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Archival description
Carpenter, Karl (inventory)
BArch, N 521 · Fonds · 1808-1939
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Generalmajor Description of the Inventory: Mainly diary entries and letters mainly from his service as commander of the Imperial Protection Forces for Cameroon before and during World War I; records of the Cameroon campaign (1914-1916); lecture manuscripts citation method: BArch, N 521/...

Knorr, Eduard von
BArch, N 578 · Fonds · 1855 - 1919, 1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the inventor: born 8.3.1840 in Saarlouis; died 17.2.1920 in Berlin; last position: Kdr. Admiral and Chief of the Imperial OKM Processing note: Search index Inventory description: Personalia: Curriculum vitae; Patents and transport documents, 1859 - 1893; Commandments and appointments, 1871 - 1903; Acknowledgements, rebukes, instructions, complaints, 1870 - 1896; Farewell petition by Knorr and replies from Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1898 - 1899; Award and ownership documents, 1864 - 1913; 5 volumes of memoirs, 1840 - 1889; Correspondence and appointments, 1871 - 1903; Acknowledgements, rebukes, instructions, complaints, 1870 - 1899; Award and ownership documents, 1864 - 1913; 5 volumes of memoirs, 1840 - 1889; Correspondence and appointments, 1871 - 1903a. with associations and as secular third class canon of the cathedral Brandenburg/Havel; Appendix: Awards for the wife Luise Viktoria von Knorr, 1870 - 1898; Press article on naval matters, 1855 - 1915; Plans for a sanatorium ship, 1904; Letter with list about estate of the admiral E.v.Knorr, 1944 citation: BArch, N 578/...

Knorr, Eduard von
BArch, N 628 · Fonds · 1843-1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Lieutenant General Gustav von Schubert Date of birth 28.09.1824 born in Leipzig 03.09.1907 died in Heidelberg Career 1837 Military Preparatory School 1839 Entrance to Saxon Cadet House 1843 Portepeejunker of the Riding Artillery Brigade; Lieutenant with the 4th Company of the Foot Artillery Regiment Oct. 1846 Member of "Literary Museum" May 1849 Head of ammunition supply from Königstein to Dresden Lieutenant Colonel and transfer to General Staff 1854 Dresden "Training School for Officers" March 1854 Adjutant in General Staff 1857 Rank of Captain 1861 Return as battery commander to the military service of the foot artillery regiment Dec. 1863 Concealed reconnaissance in Denmark 1865 Return to General Staff 1866 Army High Command, appointment as Major and Deputy Chief of General Staff 1869 Promotion to Lieutenant Colonel 1870 Chief of Staff of the 23rd Infantry Division Nov. 1870 Head of Staff of the XII. (Royal Saxon) Army Corps 1871 Command over the Fortress Artillery Regiment No. 12 1872 In the rank of Colonel Takeover of the Command over the Field Artillery Regiment No. 12 "Divisional Artillery" (since 1874 2nd Royal Saxon Military Artillery Regiment No. 12 "Divisional Artillery") 28) 1878 In hereditary nobility raised 1880 promotion to Major General, Command over Artillery Brigade No. 12 1885 retirement (right, rank of Generalleutnat) 1887-1907 Chairman of the Royal Saxon Invalidity Foundation awards Knight's Cross of the Military St. -Heinrichs-Ordens Komturkreuz des Königlich Sächsischen Verdienstordens 2nd class with war decoration 1870 Großkreuz des Albrechtsordens Dienstauszeichnungskreuz Eisernen Kreuz 1st class Orden anderer Staaten 1893 à la suite des 2. Feldartillerieregiment Nr. 28 Description of holdings: The estate contains documents on the popular uprising in Dresden in 1849, the German-Danish War of 1864, the German War of 1866 and the Franco-Prussian War of 1870/71. Gustav von Schubert had made a name for himself as an artillerist beyond Saxony's borders and also reflected his time in his rich literary oeuvre. In addition, the estate gives a complex impression of the private life of an officer in the 19th century - from budget management to social obligations. The newly acquired documents include, above all, family correspondence by Gustav von Schubert and his wife, as well as letters from Hans von Schubert's parents and other persons and a curriculum vitae. Citation style: BArch, N 628/...

