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BArch, R 2/11633 · Akt(e) · 1933-1938
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Verein Westafrikanischer Kaufleute, Hamburg - Report on the association year 1935 (print) The conditions in Cameroon - Report by Dr. Frhr. v. Bodenhausen, Berlin, of 30 Apr. 1937 to the President of the Advertising Council of the German Economy after his joint trip to Africa with Duke Adolf Friedrich zu Mecklenburg, 1937 Wickel, F. William: Reisebericht über Kamerun, o.D. Statistik über Einfuhr und Ausfuhr sowie Haushalt des französischen Mandatsgebiets Kamerun, 1937

BArch, R 2/4947 · Akt(e) · 1933-1935
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: German Economic Advertising (Memorandum, author unknown), 1933 German Cultural and Economic Advertising Abroad as a Contemporary Demand.- Memorandum of the Auslandsverlag of Dec. 1933, written in agreement with the Deutsche Überseedienst GmbH (print) Result of the Leipzig Autumn Fair 1934 - Memorandum of the Werberat der Deutschen Wirtschaft und des Leipziger Messeamtes (print), Leipzig 1934 Report of the President of the Werberat der Deutschen Wirtschaft, Dr. Frhr. V. Bodenhausen, as companion of Duke Adolf Friedrich zu Mecklenburg on an information tour through the Tanganyika region in East Africa of 22.1.1935