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Reichsforstamt (inventory)
BArch, R 3701 · Bestand · 1911-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: By law of 3 July 1934 (RGBl. I p. 534) the Reichsforstamt was founded as the supreme Reich authority with Göring as "Reichsforstmeister" - in hunting matters as "Reichsjägermeister". With effect from March 1, 1935 (RGBl. I p. 305), the Prussian State Forestry Office was merged with the Reich Forestry Office in terms of both subject matter and space. The tasks of the Reich Forestry Office included the administration and supervision of governmental and non-governmental forests (from 1940), fortified universities (until 1938), forestry and timber management policy, nature, bird and plant conservation, hunting legislation, hunting administration and hunting police. Inventory description: Inventory history During the Alliieretn air raid on Berlin on 22/23 Nov. 1943, during which the Reichsforstamts building on Leipziger Platz was partially destroyed, a large part of the inventory was lost. The remains of the documents, which were formerly stored as holdings 37.01 in the Central State Archives in Potsdam, were transferred to the ZStA by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the GDR in 1953 and by the German State Library in 1966. The few files that were stored in the Federal Archives in Koblenz as R 44 originate almost exclusively from the Grundbesitz department. Both partial stocks were combined in 1990 to form stock R 3701. Content: Most of the original files were destroyed during the war in 1943. For example, documents on legal matters, nature and bird conservation and forest ownership administration are completely lacking. Also the remaining fields of work are occupied in each case only with few files. The main focus of the tradition lies in the years 1941-1945. There is a significant tradition on the following subjects: Forstliche Hochschulen, Eberswalde and Hann. Münden 1935-1939, personnel matters in the broadest sense, including: civil servant law and Reichsdienststrafordnung 1941-1945, pension 1941-1945, welfare and foundations, orders and decorations 1944, proof of identity and personnel statistics 1941-1944, civil servants and employees 1941-1945, Forstschutzkorps 1941-1945. General forestry, including: legislation 1935-1942, forestry statistics 1941, foreign forestry 1942-1945, forestry relations with foreign countries 1941-1944, Forstattachés 1941-1944, Reichsinstitut für ausländische und koloniale Forstwirtschaft 1941-1945, Internationale Forstzentrale 1941-1945, research questions. Budget matters, administrative penal proceedings 1940-1944, foreign exchange legislation 1942-1945 General information on timber management and hunting: Hunting legislation 1941-1942, hunting lease and permit 1941-1945, hunting restrictions 1941-1944, game and hunting damage 1941-1945, hunting protection 1941-1945, hunting licences 1940, 1943-1944, management of game stocks 1938-1945, game diseases 1941-1944, Shooting, game management 1940-1942, hunting literature and images 1941-1945, supervision of the German hunting community 1942-1944 management of game stocks 1936-1941, state hunting grounds 1941-1942 property in individual German regions 1932-1945. Personalakten o.D. (621) Ordnungsstrafsachen, Einzelfälle 1939-1944. State of development: Findbuch für alt 37.01 (1954) Findbuch für alt R 44 (1987) Kartei der Ordnungsstrafsachen Citation method: BArch, R 3701/...

