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BArch, N 1138/59 · Akt(e) · 1911-1928
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: "Attempts to Cultivate Cigarette Tobacco in the German Protectorates", 1922; "The Colonial Problem"; "The German Schools in Southwest Africa", Kastl paper, 1921; newspaper article on colonial policy (1914) and Hindenburg's death (1934); Report of the Deutsche Afrika-Bank Aktiengesellschaft, 1908; Report of the Deutsche Kolonial-Eisenbahn-Bau- und Betriebs-Gesellschfat, 1908; Outline of the Terms and Conditions for the Mortgage Loans of the Southwest African Soil Credit Society

Kastl, Ludwig
BArch, NS 8/238 · Akt(e) · 1936-1941
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Working group for German folklore. - Competence problems with the Reich Ministry of Science, Education and Popular Education, 1938 Colonial Ethnology. - Preparation of a new German indigenous policy, 1940 Amt Weltanschauliche Information. - Report for the year 1940, 1941 Adolf Hitler Schools. - Meeting of the staff, 1937 Reports of foreign newspapers, 1936-1941 "The practical political solution of the religious question in the Third Reich" by Reich Minister for Church Affairs, Kerrl, (manuscript), 1939 "Roman Catholicism in Hungary". - Report on the 34th International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest, 1938

BArch, N 1138/52 · Akt(e) · 1920-1921
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Letter from H. Richter to Kastl concerning the uprising of the natives and the construction of a school in Windhoek, 3.5.1921; list of the German private schools in South West Africa, March 1921; minutes of the extraordinary general meeting of the Landesverband der deutschen Schulvereine für Südwestafrika, 1920; overview of the financial situation of the Landesverband der Deutschen Schulvereine, 8.11.1920

Kastl, Ludwig
BArch, R 58/148 · Akt(e) · Febr. 1940
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: No. 48-59 Disgruntlement about the stage ball in Hamburg Judgments in the film business - Colonial thought in the film Voices to current films - Campaign in Poland, mother's love Start of the activity of the Gaufilmstellen kitching of field postcards Situation of the universities in the 1st trimester 1940 Status of medical studies in the 1st trimester 1940 1940 trimester 1940 control of the scientific achievements of students by abbestate reorganization of the leave of absence of students at the Wehrmacht effects of the resignation of cantor's offices by the teaching staff retraining of work maids for the service of school assistants in the east self-help measures in the school system new attempts in the youth training situation of the study assessors sluggish appointment of headmasters of schools in eastern Mark school fees at higher schools cooperation of schools with the Hitler Youth difficulties in the procurement of school books transfer of pupils at Easter 1940 Presentation of the campaign to resettle ethnic Germans in Polish leaflets Winter aid collection in the reception camps of the Wolhyniendeutschen returnees Impairment of the trust of the ethnic Germans in the Protectorate in the Reich Economic Aid Possibilities of simplification in the care of the sick Informing the working population about health issues by company doctors Registration of drunkards called up by the Wehrmacht Health hazards of the ski championships of the young people Vitamin-richC Action Combating youth tooth damage Comparisons of the dental findings of the Wolhyniendeutschen in the Leipzig camp of the People's Republic of Germany and the Leipzig School Youth Dental care for the rural and civilian population Inadequate dental care for the members of the Social Insurance Institution in Warthegau due to low health insurance benefits Drug supply in the war Drug issues.- General collection and commentary of war laws Difficulties of the lower administrative authorities due to early publication of ordinances in the press District overlapping and organisational fragmentation of administrative authorities Compensation payments from business communities to residential communities Shortage of personnel at the district offices Simplification of judicial administrative activities Emergency situation of German families, Employees from the East recruited in the Eastern German territories of the Reich Recruitment of workers among the repatriated civil servants and employees of the public service Special admission for defence before a special court Difficulties in the legal care of the population in the Western operating areas due to the transfer of judicial authorities Difficulties in the legal application of the law in the associated Eastern territories Difficulties in the taking of oaths in the Ostmark Difficulties in the taking