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Reichsstelle für Mineralöl (inventory)
BArch, R 8-VII · Bestand · 1934-1971
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: On the basis of the Ordinance on the Trading of Goods of 4 September 1934, some 30 monitoring agencies were set up for all wichti‧gen areas of trade and industry to monitor the trading of goods on the internal market and to monitor, control and distribute the import of raw materials as subordinate offices of the Reich Ministry of Economics (cf. Inventory R 3101). Each monitoring agency became a legal entity with its establishment and was subject to a Reich commissioner appointed and obliged by the Reich Minister of Economics. The Reich commissioners were entitled to issue ordinances of a prescriptive nature, which were published in the Reichsanzeiger. Since 18 Aug. 1939 (RGBl. I 1429 and RAnz. Nr. 192) the previous monitoring stations were uniformly called Reichsstellen. In the eleven years of their existence, the tasks of the monitoring and Reich offices in general and the matters assigned to them in detail for their perception repeatedly changed for various reasons. The practical effects associated with the introduction of the term "control area" in 1942 were considerable, since from now on more than before the organization of the commercial economy (Reich industrial group, its economic groups and their subdivisions), the Reich associations and communities were entrusted with more or less large tasks within the framework of the economic administration of the Reich's commission next to or with the Reich offices, occasionally even with the status of Reich office. The most far-reaching consequences were the transfer of all war-related production tasks from the Reich Ministry of Economics to the Reich Ministry of Armaments and War Production in the autumn of 1943. The latter built up its own, largely new organization to such an extent that the system of Reich offices was largely undermined. The Reichsstelle was wound up after 1945. Inventory description: Inventory history The files of all Reichsstellen were probably still complete until mid-1941. Only the decree of the Reich Minister of Economics of 31.05.1941 allowed a total destruction of files at the Reich offices after five years. Obviously, this was used as soon as possible and on an ongoing basis to the greatest extent, since transactions from the early years hardly survived. Content characterisation: The focus is on foreign reports, documents on import loss compensation and audit reports from companies and national economic offices. State of development: List of deliveries Inventory group R 8 (1969 supplements) Citation method: BArch, R 8-VII/...