Affichage de 10 résultats

Description archivistique
BArch, R 1001/4229 · Dossier · Mai 1906 - Febr. 1908
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Political situation in the French Wadei region Map of Cameroon, south-western part of Yola with entries on agriculture and livestock M.: 1:360 000 (April 1907) Sketch of the insurrection area of the survey in the Malum - Wadei region, M.: 1:400 000 (July/Aug. 1907)

BArch, R 901/80744 · Dossier · Apr. 1902 - Okt. 1919
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Construction of an own telegraph line between Beijing and Tongku (agreement of the Prussian Minister of War), May 1902 completion of the telegraph line Beijing - Tongku by the East Asian occupation brigade, Sept. 1902 Purchase of a plot of land in Woosung for the company Felten - Guilleaume, Mülheim, as a cable landing site, March 1904 Question of compensation for the relocation of the German cable Woosung - Tsingtau because of the river regulation of the Whangpoo, June 1907, Sept. 1907, Sept. 1911 Route of the telegraph cable near Woosung (sketch, print), n.d. Regulation of the Whangpoo (planning pause), 29 July 1912 Report on the second relocation of the German cable in the Whangpoo due to dredging work, Aug. 1912, Sept. 1912, Oct. 1912 Closure of the cable station of the German-Dutch telegraph company by the Chinese government, Nov. 1917

BArch, R 1001/2786 · Dossier · Okt. 1880 - Febr. 1883
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Sketch of the northern tip of New Ireland Sketch of the Hernshein stations on the north coast of New Ireland Sketch of Australia, New Guinea and the South Sea Islands Annual report of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association. Presented at the meeting held at Honolulu, 1880

BArch, RM 3/7002 · Dossier · 1909-1914
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Site plan of the plot intended for the construction of the new court (corner of Irenenstraße-Hohenloheweg-Gouvernementsplatz), sheet no. 10, scale 1 : 500, Oct. 1911 (fol. 22, 40) Photographs of the projected building site and court building (fol. 39) Construction plans: Court building in Tsingtau, sketch for the construction of the western border wall, scale 1 : 100, Feb. 29, 1912

Office du Reich à la Marine
Kiautschou garrison buildings: vol. 2
BArch, RM 3/6988 · Dossier · 1900
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Offers for equipping the barracks building in Tsingtau with furnaces Contract between the construction administration of the Imperial Government of Kiautschou and the contractor I. Beermann for the construction of an official residence in the Klarabucht Bay Also includes: Construction plans for the new Tsingtau Government Hospital: single-storey Pavilion No. II, Sheet 1, no. D. (sketch and blueprint Fol. 11-12); single-storey pavilion no. II, ground floor, scale 1 : 100, sheet 2, without date. (sketch and blueprint fol. 13-14); single-storey pavilion no. II, scale 1 : 100,sheet 3, no. date. (sketch and blueprint fol. 15-16); single-storey pavilion no. II, section through a hospital room, section through the central building, scale 1 : 100,sheet 4, no. Dat. (sketch and blueprint fol. 17-18); team room door, door position no. 6, leaf no. 8a, scale 1 : 10, 17 Nov. [18]99 (fol. 19.); team room door, door position no. 7, sheet no. 8b, scale 1 : 10, Nov 21, [18]99 (fol. 20); crew room door, door position no. 9, sheet no. 18c, scale 1 : 10, Nov 21, [18]99 (fol. 20); crew room door, door position no. 9, sheet no. 18c, scale 1 : 10, Nov 21, [18]99 (fol. 20); crew room door, door position no. 9, sheet no. 18c, scale 1 : 10, Nov 21, [18]99 (fol. 20]99). 21); crew room door, door position no. 9, leaf no. 18d, scale 1 : 10, Nov. 19 [18]99 (fol. 22); door lining, leaf 18e, Nov. 29 [18]99 (fol. 23); casernement Tsingtau: canteen building, scale 1 : 200, Jan. 17, 1900 (fol. 35) casernement for the Imperial III Sea Battalion: project for the shower bath, basement, scale 1:100, no date.., (fol. 76) Latrine building for non-commissioned officers and crews, front view, side view, profile ground floor, basement, scale 1:100, 22 March 1900 (fol. 81); Arrest building, ground floor, upper floor, scale 1:10, 28 Apr. 1900 (fol. 116); Cast iron ribbed cell oven by Foerster and Runge, scale 1:10, o. D. (fol. 127); Types of cast-iron Brandenburger Casernen stoves (fol. 128); design for a residential building in the Klarabucht, section, view, upper floor, basement, scale 1:100, 15 Dec. 1899 Development plan for the new town on the Tsingtaubucht, scale 1:6250, no. Dat. (Fol. 161)

