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Air Force testing sites (inventory)
BArch, RL 36 · Bestand · 1934-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: The Technical Office, established in 1933, set up testing facilities for weapons and equipment at various locations that existed until 1945. Inventory description: KOMMANDO DER ERPROBUNGSSTELLEN According to the provisions of the Versailles Treaty of 1919, the German Reich was prohibited from developing and constructing aircraft for military purposes. Nevertheless, as early as 1920, the Reichswehr Ministry (RWM) set up units with the task of carrying out preparatory work for the creation of development and testing sites for an air force. For example, a "Air Defence" (TA) unit was set up in the Truppenamt (TA) and an aeronautical unit in the Inspektion für Waffen und Gerät (IWG). After the merger of the IWG with the Waffenamt (Wa.A) of the RWM at the beginning of 1927, the aeronautical department became the department 6 F of the testing group (Wa.Prw. 6 F). He was in charge of the development departments disguised as civil engineering offices as well as the test groups in Johannisthal and Rechlin. The testing thus fell within the competence of the testing department of the Weapons Office. At the end of November 1928, the procurement department was also taken over by the Wa.L.Prw. Group. At the end of July 1939, in order to better meet the growing requirements, the Aviation Group in the Weapons Office (Wa.L) was divided into three groups: "Development of aircraft (Wa.L. I)", "Development of equipment" (Wa.L. II) and "Testing" (Wa.L. III). There was also a group on "Procurement" and a group on "Defense Economics and Armaments". On February 8, 1933, on the orders of Reichswehr Minister Blomberg, the Air Protection Office (LA) was formed, which was now also to be responsible for the development, testing and procurement of aircraft, aircraft engines and special aircraft equipment. He was assigned the aviation group in the weapons office, now known as Wa.Prw. 8, as Division L 2. After the transfer of the air-raid protection office to the newly created Reich Aviation Ministry (RLM) in May, the aviation technology department was initially subordinated as the Technical Department (B II) to the General Office (LB) of the RLM, but then, in the course of the reclassification of the RLM to the Technical Office (LC) on October 1, 1933, and, like the latter, directly subordinated to the Secretary of State for Aviation, Colonel General Milch. It was divided into the departments LC I (Research), LC II (Testing) and LC III (Procurement). Colonel Wimmer, as head of the Technical Office, remained responsible for aviation technology, while Captain Freiherr von Richthofen, who headed the LC II department from June 1934, was in charge of the technical aspects of the test centres (e-places). Until the Luftwaffe was unmasked in March 1935, the tests were carried out by the "Test Centres of the Reich Association of the German Aviation Industry" disguised as civilian. The "Commando der Fliegererprobungsstellen" (Command of Pilot Test Centres), which had been established in 1934 and was based in Rechlin, now appeared as the central testing authority. At the head of the command was the commander of the testing stations (K.d.E.), who was at the same time head of the E station Rechlin and superior of the chief of the E station Travemünde. His supervisor was the head of department LC II (Testing). In December 1936, the E posts Rechlin and Travemünde as well as Tarnewitz were directly subordinated to the new Chief of the Technical Office, Colonel Udet, in 1937 and charged with the development and technical testing of the Luftwaffe equipment. In the course of a reorganization of the entire RLM, the Technical Office was directly subordinated to Göring. As a result, Udet changed the organizational structure of the Technical Office again in May 1938 and dissolved the office of Commander of the Test Laboratories. The E posts now received independent command offices, which were technically subordinate to the head of the Technical Office. On February 1, 1939, the Technical Office, the Supply Office and the "Industry and Economy" group of offices were merged to form the new General Airworthiness Inspectorate (GL) and once again placed under the authority of the State Secretary for Aviation. Lieutenant General Udet was appointed General Airworthiness Officer and was now responsible for the management and control of the entire aviation technology as well as for the securing of the entire air force requirement while retaining his function as Chief of the Technical Office. After his suicide on 17 November 1941, the former Secretary of State for Aviation at the RLM, Generalfeldmarschall Milch, assumed these offices in personal union. In autumn 1941 a new command of the testing stations (Kdo.d.E) was established. In technical and operational terms, it was subordinate to the Commander of the Test Centres (K.d.E ), who in turn was subordinate to the Chief of the Technical Office and worked closely with the responsible development departments C to E of the Technical Office (GL/C). This post was held by Major Petersen until the end of the war. After the General Aircraft Master's Office was dissolved on 27 July 1944, the business area and thus the entire technical air armament was transferred to the Chief of Technical Air Armament (Chief TLR). The office was subordinated to the General Staff of the Luftwaffe and thus to the High Command of the Luftwaffe (OKL). The commander of the testing stations was now directly under the command of the Chief of Technical Air Armament, but was then