. Content: Family affairs - military time 1914 - 1918 - scientific cooperation, among others with Max von Pettenkofer and Max von Gruber - expert activities and research - lecture manuscripts - field post letters 1. and 2. world war. Detailed introduction: Short biography Karl Süpfle was born on 9 December 1880 in Metz. He studied medicine at the University of Heidelberg from 1899 to 1904 and received his doctorate in 1905. Since 1904 he has held assistant positions at the hygiene institutes in Heidelberg (until 1907) and Freiburg im Breisgau (1908-1911). In Freiburg he habilitated in hygiene and bacteriology. The start of another assistant position at the University of Munich played an important role in his academic career. There he became a pupil of the hygienist Max von Gruber (1853-1927), who had been trained by Max von Pettenkofer (1818-1901) among others. Süpfle dealt extensively with questions of disinfection, immunology and bacteriology and presented research results on smallpox protection both in his dissertation and in his habilitation thesis. In Munich he first taught as a private lecturer and from 1911 as a professor. Since the winter semester 1914/1915 he held a teaching position at the newly integrated veterinary faculty. His research and teaching activities were interrupted by the First World War, when he was active as a consultant hygienist. According to Süpfles plans, the Animal Hygiene Institute of the University of Munich opened on 2 June 1923, where he was responsible for the training of numerous veterinarians in hygiene. In 1927 Karl Süpfle followed an appointment at the Dresden Technical University (TH Dresden) to succeed Philalethes Kuhn (1879-1937) as director of the Institute of Hygiene. The TH Dresden was the only one of its kind in the German Reich that had a hygiene institute. It was founded around 1895 under the ordinariate of Friedrich Renk (1850-1928) to teach prospective architects, technicians, engineers, etc. in hygiene studies. In Dresden, Süpfle succeeded in combining scientific hygiene with technical sciences. His main areas of research at that time were housing, urban and industrial hygiene. As director of the Hygiene Institute in Dresden, he was also director of the Saxon State Office for Public Health Care, to which the State School of Disinfectors was affiliated. At the same time he was a member of the Saxon State Health Office, a member of the board of trustees of the Hygiene Academy at the German Hygiene Museum, a full member of the Academy for Continuing Medical Education in Dresden and from around 1932 engaged in the German Academy for Urban Development. He was also Chairman of the Academic Committee for Physical Education in University Sport. From 1928 to 1935, Karl Süpfle was a member of the board of the German Hygiene Museum Association. In the course of the preparation and realization of the second International Hygiene Exhibition he became a presidential member and held the overall scientific leadership. Süpfle was a member of the steel helmet, the federation for front soldiers of the First World War, as well as in the NS teacher federation and signed the
Colonial Geography Seminar
Sächsisches Staatsarchiv, 11125 Ministerium des Kultus und öffentlichen Unterrichts, Nr. 10230/31 (Benutzung im Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden) · Akt(e) · 1918 - 1939
Teil von Saxon State Archives (Archivtektonik)
  • Includes among others: Meyer, H.: Content and Aims of Colonial Geography as a Subject - Colonial Science Lectures and Events at Berlin Universities Winter Semester 1912/13 - Hamburgisches Kolonialinstitut, List of Lectures 1915/16 description: Contains among others..: Meyer, H.: Content and aims of colonial geography as a teaching subject - Colonial science lectures and events at Berlin universities Winter semester 1912/13 - Hamburgisches Kolonialinstitut, list of lectures 1915/16 1918 - 1939, Sächsisches Staatsarchiv
Sächsisches Staatsarchiv, 10711 Ministerium des Königlichen Hauses, Nr. Loc. 29 Nr. 12 (Benutzung im Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden) · Akt(e) · 1897 - 1909
