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'Correspondence from bishops (u''ateral)'
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, C 0068 / 7 · Akt(e) · 1880-1929
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

' Contains: Business cards; Haffner; Carlo Pietropaoli; Belopotocki; Bilczewski; Brennan; Carl Augustin; Ehrler; Fraknói; Franziskus Hennemann; Isaak Nicolaus Tsakowicz; Paul Wilhelm von Keppler; Ignaz Lobos; Severin von Moranski; Phillipus F. Nakić; Sigismund Felix Freiherr von Ow; Radini Tedeschi; Martin Josef Rika; Georgius Eppus; Joseph Stadler; Antonio Valbonesi; Fr. Pio Vidi; Weber; Michael Buchberger; Valerio Laspro; Filippo Castracane degli Antelminelli; Augusto Guidin 1880-1929

Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, C 0068 / 20 · Akt(e) · 1916-1917
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)
  • Contains: Repeal of the Jesuit Law 1917; essay 'Il n'y a pas d' 'internationale' catholique'; Italian mobilisation against the Vatican; 'Der Vatikan' for special issue of 'Süddeutsche Monatshefte'; Wir kommen einander näher; The French Protestants and German peace; Intensified submarine warfare and the world grain market; Submersibles and the French merchant navy; The grain supply of our enemies; England's daily bread; America's disappointed hopes; France's great internal suffering; Russia in France's judgement; 'For consideration' about the food shortage; Interesting facts from the enemy press; Parliamentarians and politicians from enemy countries at the negotiating table; The Zurich meeting of Catholic parliamentarians and politicians; The Poles against the Irredenta idea; French concessions; Important facts from the enemy press; Italy's economic prospects; Italy's economic situation; French financial worries; Effects of the English export ban on Italy; Gabriele d'Annunzio in new light; The political votes on the Briand Ministry; Birmingham versus Manchester; The growing French war costs; Japan's internal and external policy; Confessions from the enemy camps; Wilson's friendship for the German people; American ignorance; Democracy and autocracy; Futile incitement of the German people; French atrocities in Togo; Terrible suffering of German civilian and war prisoners in Africa; A judgement of the Belgian Court of Cassation; 'L'affaire Wolf' and other stories; Paris Chronicle; Gloomy French Chronicle; Lloyd George's Peace Speech and The Spectator; The Russian army conditions are colouring the French; They are beginning to tell the truth; From the Eternal City; Belgian cabinet crisis; France's serious Mediterranean worries; The Italian defeat in London; The truth about the Alsatian objection in 1871n* 1916-1917, University Archives Freiburg, C 0068 NL Paul Maria von Baumgarten, theologian (1860-1943)
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, C 0068 / 22 · Akt(e) · 1916-1917
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)
  • Contains: The Pope's neutrality; The holy places of Jerusalem under English bombardment; English bombs on Jerusalem; The Boselli ministry in Italy; Tobacco and war in France; General Pershing in France; The belt must be tightened; Coals, coals, coals!; What will cover a hundred French francs today?What is now possible in France and England; Jesuits; Terrible suffering of German civilian and war prisoners in Africa; French atrocities in Togo; Wilson's friendship for the German people; American ignorance; The growing French war costs; Italy's economic situation; France's realisation; Effects of the English export ban on Italy; News from the Roman Curia; Red Cross and the Roman Curia; Italy's trade balance; A pioneer of Germanism dies in Rome (Anton de Waal); The Poles against the Irredenta idea; Parliamentarians and politicians of enemy countries at the negotiating table; The Zurich meeting of Catholic parliamentarians and politicians; Russia in French judgement; America's disappointed hopes; England's daily bread; The grain