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Boell, Ludwig (inventory)
BArch, N 14 · Fonds · 1911-1943
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Life data 03.07.1889 born in Weißenburg/Elsaß I. married with Edith ..., died 1927 II. married with Miranda ... Military service in the royal prussia. Army and in the Reichswehr 01.10.1907 Entry 30.09.1920 Release from the 200,000 man army Promotions 1908 Corporal 31.03.1909 NCO 10.08.1909 Deputy Sergeant 19.11.1909 Flag Junker 22.03.1910 Lieutenant (with patent of 22.3.1908) 25.02.1915 Lieutenant Colonel 18.06.1917 Captain Positions 01.10.1907 Inf.Rgt. 143 One-year volunteer 04.02.1909 Inf.Rgt. 132 Voluntary exercise 16.06.1909 Inf.Rgt. 60 Exercise A 23.08.1909 Inf.Rgt. 56 Flag officer 26.11.1913 Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika, Recruit Depot Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika, 10th field comp. 03.1914 Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1st field comp. Kp-Führer, Ordonnanz-Officier beim Kommandostab, Adjutant der Schutztruppe und Generalstabsoffizier bei General Wahle 31.03.1920 VII AK budgeted Kp chief 07.1920 Schutztruppen-Abwicklungsamt Berlin-Adlershof Inventory description: Eugen Friedrich Ludwig Boell, was born on 03.07.1889 in Weißenburg/Elsass. He attended the elementary school and the grammar school in Weissenburg, as well as the University of Strasbourg/Elsass where he studied philology. Married in second marriage to Miranda Machalitzky born 13.01.1908, with whom he had four children. Hildegard Ingeborg Boell born 19.02.1934 Friedrich Ludwig Boell born 12.05.1935 Gisela Adelheid Boell born 14.03.1939 Erika Miranda Boell born 03.04.1943 Ludwig Boell was an officer in the army and in the Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika (1914-1918). In 1920 he retired from the Reichswehr due to the reduction of the Wehrmacht and due to military service damage. After his retirement from the army, he was responsible for collecting and sifting the material for the history of the East African campaign at the Schutztruppenamt and the Colonial Central Administration. Furthermore, he was adjutant of the staff chief of the senior management of the organization "Escherich", as well as office manager and accountant at the Theresientaler Kristallglasfabrik. 01.08.1936, appointment to the government council in the Reichsdienst at the Forschungsanstalt für Kriegs und Heeresgeschichte in Potsdam. 01.05.1938, was promoted to the senior government council. On 01.09.1944, Ludwig Boell was awarded the War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords. Military service in the Royal Prussian Army and in the Reichswehr 01.10.1907 Entry 30.09.1920 Discharge from the 200,000 man army Promotions 00.00.1908 Corporal 31.03.1909 NCO 10.08.1909 Sergeant 19.11.1909 Fahnenjunker 22.03.1910 Lieutenant (with patent dated 22.03.1908) 25.02.1915 Lieutenant Colonel 18.06.1917 Captain Positions 01.10.1907 Inf.Rgt. 143 One-year volunteer 04.02.1909 Inf.Rgt. 132 Voluntary exercise 16.06.1909 Inf.Rgt. 60 Exercise A 23.08.1909 Inf.Rgt. 56 Flag-junker 26.11.1913 Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika, Rekrutendepot Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika, 10. field company 00.03.1914 Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1. field company 00.03.1914 Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1. field company 00.03.1914 Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1. field company 00.03.1914 Feldkompanie Kompanieführer, Ordonnanz-Offizier bei beim Kommandostab, Adjutant der Schutztruppe und Generalstabsoffizier bei General Wahle 31.03.1920 VII. AK budgeted company commander 00.07.1920 Schutztruppen-Abwicklungsamt Berlin-Adlerdorf Einsatz 1914-1918 Deutsch-Ostafrika citation method: BArch, N 14/...

