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Stadtarchiv Werl, INA · Bestand
Teil von City Archive Werl (Archivtektonik)

Preface : The find book for the A r c h i v a b t e i l u n g B of the Stadtarchiv Werl was compiled in 1952 by the Staatsarchivrat Dr. Müller. Between 1999 and 2001 the find book was digitized by the current city archivist Michael Jolk and will now be published online by him in 2012. When J. S. Seibertz carried out the collection of material on his state and legal history of the Duchy of Westphalia and for this purpose also visited the archive of the city of Werl in 1832, he found, as he reports, a "total disorder" (Archive Department E Kaps. 9 No. 4). At the instigation of the District Administrator of Soest, the then Mayor Fickermann zu Werl therefore entered into negotiations with the head teacher Dr. Tross in Hamm, who at that time was reorganising the archives of the Erbsälzer-Collegium zu Werl, in order to also reorganise the municipal archives. Tross started working in the next few years. In 1877 the documents were repertorized on the basis of the Tross¿schen Regesten, while a number of other documents increased the numbers of the repertory. The editor of the directory was Dr. Giefers. Another hand later carried further documents and recorded - apparently for the first time - also the oldest files up to the end of the Hessian period, which were called Department B, and as Department C the protocols and official books of the city until 1816. The order of these files created at that time was left unchanged in the new archive order begun in 1948 by the State Archives Council Dr. Kausche. Within the framework of the entire archive, the department retained the designation Archive Department B. In 1952, the undersigned classified larger holdings which had subsequently been found. Where older tables of contents can be found within the packages, these files cannot claim to be complete; above all, the number of individual sheets or fascicles indicated there is no longer correct. Particularly remarkable pieces were highlighted in the repertory in the intus notes, whereby the subjects ejected in No. 27a and b, 39, 42 and 45 almost amount to a single distortion. The Roman numerals used in the old order were replaced by Arabic numerals. Werl, 10 July 1952 (Dr. Müller) Council of State Archives for Wv. __ Re-ordered from B 27a. Werl, 23 May 1972 Preising __ 1992 Michael Jolk privately compiled a register of files that was updated in 1998 and 1999. From December 1999 to 1.2.2001 the files were typed into an archive program after the title pages. Preising had only transferred abbreviated titles into the index and many names did not appear in the register as a result! Backup filming of this collection see file 6692 StA Werl and Findbuch Kleiner Bestand 21. A r c h i v a b t e i l u n g C " A m t s b ü c h e r a u s v o r p r e u s s i s s c h e r Z e i t " Digitised in April 2012 by City Archivist Michael Jolk. Numerous additions were made by former city archivist Heinrich Josef Deisting. Preface of 1952 by Dr. Wolfgang Müller, who ordered the holdings for the first time: Of the order of this section created in 1877, only the sub-section I "Protocol Books" was left unchanged; for these, the present repertory represents a copy of the old index. Only the signature was changed insofar as the main groups were now marked with Roman numerals and the individual numbers with Arabic numerals. Since a larger number of previously unlisted official books had to be transferred to archives department C, it was recommended to subdivide the previous subdivision 2 into the new II-IV.