supply of our enemies; The brutality of numbers; Intensified submarine warfare and the world grain market; Ruthlessly cut short; The abbreviation of the war; Monarchical thoughts; On 27 January 1917; The Kaiser's birthday; The Kaiser's birthday on 27 January 1917; The Kaiser's birthday on 27 January 1917; The Kaiser's birthday on 27 January 1917; The Kaiser's birthday on 27 January 1917; The Kaiser's birthday on 27 January 1917; The Kaiser's birthday on 27 January 1917; The Kaiser's birthday on 27 January 1917 January 1917; Kaiser's birthday; What is Kaiser Wilhelm worth to us?; Coal shortage in Italy; The hopelessness of voluntary civilian service in France; How the French treat their own countrymen; A new breach of international law. Retention of a Greek ship on account of friendliness to the Germans; International madness; Beasts; The moral position of our enemies; Political assassination; The atrocious mistreatment of our prisoners by our enemies; Insult and rape of the Curia; Italy and England against the Curia; The French Protestants and German peace; English warning against arming merchant ships; A French crime; Chamberlain von Gerlach; On Germany's renewal; Worries and plans; A cry of fear from the 'Temps'; Action!; The crack in the Duma block; French folly; The first Turkish munitions and army supplies factory; Yes, action!; The English loan in Japann* 1916-1917, University Archives Freiburg, C 0068 NL Paul Maria von Baumgarten, theologian (1860-1943)
Anatomical Institute and donations received
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 3155 · Akt(e) · 1885-1921
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Reptilian collection; collection of anatomical images and photos by Alexander Ecker; collection of skulls by general physician Dr. von Beck (14 pieces, antiquity-17th century); donation of 2 pictures by Mrs. Ecker; osteological specimens by Dr. Ecker by Beck; brains of anthropoid monkeys from Banana, Congo estuary by Dr. Kloberg; photos of grave finds by Dr. Bäumler; Japanese art products; 2 skulls from West Africa (Togo) by Dr. von Beck; wax models by Dr. Franz Keibel; library gifts;

Assistants, Geological-Mineralogical Institute
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 4322 · Akt(e) · 1886-1918
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)
  • Includes: Salary matters, Aversum.<br />Individual cases: Carl Schmidt, Carl Futterer, Carl Lent, Friedrich Pfaff, Otto Hug, Karl Schnarrenberger, Max Mühlberg, Theodor Lorenz, G. Vollmer, Wilhelm Paulcke, Walter Schiller, Otto Wilckens, Otto Schlagintweit, Karl Deninger, Hermann Meyer, Erich Horn, Richard Neumann, Emil Wepfer, Paul Grosch, Hans Cloos, Serge von Bubuoff, Wolfgang Soergel, Axel Born, Julius Wilser, Karl Hummel. 1886-1918, University Archives Freiburg, B0001 Rectorate, Facts of the University Administration description: Contains: Salary matters, Aversum. - Individual cases: Carl Schmidt, Carl Futterer, Carl Lent, Friedrich Pfaff, Otto Hug, Karl Schnarrenberger, Max Mühlberg, Theodor Lorenz, G. Vollmer, Wilhelm Paulcke, Walter Schiller, Otto Wilckens, Otto Schlagintweit, Karl Deninger, Hermann Meyer, Erich Horn, Richard Neumann, Emil Wepfer, Paul Grosch, Hans Cloos, Serge von Bubuoff, Wolfgang Soergel, Axel Born, Julius Wilser, Karl Hummel. * Classification number: 04430
Bildbeschriftung: Deutsch-Neuguinea
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, D 0095 / 335 · Akt(e) · 1908
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)
  • Enthält: Plate with 4 photographs. Portraits of 4 men, from the side. Labelled picture top left: 'Warapul (Berlinhafen), Prof. R. Neuhaus Dec. 1908', top right: 'young man from the island of Biliao near Friedr Wilh. harbour, German New Guinea', bottom right: 'Kai Sattelberg German New Guinea', bottom right: 'Warapul Berlinhafen'n* 1908, Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, D 0095 Anthropologische Fotosammlung
Bildbeschriftung: Sebastiana Bol./ Juana Cu.