subordinated to the commander of the Ersatzluftwaffe (BdE-Lw) shortly before the end of the war. Until 1945 the following E-positions were established and partially dissolved: Rechlin, Travemünde, Tarnewitz, Peenemünde, Udetfeld, Madüsee, Werneuchen, Süd (Foggia), Munster-Nord, Jesau, Arktis-Finsee, Cazeaux (Süd) and Karlshagen. In addition, a large number of test commands and test squadrons were set up from 1941 onwards, some of which were formed only briefly for the testing of individual aircraft types and quickly dissolved again after testing. ERPROBUNGSSTELLEN Torpedowaffenplatz der Luftwaffe Gotenhafen-Hexengrund (ca. 1942-1945) On April 2, 1942, the Luftwaffe Torpedowaffenplatz was repositioned as a branch office. He was subordinate to the General Airworthiness Officer (Technical Office) in terms of military service and discipline. He was assigned to Luftgaukommando I in terms of war classification, economy and administration. With effect from 1 May 1944, the Torpedowaffenplatz was then placed under the command of the E units. He was responsible for the testing of air torpedoes and associated dropping devices. Jesau (1943-1944) This E-Stelle was founded in 1943 as an outpost of the Peenemünde-West testing station. The main task of the E-Stelle Jesau was the execution of surveying work for distance and proximity fuses as well as the testing of the rocket-powered aircraft Messerschmitt Me 163. In August 1944 the E-Stelle Jesau was dissolved. Munster-Nord (1935-1945) As early as 1916, a test and production facility for gas ammunition was set up in Munster-Breloh for the first time on 6,500 hectares. From 1935, manufacturing and testing facilities for chemical warfare agents were again built on the site and the Munster-Nord Army Experimental Station, which was subordinate to the Army Ordnance Office, was set up. Both the Luftwaffe and the Weapons Office use the area for technical testing of high attack bombs and low attack spray containers. Peenemünde-West, later Karlshagen (approx. 1939-1945) After the start of construction work at the end of July 1937, Peenemünde-West started operations on 1 April 1938. Uvo Pauls was in charge until September 1, 1942, succeeding Major Otto Stams and Major Karl Henkelmann at the end of 1944. The task of the E unit was the testing of rocket engines and rocket-propelled, remote-controlled dropping weapons (e.g. Fi 103, Hs 298). The central group of the test centre was the air traffic control, which was responsible for the deployment of the aircraft fleet. She was also assigned a weather station. The following test groups were active at the experimental site, working on different tasks: E 2: Aircraft and missile systems with rocket propulsion, including support of the troop test commands (Fi 103 and Hs 117) E 3: Engines and fuels E 4: Radio and radio control systems E 5: Equipment (power supply, control systems, image station, measuring base) E 7: Drop systems, target and target training equipment E 8: Ground systems The E station was moved to Wesermünde air base near Bremerhaven in April 1945. Rechlin (approx. 1925-1945) Already planned in 1916, the "Flieger-Versuchs- und Lehranstalt am Müritzsee" started operations in 1918 during the First World War. Due to the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, however, the installations there were dismantled again at the beginning of the 1920s. As part of the camouflaged continuation of pilot testing in the Weimar Republic, a test airfield was built in Rechlin from 1925. On the initiative of Hauptmann Student, the German Aviation Research Institute (DVL) in Berlin-Adlershof set up a new "Department M" specifically for this purpose. The "Luftfahrtverein Waren e.V.", founded in 1925, acquired the necessary area on behalf of the Reich and took over the operation of the new airfield. Factory and flight operations began in the summer of 1926. From 1927/28 Albatros Flugzeugwerke GmbH in Berlin-Johannisthal leased the facility, which was now called the "Testing Department of Albatros Flugzeugwerke Johannisthal". After the Reichsverband der Deutschen Luftfahrt-Industrie (RDL) had taken over the site at the insistence of the Reichswehr troop office at the end of 1929, it was continued under the camouflage name "RDL Erprobungsstelle Staaken". After the National Socialists came to power in 1933, the facilities in Rechlin were rapidly expanded to become the largest testing station (E station) for aviation equipment. From 1935, the E-Stelle Rechlin was regarded as a showpiece of the Luftwaffe. Until the end of the war, four large building complexes with different uses were built on the huge area: Group North management and technical administration, air base command and weather station; Testing of airframes (from 1936), of radio and navigation equipment, of aircraft on-board devices and equipment, aeromedical tests as well as high-frequency and ionospheric research Group South Testing of engines, of materials as well as of fuels and lubricants East Group Testing of ammunition for on-board weapons and drop-weapons West Group Military testing (only 1935-1938), test group and shipyard, fracture recovery, training workshop Initially, the focus of testing activities in Rechlin was on flight and engine testing. This included the flight testing of the engines, the measurements on the individual engine components as well as the creation of complete aircraft types. Other areas of activity include the testing of aircraft equipment - from on-board instruments to rescue and safety equipment, hydraulic systems - and radio and navigation equipment. From 1933 the testing of weapons was also carried out in Rechlin. The main focus was on the testing