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Carl J. H. Villinger Collection (inventory)
Stadtarchiv Worms, 212 · Sammlung
Teil von City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Dept. 212 Carl J. H. Villinger Collection Scope: 285 archive boxes and 0.5 m oversized formats (= 723 units of description = 32.5 m) Duration: approx. 1833/1900 - 1977 About the author, journalist and local historian Carl J. H. Villinger (09.07.1905 - 27.05.1977) has since 1927 published a large number of journal articles and essays primarily on historical, art and cultural history issues, mainly with reference to Worms and with a focus on Catholicism (church and diocese history, chamberlain of Dalberg). For fourteen years Villinger, who had been a freelancer for the Allgemeine Zeitung (Worms edition) since 1948, belonged to the city council for the CDU. In addition to the above-mentioned topics, he was particularly interested in the work for the Aufbauverein (cf. Dept. 76, some files were incorporated into the Villinger Collection according to their origin), the Altertumsverein (cf. Dept. 75 No. 13), the 1st Wormser Schwimmclub 'Poseidon' (chairman of the association from 1948 to 1968), cf. Dept. 77/8 and the KKV Probitas (Dept. 212 No. 430), where he worked as press officer (Dept. 212 No. 0371). As early as 1968, Villinger had contractually transferred his extensive collections (including the library comprising approx. 10,000 volumes and a collection of graphics) of the city as a 'Villinger donation', of which a considerable part was transferred to the city archives (notarial donation contract Abt. 6-U Nr. 317). The content of the collection The collection, whose temporal focus lies after 1945, is structured as follows: own articles and publications by Villinger (thematically ordered), Das christliche Worms (especially Catholika), Wormser Stadtgeschichte (Wormser Dom, Nibelungen, etc.), Wormser Künstler, Dalberg-Archiv, Heylshof as well as material collection: Biographische Sammlung, Materialammlung Wormatiensia, Grafische Sammlung (16 to 20 Century).), on sports and art, political archives, printed, commemorative and small writings (surrounding areas and Worms, associations and societies), reproductions of Worms concerning manuscripts, files from Abt. 76 (Aufbauverein) included in the estate (mainly city council and committee meetings, construction/reconstruction, newspaper cuttings). Villinger was a passionate collector. Remarkable is his Graphic Collection (see from no. 544) in which numerous copper engravings of various types are to be found. painters and engravers. Lace and textile pictures as well as a collection of ex-libris (bookmarks), which he had bought or donated, enrich the remarkable collection (for ex-libris see essays in no. 579). Worth mentioning is Villinger's activity as the representative of the Kunsthaus Heylshof Foundation. His field of activity was not only the publication of numerous manuscripts/publications (e.g. Führer and Heylshof catalogue, no. 182) on the art treasures of the Heylshof as well as the design of exhibitions (no. 210) and projects (no. 181). According to correspondence between Villinger and Cornelius Heyl, Villinger was granted free access to the holdings of the Heylshof, in addition to the recording of the holdings, restoration of the paintings (no. 0211), public relations work, financing, printing and other tasks at the Heylshof (including a list of the paintings that Baron von Heyl had left to the Heylshof, see no. 178). Through many years of research and the purchase of literature (including 'Der Staatsrath Georg Steitz u.. or Fürstprimas Karl von Dalberg'). A sheet from Frankfurt's history at the beginning of the XIX century with documentary supplements by Georg Eduard Steitz, Frankfurt 1869 (book), s. no. 0404) Villinger was not only able to compile a collection, but also to publish numerous contributions about members of the family Kämmerer von Worms gen. von Dalberg (among others Carl Theodor von Dalberg (no. 397, no. 412), Friedrich Hugo von Dalberg (no. 394-395). Carl Villinger recorded the holdings of the Herrnsheim Dalberg Archive and was active in the city council for the acquisition of the Dalberg Archive and the Herrnsheim Palace Library from the city of Worms (No. 387-388). In his work Villinger liked to work together with the artists of Worms, so he created a biographical collection about the artists of Worms (No. 321-322) as well as a collection about Worms art (e.g. research about the whereabouts of Worms works of art, e.g. Régence-Kanzel des Wormser Karmeliterklosters, see No. 323). Villinger not only published serial articles in the Wormser Zeitung (e.g. 'Wormser Studenten an Universitäten', see no. 283), but also collected newspaper clippings which are indispensable for the history of the city of Worms (see Wormatiensia/Zeitungsausschnitte, no. 275ff.). Brochures (e.g. the Jewish Worms (No. 530), Worms Cathedral (No. 407), newspapers (Wormser Zeitung, No. 232, No. 234), magazines ("Rostra", see No. 165) and publications with and without reference to Worms (the Luther Monument, see No. 528; Alzey, Kriegstagebuch, 1914-1918, see No. 477) can be used for research. Postcards (no. 452), photos (no. 449) and a collection of coins and medals that can be used for exhibition purposes. Worth mentioning is the membership file of the Worms Rowing Club (No. 665). The membership cards contain extensive information on persons and their activities in the rowing club. Villinger himself was not a member of the rowing club. It can be assumed that Villinger came into possession of the membership register in 1947, when the Rudergesellschaft e.V. and the Wormser Ruderverein e.V.1911 merged and the cooperation failed. In the appendix of the finding aid book there is a separate list of sheet music: Dalberg Sheet Music (No. 401), by Rudi Stephan (No. 599), by Friedrich Gernsheim (No. 600), some of them are original sheet music; list of devotional pictures (No. 400 and No. 554) as well as bibliography Carl J. H. Villinger, masch. Findbuch with relatively detailed indexing and a detailed bibliography of Villinger's articles and essays (Aktenordner), compiled by Joachim Schalk, see Schrank Nr. 22. Indexing: Augias file (new indexing 5/2010 to 5/2011, including post-cassation and development of a new classification). After the completion of this work, the stock comprises 723 units, which are stored in 285 archive boxes. The files are in good condition, there are no restrictions on use. Supplementary archive departments in the city archive: -Abt. 6 Municipality of Worms since 1945 -Abt. 76 Aufbauverein Worms e.V. -Abt. 204 Worms Documentation/Collection -Abt. 170/16 Estate of Dr. Friedrich Illert -Abt. 159 Herrnsheimer Dalberg-Archive -Abt. 217 Graphic Collection -Abt. 214 Collection Fritz Reuter -Abt. 77/8 1st Worms Swimming Club 'Poseidon' -Abt. 185 Family and Company Archives Ludwig C. von Heyl BÖNNEN, Gerold 'History of the City of Worms', Stuttgart 2005 REUTER, Fritz 'Collector and Collection Carl J. H. Villinger', in: Der Wormsgau 13, 1979-81, p. 134-136 REUTER, Fritz 'Worms historian, art historian and local historian from the 19th/20th century and their graves', in: Der Wormsgau 19, 2000, p. 97-99 ILLERT, Georg 'Die "Villinger-Schenkung"', in: 'Der Wormsgau 9, 1970-1971 SCHALK, Joachim 'In Memoriam Carl Johann Heinrich Villinger (1905-1977)', reprint from: 'Archiv für mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte' 29, 1977 June 2011 Magdalena Kiefel

Stadtarchiv Worms, 185 · Bestand
Teil von City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Dept. 185 Family and company archive Ludwig C. Freiherr von Heyl Scope: 760 archive cartons, oversized formats (= 3169/3561 units of description (with a,b,c subdivisions approx. 3200) = 77 linear metres - of which 3.5 linear metres photo albums) Duration: 1877 - 1988 The holdings Dept. 185 Family and Company Archive Ludwig C. Freiherr von Heyl was handed over to the Worms City Archive as a deposit at the end of 1997 by Ludwig Cornelius Freiherr von Heyl (jun., 1920-2010). The documents stored in two cellar rooms of the Heylshof included or include both the private and parts of the former company archives of Ludwig C. Freiherr von Heyl until its closure in 1974. At the time of the takeover there was a list of "files Baron Ludwig jun. now in the Heylshofkeller", which had presumably been drawn up in the course of the relocation from Liebenau to the Heylshof. The written material was subdivided into VII main groups, the contents were roughly titled and the respective number of folders as well as their running time were recorded. For parts of the material, two storage-related provenance data were discernible. On the one hand the information "Files Baron Ludwig, vom Speicher Werk Liebenau" (old signature no. 784 - 889, no. 891 - 1163), on the other hand "Secretariat Baron Ludwig" (old signature no. 622 - 783) was found. Before being transported to the external magazine of the city archive (upper archive cellar in the administration building Adenauerring), the archive numbered the pieces and compiled an inventory list in which the folder spine titles were transferred, while maintaining the existing order. However, the material was not only filed in file folders, but was also partly tied up in metal cassettes, folders, a suitcase and in bundles. 45 large-format photo albums by Ludwig Freiherr von Heyl sen. (approx. 3.5 running metres) were also included. A total of approx. 