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, D 0095 / 526 · Akt(e) · 1909
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)
  • 1909, Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, D 0095 Anthropologische Fotosammlungn* Contains: Plate with 4 photos. Full-length portraits of two women. On the reverse a form with measurements taken on the heads and bodies of the two women by 'E.P. Dieseldorff'. Excerpts: 'Head and body measurements taken by E.P. Dieseldorff in Coban and verified by Dr v. Strolincki in May 1909 on the Indian women from Gutilguitz north of Coban, who were perhaps mistakenly thought to be dwarfed. Coban. In compliance with the numbers as used by Prof. v. Luschow for the 6 Pygmies from Ituri(?).' As well as: 'it is striking that in both individuals there is a depression in the sagital direction on the head, from the cl. sutura downwards to the xxxxx xxx which is probably due to rickets.' Also included: Letter discussing further action in relation to the two girls, with a request for skeletal samples from the population
Burgunderstraße 30 (Professorenwohnhaus)
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B 0001 / 561 · Akt(e) · 1908-1957
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)
  • Contains: New building; rented to [Hans] Schneiderhöhn, [Ernst August] Ansel, Albrecht Mertz, Bruno Geinitz, [Hans] Jantzen, [Heinrich] Besseler, Josef Mayer, [Alfred] Wikenhauser, Gottwald Fischer, Willibald Gurlitt, Wöhrlin, Walter Friedländer, Ernesto Grassi, Mathn* 1908-1957, University Archives Freiburg, B 0001 Rectorate, University Administration (1749-1982)
Chair of Geography
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 1248 · Akt(e) · 1891-1936
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)
  • description: Contains: Personnel: Karl Ludwig Neumann; Carl Sapper (6.2.1866); Norbert Krebs (1876); Leonhard Schulze-Jena (28.5.1872); Franz Thorbecke (1875); Hugo Hassinger (1877); Otto Maull (8.8.1887); Hans Mortensen (17.1.1894); Karl Troll (1899); Friedrich Metz (8.3.1890); Fritz Machatschek (22.9.1876); Hans Dörries (17.7.1897); Hans Schrepfer (21.5.1897); Fels; Schmitthenner; Klute; Contains: Staff: Karl Ludwig Neumann; Carl Sapper (6.2.1866); Norbert Krebs (1876); Leonhard Schulze-Jena (28.5.1872); Franz Thorbecke (1875); Hugo Hassinger (1877); Otto Maull (8.8.1887); Hans Mortensen (17.1.1894); Karl Troll (1899); Friedrich Metz (8.3.1890); Fritz Machatschek (22.9.1876); Hans Dörries (17.7.1897); Hans Schrepfer (21.5.1897);Fels; Schmitthenner; Klute;* 1891-1936, University Archives Freiburg, B0001 Rectorate, files of the university administration
Chair of Mineralogy
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 1283 · Akt(e) · 1896-1940
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)
  • Includes: Personalia: Franz Gräff; Paak; Karl Alfred Osann (1859); E.A. Wülfing; Franz Siegfried Willy Bruhns; Wilhelm Schultze; Hans Schneiderhöhn (1887); Wilhelm Eitel (1891); Oskar Weigel (1881); Julius Söllner; Karl Willmann; description: Contains: Personalia: Franz Gräff; Paak; Karl Alfred Osann (1859); E.A. Wülfing; Franz Siegfried Willy Bruhns; Wilhelm Schultze; Hans Schneiderhöhn (1887); Wilhelm Eitel (1891); Oskar Weigel (1881); Julius Söllner; Karl Willmann; 1896-1940, University Archive Freiburg, B0001 Rectorate, University Administration files * Classification number: 04401
doctoral studies
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 3741 · Akt(e) · 1934-1944