Reichsorganisationsleiter of the NSDAP (stock)
BArch, NS 22 · Bestand · 1928-1944
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: In 1928 it emerged from the Organizing Committee of the Party first mentioned in 1926; in 1928-1932 under the leadership of Gregor Straßer, who sought to link the technical-organizational with the political leadership of the NSDAP, and in 1932-1945 by Robert Ley; Since 1933 responsible for the handling of all organizational questions of the party, the selection and training of the leadership corps of the NSDAP; organizationally and politically subordinated were the main offices for public welfare, public health, for war victims, for civil servants, for educators, for local politics and for technology as well as the NSD student federation and the Nazi women's association. Inventory description: Inventory history The records of the Reichsorganisationsleitung apparently survived the wartime to a large extent unscathed. The fate of the files since the occupation of Germany by the Allies corresponds to the general history of German contemporary historical sources in the post-war period. After its confiscation by American troops in Munich, the major part of the holdings was transferred to the American Document Center in Berlin (BDC), while the files of the Main Office for Organizational Management of the Reich Party Rallies as well as the documents of the Adolf Hitler School/Ordensburg Sonthofen listed in the Appendix to the holdings reached the United States. The partial holdings of the Berlin Document Center were received by the Federal Archives together with a larger return of written material in September 1962, while some of the documents brought to the USA were already returned in 1959 from Alexandria/Va. with the so-called "NS mixed holdings", and some were not returned until 1967 by the Library of Congress via the National Archive in Washington. With reunification in 1990, further files of the Reichsorganisationsleiter der NSDAP were transferred from the Central State Archive of the GDR (ZStA) and the NS Archive of the Ministry for State Security (MfS) to the Federal Archive. Archival evaluation and processing The files handed over to the Federal Archives in September 1962 were accompanied by a list of files to be submitted by the Berlin Document Center (BDC), which served as a provisional archive directory until the holdings were finally catalogued. In it, the files were listed only very summarily; in addition to keyword-like factual matters, only the file-maintaining position or the correspondence partner were frequently named instead of a file title. So it is understandable that soon after taking over the inventory, efforts were made to create a list of files that met archival requirements. However, these efforts did not initially progress beyond limited individual actions, each of which comprised only individual groups of files. It was not until 1987-1990 that the final order and listing of the entire stock could be carried out and completed. As there was no file plan and most of the inventory as delivered by Document Center did not have a usable organizational structure, it had to be reorganized from the ground up. The classification of the holdings was initially based on the three main phases of the organisational development of the department described above, which had a lasting influence on the management of the files. Below this chronological structure, the organizational units in charge of the files of the department formed the next classification criterion. Within the sub-areas formed in this way, an order of files was strived for according to as "logical a gradient" as possible. In many cases, this was achieved relatively easily by simply ranking the numerous series of correspondences available with the individual main offices of the Reich Organizational Leadership, with the offices of the Reich Leadership, the divisions and affiliated associations of the NSDAP, the Gauleitungen, as well as with Reich and state authorities, municipal offices, organizations under private law, and individuals. The correspondence series and fact files of the main offices of the Reich Organizationsleitung were preceded by the orders, decrees, circulars, etc. issued by them. The order of the documents within the file volumes was generally maintained. For conservation reasons, however, the documents, most of which were stored in standing folders, were temporarily transferred to Juris folders. For technical reasons, it often became necessary to divide the contents of the folders into two or more volumes. In addition, obvious errors in the keeping of files were corrected, which occasionally resulted in the separation or merging of volumes or transactions. Only the collections of orders, decrees, circulars, notices, etc. found in numerous standing files as multiple documents and formed according to different aspects of order were fundamentally rearranged. They were structured according to the main publishing offices of the Reichsorganisationsleitung and - without further