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BArch, R 9350/226 · Akt(e) · 1926, 1930
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Records and newspaper articles by Julius Krohn on the German occupation of Cameroon in 1884

BArch, N 521/24 · Akt(e) · 1926-1933
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Correspondence "Kamerun" by Karl Zimmermann "Die Kämpfe in Kamerun - General Zimmermanns koloniale Verdienste", by Kurt Strümpell, Lieutenant Colonel (ret.) "Um den schwarzen Erdteil - Pioniere der deutschen Afrikaforschung", by Arthur Rathje

N 1095/5 · Akt(e) · 1913 - 1919(-1968)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Registraturordnung[für eine koloniale Verwaltungsbehörde in Kamerun]; Zaragoza; 1919; J.Eberhard: "Vortrag über Kameruner Groß - und Kleinviehzucht"; 1917; war damages of the district office Jaunde; 1917; directory of the former station staff[Jaunde], [after 1916]; establishment of a savings bank in Jaunde (files of the district office Jaunde); 1913 - 1915; "Kriegsbriefe innerhalb Kamerun"; 1914 - 1915

N 1095/6 · Akt(e) · 1913 - 1940
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Frien: 'Kartoffelanbau in Jaunde und Joko' (Typoskript); 1918; Mwellereise; Oct. - Nov. 1913; visit of Wilhelm Solf; State Secretary of the Reichskolonialamt; in Jaunde; 3. - 4. Sept.1913; compilation of the written tasks of the courses for civil servants in Zaragoza (place of internment); 1917; 'Welfare work in the colonies'; o.d.; list of the Mvelle chiefs and other census documents; o.d.;

Sat - Su
BArch, N 2345/45 · Akt(e) · 1889 - 1890 ; 1902 ; 1911 - 1920
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Said-Ruete, Rudolph (Premier-Leutnant, Imperial Consulate for Syria) Seefried auf Buttenheim, Adolf Freiherr von (Station Manager in Togo) Newspaper cuttings about Solf, Dr. Wilhelm (State Secretary of the Reich Colonial Office)

BArch, R 2/11646 · Akt(e) · 1936-1938
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains only: newspaper clippings of the Annual General Meeting of the Togo Group on 10 Sept. 1936 and general conditions in Togo, 1936, 1938

BArch, R 901/80752 · Akt(e) · Okt. 1913 - Juni 1914 (1914)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Trials of the Telefunkengesellschaft against the company Huth because of patent infringements, 1913 range attempts of the Telefunken-Gesellschaft from Nauen to Togo and Sayville (near New York), Nov. 1913 equipment of ships with radio stations, Dec. 1913 radio station of the Deutsche-Südseegesellschaft für drahtlose Telegraphie in Jap (Karolinen) and Nauru (Marshall Islands) in operation, Dec. 1913 radiotelegraphic length determinations between the stations Eiffelturm and Arlington, Dec. 1913. 1913 Wireless telegraphy in and with the German colonies (newspaper clipping of the "Hamburger Nachrichten"), 1914 patent situation in the field of wireless telegraphy, Jan. 1914 Safety of passenger transport by sea (memorandum of the German government), 1912 - 1914 Opening of the Danish radio station Blaavandshuk, 1914 International treaty for the protection of human life at sea, 1914 Range tests of Nauen with the "Cap Trafalgar" in the Atlantic Ocean, with maps, March - Apr. 1914 Minutes of the meeting of the committee for joint work in the field of radiotelegraphy, 14th Feb. 1914