Affichage de 3 résultats

Description archivistique
emigration agents
Stadtarchiv Worms, 030 / 055 · Dossier · 1898 - 1937
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Contracts between shipping companies (Norddt. Lloyd, Hamburg - America - Line, Hamburg - Südamerikanische Dampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft, Holland - America Line, German - East Africa - Line, Cunard See Transportgesellschaft, American Line, Amerikanische Dampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft mbH, White Star Line, Red Star Line) and Agents (Emil Dinkelmann, Wilhelm Egenolf, Julius Ebel, Ludwig Leydecker, Ludwig Lyssenhop, Gustav Metzger, Karl Guggenheim, Fritz Mall, Friedrich Schiffer, Otto Paul, Rudolf Stenzel) Darin: WVZ v. 11.5.1933,v. 15.1.1926; WZ v. 17.2.1899, v. 25.1.1913 (only half title page)

Stadtarchiv Worms, 185 / 2692 · Dossier · 1905 - 1915
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: different Corpsbrüder, among others von ROHR (Corpsbruder), Oskar von DEWITZ, Herbert DIRKSEN, (?) from Dar es Salaam [long letter]; further correspondence partners Prof. Heinrich DIEHL, brother Cornel, mother (1./2. Feb. 1912; Familiäres [Note: complicated relationship between Grand Duke and C. W. von Heyl, Meeting on Sunday]), Sister March, Rudi STEPHAN (concerning meeting; Feb. 1912), Sela (from Langfuhr, Johannisberg), Julius FITZ, W. VOGT (philosophizing), Thekla GEIGER, O. C. KANZOW (New York), Prof. D. BONIN (concerning meeting; Feb. 1912), Thekla GEIGER, O. C. KANZOW (New York), Prof. D. BONIN (concerning meeting; Feb. 1912), Sr. Charles FALLOT Darin: Letterhead with illustration: Hotel Steinbock, Lauterbrunnen; similar: Grand Hotel de Russie et des Iles Britanniques (Rome); Student hostel pass (Abiturient Frhr. Ludwig von Heyl zu Herrnsheim); card: Saxo-Borussia-Heidelberg; postcards: Heidelberg ([Karl Küstner Heidelberg No. 1471 I]), Berlin (Franz. Dom mit Schillerdenkmal), Danzig (St. Marien, after painting), Heidelberg (Schloss und Alte Brücke, after painting), Genova (Panorama), Mannheim (Friedrichsplatz), Schloss Lauske (100 years ago, after a pattern); also letter Sela to her mother (Oct. 1911); notes of a speech

Stadtarchiv Worms, 186 / 0790/1 · Dossier · Juni-Sept. 1913
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Includes: AUDEBERT (Bund der Landwirte), ARBEITSAUSSCHUSS der Marksburg-Ausstellung 1914 (on loan for the exhibition); ATHLETENCLUB I Worms (founded 1888; thanks for donation on the occasion of the 25th anniversary), Sportverein BOBSTADT (newly founded, support); Fußballvereinigung 1913 BÜRSTADT (application for support), Dir. BREUNIG (only request concerning tax liability of the Fiedeikommiss); BECKER / Bad Salzhausen (concerning classification as Obergärtner [note: description of his activity for the spa facilities]; Hofrat Max BEHREND (director of the Mainzer Stadttheater, concerning Parsifalaufführung), Geheimrat Dr. BEST (concerning occupation of the Kreisassistenzarztstelle); BUCHSIEB (Fürstl. Wiedischer Amtsrat (Wiedischer Amtsrat) for his nephew Karl Schäfer, leather industry); Prof. Dr. Geog BIERMANN (Artistic Advisory Board in the Cabinet (due to the formation of an honorary committee for the planned general German retrospective art exhibition 1650-1800 in Darmstadt); Sportclub BÜRSTADT (provision of two halls - cancellation),; Rheinhessischer BIENENZÜCHTERVEREIN e..V. Worms (installation of a beehive queen station on the Guntershausen estate); military association Hassia BÜRSTADT, Elisabeth DÖRSAM (representative of the station administrator in Monsheim; representation of interests support also towards the Royal Prussia.