1350 units were registered. For over ten years, this inventory list served as a provisional finding aid until the end of 2007, when the signatory began to record the archival data in the AUGIAS EDP archive program, which was completed in September 2009. In spring 2009, surprisingly more documents were discovered in a cupboard in the Heylshof, which were handed over to the city archives and could still be taken into account in the indexing. These were mainly documents relating to the Heylshof Foundation and files in connection with the liquidation of the Liebenau plant. First, a large part of the material was transferred to the city archives. In the run-up to the respective title recording in AUGIAS, a series of "handicrafts" had to be carried out. Various conservation measures were carried out in accordance with the requirements for the conservation of stocks. The documents were transferred from the file folders into acid-free archive folders, while the paper clips were also removed. Some files were dirty and cleaned, some had traces of mould. From many file folders two partly three new units were formed, which are reconstructable however by appropriate addition with the old archive signature as total units again. Some personal papers that could be rescued from the burnt-out Majorshof (Majorshof fire as a result of the war on 21.2.1945) in metal cassettes showed or show fire damage (brittle paper, poorly legible writing, etc.). In those cases in which it was justifiable from the conservation point of view, copies were made and the damaged documents left in envelopes in the fascicles for protection. Most recently, the units of description were packaged in acid-free archive cartons - a total of 757 cartons. The indexing was carried out according to Bär's principle (i.e. sequential numbering), the signatures of the provisional inventory list were recorded and enable the new signature to be found by means of concordance. If the file folders contained registry data, these were taken into account in the title recording so that statements about the completeness or the losses can also be made on the basis of old file directories to the private archive or the company registry. Various directories are available, e.g. in the holdings of Dept. 180/1 Firmenarchiv Heyl-Liebenau, in which the same registration mark system was used as for most documents from the provenance of Baron Ludwig sen. Field letters (1914-1918) were an extensive series, most of which had been stored bundled in wrapping paper. It was decided to remove the letters from the envelopes in the order in which they were found and to insert both parts, perforated, into the tube staplers. The positive aspects of this procedure were decisive in comparison to the damage caused by perforation, which was obviously originally intended anyway, as some field post letters already available in magazines show. The letters are easy to use when unfolded, they remain in the order in which they were found and the envelopes, most of which were destroyed in other correspondence after being placed in files, enable the sender to be identified. Most of the plans available, in particular for the Majorshof (also for the stable building converted into a residential building after the war), including plans of the Plum Building Council, were digitized, copies added to the inventory for better use, as well as two CD-ROMs with the photographs, which are also available in the photo archive. The large series with photo negatives (almost 7700 pieces) were left in the found labeled envelopes. They require subsequent cleaning and optimal conservation storage. This work should possibly be combined with a simultaneous digitalisation. The time-consuming creation of an index was dispensed with, as the keyword search in AUGIAS leads to the respective finding places. A good ten percent of the holdings were marked with a blocking notice in accordance with the requirements of the Rhineland-Palatinate State Archives Act. About 60 files were collected. These were essentially bulk documents such as newsletters from various associations and federations, advertising brochures, information leaflets (e.g. the so-called Fuchsbriefe), bank statements, etc. Classification: The classification for the collection Dept. 185 was only developed after the indexing, despite the provisional inventory list. This approach proved to be useful in retrospect, as it would certainly have given rise in advance to an excessively complex breakdown of content, which would probably have caused problems due to overlaps and thus not clearly realisable classifications. After completion of the distortion work, a three-division of the classification was fixed. The material assigned to main group 1 and accounting for approximately half of the inventory in terms of quantity comprises the estate of Ludwig C. Freiherr von Heyl sen. from about 1905/14 until his death in 1962. Here you will find personal-private items (name, family, diaries, private certificates and documents, anniversaries etc.), further correspondence (general correspondence, family, field post letters, artists' correspondence), also documents from the private, family and other sphere of activity of his wife Eva Marie von Heyl née von der Marwitz. In addition, material is available on his social commitment (in particular the Kunsthaus Heylshof Foundation), his political activities (town and country, political parties, political committees), his membership/activity in associations (e.g. Johanniterorden, Burschenschaft Saxo-Borussia Heidelberg, Heidelberger Kreis; NS economic group Leather Industry), numerous Wormser and supra-regional associations, his active military years and connections to military and veteran associations after 1918. In addition, photo albums and photo and negative series belong to the documents of Baron Ludwig sen. The second classification group comprises documents and correspondence since 1945 from Ludwig's son Ludwig Frhr. von Heyl jun., born in 1920, of the same name, with essentially correspondence (private and business), personal (private papers, war memoirs, documents concerning various stages of life, diary, family; duration 1920 - 1982) and various activities / activities in professional and trade associations, politics, Rotary club and associations. The third and last main classification group was set up for the files on the Lederwerke, primarily Heyl-Liebenau. Here you can find business documents from the time since 1923 when Ludwig C. Freiherr von Heyl sen. took over responsibility for the Lederwerke Heyl-Liebenau in Worms-Neuhausen, through the takeover and management by his son Ludwig jun. to the dissolution of this company, the last to produce leather in Worms, in 1974. Content: The documents in the inventory begin with Ludwig von Heyls years of study in Heidelberg (around 1905) and the simultaneous entry into his father's factory, the Lederwerke Cornelius Heyl. Private and general correspondence series as well as extensive field post (1914-1918) document his extremely broad activities in associations and federations of the Protestant national liberal bourgeoisie. Correspondence with associations, mainly regional (Aufbauverein bzw. Wiederaufbauwerk Worms e.V., Verkehrsverein Worms, Kasino- und Musikgesellschaft, Ruderclub Worms e.V., etc.) but also supra-regional associations include some file fascicles, others contain correspondence and documents on the Order of St John. The wealth of material on Ludwig von Heyl's decades of membership and activity in the exclusive student association Saxo-Borussia Heidelberg and the student association Heidelberger Kreis deserves special mention. During Ludwig von Heyl's active military service, there are records of his later active association with military veterans' associations and comradeships. Also correspondence with artists (e.g. sculptor David Fahrner, Prof. Schmoll von Eisenwerth, Daniel Greiner, Erich Arnold), some of which he sponsored as patrons, can be found in this collection. Ludwig C. von Heyls political activity (for the DVP) in the Wormser city parliament from 1918 to 1930, as hess. His involvement in local politics after 1945, as well as his work in the Evangelical Regional Church, is reflected in his work as a member of the Landtag (1924-1927). The splendid photo albums (from 1903 - 1937), which not only document the family environment and private activities, but also illustrate political and social events with supplementary source material (documents, newspaper clippings, leaflets, programmes, etc.), have a special source value. A continuation of the series was obviously planned, but was not implemented. However, material collections on "projected photo albums" are available until 1950. These were collected in envelopes and were stored in a suitcase when they were taken over. Further photographic material, negative series (negatives, glass plates, prints), including photographs from children's schools in Worms and the Sophienstift old people's home from the 1920s as well as photographs relating to Heyl-Liebenau offer a dense pictorial tradition up to the 1950s, and there are also some photo albums of other family members. Ludwig von Heyl sen. created a large proportion of photographic material and postcard series as material collections for lectures on travel. In the written record, which comes from the provenance of Ludwig C. Freiherr von Heyl jun., are, apart from correspondence (private and business), a large part of his work and membership in professional associations (hptsl. Verband der Deutschen Lederindustrie, in the association and in the VGTC - Verein für Gerberchemie und Technik). The available stock includes materials of various sizes from the Heyl-Liebenau leather works (from 1923), Emil Waeldin AG (from 1936), subsidiaries and foreign companies. Business correspondence, travel reports, daily, weekly and