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BArch, N 38/29 · Akt(e) · 13. Juni 1900 - 16. Okt. 1906
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Schlesw. Holstein Pi. Bulletin No. 9: Proposal for the route at Cuxhaven from 9 to 15 July 1900; difficulties in unloading ship consignments, memorandum; Lequis report to the Gen. Insp. of the Ing. and Pi. Corps and the Fortresses, Berlin, on his participation in the China Expedition

Lequis, Arnold
BArch, PH 10-II/913 · Akt(e) · 1908-1918
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Lecture "Comparison of the Means of Power of Japan and the United States of North America" (17.2.1908); Battle Report Red to the Field Service Exercise on 27.10.1908 (27.10.1908); Battle Report Blue to the Field Service Exercise on 27.10.1908 (28.10.1908); Lecture "What Military Value Does the War in German South West Africa Have for Us? (23.2.1909); battle report on an officer field service task on 26.8.1911 (26.8.1911); flag money and flag parade on Emperor's birthday (March 1913); cover letter for returning the lectures to Wilck (back with stupidity of his secretaries; 6.2.1918); lecture "Die Schlacht bei Langensalza" (o.D.)

BArch, RM 20/371 · Akt(e) · Mai 1886 - 31. März 1922
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

contains among other things: Application for occupancy of the Wremen Battery for training purposes; list of accommodation facilities on Wiek and Bug on Rügen and their occupancy; peace occupancy capacity of the garrison facilities in Swinemünde; accommodation of the families of the crews of the I. Flotilla in Swinemünde; evacuation of the Kiautschou Barracks

BArch, RM 2/1835 · Akt(e) · Okt. 1895 - Jan. 1898
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Points of view for the choice of a base in East Asia, especially the port of Wei-hai-wei (memorandum of the Reichsmarineamt, with maps), 14 Nov. 1895 Occupation of Kiautschou after the murder of two German missionaries (telegram of the emperor to the Reich Chancellor, copy), 6 Nov. 1895, 6 Nov. 1895, German mission of the emperor to the Reich Chancellor, 6 Nov. 1895, German mission of the emperor to the emperor. Nov. 1897 Russian objection against the occupation of Kiautschou Bay by German warships (Promemoria of the Foreign Office), (Nov. 1897) Appointment of Kpt. z.S. Rosendahl as commander on land over the German armed forces in Kiautschou (AKO, copy), 3 Jan. 1898

BArch, RM 2/1837 · Akt(e) · Juni 1898 - Apr. 1899
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Port Arthur and Wei-hai-wei (Military Political Report of the 2nd Division of the Kreuzergeschwader, copy), June 14, 1898 Prohibition of land sales in Kiautschou (Memorandum of the Imperial Naval Office), June 30, 1898. June 1898 Provisions on the organisation of the crew of Kiautschou (reproduction), 17 Aug 1898 Development of Kiautschou (memorandum, print), Oct 1898 Inauguration of the "Polecat monument" on 21 Nov 1898 (draft programme, reproduction), 21 Nov 1898

BArch, RM 2/1840 · Akt(e) · Jan. 1909 - Juli 1914
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Awarding of orders on the occasion of the successful implementation of the anti-plague measures in the protectorate of Kiautschou (proposals of the Reichsmarineamt with excerpts from the roll of trunks), 4 July 1911 manoeuvre of the 16th Japanese Division (Kyoto) from 14 to 21 Nov. 1911 (report of the commander of the III. sea battalion, copy), 8. Jan. 1912 The Schantung Ironworks (excerpts from the expert opinion of the metallurgical engineer Otto F. Weinling, prepared for the Schantung Railway Company, with map sketches), 18. Feb. 1914

BArch, R 3001/20312 · Akt(e) · 1936-1938
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Law on the restriction of the acquisition of rights by legal persons (draft) - Provisional consultation of 26 June 1936; "Attacks on religion and belief in God" - Remarks and suggestions of the RJM, 28 Febr. 1936; Acquisition of real estate by German companies in Turkey - Agreement on Establishment between the German Reich and the Turkish Republic, 1936; Süddeutsche Zucker AG. Grundstückserwerb, 1936; Johannesbund e.V.- Grundstückserwerb und Satzung, Apr. 1934, 1936; Exemption of the National Socialist Welfare Association from the acquisition restriction, 1936; "Rechtsstellung ausländischer Gesellschaften", "Who owns the German land?" and "Portugals Kolonialbesitz" - Excerpts from the "Berliner Börsenzeitung", 1937; legal validity of the knockdown in the forced sale procedure, 1937

BArch, RM 3/6884 · Akt(e) · 1905-1909
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Submissions to the R e i c h s t a g concerning the reorganization of the local administration of the German colonies budgets of the colonial government in Hong Kong for 1905 to 1908, for the expedition to East Asia for 1906, the East and Southwest African protectorates, New Guinea, Cameroon, and the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t for 1906 Memorandum on the establishment of a R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t