of evidence before the regional and higher regional courts Difficulties in the compulsory auction proceedings concerning the interpretation of the ordinances of 1 January 2004 Sept. and 31 Oct. 1939 Incorrect conduct of proceedings by tenants' associations Jurisdiction in divorce proceedings in the new Reich districts Increase in applications for divorce in the eastern territories Acceleration of the issuance of death certificates for martyrs Censorship of the publication of extracts from the commercial register Development of criminal law in war Jurisdiction in criminal matters Difficulties in the execution of prison sentences against workers of war-important enterprises Jurisdiction in the new Reich districts Abortion cases in the Sudetengau Recurrence of the stable-value clause Difficulties in small change transactions Uncertainty about the war savings campaign Inadequate supply of the operating area with goods without warrants Food consignments from abroad Allocation of food for blood donors Brewing industry's need for malting barley Inaccuracies in the release of tea u.a. Utilization of frozen potatoes. Coal shortage in potato steaming columns Introduction of clothing card for youngest children Inclusion of clothing regulations for children dismissed from school Complaints about the lack of workwear Workwear for women Effects of reorganization in the leather industry Establishment of shoe exchange offices and utilities Experiences with "material" in leather supply Complaints by the population about new detergents Decline in production in lignite mining Supply of domestic coal to the Berlin population Uneven situation in coal supply Effects of the coal shortage on the hollow glass industry and on the mood in the population Difficulties in switching from diesel propulsion to electricity supply in the industrial sector Joint ventures in the industrial sector Difficulties in payment as a result of operating restrictions or closures due to coal shortage Stagnations in The collection of used materials Production restrictions in industry Uneven distribution of orders in the textile industry Difficulties in the Thuringian thermometer industry Procurement difficulties in the textile trade in the eastern border regions Development of the insurance industry in the last months of the war Effects of service obligations from the craft trades Attracting the craft trades to carry out orders important to the war Allocation of raw materials in craft tanneries and industrial manufacturers Overloading of local public transport Restrictions on passenger transport.- Effects on commuter traffic Allocation of vehicle tyres.- Simplification of the procedure Votes from agriculture on a speech by Field Marshal Göring Support for the delivery of livestock from the south-east through additional fodder Exemption of farm managers Increase in prices for draught animals Lack of bags in agriculture Situation of nurseries Lack of skilled metal workers and inadequacies in retraining measures Difficulties in the employment of women Unclarities in the employment of women Paying construction workers during bad weather Wage differentiation in the employment of agricultural workers Home leave of soldiers.- Regulation of leave for their wives Extension of the competence of the Company Health Insurance Fund of the German Reich Family maintenance for illegitimate children of soldiers Crediting the military service allowance of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians of Germany to the family maintenance payments Czech minority, above all Arrest of enemies of the Reich and rumours in the Iserstraßen area, political dangers for German industrial and commercial enterprises in Troppau, War service School care for the Czech minority in Vienna Increase in linguistic minorities in Vienna Compensation of Polish agricultural workers Compensation of Polish workers in agriculture The dangers of the deployment of Polish workers in the German Reich for national and racial policy Discrimination and disenfranchisement of Jews Masterpieces of German art in Jewish private ownership Foot-and-mouth disease spread by Polish prisoners of war Blurring of the border between ethnic Germans and ethnic Poles, anda. Polish language usage in Upper Silesia and East Prussia Hitler Youth in the mixed-language region of Upper Silesia The mood of the ethnic Germans against the Germanization of "down-to-earth" Poles Attempts at camouflage by Poles Propaganda for the Croatian minority in Burgenland Activities of the Danish minority in South Schleswig Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia New Reichsgaua in the East and General Government German Ethnic Group in Hungary Development of crime (overviews), including serious crime Breach of a contract of employment Employment.- Illegal leaving of the workplace Treatment of war damage Restrictions in cultural events due to lack of coal Publications on economic difficulties of the enemy powers Press control and evacuation Official announcements in the press Imports of German national newspapers into the German Reich Paper restrictions in the press Rejection of advertising methods of the Nazi press in southern Germany Lack of anode batteries Radio audio sequence "Der Weg des Führers" Listening to foreign broadcasters Playing English and French records in restaurants