monthly reports, annual financial statements and memos are the focus of the documents. The final liquidation is also documented. The Kunsthaus Heylshof Foundation also has a diverse collection of records from its foundation until 1972, which almost completely corresponds to the registry list of the Kunsthaus Heylshof Foundation Files in Dept. 185 No. 2536. It includes, for example, inventories, documents relating to the Swarzenski Catalogue, correspondence, minutes of meetings of the Foundation's Board of Directors, documents relating to various works of art. The whereabouts of the Heylshof plans also listed in the aforementioned file by Attorney Engisch could not yet be determined. The extensive series of correspondence of father and son Ludwig C. von Heyl in this collection contain diverse material not only on the close members of one's own family, but also on the families married to them or linked by assumption of sponsorships. Here the old noble family of the Marwitz (Friedersdorf) is to be mentioned in particular. Ludwig C. Baron von Heyl sen. married Eva Marie von der Marwitz in 1917, with whose twin brothers Gebhard and Bernhard (Geppy and Banni, both killed in World War I) he was already in friendship during his studies in the Corps Saxo-Borussia. Extensive correspondence was also maintained with Adelheid and Bodo von der Marwitz (the other two siblings). Practical hints: When searching by search run, please note that different spellings should be taken into account for the keywords, especially for names, associations, etc. In the course of the manual sorting of the units of description, the alphabetical order on the one hand and the chronological order on the other hand were taken into account, especially for correspondence series. In the case of series of files of business documents, where the files had to be split, the original state of order of the files was normally maintained. This can lead to the fact that, since the files were filed chronologically from the back to the front over certain periods of time, a "chronological turner" can occur in the printed index if the chronological order is behind the filing order. The classification group 2.6.1. professional and trade associations, chambers proved to be so extensive and multi-layered by the old registry order that a complete reorganization was refrained from. For this reason, we recommend either a keyword search run or a review of the entire section in the search book for key areas of interest. For the photo negative series and partly for the glass plate negatives, handwritten claddings and indexes are available in which these are recorded almost completely with numbers and short details for illustration. This generally ensures that individual negatives can be accessed in a targeted manner. Reference to supplementary archive holdings: Here, above all, Dept. 180/1 Heyl'sche Lederwerke Liebenau in the town archives of Worms is to be consulted for the documents concerning the company, as it can be seen from the old registry signatures that the material originates from a provenance. The holdings complement each other and together reflect the original company registration. For the written material referring to the private-personal area or the family, the other large collection is primarily Dept. 186 Family Archives Leonhard von Heyl / Nonnenhof. Here, too, there are interdependencies in the tradition between the two stocks. This is partly also to be documented by preserved old archive registration folders in Dept. 185, which bear the provenance indication Freiherrlich von Heyl zu Herrnsheim'sche Privat-Verwaltung (e.g. Dept. 185 No. 246, No. 298). For the family, the collection holdings of Dept. 170/26 must also be taken into account. For the political activity in the city parliament and in the local politics of father and son Ludwig von Heyl in general, the holdings of Dept. 5 City Administration before 1945 and Dept. 6 City Administration Worms after 1945 were to be used. Worms, September 2009 Margit Rinker-Olbrisch, City Archive Worms Literature: The town archive of Worms contains a comprehensive bibliography on the history and significance of the von Heyl family and Heyl'sche Lederwerke. In the following only a selection of publications will be listed. - BAUER, Oswald G., Josef Hoffmann. The stage designer of the first Bayreuth Festival, Munich 2008 [close connections to the Worms family (von) Heyl]. - BÖNNEN, Gerold, Elections and Votes in Worms during the Weimar Republic: Materials and Analyses, in: Der Wormsgau 23, 2004, pp. 124-165 - HARTMANN, Christoph, Die Heyl'schen Lederwerke Liebenau. A Worms leather factory in the interwar phase against the background of a global market, diploma thesis at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich for the acquisition of an academic degree of a Dipl.-Staatswissenschaftler Univ., 2007 (masch., 122 pp.). - History of the City of Worms, edited by Gerold BÖNNEN, Stuttgart 2005 on behalf of the City of Worms (in particular Fritz REUTER, Der Sprung in die Moderne: Das "Neues Worms" (1874-1914), pp. 479-544; Gerold BÖNNEN, Von der Blüte in den Abgrund: Worms vom Ersten bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg (1914-1945), pp. 545-606; Hedwig BRÜCHERT, Social and Working Conditions in the Industrial City of Worms until World War I, pp. 793-823 - REUTER, Fritz, Four Important Families in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Heyl, Valckenberg, Doerr und Reinhart, in: Genealogie: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Familienkunde Vol. 21, 42. vol., 1993, p. 644-661 - Stiftung Kunsthaus Heylshof. Critical catalogue of the collection of paintings, edited by Wolfgang Schenkluhn, Worms 1922 (including: Klaus HANSEMANN, Der Heylshof: Unternehmerschloß und Privatmuseum, pp. 19-50; Judith BÜRGEL, "Da wir beide Liebhaberei an Antiquitäten besitzt". Zur Paäldeesammlung von Cornelius Wilhelm und Sophie von Heyl, pp. 51-71) - SWARZENSKI, Georg, Guide through the art collections at the Heylshof in Worms, o.O. 1925 - 1783-2008. Vereinigte Kasino- und Musikgesellschaft Worms. Festschrift zum 225-Jahrfeier, edited by Ulrich OELSCHLÄGER and Gerold BÖNNEN, Worms 2008 (Der Wormsgau, supplement 40)

Food Office (1916-1924) (inventory)
Stadtarchiv Worms, 015 · Bestand
Teil von City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Description of holdings: Dept. 15 Lebensmittelamt [AUGIAS] Size: 55 archive cartons (= 497 units) Duration: 1916-1924 Dept. 15 of the Stadtarchiv Worms is a collection containing mainly documents on the war economy during the First World War and the time of the subsequent occupation. The name 'Lebensmittelamt' was chosen because most of the files deal with the food supply of the population and the name 'Wirtschaftamt' would be misleading because there was no such office within the city administration. As part of the forced management of food and fuels introduced during the First World War, a food office was established in Worms in 1916. In 1920, under the supervision of a commission of the city council for food supply, there was a food office under the supervision of the 'head of the entire food supply of the city of Worms', to which, among other things, an issuing office for food cards was attached. The office was also associated with the Lohlenkommission, which was entrusted with the fuel supply, and the Ortskohlenstelle. By decision of the city council of 10.3.1924 the food office was abolished. The administrative structure of the food and fuel supply of the city of Worms is derived from the Address Book of 1922 (p. 445) (see also Address Book 1920 p. 477 f.). In addition to the documents on the food and fuel supply, there are also files on supplying the population with clothing and urban shoe care. In addition, there are a few files dealing with the provision of housing and individual files in which the female employees in Worms trade, industry etc. were identified in the course of job creation for war returnees under the direction of the Demobilmachungsausschuss (no. 404 enterprises B, L and no. 404 enterprises K). Three acts dating from 1940/41 which resulted in infringements of the consumption rules (No 124, 125, 126) fall entirely outside the scope of this framework. The documents of Dept. 15 probably came into the care of the archive immediately after the dissolution of the office (probably around 1930/33). The largest part of the abbot 15 was registered from 16 August to 10 September 2004 by the student Marion Bechtold (University of Heidelberg) in the context of a practical course after the bear's principle. The data were entered into the AUGIAS archive program. After completion of the registration work, the collection comprises 497 units, which are stored in 55 archive boxes (8 metres). The temporal emphasis of the tradition lies between 1915 and 1924, beyond that there are individual pieces, which go back to .... and/or up to 1942. It could be established that the files were partly kept in file covers of various municipal provenances, such as 'files of the police administration of the city of Worms (e.g. no. 253, 254, 168), 'files of the Lord Mayor of the city of Worms (e.g. no. 163, 164, 198, 208) and 'Stadtverwaltung Worms' (no. 171). In addition to the files of Dept. 15, there are numerous documents on the food supply in Dept. 5 and Dept. 13; see also Dept. 16 for the period from 1939 onwards. For the area of housing, see Dept. 17 of the Housing Office (by decision of the City Council on 21.1.1919, the establishment of a municipal housing authority). Worms, December 2004 Literature: Süß, Martin: Rheinhessen under French occupation. From the armistice in November 1918 to the end of the Sparatist riots in February 1924, Stuttgart 1988 (=Geschichtliche Landeskunde 31) Metzler, Georg: Das Wohnungswesen in Worms, in: 150 Jahre Wormser zeitung (1776-1926), Worms 1926, pp. 84-87 Bönnen, Gerold: Tumulte und Unruhen in Zeiten der Krise: Das Beispiel Worms (1916 bis 1933), in: Unrecht und Recht. Crime and Society in Change 1500-2000: Joint State Exhibition of the Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland Archives. Scientific Accompanying Volume, edited by Heinz-Günther Borck and Beate Dorfey, Koblenz 2000 (=Publications of the State Archive Administration Rhineland-Palatinate 98), pp. 389-411. Olbrisch, Silke: Die Novemberrevolution 1918 in Worms unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Arbeiter- und Soldatenrates, in: Pujari, Anjali: Worms unter französischer Besatzung (1918-1930) (Written homework within the framework of the First State Examination for the Teaching Profession for the Sec. II, University of Bonn 2001, masch.., 129 S.) Bönnen, Gerold: On municipal housing construction in Worms (1918-1933) in: Wohnungsbau Worms (ed.), 50 years of Wohnungsbau GmbH Worms (1950-2000), Worms 2000, p. 5-20