Office du Reich à la Marine
Kiautschou garrison buildings: vol. 4
BArch, RM 3/6990 · Dossier · 1902
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Complaints by entrepreneurs against the award of construction contracts by the Executive Board of the Building Construction Department in Tsingtau Cost estimates for the construction of various buildings in Tsingtau and Lit sum Construction plans: Colorized site plan southeast of Signalberg, scale 1 : 1000, 14. Apr. 1902 (Fol. 79); sketch of the planned slaughterhouse Tsingtau, longitudinal section, view from northeast, ground plan, scale 1 : 200, Nov. 1901 (Fol. 91); sketch of the planned slaughterhouse and cattle yard for Tsingtau, scale 1 : 6250, Nov. 1901 (Fol. 91); sketch of the planned slaughterhouse and cattle yard for Tsingtau, scale 1 : 6250, Nov. 1901 (Fol. 91) 1901 (fol. 91); site plan of the planned slaughterhouse and cattle yard Tsingtau, scale 1 : 500, Nov. 1901 (fol. 92); garrison laundry Tsingtau, laundry area, ground floor plan, scale 1 : 100, Nov. 1901 (fol. 91); ground floor plan of the planned slaughterhouse and cattle yard Tsingtau, scale 1 : 500, Nov. 1901 (fol. 92); garrison laundry Tsingtau, laundry area, ground floor plan, scale 1 : 100, Nov. 1901 (fol. 91) 97); Garrison washhouse Tsingtau, laundry grounds, front view, scale 1 : 100, Nov. 1901(Fol. 98); Garrison washhouse Tsingtau, residential building for the upper administrative officials, ground plans of the basement, ground floor and attic, rafter location, cross section, front view, side view, scale 1 : 100, Nov. 1901(Fol. 98); Garrison washhouse Tsingtau, residential building for the upper administrative officials, ground plans of the basement, ground floor and attic, cross section, front view, scale 1 : 100, front view, side view, scale 1 : 100, front view, front view, front view, front view, front view, front view, front view, front view, front view, front view, front view, front view, front view, front view, front, front view 1901 (Fol. 99) Garrison washhouse Tsingtau, residential house for the subcontractors, ground plan of the basement, ground floor, attic, rafter position, front and rear view, sections, 1 Dec. 1901 (Fol. 99) 100); officer's residential building for Litsun, ground plan of the foundations and banquets, scale 1 : 100, sheet no. 1, Nov. 6, 1900 (fol. 100); officer's residential building for Litsun, side view, front view, section through the main building and ancillary building, scale 1 : 100, sheet 5, Nov. 6, 1900 (fol. 100); officer's residential building for Litsun, ground plan of the foundations and banquets, scale 1 : 100, sheet no. 1, Nov. 6, 1900 (fol. 100); officer's residential building for Litsun, side view, front view, section through the main building and ancillary building, scale 1 : 100, sheet no. 5, Nov. 6, 1900 (fol. 100) 110) Officer's residential building for Litsun, ground plan of the attic floor beam layer, ground plan of the front rafter layer, truss in the middle building, scale 1 : 100, sheet 4, 11 Dec. 1901; Officer's residential building for Litsun, beam layer above ground floor, ground plan of the 1st floor, scale 1 : 100, sheet 3, 6 Nov. 1901 (fol. 111); officer's residence for Litsun, ground floor plan, scale 1 : 100, sheet 2, Nov. 6, 1900, officer's residence for Litsun, beam position above ground floor, courtyard view, scale 1 : 100, Nov. 6, 1900 (fol. 113); new barracks east camp, crew buildings II. and III, I. OG, scale 1 : 100, sheet no. 3, 1 . Dec. 1901 (Fol. 122); new barracks east camp, crew buildings II. and III. ground floor, scale 1 : 100, sheet no. 2, 1 Dec. 1901(Fol. 121); site plan of the east camp, projected casernement, scale 1 : 1000, sheet no. 1 (Fol. 120); barracks new building east camp, canteen building to crew building IV, scale 1 : 200, sheet no. 4, 1 Dec. 1901 (Fol. 121); cafeteria new building east camp, canteen building to crew building IV, scale 1 : 200, sheet no. 4, 1 Dec. 1901 (Fol. 121); cafeteria new building, canteen building to crew building IV, scale 1 : 200, sheet no. 4, 1 Dec. 1901 (Fol. 121); cafeteria new building, canteen building to crew building IV, scale 1 : 200, sheet no. 4, 1 Dec. 1901 (Fol. 1901) 123); barracks new building east camp Tsingtau, design for a stable building with 32 stands, longitudinal view, gable view, sections, ground plan, scale 1 : 100, Dec. 1, 1900 (fol. 124); survey Kiautschou, map of Litsun with handwritten coloured inscriptions, scale 1 : 25. 000, 1899 (fol. 140)

Office du Reich à la Marine
Kiautschou garrison buildings: vol. 7
BArch, RM 3/6993 · Dossier · 1906
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Construction and equipment of the government residential building in Tsingtau Construction plans Sketches of types of strip and parquet flooring Blue-print sketches of the harbour construction service building of the commercial harbour near Hsiaubautan Sketch for accounting the calculation of the converted space, ground floor plan, ground floor plan of the basement rooms, 1 2: 200, 15 Jan. 19]04 (Fol. 222); Sketch for the calculation of the enclosed space Ground floor plan, floor plan of the basement rooms, 1:200, (Fol. 23) Blueprint sketches of the harbour construction service building of the trading port Hisaubautan Sketch for the calculation of the enclosed space, ground floor plan, floor plan of the basement rooms, 1 : 200, 15 Jan. [1904] (Fol. 222)

Office du Reich à la Marine
Sleeping sickness: Vol. 1
BArch, R 86/2631 · Dossier · 1901-1909
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Sketches of the sleeping concentration camp Usumbura, of the main camp Niansa, of the occurrence of Glossina palpalis and Trypanosamiasis in the district Usumbura, 1908; sketch of the trip of the staff doctor Dr. Breuer at the Niassasee and at the Rikwasee, 1908