Maercker, Georg (inventory)
BArch, N 786 · Fonds · 1874-1940
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the inventor: Born 21 September 1865 in Baldenburg, district of Schlochau, died 31 December 1924 in Dresden. 1874 Admission to the Kulmer Kadettenkorps, then Prussian Hauptkadettenanstalt and in April 1885 entry as lieutenant second in the infantry regiment "von borcke" (4th Pommersches) No. 21 in Thorn. 1887 Transfer to the 2nd Lower Alsatian Infantry Regiment No. 137 in September 1888, one year's leave of absence to go to Africa. After a short time working for the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i kanische Gesellschaft as an officer in the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika. On 18 May 1889 he took part in a battle at Dar-es-Salam as part of the suppression of the so-called Arab uprising. 1890 He rejoins the army. 1891-1904 Education at the Prussian Academy of War; 1895 transfer to the Grand General Staff. In the same year wedding with Luise Lindner. In 1898 he was promoted to captain during his command at the Reichsmarineamt, which from 1898 to 1899 included surveying work in the Kiautschou leasehold. 1900 Return to Germany and activity in the general staff. From 1902 company commander in infantry regiment 41. In 1904 promotion to major and transfer to the general staff of the stage command of the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika. There he participated in the so-called Herero and Hottentot campaigns. During the Nama Uprising, Maercker led the Schutztruppen units in the Battle of Nubib and was wounded. 1910 Farewell to the Schutztruppe and appointment as battalion commander in the infantry regiment "König Ludwig III. von Bayern" (2nd Lower Silesian) No. 47. 1912 promotion lieutenant colonel; 1913 appointment as commander of the North Sea island Borkum. 1914 Promotion to colonel. 1915 and 1916 as regiment commander participation in the position fights at the Kormyn and at the Styr, afterwards at the western front, among others Yser, in the Wyschaete arch as well as at St. Eloi. Wounded in the Battle of the Somme in 1916, then in positional battles on the Aisne. At the end of 1916 he took part in the battles on the Narajowka and Zlota Lipa; from 1917 he was deployed on the western front: Somme, Wytschaete Arc, Yser, Arras, Champagne and Flanders with renewed wounding. Awarded the Pour le Mérite Order on 1 October 1917 and the Pour le Mérite Oak Leaf Order on 3 May 1918. On 18 August 1917 promotion to Major General and appointment as Commander of the 214th Division. In December 1918 Maercker formed the Freikorps "Landesjäger" from parts of his division; deployment of the Freikorps during the suppression of the Spartakus uprising in January 1919 in Berlin, followed by deployments in Weimar, Gotha, Erfurt, Halle, Magdeburg, Braunschweig and Helmstedt. On 2 May the Freikorps was integrated into the Reichswehr as Reichswehrbrigade 16. On 28 April 1920 Maercker was released from active military service. In 1922 he founded the Deutscher Kolonialkriegerbund. Processing note: General Wehrkreis IV (Saxony)? Description of the holdings: Major General, documents, personal letters, training documents, portrait photos, colonial history: General der Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika. R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t , surveying Tsingtau, commander of the infantry in the First World War in France and Belgium, Wehrkreiskommando IV, Freikorpsführer Geb. 21. September 1865 in Baldenburg, Kreis Schlochau, died 31. December 1924 in Dresden. 1874 Admission to the Kulmer Kadettenkorps, then Prussian Hauptkadettenanstalt and in April 1885 entry as lieutenant second in the infantry regiment "von borcke" (4th Pommersches) No. 21 in Thorn. 1887 Transfer to the 2nd Lower Alsatian Infantry Regiment No. 137 in September 1888, one year's leave of absence to go to Africa. After a short time working for the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i kanische Gesellschaft as an officer in the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika. On 18 May 1889 he took part in a battle at Dar-es-Salam as part of the suppression of the so-called Arab uprising. 1890 He rejoins the army. 1891-1904 Education at the Prussian Academy of War; 1895 transfer to the Grand General Staff. In the same year wedding with Luise Lindner. In 1898 he was promoted to captain during his command at the Reichsmarineamt, which from 1898 to 1899 included surveying work in the Kiautschou leasehold. 1900 Return to Germany and activity in the general staff. From 1902 company commander in infantry regiment 41. In 1904 promotion to major and transfer to the general staff of the stage command of the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika. There he participated in the so-called Herero and Hottentot campaigns. During the Nama Uprising, Maercker led the Schutztruppen units in the Battle of Nubib and was wounded. 1910 Farewell to the Schutztruppe and appointment as battalion commander in the infantry regiment "König Ludwig III. von Bayern" (2nd Lower Silesian) No. 47. 1912 promotion lieutenant colonel; 1913 appointment as commander of the North Sea island Borkum. 1914 Promotion to colonel. 1915 and 1916 as regiment commander participation in the position fights at the Kormyn and at the Styr, afterwards at the western front, among others Yser, in the Wyschaete arch as well as at St. Eloi. Wounded in the Battle of the Somme in 1916, then in positional battles on the Aisne. At the end of 1916 he took part in the battles on the Narajowka and Zlota Lipa; from 1917 he was deployed on the western front: Somme, Wytschaete Arc, Yser, Arras, Champagne and Flanders with renewed wounding. Awarded the Pour le Mérite Order on 1 October 1917 and the Pour le Mérite Oak Leaf Order on 3 May 1918. On 18 August 1917 promotion to Major General and appointment as Commander of the 214th Division. In December 1918 Maercker formed the Freikorps "Landesjäger" from parts of his division; deployment of the Freikorps during the suppression of the Spartakus uprising in January 1919 in Berlin, followed by deployments in Weimar, Gotha, Erfurt, Halle, Magdeburg, Braunschweig and Helmstedt. On 2 May the Freikorps was integrated into the Reichswehr as Reichswehrbrigade 16. On 28 April 1920 Maercker was released from active military service. In 1922 he founded the Deutscher Kolonialkriegerbund. Citation style: BArch, N 786/...