Stadtarchiv Worms, 040 · Bestand
Teil von City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Description of holdings: Abt. 40 Gemeindearchiv Herrnsheim (before 1945) Scope: 307 archive cartons 2 lfm Amtsbücher (= 2538 units = 49 lfm) Duration: 1445 - 1945 The preface to the present holdings Abt. 40 - Gemeindearchiv Herrnsheim (bis 1945) - des Stadtarchivs Worms is intended to give a brief insight into the development of the registry and archive material on the one hand at the time of its safekeeping in the Bürgermeistei Herrnsheim, and on the other hand since its takeover by the city of Worms. Subsequently, the indexing work is explained, with reference to special features and supplementary holdings. A short outline of the local history is sent in advance in the wording of the inventory overview of the Stadtar-chiv Worms, literature references to deepen the information on the local history can be found as an appendix to this foreword. I. About the local history about four km northwest of Worms; first mentioned in documents in 771; after the chamberlains of Worms (gen. von Dalberg, knightly family) had further enlarged their property in the village im-mer and extended their rights, they received it in 1375 as a fief (de facto rule in the village, market and court); Philipp Kämmerer von Worms made the village his residence: around 1460 construction of a castle on the site of today's castle, at the same time fortification of the village; 1470-92 reconstruction of a chapel of the parish church St. Peter (with numerous altars, patronage: monastery St. Peter's Abbey); 1470-92 conversion of a chapel of the parish church St. Peter (with numerous altars, patronage: monastery St. Peter's Abbey St. Peter's Abbey St. Peter's Abbey St. Peter's Abbey St. Peter's Abbey St. Peter's Abbey). Cyriakus/Neuhausen) to the family grave (thus situation of a small residence, which is well readable from a structural point of view until today); 1581 introduction of the reformation by Kurpfalz, 1635 extensive cremation of the place, Dalbergische local rule up to the end of the old empire; around 1900 approx. 2100 inhabitants; 1798-1814 French rule, from 1816 Grand Duchy and/or Volksstaat Hessen; 1816 Kanton Pfeddersheim, 1835 Kreis Worms, 1848 Regierungsbezirk Mainz, 1850 Regierungsbezirk Worms, 1852 - 1942 Kreis Worms; incorporation into Worms on 1.4.1942. II. municipal registry and archive In 1826, in accordance with the government decree of 25.7.1826, a register of the collections of laws, ordinances and instructions available in the Herrnsheim archive was compiled. The archive was refurbished in 1830/31 in connection with the construction of the new community centre. New furniture was commissioned and manufactured, including a filing cabinet for the archive and another for the mayor's office. Also the receipt of the Wwe. Ph. Ch. Schöneck from Worms of 20.4.1831 about 12 guilders and 19 cruisers for the repair of 28 steep cartons for the Bürgermeisterei-Archiv in Herrnsheim gives an insight into the file storage in Herrnsheim. On 30 October 1830, a circular was sent to all the provincial mayor's offices concerning the management of the files, concerning the "Order of the Provincial Municipal Archives". It is demanded that the official documents be sorted according to the aforementioned headings, that the files be sorted chronologically according to objects until 1830, then stored in cardboard boxes or cupboards in closed premises. The latter requirements were met - as explained above - in the new furnishing of the community centre. According to the circular, all receipts should be attached and the collection completed by 1 February of each year. On 27 March 1838 Mr. Völcker was commissioned by the district council to revise the municipal registry in Herrnsheim. In accordance with the registration plan for the mayors, he should inspect and arrange the documents on site and only receive his fees if he has completed this work in accordance with the regulations. Obviously this was not the case, because on July 26, 1838 the county council of Staedel assigned Mr. Peth from Bermersheim with the order of the municipal registry in Herrnsheim. A further inventory, which now also includes the files, was created for the community of Herrnsheim - presumably between 1905 and 1910 for valuation for insurance purposes. In the care of the mayor were an archive cabinet, two large file cabinets, a small file cabinet and an old file box. In addition to official and legal gazettes, various ordinances, handbooks and technical literature, 56 fascicles, the value of which could not be determined, are listed for the registry plan groups I - XXVI. In the following, numerous fascicles are listed both with details regarding assignment to the registry plan, duration and evaluation. Particularly noteworthy are e.g. the fair protocol book of 1716, guardianship bills and wills etc. 1699-1821, official and court protocols 1778-1798, fire register 1817, 1835 and 1848 as well as a new one. Also a local building plan (3 sheets), which is no longer available after current distortion, is proven in this inventory, estimated at 200 Marks. It should also be noted that there were several murals in the town hall, the Duke Dalberg, Emperor Wilhelm I, Emperor Wilhelm II and the Empress as well as members of the hess. Grand Duke's family, there were also other pictures, one, the volcanic eruptions showed another, the battlefield around Metz. The files mentioned in this inventory, which the registrar kept, seem to be available except for the volume listed here Birth, marriage and death registers 1780-1798. The next overview of the municipal archive Herrnsheim is provided in 1937 by Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Becker with his compilation of the inventories of the municipal archives of the district Worms. Here Prof. Henkelmann from Bensheim checked the existence of the community Herrnsheim and according to the file groups of the hess. The registry plan of 1908 is summarized. It should be noted that the oldest pieces mentioned here, e.g. the Morgenbuch (1626-1666; Dept. 40 No. 370), the Verordnungsbuch des Franz Heinrich Käm-merer von Worms Frhr. v. Dalberg (from 1742; Dept. 40 No. 1), the instrument of those at Neuhau-sen, about the provision of two Geharnischter at Herrnsheim (1445, no. 5), baker's order of 1736 (copy, dept. 40 no. 371) as well as further pieces already listed above in the inventory at the beginning of the 20th century, e.g. the fair protocol book, official and court records. In October 1914, the decree book of Franz Heinrich Kämmerer v. Dalberg as well as the instrument of those of Neuhausen were made available for use by the Grand Ducal Hessian House and State Archive in Darmstadt on behalf of the former Referendar Müller. Note: It is noticeable that the municipal council minutes are not available as a complete series, the earliest protocol book even only in 1836 begins. It is to be assumed and in comparison to other church archives as unusual to notice that this volume was at all the first protocol volume for Herrnsheim. It was acquired on 3 May 1836 alongside various other registers. According to the inventory (see above) three volumes were available at the beginning of the 20th century (1836/40, 1856/75 and 1875 ff), the pieces were valued at 90 marks. At least for the absence of a ribbon an explanation could be found in the files. The former mayor Brandt refused the publication of the protocol book in 1856. In 1986, the city archives once again attempted to investigate the failure of the municipal council records between 1840 and 1919, but the then head of the town Josef Wolf had to fit as well. There is also a gap in the series of municipal accounts with the corresponding volumes of deeds between 1924 and 1940. For the years after 1940, the accounts as well as the accounts and the corresponding documents of the Geschwister-Zimmer-Siftung for the period between 1921 and 1941/42 are missing. The loss of some files or the one or the other transaction can be explained by the fact that it happened that these were lost during the loan e.g. to the district office in Worms. For this reason, Herrnsheim refused to hand over correspondence with Freiherr Heyl'schen Güterverwaltung concerning the question of space for the fire station of the fire brigade to the Hessian Building Department in Worms. On his cover letter it was noted: did not happen, otherwise the files (like so many before already) would not be findable any more one day. In