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Promotionsordnungen, Gebühren; Rechtsgutachten über Prüfungsungsgebühren (Fritz Marschall von Bieberstein, van Calker), 1934; Edict of the Minister of Culture on Examination Content (Weltanschauung und Politik) in Exams with Minor in Philosophy, 1934; Supplement to the Promotionsordnung der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftlichen Fakultät (Entzug des Doktorgrades), [1934]; Inquiry of the Reich Ministry on philosophy as a compulsory examination subject for doctoral examinations and answers of the faculties, 1935; Inquiry of the Mannheim Local Court on the management of the Faculty of Medicine, 1935; Study and Examination Regulations of the Medical Faculty, 1932; Decree on the forwarding of doctoral and diploma theses to the Reich Planning Office; Decree of the Reich Minister for Science, Education and People's Education of 4 January 1935; Decree of the Reich Minister for Science, Education and People's Education of 4 December 1935.9.1939 with regard to doctorates; keeping of a title and Dr. des.; report on the income of the University Library 1929/30-1934/35, 1935; examination authority of non-Aryan university teachers, 1935; enactment by the Reich Minister with regard to doctoral and habilitation overview of doctoral fees 1932-1934; acceptance of Jewish doctoral students, 1935; publication of dissertations on Volkstums- und grenzdeutschen bzw. Auslandsdeutschen Grenztumsfragen, 1936; Nostrifikation von ausländischen Doktortiteleln, 1936; Prohibition on awarding doctoral theses requiring travel abroad, 1936; Wearing of external (ab)signs of the doctoral candidates (ring and birett); Renewal of diplomas for the golden doctoral anniversary; Writing of dissertations in languages other than German; ProFakultät, 1939; Principles to be taken into account in the revision of the doctoral regulations, [1939]; Facilitation of the doctoral examinations for physicians, 1939; Use of colonial terminology in relation to the Eastern expansion in dissertations, 1940; Inquiry of the Gestapo Bielefeld regarding possible Freiburg doctors, 1940; Promotionsordnung der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 1938; submission of doctoral certificates, 1941; circular of the party official examination commission for the protection of Nazi writings; dissertations of ideological or political content, 1941; facilitations for participants in war when passing the doctoral examination, 1942; Dissertations on historical-political topics, folklore, border and foreign German questions or foreign German questions published in 1943; Academic degrees of expatriates revoked in 1943; Doctorates approved by the French military government in 1945; Individual cases which require a doctorate in return for renunciation of licensure or licensure; Dissertations on the following topics published in 1943 due to non-compliance Martin Jacobi (03.02.1909), Raphael Landau (02.05.1907 - Feb. 1969), Hans Mansfeld (14.05.1911-28.02.2002), Marianne Boiselle (11.01.1909-07.07.1992); special cases (e.g. rejected promotions): Anton Bauer, Beate Behrend, Bohnstedt, Erich Brenneisen, Josef Decking, Felix Dreyer, Otto Feger, Kletus Fischer, Ernst Fleischhauer, Hermann Freudenberg, Dominik Garantsch, Hildegard Griebel, Albert Griesbach, Haarmann, Liselotte Hesse, Highby; Ferdi Himpele, Hermann Hoberg, Paul Hundeck, Ulrich Janssen, Carl KesKraus, Hans Kronheim, Heinrich Kunath, Bernhard Lantzsch, Erwin Leser, Luckner, Mack, Johannes Majic (09.01.1914), Mellon, Ernst Nitschke, Otto Nuss, Ludwig Obermann, Hugo Ohntrup, Hans Pfitzner, Puttfarken, Rudolf Rasch, Emil Reisser, William Robertson, Schahien, Elisabeth Schmid, Heinrich Schmidt, Joseph Schneiders, Hermann Schnell, H. Schwarz, Heinrich Seeling (06.09.1906), Willi Seidel, Indra Sen, John Redford Shatteicher; August Wilhelm Sohn, Thomas Sommer, Sorkin, Karl Thimm (*03.08.1909), VermehrenWassner, Ilse Zimmermann, Darin: Ludwig Aschoff, Zur neue Studien- und Prüfungsordnung der Mediziner, Sonderdruck aus: Praemedicus 11; expert opinion by Bauch on the dissertation "Die Raumdarstellung in der englischen Landschaftsmalerei" by Thomas Sommer, 1939;

Doktordiplome der Medizinischen Fakultät
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, D 0011 / 40 · Akt(e) · 1879
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)