splitting according to the (anyway not always ascertainable) character of the individual announcements - arranged into purely chronological series. In the Federal Archives in Berlin, the index data were imported into the database by means of a retro-digitisation procedure and processed as an additional search source for the requirements of the production of an online find book. The file accesses from the collections of the NS archive of the MfS and the personal collections of the former Berlin Document Center (BDC) were integrated into the existing classification scheme with the help of the database. The extensive collection of press clippings compiled by the Reichsorganisationsleitung was added to the files. Characterization of the contents: Registry until the reorganization of the Reich Organizational Leadership 1927-July 1932 (56): Organization Department I (Reich Organizational Leadership I) 1927-1933 (49); Organization Department II (Reich Organizational Leadership II) 1931-1932 (7): Economic Policy Department 1931-1932 (3), Engineering Department 1931 (1), Agricultural Technology Department 1929-1931 (3). Registry of the reorganization of the Reich Organizationsleitung until the resignation of Gregor Straßers July-Dec.1932 (27): Hauptstabsleiter 1930-1932 (6), Hauptabteilung I (Reichsinspektion I) 1932-1933 (8), Hauptabteilung II (Reichsinspektion II) 1932 (3), Hauptabteilung III 1932-1933 (9), Hauptabteilung V 1932 (1). Registry 1932-1945 (810): Reichsorganisationsleiter (until Nov.1934: Chief of Staff of the Supreme Head of the P.O.) 1932-1944 (8); Chief of Staff / Hauptstabsamt / Hauptdienstleiter / Hauptgeschäftsführung, Dienststellenverwaltung 1932-1943 (35); Aufgabenverwaltung 1931-1943 (176), Zentralamt 1941-1943 (2), Verwaltungsamt 1941-1943 (2), Hauptorganisationsamt (until Nov.1934)Organizational Office of the Supreme Head of the P.O.) 1933-1944 (203); Office of Education / Head of Education 1934-1943 (34), Office of Organizational Documents 1934-1943 (17), Office of Statistics / Statistical Office 1935-1936 (1); Main Office of Organizational Management of the R e i c h s t a g s t a g e r t a g e s t a g e n 1934-1941 (30); Main Personnel Office (until Nov. 1934)Personnel Office of the Supreme Head of the P.O.) 1933-1945 (30); Hauptschulungsamt / Reichsschulungsamt / Reichsschulungsleiter (until Nov.1934: Reichsschulungsleiter of the Supreme Head of the P.O.) 1933-1943 (151); Mobilisation and Defense Officer 1941-1943 (1); Special Department of Community Houses 1940-1942 (34). Collection of press clippings 1933-1942 (317): State and Society in the German Reich 1933-1942 (57), NSDAP with divisions and affiliated associations 1933-1942 (20), "Deutsche Weltgeltung", collection of material on Germanism abroad 1937-1941 (39), work on popular growth among German ethnic groups abroad 1939-1941 (32), German culture abroad (achievements of Germans abroad and Germans active abroad) alphabetically (20), German and foreign personalities 1937-1942 (20), State and society abroad 1933-1942 (95), Second World War (prehistory, outbreak, early years) 1939-1941 (34). Appendix: Adolf Hitler School/Ordensburg Sonthofen 1937-1944 (19). State of development: Publication Findbuch (1992) Citation method: BArch, NS 22/...

Reichstag of the German Reich (inventory)
BArch, R 101 · Bestand · 1867-1938
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: 1867 on the basis of the 1849 electoral law as Constituent Assembly of Versa convened for the North German Confederation, at the same time Customs Parliament of the German Customs Association; after the entry into force of the Reich Constitution of 16 April 1871 Parliament of the German Reich; 1919-1920 Constituent German National Assembly; new regulation of rights and powers by the Weimar Constitution of 11 August 1919; last Reichstag election on 29 March 1936; last Reichstag meeting on 26 April 1942. Characterization of the contents: Main points of the tradition Reichstag of the North German Federation Zollparlament Reichstag of the German Reich: Imperial legislation and administration; labour law; banking and stock exchange; land law, settlement and housing; Federal Council; finance; social economy; cooperatives; health and veterinary affairs; trade regulations; trade and commerce in foodstuffs; military affairs; homeland affairs; interpellations; justice; churches and schools; colonial affairs; commission (committee) files; consulates; wars; agriculture and forestry; navy and shipping; measuring, coinage and weight; Orders and decorations; petitions; police; postal and telegraph services; press; imperial authorities and officials; Reich budget; shipping and sea fishing; statistics; taxation; associations; constitution; traffic; insurance; contracts, relations to foreign countries; public welfare; electoral matters; customs matters; Reichsland Alsace-Lorraine; Reichstag matters; particular legislation in Prussia; collection of the legislative materials of the German Reichstag. State of development: Findbuch 1956 Citation method: BArch, R 101/...