order to prevent the loss or destruction of files by air raids, Martin Fell and his wife were requested by the local administration on 21.9.1942 to secure important documents every evening and to salvage the files in the event of damage to the town hall caused by air raids. On 29.4.1943, in the course of the incorporation of Herrnsheim, the files were first transferred to the cellar of the Cornelianum in Worms. On the basis of the different file aprons the different used Regist-raturplans can be recognized, first 1836, then 1908 and finally after 1942 (with the inscription 'Stadtverwal-tung Worms'). Some file covers were preserved as samples in abbot 40 no. 2532 - no. 2534). For the fascicles belonging to the classification group XXI.09. Dalbergische Grundstücksangelegenheiten, the file aprons have inscriptions similar to those shown for files in Dept. 159. III. listing The written material taken over in the course of the incorporation 1943 was registered in the 70iger years after the Bär'schen principle, whereby as a rule the titles of the office books and minutes as well as those after the hess. file plans from 1836 or 1908 on the file aprons were taken over traditional inscriptions. This first registration work originally comprised 371 units, whereby the last registered units (from no. 331) were supplemented at later dates and comprised a running time until 1966. On 24 June 1971, the then District Court Director Dr. Heinz Pfannebecker handed over 12 documents to the City Archives, which obviously originated from the provenance of the Herrnsheim Mayor's Office. Most recently, in 2002, title recordings of sources from the still unlisted partial stock were made in connection with Volker Brecher's work on the war economy in Worms. Here, files were taken into account that were thematically related to prisoners of war, foreigners, etc. for the period between 1938 and 1950. In the inventory of Dept. 40, which had already been recorded, a few files exclusively with the term after 1945 were taken into account in the first registration. These were segregated and returned with the still unlisted part of the stock, which also included files after 1945, in order to be processed later in connection with Dept. 6 Municipality of Worms (after 1945). Since individual files may have already been used under their old signature, a list of these pieces can be found in the appendix of this finding aid book, which is currently stored in 29 archive boxes (plus some loose pieces) in the magazine of the Raschi-Haus (Regal 25) together with the total of six linear metres of written material after 1945. With the new indexing of the inventory Abt. 40 - Gemeindearchiv Herrnsheim - was started in December 2005, the indexing work was completed in July 2006. In addition to the written material already listed, unlisted material was also taken into account. The indexing work was carried out according to the Bär principle, whereby a new numbering inevitably resulted with the dissolution of earlier larger indexing units, i.e. new signatures were assigned for these documents. Therefore a concordance between old and new signatures was created and attached to this find book. The entire inventory was entered into the AUGIAS archiving program and simultaneously indexed (company, location, person and subject index). The basis for the classification was the hess. The file plan of 1908 was chosen and modified and supplemented according to local needs. For reasons of data protection, approx. 140 files were provided with blocking notices for use. The relatively high number results from the fact that a large number of civil documents are available for which the Civil Status Act provides guidelines for use or non-use. Thin folders from the period around 1930/40 were collected, which contained Generalia - often only in the size of 2-3 sheets - and had no direct reference to matters in Herrnsheim; in addition, two bundles of calibration maps were sorted out, which have no informative value whatsoever. In total, the scope of the cassation covers three archive boxes. The municipal archive Herrnsheim is kept to the extent of 2538 units of description (numerically up to 2534) in 308 archive boxes (49 linear metres, of which 2 linear metres are official books). The duration ranges from 1445 to the 1970s, with a focus on the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. Despite incorporation in 1942, the cut for the index was set at 1945 so that two border data did not have to be taken into account within only three years, i.e. 1942 as the year of incorporation on the one hand, 1945 as the border year for the files handed down by the city administration before 1945 (Dept. 5) and after 1945 (Dept. 6) on the other. Therefore, the files were left in Dept. 40, in which at least one document from 1945 was still contained - irrespective of whether the temporal focus of the file tended to concern the period after 1945. IV. State of preservation The state of preservation of the files and official records of the present municipal archives can be described as good by and large. Unfortunately a larger number of pieces affected with mould is to be registered in particular under the calculations and documents, as well as the handbooks and diaries over incomes and expenditures: 45 with light mould infestation, with mould and water damages 7 pieces and 14 volumes are sport and have mould milk damages. Besides, a part of the document books to the calculations as well as a large number of the handbooks and diaries (approx. 140 pieces, i.e. approx. 5.5 es total stock) show beside mould and spores also water damages. Ten official books (invoice receipts and property tax section directories) are bound in such a way that parchment, which as a rule is inscribed with liturgical texts, forms the spine of the book in second use. Also thread-stitched files, as known from Prussian administration, can be found in Dept. 40. These are the official records (Protocollum Judicale, Dept. 40 No. 295 - 298). V. Tips for the use of the inventory The signatures of the individual sources are indicated with : City Archive Worms Dept. 40 No..... The often underestimated significance of the following sources should be pointed out here. In the volumes of documents relating to the invoices, in addition to newspapers (e.g. Dept. 40 No. 2409), there are also work chords (Dept. 40 No. 2469), invoices of various companies (Dept. 40 No. 2502), e.g. on work performed and material used for it (Dept. 40 No. 2504). The correspondence registers (e.g. Dept. 40 No. 651, No. 652) were also kept in full text in some years, so that the complete correspondence between the higher authority or private persons on the one hand and the mayor's office on the other hand can be traced in connection with the corresponding fact files. The significance of the inventory of estates as a source genre for genealogical, social and economic research should be pointed out in particular. The inventories are in the present stock under the classification group X.02.e. Inheritances and guardianship matters registered. There are also files on asset sharing and wills. For ease of use, the units of description have been sorted roughly alphabetically by surname, with all occurring surnames "underlined" at the same time. With regard to the index of persons, it should be noted that in very few exceptional cases the correct alphabetical order was broken. If the usual spelling of a common name was extremely changed, the allocation was made within the normal one, e.g. 'Pardong' instead of 'Bardong', here the classification took place under 'B'. If family names were used with equal weight in different spellings and their proximity was recognizable within the alphabet, no standardization or assignment was made, e.g. Ertelmeyer/Erdelmeyer. The company index was created so that smaller businesses in the municipality, which normally only run under the personal name (e.g. J. Hübner, Buchdruckerei), could also be recorded. It would be very difficult to find small companies within the index. Now the list can be flown over within the company index - also in case of classification (depending on how the transaction is usually called) partly under the first name, partly under the last name or under the business object. The prefix "Fa." was omitted because it was not used regularly [possibly also at different times] even by one and the same company. That's why it's uncertain to what extent he's really part of the name. Apo counters and restaurants mentioned by name were also included in this index. General designations such as locksmith's shop and glazier's shop have been added to the index. VI. supplementary archive holdings Dept. 13 No. 1777 'Gewerbebetriebe zu Herrnsheim' (1860-1888) Dept. 30 Hess. Kreisamt Worms (e.g. files in the area of trade supervision, admission to the Hessian state association) Abt. 49 Gemeindearchiv Pfeddersheim (Herrnsheim as a municipality belonging to the canton of Pfeddersheim) Abt. 159 Herrnsheimer Dalbergarchiv Hess. State Archive Darmstadt: Family Archive of Dalberg (Dept. O 1 A-B) VII Literature BARDONG, Otto, Harlesheim - Herlisheim - Herrnsheim. Contributions to local and parish history, in: Herrns-heim 771-1971, edited by Otto Bardong, Worms 1971, pp. 43-104. BÖNNEN, Gerold (edited on behalf of the city of Worms), Geschichte der Stadt Worms, Stuttgart 2005. WOLF, Jürgen Rainer/SPENGLER, Hugo (Bearb.), Family Archive v. Dalberg (Dept. O 1 A-B) 1424-1846 (= Repertories of the Hessian State Archive Darmstadt 22/1), Darmstadt 1985. Herrnsheim. Portrait of a community, edited on the occasion of the 1225th anniversary in 1996 by the local community of Worms-Herrnsheim.

