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Archival description
Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 3-R.1.g. · Fonds · 1886 - 1955
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Content: Colonial Policy - Colonial Legislation - Protectorate Act - Reichskolonialamt - Colonial Service - Colonial Procurement - Schutztruppe - Togo, Cameroon, D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a, D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a - Herero Uprising - Railway Construction - Colonial and Settlement Societies - Kiautschou/Tsingtau - Caroline Islands, Palau Islands and Mariana Islands - Colonial Policy and Research under National Socialist Rule - Position of Bremen in the Colonial Movement, especially Institute of Colonial Research

Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 16,24/1 · Fonds · 1893 - 1902
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Explanation: Documents from the possession of the leader of the indigenous movement against the German colonial rule in today's Namibia, at that time German South West Africa, Hendrik Witbooi (ca. 1830-1905) had fallen into the hands of the Bremen merchant August Engelbert Wulff in 1895 in the course of military conflicts in Gibeon, Namibia. In 1935 he sold it to the then German Colonial and Overseas Museum. The documents were handed over to the National Archives of Windhoek in 1995 after reproductions had been made for the State Archives of Bremen and the Übersee-Museum. Content: Correspondence

Witbooi, Hendrik
1939 Christening in Ahamausu
2417 · Item · ca. 1939
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Marking: Marked with an asterisk: The first Huassafrau, Maria Adzera. The other three women are Alata or Yoruba people (Lagos). One of them said: "I don't know Tschi, I don't know Ewe, but Jesus, I know him. The young man taught the women. In the back left the chieftain evangelist Kwasicvi. See P. Motte's report: Work in the Diaspora. monthly paper

North German Missionary Society
4007 · Item · 20.11.1947
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Note from other hand: 20.11.1947 Front row from right to left: Pastor Anku and wife (Amedzofe), E. Vöhringer, Mrs. Beveridge, Rev. Th. Twente, Rev. Beveridge, Pastor Adinyira (French Togo), Re. E. Grey (Ho), Pastor Chr. Baeta

North German Missionary Society
Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 2-Q.9. · Fonds
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Content: Origin and development of Bremerhaven 1825-1862 - Acquisition and expansion of the port area 1824-1845 - Border regulations, sovereignty issues and expansion of the area 1827-1876 - Battery (Fort Wilhelm) and other military rights of Hanover and Hanover respectively Prussia 1820-1872 - Relations to Lehe, transit traffic and road construction between Bremen and Bremerhaven through Hanoverian territory 1827-1873 - Land acquisition and settlement for the establishment of a port at the Geeste estuary by Hanover 1817-1830 - Organisation, construction and extension of the port facilities: Old Port 1826-1878, New Port 1845-1872, Imperial Port 1871-1900, Imperial Port II and III 1900-1908 - Deputation at Bremerhaven, Deputation for the ports and port facilities, Deputation for the ports and railways, in particular protocols 1827-1891 - Accounting books of the Deputation and the Office of Bremerhaven, Budgets and accounts 1828-1920 - Port inventory lists, lists of ships lying in port 1833-1842 - Port staff, in particular Port Director Jacob Johann van Ronzelen and Carl Friedrich Hanckes, Hafenmeister, Schleusenmeister und -knechte, Hafenlotsen 1827-1902 - Amtmann und Amtsassessor, especially reports of the Amtmänner Johann Heinrich Castendyk, Johann Thulesius, Georg Wilhelm Gröning und Friedrich August Schultz 1827-1904 - Rechnungswesen und Visitationen des Amts 1829-1887 - Amtsschreiber, Police commissioners, police dragons, tax collectors and other officials 1827-1898 - lawyers, notaries, consuls and consular agents, auctioneers 1831-1904 - laws and regulations 1826-1901 - taxes and duties 1834-1874 - port authorities, Port regulations, port dues 1827-1902 - Public land, buildings and facilities, including the office building and port house, ferries and bridges, shipyards and ship berths, emigration centre, fire brigade, water supply, road construction and sewage system, gas station, cemetery 1829-1910 - settlement, Cultivation and trade, in particular allocation of building sites, basic letters, trade supervision, guilds 1827-1925 - administration of justice and police, including criminal investigation of the dynamite attack against the steamship ''Mosel'' (1875) 1827-1902 - municipal constitution and administration, Community Citizenship, Accounting 1837-1902 - General Church Relations 1827-1866, Unierte Gemeinde 1833-1903, Meiergefälle from Walle and Gröpelingen 1758-1852, Lutheran Community (Kreuzkirche) 1862-1902, Catholic community (Marienkirche) 1849-1902 - school system 1827-1897 - poor system 1836-1881 - medical system 1827-1901 - markets 1852-1890 - death and support funds, associations, municipal savings bank 1862-1907 - military conditions, quartering 1869-1884

Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 2-Ss.4. · Fonds
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Content: Foreign duties 1423-1864 - Mitteldeutscher Handelsverein 1828-1834 - Prussian-Hessian, later Deutscher Zollverein until 1850 [individual pieces lost] - Steuerverein (Nordwestdeutscher Zollverein) 1835-1853 - negotiations on the unification of the German states for the protection of trade and shipping interests 1842-1852 - Bremen's position on the German Customs Union and the German Reich in customs matters in general 1851-1896 - connection of parts of Bremen's territory to the Zollverein territory 1869-1885 - inclusion of the entire territory of Bremen in the customs borders 1877-1898

Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 4,29/1 · Fonds · 1919 - 1960
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Content: Main registries (1933-1953): Administrative matters - Building industry - Building materials and building materials industry - New building materials and construction methods - Reconstruction and other building projects - Clearing and recycling of rubble - Real estate - Housing - Settlement - Building construction - Town planning - Surveying - Mechanical and heating engineering - Civil engineering - Motor vehicles and transport - Garden and parks, nature protection, cemetery and funeral services - Sewerage and drainage, street cleaning - Allotment garden and small settlement services - Wartime operations department: Administrative affairs - Construction industry and supply of building materials - Air raid shelters and other construction projects important for the war - Labour input, etc. a. by foreign workers and construction companies and prisoners of war - accommodation and care of workers - motor vehicles and transport - air raids, repair of aircraft damage

Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 5,1/1 · Fonds · 1868 - 1938
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Content: Administration of services, personnel, cash management and accounting - Collection of legal provisions and decrees, including judicial decisions on postal, telegraphic and telephone services - International postal agreements and treaties with individual states - Supervision and regulation of postal services, organisation of subordinate postal and telegraph institutions - German postal institutions abroad, especially in German New Guinea, on the Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands, Palau Islands and Marshall Islands, on Samoa and in Shanghai - relations of the Oberpostdirektion with shipping companies, railway companies and forwarding agents - postal statistics - postal traffic with overseas countries, also establishment of postal steamship lines - air and rail postal services - radio and radio broadcasting

Explanation: When the North German Confederation was founded, the postal system was organised as a unified state transport authority with the simultaneous disappearance of the territorial postal institutions. Bremen received a federal post office. In 1871, postal sovereignty was transferred to the German Reich. In 1874, the Reichspostverwaltung appointed Bremen as the seat of an Oberpostdirektion, which became the medium Reichspostbehörde. In addition to the territory of Bremen, its area of responsibility included the part of the administrative district of Hanover on the left bank of the Weser, parts of the administrative district of Stade and the administrative district of Thedinghausen in Brunswick. Until the First World War she was also responsible for the postal services in German New Guinea, on the Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands, Palau and Marshall Islands and Samoa. From 1934-1945 the Oberpostdirektion was called Reichspostdirektion Bremen. In 1943 it also took over the district of the Oldenburg management, which had until then been independent, and which included the Weser-Ems district. The privatization of Deutsche Bundespost was initiated in 1989, and in 1990 it was separated into the postal service and telecommunications divisions at OPD. At the end of 1992, the Postal Directorate was divided into the Postal Service and Telecommunications Directorates. Since 1995 they have been part of Deutsche Post AG and Deutsche Telekom AG. Lit.: Christian Piefke, Die Entstehung der Oberpostdirektion Bremen, in: Postgeschichtliche Blätter aus der Weser-Ems-Gebiet, Vol. 1, H. 1, 1955, S. 2-3; Werner Guddat, 100 Jahre Oberpostdirektion Bremen, Leer 1974; Theodor Windmann, 100 Jahre Oberpostdirektion Bremen, in: Postgeschichtliche Hefte Weser-Ems, Vol. 1, 1955, S. 2-3. 4, H. 4, 1973, p. 77-84; Johannes Rust, Die Postgeschichte des Bezirks der Reichspostdirektion Bremen für den Kriegsjahre 1939-1945, Bremen 1949; K. Johanns, Die ersten Schritte. Attempt to reconstruct postal conditions in the Reichspostdirektions district of Bremen after the end of the Second World War until the resumption of limited correspondence on 1 July 1945, in: Philatelie und Postgeschichte, 20, No. 89, 1986, p. 1-19; Alexis Wegener, Die Post in Bremen und Bremerhaven 1945-1964, in: Wachsende Städte an der Unterweser, 1965, p. 88-96; Der OPD-Bezirk Bremen, in: Zeitschrift für das Post- u. Fernmeldewesen, 7 (1955), p. 41-53; Oberpostdirektion Bremen (ed.), Oberpostdirektion Bremen im neuen Haus, Bremen 1985; Herbert Leclerc, Von Apia bis Yap. Former German postal institutions in the South Seas, in: Archiv für deutsche Postgeschichte 1982, pp. 7-32; Fritz Thole, Die Leiter der Oberpostdirektion Bremen, in: Postgeschichtliche Blätter aus dem Weser-Emsgebiet, vol. 1, H. 1, 1955, p. 3, H. 3, 1956, p. 29-38, vol. 2, H. 6, 1961, p. 118-119. Reference: Christian Piefke, Die Entstehung der Oberpostdirektion Bremen, in: Postgeschichtliche Blätter aus der Weser-Ems-Gebiet, vol. 1, H. 1, 1955, p. 2-3; Werner Guddat, 100 Jahre Oberpostdirektion Bremen, Leer 1974; Theodor Windmann, 100 Jahre Oberpostdirektion Bremen, in: Postgeschichtliche Hefte Weser-Ems, vol. 4, H. 4, 1973, p. 77-84; Johannes Rust, Die Postgeschichte des Bezirks der Reichspostdirektion Bremen für die Kriegsjahre 1939-1945, Bremen 1949; K. Johanns, Die ersten Schritte. Attempt to reconstruct postal conditions in the Reichspostdirektions district of Bremen after the end of the Second World War until the resumption of limited correspondence on 1 July 1945, in: Philatelie und Postgeschichte, 20, No. 89, 1986, p. 1-19; Alexis Wegener, Die Post in Bremen und Bremerhaven 1945-1964, in: Wachsende Städte an der Unterweser, 1965, p. 88-96; Der OPD-Bezirk Bremen, in: Zeitschrift für das Post- u. Fernmeldewesen, 7 (1955), p. 41-53; Oberpostdirektion Bremen (ed.), Oberpostdirektion Bremen im neuen Haus, Bremen 1985; Herbert Leclerc, Von Apia bis Yap. Former German Post Offices in the South Seas, in: Archiv für deutsche Postgeschichte 1982, pp. 7-32; Fritz Thole, Die Leiter der Oberpostdirektion Bremen, in: Postgeschichtliche Blätter aus dem Weser-Ems-Gebiet, vol. 1, h. 1, 1955, pp. 3, h. 3, 1956, pp. 29-38, vol. 2, h. 6, 1961, pp. 118-119.

Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 7,2001 · Fonds · 1862 - 1932
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Explanation: The company was run under this name as its own business since 1888 by Johann Karl Vietor, but was able to make use of the branches in Ghana, Togo, Dahomey, Cameroon, Liberia and Guinea, which had been founded by other members of the Vietor family since 1857. After the severe setback in the First World War, the company was rebuilt in Liberia, Ghana and Togo, but this was destroyed by the world economic crisis, so that the company died out in 1932. It was partly in close contact with other companies co-founded by J. K. Vietor. Content: Business papers before the First World War, in particular land purchases, inventories, insurance of factories in Togo (Anedlo, Palime, Lomé), in Ghana (Keta) and in Dahomey (Porto Novo) - Complete company registration after the First World War, in particular Reich compensation for war and colonial damage, correspondence with other companies and own branches - Liquidation

7,2025 E. K. Vietor
Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 7,2025 · Fonds · 1899 - 1907
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)
  • 1899 - 1907, State Archives Bremen (STAB), 7,2025* description: Explanation - No Bremen company. Emil Karl Vietor (born 1861 in Bremen, died 1933 in Richmond, USA) was a tobacco dealer in Richmond. Contents - Map of Virginia with tobacco growing areas - Exhibition diplomas
Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 7,2016 · Fonds · 1905 - 1931
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Explanation: In 1905, on the initiative of J. K. Vietor, Togo Baumwollgesellschaft mbH, based in Lome, was founded with strong participation from Bremen. The company dealt with the gutting and packaging of cotton grown in Togo. The Deutsch-Westafrikanische Handelsgesellschaft, Hamburg, brought a plant for processing oil fruits into the company, which became independent in 1913 as Togo Palmölwerke GmbH. In 1914 both companies were confiscated and were forced to dissolve after the First World War. Content: Supervisory Board correspondence - Minutes of the Supervisory Board meetings - Correspondence of the managing directors - Balance sheets - Reports - Orders - Reich compensation for war and colonial damage

Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 7,2017 · Fonds · 1908 - 1936
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Explanation: Founded in 1908 with significant participation of Norddeutscher Lloyd with its registered office in Bremen for the exploitation of mineral deposits in the German protectorates in the Pacific. In 1914 the mine installations were confiscated by Japan and later no longer returned. From 1923 the company participated in N. V. Phönix Handel- en Cultur Maatschappij, which was finally taken over, and from 1925 in Vereinigte Blei- und Zinkerzbergbau-Gerwerkschaft in Mies (Stribro/CSR). It expired in 1936. Content: Business correspondence - Reich compensation for war damage - Participations - Company archive of N. V. Phoenix Handel- en Cultur Maatschappij with information on branches in Amboina, Manokwari, Sarwi, Bonggo, Wakde and Hollandia (Dutch New Guinea)