Administration of the Kiautschou protectorate
BArch, RM 3/7102 · Akt(e) · 1898-1913
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Rules of Procedure Marine Ordinance Sheets: including accounting and cash management, crew organisation, service regulations for administration, compulsory military service, port regulations for Tsingtau, legal relations, personnel matters, budget matters (revenue/expenditure) "Review of the development of the Kiautschou protectorate and its relations with the hinterland", article for "Deutschlandbuch für Chinesen" (German Book for Chinese)

Admirals of the Imperial and Navy: Letters L - Qu
BArch, MSG 225/94 · Akt(e) · 1871-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Enthält: Rudolf Lahs (3.1.1880 - 16.11.1954); Heinrich Lampe (24.6.1877 - 1.1.1928); Fritz Lamprecht (09.08.1893 - 23.07.1961); Dr. Med. Walter Lange (12.07.1882 - 27.10.1961); Werner Lange (18.07.1893 - 19.11.1965); Hans-Paul Leithäuser (25.06.1895 - 22.07.1943); Franz Lemke (31.01.1862 - 10.11.1925); Bernhard Liebetanz (31.07.1894 - 10.01.1966); Joachim Lietzmann (01.09.1894 - 19.09.1959); Eugen Lindau (03.05.1883 - 10.05.1960); Werner Lindenau (21.9.1892 - 21.8.1975); Wilhelm Friedrich (25.09.1879 - 05.07.1946); Werner Löwisch (22.2.1894 - 6.6.1971); Walter Georg Lohmann (11.12.1891 - 13.04.1955); Max Looff (02.05.1874 - 20.09.1954); Hermann Lorey (25.09.1877 - 15.10.1954); Ernst Lucht (27.02.1896 - 02.11.1975); Günther Lütjens (25.05.1889 - 27.05.1941); Dr. Rer. Pol. Gustav Lüttge (26.12.1890 - 25.12.1963); Friedrich Lützow (31.08.1881 - 01.11.1964); Bruno Machens (25.07.1895 - 20.11.1976); Erhard Maertens (26.02.1891 - 05.05.1945); Erich Mahrholz (09.11.1879 - 29.12.1969); Wilhelm Marschall (30.09.1886 - 20.03.1976); Ralf von der Marwitz (29.10.1888 - 29.09.1966); Siegfried Maßmann (2.4.1882 - 15.2.1944); Friedrich Matthes (17.10.1881 - 16.12.1950); Walter Matthiae (03.08.1880 - 27.06.).1960); Wilhelm Matthies (27.09.1896 - 07.07.1980); Wilhelm Meendsen-Bohlken (25.06.1897 - 20.08.1985); Albrecht Meißner (14.10.1883 - 21.07.1962); Dr. Jur. Paul Meixner (04.06.1891 - 08.06.1950); Heinz-Eduard Menche (06.03.1886 - 25.12.1961); Wilhelm Meisel (04.11.1893 - 07.09.1974); Ernst Meusel (12.1.1881 - 15.11.1933); Raul Mewis (03.06.1886 - 23.02.1972); Hans Meyer (01.12.).1898 - ?) William Michaelis (19.07.1871 - 05.01.1948); Hans Michahelles (18.05.1899 - 14.06.1975); Alexander Michels (17.3.1891 - 26.6.1968); Andreas Michelsen (19.2.1869 - 8.4.1932); Hans Mirow (30.08.1895 - 09.06.1986); Dr. Med. Hans-Hinrich Möller (03.08.1898 - 04.10.1974); Wilhelm Mössel (20.10.1897 - 05.09.1986); Konrad Mommsen (10.05.1871 - 04.11.1946); Prof. Dr. Med. Sigmund Moosauer (13.03.1877 - 20.04.1944); Hermann Mootz (12.07.1889 - 04.01.1962); Dr. Med. Willy Mücke (20.07.1888 - 02.11.1968); Erich Müller (03.04.1895 - 07.03.1967); Dr. Med. Gerhard Müller (11.04.1894 - 09.11.1981); Harry Mündel (31.08.1876 - 27.04.1946); Dr. Med. Fritz Nadler (6.8.1895 - 30.3.1985); Fritz Niemand (27.7.1892 - 12.2.1943); Dr. Med. Heinrich Nöldeke (16.08.1896 - 17.06.1955); Willy von Nordeck (26.01.1888 - 12.10.1956); Heinz Nordmann (28.05.1893 - 23.12.1945); Walther Oehler (03.01.1888 - 06.07.1968); Iwan Christian Hermann Oldekop (08.02.1878 - 13.05.1942); Dipl.Ing. Karl Packroß (17.01.1891 - 06.01.1946); Conrad Patzig (24.05.).1888 - 01.12.1975); Oswald Paul (01.08.1883 - 11.05.1949); Hans Peters (23.12.1884 - 29.11.1947); Max Peters (06.06.1888 - 11.04.1961); Rudolf Peters (09.08.1899 - 14.09.1990); Rudolf Petersen (15.06.1905 - 02.01.1985); Adolf Pfeiffer (29.10.1876 - 14.05.1961); Edgar Pillet (20.09.1877 - 12.05.1959; Dr. Med. Friedrich Pinggéra (26.01.1876 - 18.01.1940); Joachim Plath (03.06.1893 - 28.06.1971); Victor Praefcke (25.10.1872 - 19.11.1962); Wilhelm Prentzel (28.07.1878 - 02.05.1945); Theodor Püllen (25.11.1871 - 05.06.1931); Siegfried Punt (26.02.1881 - 05.10.1960); Karl-Jesko von Puttkamer (24.03.1900 - 04.03.1981); Hans Quaet - Faslem (03.12.1874 - 11.12.1941)