Stadtarchiv Worms, 159 · Bestand
Teil von City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Dept. 159 Herrnsheimer Dalberg-Archiv (files, official books) Size: 1943 units of description (= 27 lfm = 201 archive cartons, 2 large cartons, 2 lfm oversized formats - own inventory: 1878 VE, remainder in Heylshof = 64 VE, with sub-VE in total) 2015) Duration: 1445 - 1866 Zur Familie und Herrschaft Dalberg (Note 1) The family of the chamberlains of Worms, later called 'von Dalberg', belonged as an influential family association to the episcopal ministry of Worms. Since 1239 she held the hereditary office of the chamberlain of Worms; this was later associated with economic-financial privileges in Worms, court rights and the Jewish Court in Worms. Since the 14th century, the family has succeeded in expanding various ownership complexes between Niederelsass and Hunsrück, with a focus on Wormsgau. This also includes the expansion of power in the towns of Herrnsheim and Abenheim, which began in the 14th century, through the acquisition of feudal rights and property (2). The dominion complex with Herrnsheim and Abenheim was predominantly surrounded by Electoral Palatinate territory. Around 1460 a castle was erected in Herrnsheim (castle) and a surrounding wall was built around the village; between 1470 and 1492 a chapel of the local parish church of St. Peter was converted into a burial place, which has led to the development of the situation of a small residential town in Herrnsheim, which can still be seen today from the buildings and the townscape. Today's Herrnsheim Castle, owned by the town of Worms since 1958, was built together with the important English landscape garden in two construction phases from 1808 to 1814 and from 1820 to 1824. The dominion of Dalberg is a typical middle imperial knighthood territory. Since the late Middle Ages, the Dalberg dynasty had provided the fiefdoms of the Electorate of Mainz and Palatinate and held important ecclesiastical offices, including the bishop of Worms, Johann von Dalberg (1445-1503). The family split into different lines and branches. Outstanding persons for whom the collection contains material are Carl Theodor von Dalberg (1744-1817, Elector of Mainz, Grand Duke of Frankfurt); Wolfgang Heribert von Dalberg (1750-1806, Minister of State in Mannheim, Director of the National Theatre); Johann Friedrich Hugo von Dalberg (1760-1812, bishop and humanist); Emmerich Joseph Duc de Dalberg (1773-1833, diplomat and politician). In 1883 John Dalberg-Acton sold Herrnsheim Castle with all its interior and the park from his family's estate to Cornelius Wilhelm Heyl (Cornelius Wilhelm Freiherr von Heyl zu Herrnsheim), a leather industrialist from Worms, due to financial shortages (3). Thus also the library stored there and the documents and files of the Herrnsheimer Dalberg Archive of the previous owners were transferred to the buyer. After the death of his father in 1923, D. Dr. jur. Cornelius Freiherr Heyl zu Herrnsheim took over the castle, which he officially moved into in April 1929 (4). In the years of the Second World War the documents were relocated several times for safety reasons and probably suffered incomprehensible, but rather smaller losses (5). Until it was converted into an apartment, the Dalberg Archive was housed in a special archive room locked with an iron door in the castle, then in the library in the tower room on the first floor. When Siegfried Freiherr von Heyl zu Herrnsheim, son of D. Dr. jur. Cornelius Frhr. Heyl zu Herrnsheim, sold the castle to the city of Worms in July 1958 (6), the documents, files and official books of the Dalberg archive kept in boxes and bundles were not part of the sale. However, it was to be left on loan to the town on the basis of an agreement with the community of heirs (in autumn 1959) and an inventory was to be taken before a corresponding contract was concluded (7). This work was done by Carl J. H. Villinger (8), who handed over his summary list with the disaggregation to Dr. Georg Illert on 3.7.1964 (9). The draft of the loan contract was completed to the satisfaction of both parties at the end of 1965, so that there was nothing to prevent it from being concluded the following year. On 19 July 1966, lawyer H. Ramge, in his capacity as joint executor of the will, surprisingly approached the city with the offer that it could purchase the Dalberg Archive and the library holdings of Herrnsheim Palace from the estate of D. Dr. jur. Cornelius Freiherr Heyl zu Herrnsheim (10). With the support of the Landesarchivverwaltung Koblenz, which prepared an expert opinion on the basis of Villinger's list, the value was determined and one year later - in July 1967 - the documents were sold to the city. Thus, the Dalberg Archive, which according to the decree of the Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate of 13.7.1961 had been entered into the state register of nationally valuable archives, could remain in Worms as a closed collection (11). A more detailed inventory should then be made, which was completed before the archive was moved to the city archive for security reasons. Villinger had compiled a detailed list of the contents of the 39 archive boxes, the qualitative condition of which was indicated from good to partly very poor, and of the remaining archive documents (12). On the basis of this list of Villingers, the lack of various documents and files as well as individual letters from correspondence series and gaps in official book series could be ascertained (13). In 1980 Siegfried Freiherr Heyl zu Herrnsheim handed over 14 sealed parchment documents and in 1985 his daughter, Mrs. Cornelia von Bodenhausen, another 72, partly decorative documents from the former possession of the treasurers of Worms Freiherr von Dalberg to the Foundation Kunsthaus Heylshof (14). The documents kept there were examined with the consent of the then Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Frhr. Ludwig von Heyl, as part of the project for the Dalberg Regestensammlung under the auspices of Hess. Staatsarchivs Darmstadt microfilmed in Darmstadt in 1985 and included in the Regestenwerk (15). The further written material lying in the Heylshof such as files, correspondence etc. could be taken into account in the preparation of the present repertory (16). Some files, which were offered at an auction in Heidelberg in 1984, could be bought with the support of the Altertumsverein Worms (17). Also in 1994, with the financial support of the Kulturfonds der Wormser Wirtschaft, the city was able to acquire 23 official and accounting books from private sources, which were added to the collection. With the help of this material, gaps in existing series could be closed again. Among these acquisitions was also the inventory "Verzeichnis der Urkunden, Schriftstücke etc. des Kämmerer-Dalbergarchivs Schloß Herrnsheim...", compiled in 1919 by Heyl's librarian and archivist Wilhelm Graf, in which he [until then] had only recorded the documents (18). For the use and recording of the Dept. 159 This inventory, Dept. 159, comprises the Herrnsheimer Dalberg Archive (files and official books), which, together with the other inventories, Dept. 159-U Herrnsheimer Dalberg Archive (documents) and Dept. 159-P Dalberg Plan Collection, comprises the entire collection of the archive of the chamberlains of Worms Freiherr von Dalberg, formerly kept in the Herrnsheimer Palace. As a complex aristocratic archive within the holdings of the Worms City Archive, it is of supra-regional importance. It reflects the work of a knightly aristocratic family with its lordly function and family ties. After the takeover of the material by the city of Worms in 1967, the directory prepared by C. J. H. Villinger served as a finding aid for years. In the archive, the bundles and official books of No. 1 - No. 428 were numbered consecutively and recorded in a corresponding list. While the documents (No. 1 - No. 323, plus sub-numbers (19)) already registered in 1919 by the Heyl's librarian and archivist Wilhelm Graf in document folders with numbers and title entries were initially easy to use, the files and folders with short titles and box numbers contained in the remaining archive boxes were relatively reliably findable, but only vaguely citable due to missing individual signatures. After in the 1980s the processing of the Dalbergian document holdings in Darmstadt, Worms (Stadtarchiv, Heylshof, Pfarrarchiv Herrnsheim) and in other archives had been implemented under the auspices of the Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, a more precise indexing of the files was started as a further project (20). Dr. Jürgen Rainer Wolf of the Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt processed the documents kept in the other archive boxes of the Worms Dalberg Archive, which were brought to Darmstadt for this purpose. However, only a part of the boxes (21) was opened, and each box was given a number with sub-numbers separated by slashes for the individual pieces contained therein. However, the work did not come to a conclusion. With immediate effect Wolf's finding aid, which also included official book series, had to be used in addition to the directory compiled by Villinger (22). From then on, the use of the holdings was regarded as a particular challenge, especially since there was also a link between the holdings of documents and files. This was because, at the time of the document project, the comprehensive record of documents also included the documents lying dormant in the files, the location of which was then not reliable or only difficult to secure (23). At the beginning of 2011, due to the unsatisfactory usability of the inventory on the one hand and due to the discontinuous and inconsistent depth of distortion on the other hand, the complete new distortion of the file inventory was decided and completed in October 2012. The signatures should not be changed completely, but as many as possible should be preserved and the link with existing old signatures by means of concordance should of course be guaranteed. The titles were recorded directly in the Augias archive program, at the same time the documents were embedded in acid-free archive folders and boxes. "The numbering of the convolutes was retained as signatures and, if necessary, sub-numbers separated by slashes were assigned as soon as the mostly extensive fascicles contained various individual folders. "The official records retained their signatures. "The Wolf's units of description with their signatures (no. 430/1ff - no. 440/1ff) were taken over, sifted through and the existing title recordings were deepened and supplemented on the basis of the newly recorded pieces. "Documents (24) possibly in the