Teil von Saxon State Archives (Archivtektonik)
  • 1897 - 1909, Saxon State Archives* description: Contains a. o.: Protestant Church in Saarburg in Lorraine (pp. 1 - 7) - Prayer room of the Catholic community in Reichenbach/Vogtland (pp. 8 - 13) - Monument to Prince Friedrich Carl of Prussia in Metz (pp. 14, 23 - 24).- Kaiser-Wilhelm-Tower on the Hallo near Stoppenberg near Düsseldorf (pp. 15 - 22, 34, 100 - 102).- Association house of the Protestant Workers' Association in Wilkau (pp. 25 - 33).- Seamen's houses of the Imperial Navy in Wilhelmshaven and Kiautschou.- War memorial by the military association for Wilsdruff and the surrounding area (pp. 75 - 79, 82 - 83) - Memorial for Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in Strasbourg in Alsace (pp. 84 - 92) - German National Foundation St. Maria dell´ Anima in Rome (pp. 93 - 99).- Memorial for Kaiser Wilhelm I. in Bonn (pp. 103 - 112) - Association house of the Catholic journeyman association in Meissen (pp. 113 - 117) - German aid committee for East Asia (pp. 118 - 121) - Catholic church in Bad Münster am Stein (pp. 122 - 127) - Home of the officer lady aid association in Breslau (pp. 128 - 133).- Monument to Field Marshal Count Moltke in Berlin (pp. 134 - 142) - Catholic Interim Church in Dresden-Johannstadt (pp. 143 - 146) - Monument to Emperor Friedrich in Cronberg im Taunus (pp. 147 - 161) - Schoolhouse for the Old Town, Monastery Liberty and St. Marienthal near Ostritz (pp. 162 - 167) - Catholic Chapel in Kunnersdorf near Bernstadt (pp. 162 - 167) - Catholic Chapel in Kunnersdorf near Bernstadt (pp. 143 - 146) 168 - 177).- Catholic Church and Ringing in Dresden-Cotta (pp. 178 - 182, 203 - 210).- Protestant Church in Bad Oppelsdorf near Zittau (pp. 183 - 192).- Herberge zur Heimat association in Wilhelmshaven (pp. 193 - 197).- Association house of the main scientific-literary association of the Wends Macica serbska in Bautzen (pp. 178 - 182, 203 - 210). 198 - 202) - public sanatorium for alcoholics in Bärnsdorf near Moritzburg (also: statutes of the association Sächsische Volksheilstätten für Alkoholkranke) (sheets 211 - 221) - Catholic church in Chemnitz (sheets 222 - 226) - monument to Emperor Wilhelm I in Strasbourg in Alsace (sheets 227 - 235, 240 - 241).- Monument to Friedrich Schiller in Dresden (pp. 236 - 239) - Monument to Friedrich the Freidiger in Lucka (also: design drawing by R. Carl, Leipzig) (pp. 242 - 256) - Ringing of the St. Laurentius Church in Geyer (pp. 257 - 263) - Free table at the University of Leipzig (with food arrangement) (pp. 264 - 267).- Financial endowment of the foundation for the benefit of needy and worthy 50-year-old married couples, Golden Scholarship Fund, König-Johann-Stiftung and Königin-Amalien-Stiftung (p. 268) - Marble statue of King Friedrich August III by Karl Seffner for the University of Leipzig and medallion for its chain of office (p. 268). 269 - 275) Monument to the fallen of the battle at Striegau-Hohenfriedeberg (also: draft drawing; annual report of the military association of former comrades of the Royal Saxon Army in Breslau and the surrounding area for the 12th year of the association 1907/1908) (pp. 276 - 286): Protestant Church in Saarburg in Lorraine (pp. 1 - 7) - Prayer room of the Catholic community in Reichenbach/Vogtland (pp. 8 - 13) - Monument to Prince Friedrich Carl of Prussia in Metz (pp. 14, 23 - 24).- Kaiser-Wilhelm-Tower on the Hallo near Stoppenberg near Düsseldorf (pp. 15 - 22, 34, 100 - 102).- Association house of the Protestant Workers' Association in Wilkau (pp. 25 - 33).- Seamen's houses of the Imperial Navy in Wilhelmshaven and Kiautschou.- War memorial by the military association for Wilsdruff and the surrounding area (pp. 75 - 79, 82 - 83) - Memorial for Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in Strasbourg in Alsace (pp. 84 - 92) - German National Foundation St. Maria dell´ Anima in Rome (pp. 93 - 99).