BArch, N 159 · Fonds · 1871-1918
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Georg von Müller, Admiral Born on 24 March 1854 in Chemnitz, died on 18 April 1940 in Hangelsberg November 1889 Married Elisabeth Luise von Montbart; March 1900 Elevated to hereditary nobility Military career (selection) May 1871: Entry into the Imperial Navy; August 1878: Appointment as lieutenant at sea; May 1879: Commanded torpedo weapon; 1882-1884: Travels abroad to West India and South America on S.M.S. "Olga" and S.M.S. "Blücher"; November 1884: Statistical Office of the Admiralty; May 1885 - March 1886: Military Political Advisor (Marine Attaché) at the German Embassy in Stockholm; March 1886: Promotion to lieutenant captain; until spring 1889: changing uses on board and on land, including participation in the company in Samoa in Aug./Sept. 1887 on board S.M.S. "Bismarck"; spring 1889: entry into the newly created Imperial Naval Cabinet; September 1891: Commander gunboat S.M.S. "Iltis"; November 1892: Head of Personnel in the High Command of the Navy; Autumn 1895 - February 1898: Personal Adjutant of Prince Heinrich of Prussia; November 1898: Commander of the Great Cruiser S.M.S. "Germany"; April 1899: Chief of the Staff Ostasiatisches Kreuzergeschwader; May 1899: Promotion to Captain at Sea; April 1900: Head of Department in the Navy Cabinet; October 1902 - September 1904: Commander Linienschiff S.M.S. "Wettin"; September 1904: Duty wing adjutant of Kaiser Wilhelms II; 1905: Appointment as rear admiral; July 1906: Head of Imperial Naval Cabinet; 1907: Appointment as vice-admiral; 1910: Appointment as admiral, also general adjutant of Kaiser Wilhelms II.November 1918: Farewell to active service Description of the inventory: As head of the naval cabinet, Georg Alexander von Müller had the opportunity to exert far-reaching influence on all naval affairs beyond his duties as head of personnel policy. His key position was based, on the one hand, on a special, personal relationship of trust with the Emperor and, on the other hand, on the fact that all personnel decisions of the Navy were in his hands and that Müller was called in for all lectures. Müller served as a link between the Emperor and the various Immediate Offices of the Navy. During the war, Müller increasingly met with reservations and criticism from the Naval Corps of Officers for the widespread view that the head of the Naval Cabinet delayed or blocked measures for a more aggressive naval war. Müller also entered into a permanent conflict with Grand Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz and was publicly attacked by him and his followers during and especially after the war. Although Müller, in contrast to numerous other members of the Naval Corps, did not publish any memoirs, a whole series of published articles from Müller's pen testifies to this permanent conflict. Müller's influence on naval affairs in general and on warfare in particular declined as a function of the importance of Kaiser Wilhelm II. As Supreme Warlord. In October 1918, Müller was largely on the fringes of the project of a militarily senseless, but myth-founding sacrificial corridor of the deep-sea fleet. As the duty wing adjutant of Wilhelm II and chief of the naval cabinet, Georg Alexander von Müller belonged to the immediate circle of Wilhelm II for more than a decade and a half and throughout the First World War. His records reflect in a special way the court society as well as the personality and work of the monarch in the last years of the German Empire. Content characterisation: The collection comprises only the seven handwritten diaries of Georg Alexander von Müller. They extend over a period of 47 years, beginning with Müller's entry into the Imperial Navy in 1871 up to his retirement as Chief of the Naval Cabinet in 1918. The records are enriched with photos and drawings. Other documents from the estate edited by Walter Görlitz and his son Sven von Müller, on the other hand, are considered lost. Citation style: Barch, N 159/...