  • 1879, Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, D 0011 Doktordiplome der Medizinischen Fakultät (1764-1986)n* Contains: Maximilian Fischer; August Weyh; Adolph Goldbaum; Hentic Brockmann; Carl Meier; Victor Geyer; Ludwig von Waenker; Arnold Obkircher; Adam Karrillon; Carl Turban; Carl Struebe; Armin Bender; Victor Grossmann; Eduard Grabenstein; Georg Eschbacher; Claudio Kolter; August Reigling; Joseph Sinnecker; Othoni Schmidt; Ephraim Adler; Heinrich Landerer; Amand Firnhaber; Matthaeo Hahn; Alfred Scriba; Otton Bester; Eugen Schuhmacher; Friedrich Salzer; Paul Bender; Carl Krauss; Johann Kleinenhammans; Carl Waehner; Matthaeus Lorenz; Joseph Rosenfeld; Mauritio Mayer; Alfred Kast; Georg Kauffmann;
Doktordiplome der Philosophischen Fakultät
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, D 0009 / 89 · Akt(e) · 1910
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)
  • Contains: Karl Adolf; Hans von Alten; Wladimir Aseff; Joseph Aver; Wolf Bader; Hermann Bächtold; Robert Davos Bain; Joseph Balthasar; Richard Becker; Wilhelm Behaghel; Hans Benzinger; Alfred; Ignaz Beth; Bernhard Brendle; Herbert Burckhardt; Theodor Buri; Hans Cloos; Carl August Cohn; Albert Coulthard; Lorenz Dax; Augustin Dold; Fritz Eberhard; Hellmuth Eisinger; Friederich Erfurt; Joseph Faltin; Wilhelm Gallion; Wilhelm Gebert; Arthur Geiss; Joseph Giesen; Joseph Glück; Hermann Gnau; Siegfried Gutmann; Hermann Heidinger; Otto Herkert; Richard Heider; Ernst Heymann; Otto Hirt; Julius Hollerbach; Carolum Hoyer; Adolf Jung; Simeon Jusbaschjanz; Rudolf Kahn; Albert Kaiser; Ricardum Karcher; Karl Kilchling; Wilhelm Klaus; Max Klinger; Werner Koch; Peter Kolb; Bruno Kuenzer; Kurt Lessing; Walter Maass; Max Mayer; Friedrich Minder; Adoldf Mönckeberg, Rudolf Moll; Hermann Mulsow; Paul Noether; Johann Perl; Chistian Pfistner; Augustun Fridericum Raif; Gdalja Raiziss; Bernhard Reinhold; Wilhelm Saenger; Ludwig Schäfer; Karl Schiling; Josef Schlageter; Ernst Schwarz; Robert Schwarz; Fritz Seemann; Elise Simon; Alfred Suchier; Rose Stoppel; Antonium Strigel; Charles Hansen Toll; Günther Vogel; Karl Wilcke; Theophil Zegarski; Herbert Wittenbergn* 1910, Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, D 0009 Doktordiplome der Philosophischen Fakultät (1754-1967)
Donations to the University and its Institutes
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 2039 · Akt(e) · 1885-1946
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Feedback for the prorectorate reports; painting by Alexander Ecker by university painter Hermann (1887); donation by Robert Wiedersheimer of Ethnographica from New Guinea to the Museum für Urgeschichte; psychiatric objects by Mr. Langermann; various books, some with detailed indexes; 2 "Negerschädel" from Togo by Dr. Beck (1894); bust of general physician Beck (1894); photo collection West-Bormeo (1894); lattice micrometer (1898); Otto von Puchstein reports 20 Aegyptica; several Peruvian mummies and skulls (1900); casts and Egyptian fragments (1900); physical instruments (1902); wax model of an embryonic lizard skull to the anatomy (1903);16 lithographs to the Psyciatrische Klinik zur Wanddekoration (1903); collection of stuffed birds (1903); petrifactions (1903), donations of money; special prints by hans Spemann; estate of the pianist Olga Naswanoff (1939); painting Amazonenschlacht by Max Beckmann from the estate of Joachim Kleemann (1937) and renunciation of the Senate; donation Stelzmann; Portheim Foundation (1941),

Enquiries and information
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 1135 · Akt(e) · 1900-1922
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Students and other persons, Nobel Prize brochure; doctorate Louis Lubowski; reconstruction of Heidelberg Castle; Badischer Militärverein; Katherina Seipp Prize; Scheffelbund; communications from other universities; Frauen-College Bryn Mawr, Philadelphia; Photographer competition; Richard Wagner scholarship; war in Greece; flight exercises; appeals; habilitation procedure; auxiliary facilities; memorandum of war-participating students; German student body; Rhine-Main-Danube Canal; colonialpre-potato harvest;