files, which were considered in the Dalberger Regesten volumes, were seized with the title admission both over the old signature, and usually with reference to the sequential number in the second volume of the Dalberger Regesten (25). "The further archive boxes not yet taken up by Wolf were continued and listed according to the given pattern, i.e. each further archive box received a new number (No. 442ff (26)) and the individual files, folders etc. preserved therein were provided with sub-numbers, separated by a slash. "The unlisted material found at the end of the inventory was then added with consecutive signatures. "The Dalberg letters purchased on various occasions in the 1970s, mainly letters from Carl Theodor von Dalberg, which had been integrated into the collection at the time, also remained with the new indexing in Dept. 159. " The documents kept at Kunsthaus Heylshof were recorded and selected pieces digitized (27). The digital copies were integrated in the Worms Municipal Archives into the collection of Dept. 159, since the pieces of their provenance can be attributed to the former Herrnsheim Dalberg Archive. In the case of the originals, the signatures of the city archives were noted, while the numbering used in the Heylshof (28) was recorded as an "old signature" in the title recording. This enables targeted access to the originals at Heylshof if required. "Within the scope of the registration work also the files of Dept. 159 N were dissolved (29) and inserted into Dept. 159 (now Dept. 159 No. 852 - No. 884). These are files, correspondence and family papers (mainly on the Petersau donation and the Tascher affair), which obviously also belonged to the Dalberg Archive in the past. These once formed the inventory of Dept. 158 of Dalberg, which must have existed before 1967, about its origin, i.e. (pre-)provenance before transfer into the archive, but no information is available. During the title recording it became apparent that the inventory did not have a coherent structure and that the development of a system would only make sense after completion of the work. The classification was finally drawn up on the basis of the main points of content. The assignment of each individual unit of description to the corresponding classification group then took place in a final work step, after the completion of which a real overview of the contents of the present tradition and its meaning in its entirety could be obtained. Contents The documents that were last kept in the library tower of Herrnsheim Castle before being transferred to the Worms City Archives essentially comprise archival documents relating to the Herrnsheim Dalberg Line. By the marriage (oo 12.1.1771) Wolfgang Heribert von Dalbergs with Elisabetha Augusta nee Ulner von Dieburg (30) as well as by connections of the Dalberger with other families further document and file material was added. The collection of Dept. 159 as part of the Herrnsheimer Dalberg Archive comprises the file and official book tradition, the temporal focus of which clearly lies in the 18th and the first half of the 19th century. The early material (from 1249) is mostly copies of documents. A copy in which a large number of documents were recorded between 1249 and 1469 (31) deserves special mention here. Temporal "runaways" in the 20th century came about through subsequent additions to the holdings. On the one hand, various correspondences and records had been added sporadically at the time of the von Heyl family (32) and on the other hand, in connection with the purchase of Dalberg letters, the corresponding correspondence had been left with the letters (33). The most closed collection within the Dept. 159 is the archive material dating back to Emmerich Joseph von Dalberg (1773-1833). Due to the fact that with him the Herrnsheimer Dalberg line died out in the male tribe, after the death of his father Wolfgang Heribert all administrative matters of the Herrnsheimer line and after the death of his uncle Carl Theodor von Dalberg as his universal heir were incumbent upon him the order and administration of his inheritance including the Regensburg endowment. Furthermore and especially in Dept. 159 there is the diplomatic estate of the Duc de Dalberg with numerous memoirs, correspondence and rich material (targeted collection, own records etc.) on the (foreign) policy of France and other European countries. In addition, its business activities are richly reflected, not least in the activities of the Paravey Bank.

Heylsche Lederwerke Liebenau (inventory)
Stadtarchiv Worms, 180/01 · Bestand
Teil von City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Dept. 180/1 Heylsche Lederwerke Liebenau Scope: 260 archive boxes and 7 linear metres of books/standing (= 1104 units of registration = 40 linear metres) Duration: 1879 - 1975 Acquisition, history of the inventory Dept. 180/1 comprises the most complete company archive within the archive holdings of the Worms municipal archive. It represents the development of the Worms leather industry, especially in the period from about 1922 to the end of production after its discontinuation at the factory in Worms-Neuhausen in 1974. There are no losses during the war, cassations of the material, of which nothing is known in detail, were obviously limited. After the end of production in the Liebenau plant (Neuhausen, area Kurfürstenstraße, today the workshops and administration of Lebenshilfe Worms are located there), the inventory, initially operating as Abt. 169 (until its renaming in 1996), was taken over by the Worms municipal archives in 1974 in consultation with Mr Ludwig Frhr. v. Heyl, born in 1920. Until 2008, it was stored in a standing position (mainly file folders, cf. fig.) in the Adenauerring office building, Oberer Keller, with a circumference of 49 linear metres. When the files were selected for submission to the archives, a considerable part of the documents relating to the work (which in turn were mixed with Heyl's family archives) was separated from the parts handed over to the archives; this part was transferred to the municipal archives in 1997 as Dept. 185. The latter, a very rich and extensive collection, has been listed since 2007 and contains both company and private documents of the von Heyl family. It is essential to use the inventory to supplement the source material available here (cf. in future the preface to the finding aid book). The archive holdings of Dept. 180/1 did not have a clear internal structure at the time of its transfer and were first opened up or provisionally in 1993/94 by the student Mr Burkhard Herd in preparation for his diploma thesis on the leather industry, written at the University of Mannheim in 1994, from 1933 to 1945 (using Heyl-Liebenau as an example). Herd numbered the folders and staplers (approx. 650 units) and entered them (without running times and closer registration according to the usually available back titles) into an alphabetical list of topics, which was able to convey a very compressed first impression of the material with twelve pages. Herd's subsequent work (masch. 144 p.) includes a partial evaluation of questions of Nazi economic history using the example of the leather industry. In this form the stock was always to be used only very limitedly. In 1993, Volker Brecher last evaluated the documents for his study on working conditions in the leather industry during the Second World War as well as for the question of the use of forced labourers. In 2007, Christoph Hartmann presented an analysis of selected aspects of company development in the 1920s. Apart from that, the value of the rich source material for the economic history of Worms and the entire development of the leather industry has remained unused to this day, even nationwide, due to the fact that it has not been developed. From December 2007 to the end of February 2009, the entire holdings were completely listed by the signatory and entered into 'Augias'. In the process, a classification was developed which attempts to take into account the essential overdelivery characteristics and structures of the material. The material was successively brought to the Raschi House and is mainly stored here. The classification reaches its limits where (how often) the documents mix family-private affairs with company matters, where foreign business and domestic activities are intertwined (this applies to the entire field of correspondence) and the like. There have been relatively clear distinctions in the area of personnel and the activities of the company director in committees, chambers and associations since 1942 and 1949, respectively. Main focus and significance About half of the documents are divided between the time before and after 1945; there were probably no war losses. The value of the stock for economic historical research is to be estimated very highly. The main focus in terms of time was between 1922/23 (independence of the company) and 1962 (death of Ludwig C. v. Heyl sen.) or the end of production in 1974. At the end of the 60s the factory still employed about 400 people. Heyl'schen Lederwerke Liebenau in Neuhausen was taken over in 1901 by Cornelius Wilhelm v. Heyl through the acquisition of the shares and integrated into Heyl'sche Gesamtunternehmen. The goatskin factory, which has existed since the end of the 19th century (formerly Schlösser

Municipal archive Horchheim (holdings)
Stadtarchiv Worms, 042 · Bestand
