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Archival description
BArch, N 1231 · Fonds · 1882-1954
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: NDB 10, p. 10 ff - Dankwart Guratzsch, Macht durch Organisation. The foundation of the Hugenberg Press Empire, Düsseldorf 1974 economic leader, member of the National Assembly, Member of the German Parliament (DNVP, 1919-1933, guest of the NSDAP 1933-1945), Reich Minister (1933) Description of the holdings: Personal documents, speeches, material collections, general and political correspondence as well as fact files on activities in the following functions: Board member of the General German Association (since 1891), member of the Settlement Commission in Poznan (1894-1899) and of the High Council in Kassel (1899-1900), director of the Raiffeisen cooperatives (since 1900), the Landesgenossenschaften (since 1900), the Landesgenosenschaftsbank GmbH and the Deutsche Lagerhaus GmbH in Poznan, unskilled worker and lecturer at the Prussian Ministry of Finance (1903-1907), Member of the Executive Board of Berg- und Metallbank in Frankfurt (1908), First Chairman of the Executive Committee of Friedrich Krupp AG (1909-1918), Head of the Hugenberg Group (since 1914), member of the Weimar National Assembly and the Reichstag (1919-1945), Party Chairman of the DNVP (1928-1933), Reich Minister of Economics and Reich Minister of Food and Agriculture (1933); Documents worth mentioning on the establishment of the press group, denazification and activities after 1945, as well as some fragments from the estates of the economic leader Hans von Loewenstein zu Loewenstein, Wilhelm Hirsch, member of the Reichstag, and Otto Meesmann, lawyer, and documents from the DNVP press office. Group management documents, mainly hand files and replacement records of lost registration parts due to the effects of the war: general business correspondence, correspondence and files relating to August Scherl GmbH (since 1937: August Scherl Nachf.) and August Scherl Handels- und Verwaltungs-KG (since 1944: Opriba Handels- und Verwaltungs-KG) with documents on the development and expansion of the Hugenberg Group from the founding of Ausland GmbH (Essen) in 1914 to the gradual dismantling during the Nazi era, in particular information on committees and advisory councils, shareholders' meetings, annual reports, audit reports, balance sheets, shareholdings, tax and personnel matters. (Status: 1977) - Special terms of use - Citation method: BArch, N 1231/...

BArch, R 3102 · Fonds · 1904-1947
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: 1872 Establishment of the Imperial Statistical Office by the Imperial Chancellor with the issue of a business instruction by the Imperial Chancellor, first subordinated to the Imperial Chancellery, since 1879 to the Imperial Office of the Interior and since 1918 with simultaneous renaming into the Imperial Statistical Office to the Imperial Ministry of Economics, 1934 Merger with the Prussian Statistical Office The task of the Office was the collection of material for Imperial Statistics, its technical and scientific examination, processing and publication, expert reporting on statistical issues. Inventory description: Inventory history Due to the effects of war and the collapse of the German Reich, the records of the Reich Statistical Office suffered heavy losses. At the Berlin headquarters in the Neue Königstraße, parts of the statistical material were destroyed during bomb attacks in May 1945. During the demolition of the building in 1945, the central registry was completely destroyed and approximately 10 of the 200,000 volumes of the library were lost. In the years 1943/44 several departments or departments with their written material had been moved to alternative locations. Much of the material that remained in the territories later occupied by Soviet troops was destroyed, while others were sent to the then Central State Archive in Potsdam. In April, the Dargun and Weimar branches were able to bring important material to Schwerin, from where the staff of the Reich Statistical Office there were able to flee to Hamburg at the end of April with parts of the documents in Schwerin. In Schwerin the original material of industrial production statistics and the mass of price statistics documents fell into Russian hands. The parts of the tax statistics that had been moved to Wernigerode were transported to Derenburg in Hesse before the retreat of the American troops. The stocks brought to Würzburg suffered losses due to bomb damage; the remaining documents were preserved. After 1945, the stock that had been relocated to the western occupation zones and the fragments of the traditions rescued from the Soviet occupation zone were concentrated in three places: 1. in the British occupation zone in the Statistical Office in Hamburg and Minden 2. and in the American occupation zone in the Ministerial Collecting Center in Fürstenhagen near Kassel; from there larger parts were brought to the USA 3. in the French occupation zone in the Office for Statistics and Economic Development in Baden-Baden. Essentially, the documents that fell into the hands of the Western occupying powers at the time were sent to the Federal Archives via the American Document Center in Berlin, the Federal Statistical Office or the USA. Archival evaluation and processing The successive transfer of parts of the collection from the Reich Statistical Office to the Federal Archives has led to a gradual recording of the holdings. The documents on the excise tax statistics, which came to the Federal Archives in 1952 with written documents from other American departments, were indexed in a finding aid book. The material returned from Alexandria in 1958 was provisionally developed in 1959. After a return of the files from the Berlin Document Center in 1962 and further splinter deliveries, a provisional completion of the indexing could be achieved in 1968. All the documents of the Statistical Office of the Reich that had entered the Federal Archives were indexed by a index of finds, whereby parts of the material recorded in the index of consumption statistics were re-signed. The publications of the Statistisches Reichsamt available in the Budnesarchiv at that time were recorded in a second index. Later, the Federal Statistical Office, in particular, was able to adopt further documents from agricultural statistics, industrial production statistics and the Reich Office for Defense Economic Planning and social statistics. Further exhibitor provenances were incorporated from the traditions of the Reichsnährstand and the Reichsstelle für Raumordnung which had been passed on to the Federal Archives. In addition, the Imperial War Museum in London handed over to the Federal Archives some relevant documents of small volume. In the winter of 1975, these additions were also incorporated into the inventory. Characterization of content: The following groups of written documents are to be named as the main focus of the collection: - Social statistics - Industry - Financial and tax statistics - Transport and communications - Abroad - Money and loans, insurance Part 1 (formerly: ZStA 31.02): Organisation and business operations 1922-1945 (186); Population and area 1925, 1933-1943 (28); Cross-sectoral economic activities 1910-1944 (533); Armament and war economy 1933-1947 (312); Industry 1910-1946 (542); Agriculture and forestry, fishing 1913, 1924-1945 (93); Transport and transportation 1924-1945 (475); Post and telegraph 1913-1944 (12); Crafts 1895, 1936-1944 (8); Arts and culture 1930-1944 (88); Medicine and sport 1928-1945 (72); Social services 1909-1945 (164); Education 1937, 1939-1944 (4); Finance and taxes 1913-1945 (177); Money and credit, insurance 1876-1946 (223); Justice and crime statistics 1937-1941 (3); Foreign countries 1904-1944 (640). Part 2 (formerly: BArch R 24): Administration 1923-1945 (16); Trade and transport statistics 1927-1944 (11); Social statistics 1927-1945 (1633); Population, business and cultural statistics 1910-1944 (5); Financial and tax statistics 1913-1945 (527); Summary economic statistics 1934-1945 (53); industrial production statistics 1936-1945 (35); general foreign statistics 1927-1945 (107); statistical communications - Memel 1932-1934 (2). State of development: Findbuch für Teil 1 (1982) Findbuch für Teil 2 (1975) Citation method: BArch, R 3102/...