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Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 4,29/1 · Bestand · 1919 - 1960
Teil von State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Content: Main registries (1933-1953): Administrative matters - Building industry - Building materials and building materials industry - New building materials and construction methods - Reconstruction and other building projects - Clearing and recycling of rubble - Real estate - Housing - Settlement - Building construction - Town planning - Surveying - Mechanical and heating engineering - Civil engineering - Motor vehicles and transport - Garden and parks, nature protection, cemetery and funeral services - Sewerage and drainage, street cleaning - Allotment garden and small settlement services - Wartime operations department: Administrative affairs - Construction industry and supply of building materials - Air raid shelters and other construction projects important for the war - Labour input, etc. a. by foreign workers and construction companies and prisoners of war - accommodation and care of workers - motor vehicles and transport - air raids, repair of aircraft damage

Building materials - Miscellaneous
44/3 · Akt(e) · 1862-1913
Teil von State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Bausachen - Prinzipielles (Collection of the Outgoing Letters of the Mission Inspector Franz Michael Zahn), 1 booklet, 1866-1868; Collection of various building plans and sketches, approx. 100 pieces, 1862-1913; School building in Palime, approx. 20 pieces, 1912-1913. - Note: Lots in folders.

Christian Hornberger
67/4 · Akt(e) · 1857-1878
Teil von State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Contains only: Letter of the missionary to his relatives, delivered by a relative, 1857-1878; Letter of relatives to the Mission Society, 1881-1898 - Note: Approx. 400 pieces, loose in folder.