BArch, N 42/38 · Akt(e) · 1924-1932
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Award of the Iron Cross to the Swedish commercial attaché in Berlin Löwengoord, 1924; Award of the Medal of Honor of the German Red Cross to the American journalists William Hearst and Karl von Wiegand as well as to the Austrian Army Minister Vaugoin 1929, 1931; Visit of a Finnish lieutenant colonel to the Reich Ministry of Defence, o. Dat. State Secretary Otto Meissner concerning the training of a Chinese officer as an officer and in flying, 12.05.1930; speech of the Chief of Army Command General of the Infantry Kurt Freiherr von Hammerstein at the farewell breakfast for the French military attaché in Berlin General Tournès, 10.11.1930; antiques dealer Dr. Paul Drey to Lieutenant Colonel Friedrich-Wilhelm v. Willisen concerning the training of a Chinese officer as an officer and in flying, 12.05.1930. the economic situation in the United States of America and the views there on Germany, in particular its internal political situation and its ability to pay reparations, 15.01.1931; Correspondence with State Secretary Otto Meissner concerning the rescheduling of a German property in the former province of Posen, March 1931; Plan of a visit of the British admiral Viscount John Jellicoe of Scapa to Germany, operated by General of the Cavalry Friedrich Graf von der Schulenburg, March/April 1931; Alleged commercial espionage of the Japanese Dr. Job Tamaki, March 1932; from Hagen, Betschuanaland, to Major L. Müldner von Mülnheim concerning colonial questions, 12.04.1932; Planned reception by Sir Stafford Cripps, June 1932

BArch, RM 5/308 · Akt(e) · 1899-1920
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: "Distribution of Business at the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t". Reprint, 1914 "Resolution of the Prussian State Government concerning the competence of the Ministry for People's Welfare". Umdruck, 7.11.1919 "Provisional regulation of the command powers and working areas of the supreme command posts of the Reichwehr from 1.10.1919 onwards". transfer

Affairs of the Kreuzergeschwader: Vol. 3
BArch, RM 3/3154 · Akt(e) · 1891-1894
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Leipzig", "Sophie", "Alexandrine", "Wolf Tätigkeits- und Reiseberichte Report on the situation of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a from May 1892 Dissolution of the Kreuzergeschwader in Apr. 1893

African coastal steamer: Vol. 1
BArch, RM 3/3149 · Akt(e) · 1889-1897
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Acquisition of government vehicles in Cameroon Activity reports of government vehicles Inspection reports of S.M. vehicle "Nightingale" vehicle

African coastal steamer: Vol. 2
BArch, RM 3/3150 · Akt(e) · 1897-1903
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Activity reports from Nov. 1897 to June 1899 Military political reports on events in the protectorate of Cameroon from Nov. 1897 and Aug. 1898 Visits to the dart boat "Kamerun" and Hulk "Cyclop" in July 1898 Service regulations for station vehicles in Cameroon and for Hulk "Cyclop

BArch, N 2225/15 · Akt(e) · Nov. 1905 - Okt. 1906
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Correspondence between Pfeil and von Schkopp (member of the Committee for the Establishment of the African Company A.-G.) about the necessary measures for the establishment of the African Company A.-G.- Memorandum.- Rules of Procedure for the Supervisory Board.- Prospectuses.- Articles of Association

Pfeil, Joachim Graf von
BArch, N 2225/16 · Akt(e) · Sept. 1906 - Nov. 1911
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Draft contract for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Reports on Cameroon statistics - Draft contract for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft contract for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft contract for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft contract for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft contract for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft contract for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft contract for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft rubber.

Pfeil, Joachim Graf von