BArch, N 628 · Fonds · 1843-1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Lieutenant General Gustav von Schubert Date of birth 28.09.1824 born in Leipzig 03.09.1907 died in Heidelberg Career 1837 Military Preparatory School 1839 Entrance to Saxon Cadet House 1843 Portepeejunker of the Riding Artillery Brigade; Lieutenant with the 4th Company of the Foot Artillery Regiment Oct. 1846 Member of "Literary Museum" May 1849 Head of ammunition supply from Königstein to Dresden Lieutenant Colonel and transfer to General Staff 1854 Dresden "Training School for Officers" March 1854 Adjutant in General Staff 1857 Rank of Captain 1861 Return as battery commander to the military service of the foot artillery regiment Dec. 1863 Concealed reconnaissance in Denmark 1865 Return to General Staff 1866 Army High Command, appointment as Major and Deputy Chief of General Staff 1869 Promotion to Lieutenant Colonel 1870 Chief of Staff of the 23rd Infantry Division Nov. 1870 Head of Staff of the XII. (Royal Saxon) Army Corps 1871 Command over the Fortress Artillery Regiment No. 12 1872 In the rank of Colonel Takeover of the Command over the Field Artillery Regiment No. 12 "Divisional Artillery" (since 1874 2nd Royal Saxon Military Artillery Regiment No. 12 "Divisional Artillery") 28) 1878 In hereditary nobility raised 1880 promotion to Major General, Command over Artillery Brigade No. 12 1885 retirement (right, rank of Generalleutnat) 1887-1907 Chairman of the Royal Saxon Invalidity Foundation awards Knight's Cross of the Military St. -Heinrichs-Ordens Komturkreuz des Königlich Sächsischen Verdienstordens 2nd class with war decoration 1870 Großkreuz des Albrechtsordens Dienstauszeichnungskreuz Eisernen Kreuz 1st class Orden anderer Staaten 1893 à la suite des 2. Feldartillerieregiment Nr. 28 Description of holdings: The estate contains documents on the popular uprising in Dresden in 1849, the German-Danish War of 1864, the German War of 1866 and the Franco-Prussian War of 1870/71. Gustav von Schubert had made a name for himself as an artillerist beyond Saxony's borders and also reflected his time in his rich literary oeuvre. In addition, the estate gives a complex impression of the private life of an officer in the 19th century - from budget management to social obligations. The newly acquired documents include, above all, family correspondence by Gustav von Schubert and his wife, as well as letters from Hans von Schubert's parents and other persons and a curriculum vitae. Citation style: BArch, N 628/...

Souchon, Wilhelm (inventory)
BArch, N 156 · Fonds · 1880-1935
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Wilhelm Souchon, Vice Admiral born on 02 June 1864 in Leipzig, died on 13 January 1946 in Bremen married to Violet (née Lahusen) 1881: Sea cadet on SMS Leipzig; 1894: Commander of the mine training ship SMS Rhein, promotion to Captain Lieutenant 1900: I. Officer/Commander of SMS Odin 1900-1903: promotion to Corvette Captain 1903: Chief of Staff of II. (Reserve) Wing 1904: Chief of the Staff of the Cruiser Wing in East Asia on the SMS Fürst Bismarck 1906: Promotion to Captain at Sea, Employment in the Naval Office 1907: Commander of the SMS Wettin 1909: Chief of the Staff of the Naval Station Baltic Sea 1911: Promotion to Rear Admiral, 2nd Admiral of the II. 1913: Commander of the Mediterranean Division 1914: Commander-in-Chief of the Ottoman and Bulgarian Navy 1915: Promotion to Vice Admiral 1917: Commander of the 4th Battle Squadron of the Baltic Sea Fleet 1918: Chief of the Naval Station of the Baltic Sea, Governor of Kiel 1919: Pension Awards: Iron Cross I. and II. Class Pour le Mérite Red Eagle Order II. Class with star, oak leaves and swords Crown Order II. Class with Star Prussian Service Award Cross Lippisches Kriegsverdienstkreuz Commturkreuz I. Class of the Albrechts Order Grand Cross of the House Order of the White Falcon with Swords Cross for Merits in War Description: Correspondence, inter alia with Wilhelm II. and Tirpitz; lectures and elaborations on naval history; memoirs and diaries; documents from military service, including as chief of the Mediterranean Division (1911-1915), as commander-in-chief of the Turkish and Bulgarian navies (1915-1917) and as chief of the IV Squadron (1917-1918). State of development: Special conditions of use Citation method: BArch, N 156/...

Souchon, Wilhelm