Rosenberg Law Firm (Existing)
BArch, NS 8 · Bestand · 1918-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Alfred Rosenberg, who had been one of Adolf Hitler's close collaborators since the beginnings of the National Socialist movement, united - especially since 1929/30 - a wealth of political offices and functions in his hand. In order to be able to carry out all the tasks assigned to him, Rosenberg, since his appointment as head of the Foreign Policy Office of the NSDAP (APA) in April 1933, made use of a private secretariat headed by Thilo von Trotha (b. 12.04.1909, d. 24.02.1938), who was also responsible for the North Division of the APA. In April 1934, by order of the Reich Treasurer, von Trothas, initially only volunteered for Rosenberg, was converted into a full-time regular employment relationship with Rosenberg as Reichsleiter of the NSDAP. As private secretary, he was responsible for processing all correspondence that Rosenberg had to conduct personally as head of the APA, but also as Reichsführer of the Kampfbund für deutsche Kultur (KfdK) and as main editor of the "Völkischer Beobachters" (VB). In January 1934, Rosenberg was appointed the Führer's representative for monitoring the entire spiritual and ideological training and education of the NSDAP. Probably because of this new expansion of his duties, on 26 April 1934 Rosenberg ordered the conversion of his private secretariat into a "Rosenberg Chancellery". It continued to be under the direction of Thilo von Trothas, but was now assigned a clearly defined scope of duties: From now on, the Rosenberg Chancellery was responsible for all correspondence conducted by Rosenberg himself within the scope of duties of the APA, the KfdK and other ideological offices as well as for the "NS-Monatshefte", the appointment calendar and the visit regulations of the Reichsleiter. The firm had its own "archive" whose task it was to collect information material and newspaper clippings about Rosenberg. The DBFU was one of the administrators. On 15 August 1937, Rosenberg appointed SA-Sturmbannführer Dr. Werner Koeppen (born 26.09.1910) as his aide. After the death of Trothas in February 1938, Koeppen took over the management of the office and retained it - with temporary interruptions due to military service - until 1945. In August 1941 he was appointed by Rosenberg as his personal adviser and worked for a time as a liaison officer in the Führer's headquarters. During his absence Amandus Langer, whom Rosenberg had appointed as his adjutant in 1941, represented him in the management of the office. Life data of Alfred Rosenberg born 12.01.1893 in Reval Study of architecture in Reval, then in Moscow since 1918 in Germany, 1923 as German naturalized 1919 NSDAP member 1921 with Dietrich Eckart Editor of the "Völkischer Beobachters" February 1923 Main editor of the "Völkischer Beobachters", since 1938 also editor 09.11.1923 Participation in the march to the Feldherrnhalle; during Hitler's captivity with the leadership of the "movement" commissioned 1929 Founder of the Kampfbund für deutsche Kultur 1930 Member of the Reichstag and representative of the NSDAP at the Auswärtigen Ausschuss des Reichstages since 1930 Publisher of the "NS-Monatshefte" Head of the NSDAP Foreign Policy Office, appointed Reichsleiter of the NSDAP 24.01.1934 Representative of the leader for the supervision of the entire intellectual and ideological training and education of the NSDAP 29.01.1940 commissioned with the preparation of the "High School" of the NSDAP 05.07./17.09.1940 Head of the task force Reichsleiter Rosenberg for the occupied Eastern territories 20.04.1941 Commissioner for the Central Processing of Issues in Eastern Europe 17.07.1941 Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories 16.10.1946 executed in Nuremberg (IMT ruling) Abbreviations APA Foreign Office of the NSDAP DAF German Labour Front DBFU The Führer's representative for the supervision of the entire intellectual and ideological training and education of the NSDAP ERR Operations Staff Reichsleiter Rosenberg HJ Hitlerjugend IMT International Military Tribunal KfdK Combat Alliance for German Culture NS National Socialist NSDAP National Socialist German Workers Party NSKG NS-Kulturgemeinde OKW Oberkommando