- Memorial for Kaiser Wilhelm I. in Bonn (pp. 103 - 112) - Association house of the Catholic journeyman association in Meissen (pp. 113 - 117) - German aid committee for East Asia (pp. 118 - 121) - Catholic church in Bad Münster am Stein (pp. 122 - 127) - Home of the officer lady aid association in Breslau (pp. 128 - 133).- Monument to Field Marshal Count Moltke in Berlin (pp. 134 - 142) - Catholic Interim Church in Dresden-Johannstadt (pp. 143 - 146) - Monument to Emperor Friedrich in Cronberg im Taunus (pp. 147 - 161) - Schoolhouse for the Old Town, Monastery Liberty and St. Marienthal near Ostritz (pp. 162 - 167) - Catholic Chapel in Kunnersdorf near Bernstadt (pp. 162 - 167) - Catholic Chapel in Kunnersdorf near Bernstadt (pp. 143 - 146) 168 - 177).- Catholic Church and Ringing in Dresden-Cotta (pp. 178 - 182, 203 - 210).- Protestant Church in Bad Oppelsdorf near Zittau (pp. 183 - 192).- Herberge zur Heimat association in Wilhelmshaven (pp. 193 - 197).- Association house of the main scientific-literary association of the Wends Macica serbska in Bautzen (pp. 178 - 182, 203 - 210). 198 - 202) - public sanatorium for alcoholics in Bärnsdorf near Moritzburg (also: statutes of the association Sächsische Volksheilstätten für Alkoholkranke) (sheets 211 - 221) - Catholic church in Chemnitz (sheets 222 - 226) - monument to Emperor Wilhelm I in Strasbourg in Alsace (sheets 227 - 235, 240 - 241).- Monument to Friedrich Schiller in Dresden (pp. 236 - 239) - Monument to Friedrich the Freidiger in Lucka (also: sketch by R. Carl, Leipzig) (pp. 242 - 256) - Ringing of the St. Laurentius Church in Geyer (pp. 257 - 263) - Freitische at the University of Leipzig (with food composition) (pp. 236 - 239) - Monument to Friedrich the Freidiger in Lucka (also: sketch by R. Carl, Leipzig) 264 - 267) - Financial endowment of the foundation in favour of needy and worthy 50-year-old couples, Golden Scholarship Fund, König-Johann-Stiftung and Königin-Amalien-Stiftung (Bl. 268) - Marble statue of King Friedrich August III von Karl Seffner for the University of Leipzig as well as medallion for its chain of office (Bl. 269 - 275) Memorial for the fallen of the battle at Striegau-Hohenfriedeberg (also: draft drawing; annual report of the military association of former comrades of the Royal Saxon Army at Breslau and surrounding area for the 12th association year 1907/1908) (pp. 276 - 286).
Support for scientific enterprises, vol. 03
Sächsisches Staatsarchiv, 11125 Ministerium des Kultus und öffentlichen Unterrichts, Nr. 10270/7 (Benutzung im Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden) · Akt(e) · 1887 - 1898
Teil von Saxon State Archives (Archivtektonik)
  • 1887 - 1898, Saxon State Archives description: Contains and others: Monumenta Germaniae Paedagogica - 38th Assembly of German Philologists and Schoolmen in Giessen 1885 - Congress for Hygiene and Demography 1887 in Vienna, Professor Franz Hofmann - Overbeck: Atlas of Greek Art Mythology, fifth delivery Excavations in Olympia, delivery of the duplicates to Saxony, expert opinion by Dr. Georg Treu (copy from the files of the General Directorate of the Royal Collections for Art and Science in Dresden, Cap. 5 No. 10 Bl. 50) with a list of the objects obtained for Germany according to Treus Erinnerung - overview of the contents of the planned work on Olympia - Wilhelm His, Nomenclature of Anatomy - Negotiations of the Anatomical Society 1889 - Dr. Carl Pauli: Corpus interiptionum Italicarum - Dr. Otto Zacharias, Founding of a Biological Station for Fisheries - Olympia - The results of the excavations organized by the German Reich - The results of the excavations organized by the German Empire - The results of the excavations are presented in the "Nomenclature of Anatomy". Research of the Trajanssäule (Traianssäule), Dr. Conrad Cichorius - Eduard Wölfflin: Expert opinion on the Thesaurus linguae Latinae - Friedrich Wilhelm Ritschl - Alfred Fleckeisen - Congress for Gynecology and Obstetrics 1892 in Brussels - Anthropological zoological congress 1892 in Moscow - Invitation of the University of New York to Saxon architects