BArch, N 2281 · Fonds · 1866 - 1925
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Description of the holdings: The personal papers of Ernst Schweninger were transferred to the Reichsarchiv in July 1926 by his widow, Mrs. Lena Schweninger. In September 1936, numerous letters from the Bismarck family to Ernst Schweninger, owned by Mrs. Ingeborg Schulze, Stuttgart, were added. A single volume (N 2281/184) was handed over to the Federal Archives in 2001. In the Second World War, the estate was relocated to the Soviet Union and then transferred to the GDR in two parts - 1950 and 1959 - and transferred to the Central State Archives in Potsdam. There he received the stock signature 90 Schw 4 and was indexed in 1980 by a finding index. In accordance with the agreement, the documents were blocked for any use until December 1956. In the course of German reunification in October 1990, the documents finally reached the Federal Archives and have since been kept under the inventory signature N 2281. In the year 1997 a finding aid book was provided to the existence, which represented a to a large extent unchanged copy of the finding aid file at that time. During the current processing, the archive units were transferred to the archive database BASYS-S. The archive units are now stored in the archive database BASYS-S. Classification, title recordings, terms were checked and partially corrected. Dr. Ernst Schweninger, the personal physician of Reich Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, has conducted extensive correspondence with many well-known personalities of his time, such as Herbert von Bismarck, Bernhard von Bülow, Maximilian Harden, Alfred Krupp and others. The tradition therefore consists mainly of letters from friends, colleagues, patients and not least family members and covers the period 1866 - 1925. Reference: E. Espach: Beiträge zur Biografie Ernst Schweningers. Series of publications of the Munich Association for the History of Medicine, Munich 1979 Citation method: BArch, N 2281/...

BArch, N 1183 · Fonds · 1928-1949
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Description of the holdings: Manuscripts, elaborations, material collections, excerpts from files on his own historical research, in particular on Scharnhorst and Bismarck as well as individual questions of European history in the 19th century; general and academic correspondence, especially as professor in Freiburg (1929-1937), Gießen (1937-1938) and Tübingen (since 1938). (as of 1977) Citation method: BArch, N 1183/...

BArch, N 607 · Fonds · 1903 - 1952
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Vice Admiral Wolfgang Wegener born 5.8.1875 in Stettin, permitted 29.10.1956 in Berlin 1894 entry into the Imperial Navy, 1897-1899, last as lieutenant, officer on the Großer Kreuzer SMS Großdeutschland (including travel to East Asia), 1909-1910 1st artillery officer on the Großer Kreuzer SMS Blücher, 1912-1917, last as frigate captain, 1st German Army Officer on the Großer Kreuzer SMS Blücher, 1912-1917, last as frigate captain, 1st German Army Officer on the Großer Kreuzer SMS Blücher, 1912-1917, last as frigate captain, 1st German Army Officer on the Großer Kreuzer SMS Blücher, 1912-1917, last as frigate captain, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 19. Admiral Staff Officer of the First Squadron, 1917-1918 Commander of the Small Cruisers SMS Regensburg and SMS Nuremberg, Jan. 1920 Captain at sea, 1923 Rear Admiral 1920-1926 Inspector of Naval Artillery in Wilhelmshaven, 1926 Farewell with award of the character of Vice Admiral. Author of numerous memorandums and articles on tactical and operational topics and, from 1907, on strategic topics (including "The Naval Strategy of the World War"). Inventory description: Memorandums, statements and correspondence, "Gedanken über unsere maritime Lage", 1915, "Chef der Seekriegsleitung im Großen Hauptquartier", Admiral von Holtzendorff, 1917, "Zum Kriegsspiel der Nordsestation im Winter 1923/24", 1923, "Seestrategie des Weltkrieges", 1930, "Der Zweite Deutsch-Englische Krieg", 1941; elaborations and reports not with regard to maritime strategy; Eduard Wegener: "Wolfgang Wegener's spiritual heritage," o. Dat. Quotation style: BArch, N 607/...