Forestry Science and Study of the Timber Industry
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 2853 · Akt(e) · 1934-1944
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Karl Abetz; Zur Frage der Erhaltung der Forstlichen Lehrstätte an der Universität Freiburg, 1934; Minutes of a discussion with Rector, President of the Forest Directorate and Württ. university lecturer; Agreement between the Ministries of Württemberg and Baden; Accommodation of the institutes; Report on a trip to Berlin for the preservation of the forest sciences by O. Kerber, 1935; Script by Otto Kerber: Die kulturelle und nationalenpolitische Sendung der Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau und die Schwierigkeiten, welche der der Erfüllung ihrer Grenzlandaufgaben obstand, 1935; Examination Regulations 1938; Forms, Guidelines; Study Regulations for the Timber Industry, 1941; Colonial Studies, 1942; Practical apprenticeship for female students; Study of Forestry, 1942; Individual Cases;

Image caption: New Guinea
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, D 0095 / 352 · Akt(e) · 1908/1909
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)
  • Contains: Plate with 4 photographs. Portraits of men from the side. Inscriptions on the reverse. 1.: 'Quay. 10 hours inland from Sattelberg. German New Guinea Prof. R. Neuhaus Dec 1908', 2nd: 'Kai Sattelberg German New Guinea Prof. R. Neuhaus Dec 1918', 3.: 'Tami Mai 1909 Neuhaus', 4.:'Tami Mai 1909 Neuhaus'n* 1908/1909, Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, D 0095 Anthropologische Fotosammlung
Lectures and lecture series by university members
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 1582 · Akt(e) · 1937-1946
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Includes: lecture on Austria by Friedrich Metz (1938); lecture series on law and political science; history of German universities; colonial lectures; travel impressions of Japan by Uhlenhuth; Sudetenland; foreign trade; lectures by popular education institutions with lists of speakers; Ostpolitik; total use of war; health-oriented lectures; cultural studies;

Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B 0015 / 579 · Akt(e) · 1909-1931
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)
  • Contains: inter alia: Leaves of absence, study trips, habilitation/teaching assignments, lecture authorisations: Theodor Koch, Ludwig Neumann, Karl Dove, Hans Schrepfer;<br />extraordinary grants for teaching materials for the Department of Geography; reappointment of Norbert Krebs to the Chair of Geography, unsuccessful applicants: Karl Sapper, Robert Gradmann; expansion of the Department of Geography; reappointment of Hugo Hassinger to the Chair of Norbert Krebs, unsuccessful applicants: Otto Maull, Leo Waibel, Friedrich Metz; research geography; reappointment of the Hassinger chair by Hans Mortensen, rejected applicants: Otto Maull, Karl Troll;n* 1909-1931, University Archive Freiburg, B 0015 Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (1892-1971)
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B 0015 / 542 · Akt(e) · 1900-1932
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)
  • 1900-1932, Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B 0015 Naturwissenschaftlich-Mathematische Fakultät (1892-1971)n* Contains: among other things: Creation of assistant positions; leave of absence, awarding of titles: Julius Soellner, Gräff, Friedrich Rinne; reappointment of the Osann chair by Hans Schneiderhöhn, rejected applicants: Wilhelm Eitel; establishment of the institute in the old university; rehabilitation of Arnold Cissarz;
Scientific Collections
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 2065 · Akt(e) · 1889-1918
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Printed material of the scientific programmes received from the "German protectorates" and their distribution, especially botanical and zoological items.