on the occasion of the World Exhibition 1893 in Chicago, exhibition of a model of the new University Library (p. 111) - International Medical Congress 1893 in Rome, Prof. His, Prof. Birch-Hirschfeld - International Geographical Congress 1895 in London - Subsidy of the Academic Revue - International Medical Congress 1893 in Rome, Prof. His, Prof. Birch-Hirschfeld 4th International Congress for Criminal Anthropology 1996 - German Commission of the Brussels World Exhibition 1897, Dr. jur. J. Gensel, Alfred Thieme, Chairman of the Leipzig Chamber of Commerce, Participation of Saxon Lace Schools - Medical Congress in Moscow 1897 - International Leprosy Congress in Berlin 1898 - Meeting of the International Statistical Institute in St. Petersburg 1897, Professor Miaskowski, Professor Hasse, Dr. Böhmert Eugen Petersen, Alfred von Domaszewski, Guglielmo Calderini: The Marcus Column on the Piazza Colonna in Rome - Special statistics of the German customs territory according to countries of origin and destination. Sale of the library (11.000 books) of the Danish provost Vahl from Norre Alslev by priest D. Short - 3rd International Congress for Applied Chemistry in Vienna 1898 - 4th International Zoological Congress in Cambridge 1898 - Congress for Hydrology in Liège 1898 - Congress for Internal Medicine in Karlovy Vary 1899 Includes among others..: Monumenta Germaniae Paedagogica - 38th Assembly of German Philologists and Schoolmen in Giessen 1885 - Congress for Hygiene and Demography 1887 in Vienna, Professor Franz Hofmann - Overbeck: Atlas of Greek Art Mythology, fifth delivery Excavations in Olympia, delivery of the duplicates to Saxony, expert opinion by Dr. Georg Treu (copy from the files of the General Directorate of the Royal Collections for Art and Science in Dresden, Cap. 5 No. 10 Bl. 50) with a list of the objects obtained for Germany according to Treus Erinnerung - overview of the contents of the planned work on Olympia - Wilhelm His, Nomenclature of Anatomy - Negotiations of the Anatomical Society 1889 - Dr. Carl Pauli: Corpus interiptionum Italicarum - Dr. Otto Zacharias, Founding of a Biological Station for Fisheries - Olympia - The results of the excavations organized by the German Reich - The results of the excavations organized by the German Empire - The results of the excavations are presented in the "Nomenclature of Anatomy". Research of the Trajanssäule (Traianssäule), Dr. Conrad Cichorius - Eduard Wölfflin: Expert opinion on the Thesaurus linguae Latinae - Friedrich Wilhelm Ritschl - Alfred Fleckeisen - Congress for Gynecology and Obstetrics 1892 in Brussels - Anthropological zoological congress 1892 in Moscow - Invitation of the University of New York to Saxon architects on the occasion of the World Exhibition 1893 in Chicago, exhibition of a model of the new university library (p. 111) - International Medical Congress 1893 in Rome, Prof. His, Prof. Birch-Hirschfeld.- International Geographic Congress in London 1895 - Subsidy from the Academic Review - 4th International Congress for Criminal Anthropology 1996 - German Commission of the Brussels World Exhibition 1897, Dr. jur. J. Gensel, Alfred Thieme, Chairman of the Leipzig Chamber of Commerce, Participation of Saxon lace-making schools - Medical Congress in Moscow 1897 - International Leprosy Congress in Berlin 1898 - Meeting of the International Statistical Institute in St. Petersburg 1897, Professor Miaskowski, Professor Hasse, Dr. Böhmert - Collection "Deutsch-Ost-Afrika" by Emin Pasha and Dr. Stuhlmann - Eugen Petersen, Alfred von Domaszewski, Guglielmo Calderini: The Marcus Column on the Piazza Colonna in Rome - Special statistics of the German customs area according to countries of origin and destination - sale of the library (11,000 books) of the Danish provost Vahl from Norre Alslev by priest D. Kurze - 3rd International Congress for Applied Chemistry in Vienna 1898 - 4th International Zoological Congress in Cambridge 1898 - Congress for Hydrology in Lüttig 1898 - Congress for Internal Medicine in Karlsbad 1899.