Teil von City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Description of holdings: Dept. 42 Gemeindearchiv Horchheim Scope: 107 archive boxes, 3 m Amtsbücher, 11 m Urk.z.Rechn. (923 units = 33 m) Duration: 1710 - 1945/72 Zur Ortsgeschichte Horchheim lies approx. four km southwest of Worms in the Eisbachtal. The village was first mentioned in a deed of donation in the Lorsch Codex in 766. The name of the place is derived from the word "horac" "swampy". The marshy valley, afflicted by the floods of the Eisbach, gave it its name. Horchheim had belonged to the high monastery of Worms since the early Middle Ages. Together with some surrounding villages Horchheim and Weinsheim belonged to the dominion of Stauf, which in the 12th century was under the rule of Counts of Eberstein, from 1215 the Counts of Zweibrücken and from 1378 by purchase to the Counts of Sponheim. In 1393 the dominion was inherited by the Counts of Nassau-Saarbrücken; the Electorate Palatinate and Nassau-Weilburg, who had also acquired rights in Horchheim over the years, were involved in an exchange contract in 1706, with which the village returned to the high monastery (until 1798). 1798 - 1814 French domination, from 1816 Grand Duchy and Volksstaat Hessen respectively; 1816 Canton Pfeddersheim, 1835 District Worms, 1848 Regierungsbezirk Mainz, 1850 Regierungsbezirk Worms, 1852 - 1942 District Worms, incorporation into Worms on 01.04.1942. The municipalities Horchheim and Weinsheim are closely connected in their history. In 1715 Weinsheim appears for the first time as an independent municipality with its own mayor. After 1792, Weinsheim was administered from Wiesoppenheim, while it had always been a church branch of Horchheim. Due to the close connection, files from Weinsheim are also part of the Horchheim collection. From the middle of the 16th to the beginning of the 17th century Horchheim was predominantly Protestant, since 1635 (until today predominantly Catholic) again (parish church Heilig-Kreuz, patronage and tenth right of the cathedral monastery). In 1496 about 200 inhabitants lived in Horchheim. By 1900 the population had grown to about 1,800 inhabitants, 7 of them Jews, and in 2002 it was 4,475 inhabitants. Worth mentioning are the charitable foundations in Horchheim: the Elendenbruderschaft, the Hospital Neuhausen and the branch of the Order of Merciful Sisters. The brotherhood of the wretched was established in 1448. In 1726 a new altar for the church was procured from the funds of the foundation and a contribution to the purchase of an organ was shown. The money from the interest was used to build and maintain the school building and to pay the school teachers, to care for the local poor and poor travellers and to pay the school fees for poor children. In 1824 the fund was placed under the control of the administrative commission of the Neuhausen Hospital by the provincial government in Mainz. In 1825, at the request of the Horchheim municipal council, the so-called brotherhood house with garden was auctioned off. The proceeds were used to build the new school and community centre. The Neuhausen Hospital was founded in 1729/30 by the bishop of Worms, Franz Ludwig von Pfalz-Neuburg (1694-1732) in the form of a foundation and equipped with rich property. In a document dated 22 August 1730 (Dept. 61 No. 112), the bishop bought the manor and former monastery Liebenau for 12,000 guilders with an associated mill and numerous possessions in order to guarantee the existence of the foundation. Before his death he bequeathed a large part of his assets to the foundation to complete the newly built hospital building so that the Pfründner could finally move in. At the beginning of the French period (1798), when the buildings were destroyed, they were converted into a civil hospital, which was united with other hospitals in the canton of Pfeddersheim. By decree of 1801 the Hospital Neuhausen regained its independence and its name. Horchheim was chosen as the seat of the foundation, which was chaired by the mayor of Horchheim. Furthermore, the 14 member municipalities on the left bank of the Rhine were defined, whose citizens benefited from the funds and whose envoys formed the Administrative Commission. These were: Beindersheim, Bobenheim, Dirmstein, Hettenheim, Leidelheim (later Hettenleidelheim), Horchheim, Laumersheim, Mörsch, Neuhausen, Neuleinigen, Rheindürkheim, Roxheim, Weinsheim and Wiesoppenheim. In 1855, a revised monastery statute came into force, which was replaced by a new statute in 1948. The former hospital - under the supervision of the hospital commission on the basis of a hospital property consisting of agricultural land in 20 local markings in and around Worms - still exists today as a foundation. As a result of the incorporation into Worms on 01.04.1942, the archival material was added to the city archives in 1943 (cf. tax register of the municipality of Horchheim, Dept. 20 No. 22). On 17.03.2004 the city archive took over the remaining files, which had been kept in the municipality. The inventory was already indexed by a preliminary list (rough drawing). Distortion began in March 2008. The duration, the structure of which corresponds to the registration plan of 1908, ranges from (1614) 1710 to 1972. Particularly worth mentioning are the Horchheimer Flur- und Güterbuch with border description of the district of Horchheim from 1710-1773 (no. 0043) as well as the Schatzungsbuch 1710-1798 (no. 0001); Gerichtsprotokoll über Tausch-, Kauf- und Verkaufsgeschäfte 1769-1791, Vormundschaften 18. (alph.); stock book, renovation protocol 1753; renovation of the Korngülte of the Andreasstift (Perg. Urk. 1614), various renovations and Gülten of the 18th century. With the inhabitant maps are excerpts from the birth, marriage, punishment and death registers, offerings, church exits for the period from 1853 to 1972 (use after arrangement). As an almost complete series, the Mayor's Office invoices and the corresponding documents, in which plans for the construction of the school building, 1827, (No. 793/2), situation plan for the supervision or approval of new buildings on the lower eastward part of the village of Horchheim, 1847 (No. 793/2), are presented, are almost complete (No. 793/2). 322), draft for the construction of the bridge over the Eisbach at the lower mill at Horchheim, 1846 (No. 802/4) as well as cost estimates for the construction of a mortuary, catering and quartering of the troops. The local companies are also important: Pfeiffer

Stadtarchiv Worms, 020 · Bestand
Teil von City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Description of stock: Abt. 20 Municipal cultural institutes Scope: 160 archive boxes (= 1271 units of description = 21 linear metres) Duration: 1879 - 1980 On the history of the cultural institutes In 1934, the 'Städtische Kulturinstituten' (Municipal Cultural Institutes) took over the management of the Municipal Museum (previously owned by the Antiquities Society), the Municipal Archive, which had been occupied full-time since 1898, the Municipal Library (Scientific Library and Public Library, founded in 1879 as a library of the Society), which initially belonged to the Antiquities Society and was transferred to the City in 1906, and the Gemäldegalerie (Picture Gallery), which had existed since 1913, under the directorship of Dr. B. H., which had been under the direction of Dr. H. H. H., and which had been in existence since 1913. Friedrich Maria Illert (1892-1966) (see also Introduction to the History of the Archive). The merger of these institutions under one director (1934-1958 Dr. Friedrich Maria Illert, 1959/60-1979 Dr. Georg Illert) existed until the dissolution and division into individual offices on 31.12.1979. At that time, offices 41 (Kultursekretariat), 42 B (Bibliotheken), 43 V (Volkshochschule), 45 M (Museum) and 47 A (Stadtarchiv) were established. After 1945, after the destruction of the 'Bergkloster' (domicile since 1933), the responsibility of the cultural institutes located first in the Museum im Andreasstift, then from 1963 in the Haus der Kulturinstitute and/or zur Münze extended to the Volkshochschule established in 1947 after the failed attempts of the Weimar Republic (1919/26). This also applies to the preservation of historical monuments which has been carried out by Illert since the end of 1945 for the town and district of Worms, as well as to the urban Terra Sigillata manufactory existing from the end of 1945 to 1951 according to initial considerations from the period around 1941/42. This initially functioned as a municipal company which produced ceramics in accordance with historical models under municipal direction and passed into private hands in the spring of 1951 by way of leasing. The files were delivered to the archives in several deliveries and index layers. With the processing completed in autumn 2007, since the 1980s ongoing efforts to form the collection, to index it and to delimit it have been brought to an end; most recently, files were taken over in 1995. In this way, numerous aspects of local cultural policy between the 1920s and around 1980 can be comprehensively researched. A differentiation from the files of the successor offices (cf. Dept. 6, from 1980) has meanwhile been made. The classification is the result of working on the material, as there was no consistent classification in the file plan. The holdings have a total of 1221 units of description and comprise 154 archive cartons and 2 oversized formats. The duration ranges from 1877, 1890 to 1981, 1990. The content of the department Due to the loss of a not inconsiderable part of the service registry of the institutes for the period before 1945 due to the effects of war, the chronological focus of the tradition is on the period thereafter. The founding circumstances and the activities of the cultural institutes up to the Second World War are only recognizable to a limited extent from the files. For the period after 1945, in addition to documents on the aforementioned institutions and, above all, their reconstruction, the files also contain numerous materials concerning Jewish sites, various associations and scientific societies, as well as extensive correspondence. Separately, there is also Dept. 22 with records of the preservation of historical monuments (cf. there). Supplementary archive holdings Due to the strong position of the director Dr. Friedrich Illert, the material was closely interlocked with his estate (Dept. 170/16), which is not always clearly separated from the files, and the temporal focus of which is also clearly post-1945; in addition, the still unlisted estate of his son (Dept. 170/17), which could only be taken over in 2006, will be of importance. Important is the supplementary file material in the files of the city administration (Dept. 5, Dept. 6); in addition there is the city theatre existing from 1945 to 1956. The documents of the Altertumsverein (Abt. 75) are important because of numerous overlaps and above all because of the museum; in addition, relevant documents can be found in the collection of contemporary history (Abt. 204) and in the Dienstbibliothek. For the time before 1933, reference is made to Abt. 170/23 Nachlass-Splitter Erich Grill. Department 22 (Preservation of historical monuments) comprises the materials resulting from Illert's work as a monument conservator; the files on the preservation of historical monuments and the reconstruction of Worms, which resulted from Dept. 20, were also classified there (with proof of origin). The photo department keeps very extensive photographic material with a special focus on cultural institutions. Literature Regular activity reports of the cultural institutes can be found in volumes 2 to 13 of the journal 'Der Wormsgau' published by them together with the Altertumsverein; Reuter, Dr. Friedrich M. Illert; G. Illert, 100 Jahre Altertumsverein Worms; Johannes, Geschichte; Beständeübersicht (1998), Einleitung p. 18ff.; Geschichte der Stadt Worms, hg. v. Gerold Bönnen, Stuttgart 2005 (various subjects and further lit.)