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BArch, R 3118 · Bestand · 1852-1944
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Commission of 22 - 28 ordinary members and 8 - 10 deputy members elected and appointed by the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce for three years to advise and pass resolutions on the admission of securities to stock exchange trading, set up in 1909 in accordance with the Stock Exchange Act of 8 May 1908, and honorary in office for 22 - 28 ordinary members and 8 - 10 deputy members elected and appointed by the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce for three years, acting under the supervision of the state government or the state government, respectively. after 1934 of the Reich Economic Ministry, their Tä‧tigkeit ended with the closure of the Berlin Stock Exchange in 1945. Inventory description: Inventory history The inventory was transferred to the Deutsches Wirtschaftsinstitut (DWI) Berlin around 1955 and from there to the Zentrale Staatsarchiv in Potsdam in 1970/71. In the course of the reunification of both German states, this collection was transferred to the Federal Archives. Archive evaluation and processing There are numerous gaps in the tradition. The whereabouts of missing files could not be determined. Characterisation of content: Essentially, the overdelivery consists of individual case files for companies that have registered securities for stock exchange trading. These include primarily banks, mining and smelting works, the energy industry, the chemical industry, the construction industry, housing associations, mechanical engineering, apparatus, vehicle and tool construction, the food and luxury food industries. A large number of documents on mortgages are also available. Citation style: BArch, R 3118/...