der Wehrmacht PPK Party Official Examination Commission for the Protection of NS Writing RMbO Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories SA Storm Departments SD Security Service SPD Social Democratic Party of Germany VB Völkischer Beobachter Inventory Description: During the war, Rosenberg and almost all his offices remained in Berlin. Despite some losses during the heavy bombing raids in November 1943, most of the files of the Rosenberg office seem to have been preserved. The traditional Rosenberg documents (from the state and party areas) were brought to Nuremberg after the end of the war in order to be evaluated for the Allied trials against the war criminals. In the beginning, the documents that could be used as supporting documents were taken from the files, later they were left in them and were content with photocopies. The originals used are likely to be in Washington today, along with other trial documents. The documents collected in Nuremberg were evaluated by various foreign institutions for the creation of their own collections after the processes had been completed. The Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine (CDJC) in Paris is particularly worthy of mention here. Today, the "Collection Rosenberg" contains a collection of approximately 1,100 documents (mostly from the provenance office of Rosenberg, but also from other Rosenberg offices). Receipts for the individual documents taken from the CDJC are still in the files that have been transferred to the Federal Archives. Further records of Rosenberg's departments can be found at the Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdokumentatie (NIOD), Amsterdam, and at the Yivo-Institute for Jewish Research in New York. Books and journals from Rosenberg's departments are listed in the Hoover Institute and Library and in the Library of Congress. Documents from Rosenberg offices also reached archives of the former Soviet Union. An extensive collection (above all of the provenance ERR) is today kept in the Tsentral`nyi derzhavnyi arhiv vyshchykh orhaniv vlady ta upravlinnia Ukraïny (TsDAVO Ukraïny) in Kiev, further files (above all of the provenance foreign policy office) in the Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi voennyi arkhiv (RGVA) in Moscow. Most of the Rosenberg files collected in Nuremberg were brought to Alexandria/Va. and partly filmed there. In March 1963, this file complex, known as Record Group 1008/Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete, was transferred from the USA to the Federal Archives in the course of the file repatriation, where it was divided into provenances in autumn 1963. The files from this return of files to the provenance of "Kanzlei Rosenberg" form the main part of the present collection. Some volumes were added which had been transferred to the Nuremberg State Archives and to the Federal Archives in 1955, as well as several volumes from various American file returns. Further additions were made by one volume each from the Central State Archive of the GDR (62 Ka 2/1) and from the so-called "NS Archive of the Ministry for State Security of the GDR" (ZA VI 6322). Archival processing The majority of the documents had been deposited in the Federal Archives in their original registry context. Individual documents, processes detached from their context as well as volumes in disorder had to be rearranged. The order and distortion corresponded to the original registry context. A complete reorganisation of the stock from a factual point of view would have facilitated its use, but did not appear to be justified from the point of view of labour economics. Only double copies were collected in the manuscript series. The preliminary finding aid for the stock was produced by Mrs. Köhne in 1966. Quotation NS 8/.............................................................. Characterisation of the contents: The collection of manuscripts and newspaper clippings provides a fairly comprehensive picture of Rosenberg's personality from about 1930 to 1945. Due to the fact that the Chancellery was responsible for almost all of Rosenberg's departments, the collection also contains essential supplementary material on the activities of the departments subordinated to Rosenberg; only the department of the Reich Ministry of the Occupied Eastern Territories, whose affairs Rosenberg had dealt with primarily by its ministerial office, is to be excluded. The filing of the documents took place largely in chronological series, at most separately into the areas VB, KfdK and APA, later also according to correspondence partners. A clear separation of the series from each other in terms of content and time is not discernible. State of development: Findbuch (1966/2005), Online-Findbuch (2004). Citation style: BArch, NS 8/...