Use of lecture halls by third parties
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 382 · Akt(e) · 1923-1933
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: among others: Garden Associations; Student Associations; Hiking Associations; Schools; Music Associations; Association for the German Abroad; Hausfrauenbund; Lecture Doegen, Prussian State Library; Women's Associations; Anthroposophical Society; Himmelsbach Company; Caritas; Sports Associations; Swiss Benefit Society; Singing Associations; German National Association of Assistants; Reichsbund der Kriegsbeschädigten etc.; Christian Community e.V.Freiburg Student Aid; Association of Catholic Academics; German Officers' Association; Friends of the City's Art Collections; Breisgau Association for Aviation; Nature Research Society; Baden Home; Art Research Society; Business and Professional Associations; German Institute for Scientific Education; Social Democratic Party; National Association Against Alcoholism; German Reich Railway; Breisgau Association Schauinsland; Protestant Association of the Gustav Adolf Foundation; Görresgesellschaft; Catholic Assembly 1929; Reichsbund der Kinderreichen; Marianische Kongregation; VolkshochschuKolonialgesellschaft; Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobilclub; Akademisch Literarische Gesellschaft; III Internationaler Friedenskongress; Süddeutscher Rundfunk; City of Freiburg; Studiengesellschaft für Automobilstraßenbau; Süddeutscher Jugendbund; Internationale Arbeiterhilfe; Gefangenenfürsorge; Überlassung für politische Veranstaltungen, allgemein; Darin: "3. International Peace Congress Freiburg im Breisgau, 1923;

Use of lecture halls by third parties
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 380 · Akt(e) · 1916-1918
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Military; Red Cross; Badische Gefangenenfürsorge; Frauenvereine; Kulturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft; Badische Jugendwehr; Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft; Akademischer Hilfsbund; Kindergärtnerinnenenseminar; Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Bekämpfung von Geschlechtskrankheiten; Schools; Charity events in war; Caritasverband; Soldatenräte Oberbaden; Darin: Timetable for the Caritas School of the German Caritas Association, 1918;

Use of lecture halls by third parties
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 381 · Akt(e) · 1919-1922
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: among others: Military; women's associations; Association for the German Abroad; Association for Volunteer Nurses in War; Young Citizens' Association; Art Society; German Society for Combating Sexual Diseases; Alsace-Lorraine Displaced Persons Welfare; Schools; Student Associations; Caritas Association; Stenographer Associations; Badischer Heimatdank; Municipal food department; friends of nature; committee for the holding of scientific lectures; adult education centre; historical VereiReichslimeskommission; Freiburger Fürsorge für heimkehrende Auslandsdeutsche; student courses for workers; central office of the University of Strasbourg; housing for cafeteria sisters; cultural society; Red Cross; Social Democratic Party; Association of Homeless Upper Silesians; Association for Literature and Lecture Art; Political Science Working Group; Südwestdeutscher Hochschulkreis; Fichtehochschulgemeinde; 800th anniversary of the city; Lecture of the Städtische Bühnenvolksbund; Association for Weekly and Home Care; German Colonial Society; Company Himmelsbach; Marian Congregation; Police; Nature Research Society; Freiburg Student Aid; Youth Hostel Association; Association of Former Flyers; Association of German Book Printers; Black Forest Association; Tax Office; Trade Association; Ostmark Association; Badisches Weinbauinstitu; Synagogue Council; District Teachers' Association; Electrical Exhibition; also: Guest lecture by Pidro Bosch-Gimpera, 1921;