of ammunition for firearms as well as the testing of drop ammunition within the framework of flight testing. After the beginning of the 2nd World War, prey planes were thoroughly tested there and the results evaluated. In addition to the purely technical testing of all land aircraft and their equipment, new aircraft types are tested for their military suitability, especially after the start of the war. For this purpose, the Lärz Test Command was set up, to which these aircraft types were assigned for operational testing. From mid-1944 the testing of the new jet aircraft Me 262, Ar 234 and He 162 received highest priority. The E-Stelle Rechlin has undergone several organisational changes during its existence. An overview of the structure and filling of positions is attached as an annex. This is a compilation from the publication of Beauvais. South (Foggia) (c. 1941-1942) In the second half of 1941, the E-Stelle Süd started operations at the airfield in Foggia, Italy. It was intended for the testing of air torpedoes and underwater weapons, which had to be carried out in Grosseto due to unfavourable conditions. At the end of February 1942, it was decided to move the E-Stelle Süd to the French town of Cazaux, southwest of Bordeaux, and operations began at the airfield in May 1942. The test flights were used for the ballistic measurement of various types of bombs or dropping containers, the testing of target devices and bomb droppings. The commander of the E post was Captain Henno Schlockermann. After Allied air raids in March and September 1944, during which the installations were severely damaged and several test aircraft destroyed, operations had to be restricted and then discontinued altogether. By order of 10 October 1944, the E post was officially closed. Tarnewitz (1937-1945) Construction work began in 1935, and two years later the Tarnewitz electric power station was officially put into operation. The task of the new unit was to test new weapon systems for Luftwaffe aircraft. In addition to machine guns and bombs, this also included the newly developed rocket weapons. The various tasks were performed by the groups W 1 (installation), W 2 (ballistics and sights), W 3 (mountings and air discs) and W 4 (on-board weapons and ammunition). From 1938, the E post was subdivided into the specialist groups machine guns and ammunition, including rocket testing (IIA), mountings and air discs (II D), ballistics and sights (II E), installation of weapons in aircraft (II F). Travemünde (1928-1945) In 1928 a seaplane test centre (SES) was founded in Travemünde under the camouflage name "Reichsverband der Deutschen Luftfahrtindustrie Gruppe Flugzeugbau". Originally planned and established after World War I as a secret testing ground for independent naval aviation, the Travemünde testing ground was subordinated to the RLM in 1934 after the National Socialists seized power and expanded further. The focus of the testing activities in Travemünde was the testing of seaplanes and their equipment, naval mines and air torpedoes as well as special ships and boats for maritime flight operations. This also included testing seaplanes, landing on icy and snowy ground, landing attempts on aircraft carriers and rescue measures on the open sea with the aircraft. The E post was divided into the following groups in 1933: A: Navigation, radio, seaman's equipment, special installations B: Operation of aircraft, ships, docks, catapults and vehicles, ground services E: Flight service, holding pilots ready F: Aircraft testing, preparation, execution and evaluation of measurements, reports, assessments G: Testing of on-board devices, radio measuring devices, laboratory, precision mechanical workshop, photo service, duplication K: Administration, personnel, material, buildings, installations M: engines, propellers, aggregates, workshop and test benches Udetfeld (1940-1945) The Udetfeld electric power station was set up in 1940 near Beuthen/Oberschlesien. At the beginning it was led by Major Werner Zober, later by Lieutenant Colonel Rieser. The test leader was Fl.Stabsingenieur Rudolf Noch. The task of the E-Stelle was the testing of small explosive and incendiary bombs, parachute bombs and special detonators as well as the acceptance blasting of all German bomb types. At times she was also engaged in the testing of parachutes and ejection seats. For this purpose it was equipped step-by-step with a measuring base, several discharge points and a picture position. Last tests and measurements took place until shortly before the invasion of the Soviet army at the end of January 1945. The E-Stelle was dissolved by order of 15 February 1945 and its tasks taken over by the E-Stelle Rechlin. Werneuchen (1942-1945) The E post was established in April 1942 at the air base in Werneuchen. She was responsible for the testing and development of search and target devices for air and sea reconnaissance and worked closely with the Aeronautical Radio Research Institute in Oberpfaffenhofen. Field stations for testing ground radio measuring instruments were located in Weesow and Tremmen. The flight testing of newly developed equipment was initially carried out by the test squadron of the Technical Test Command (TVK), and was then transferred to the newly formed night fighter group 10. Their tasks also included the development and testing of equipment for the defence against interference and deception by the enemy air forces. In Werneuchen, the night hunt radio measuring devices FuG 202 "Lichtenstein", the ship's target search device FuG "Hohentwiel" as well as the ground search devices "Würzburg-Riese" and "Freya" were tested. In February 1945, the E-Stelle was moved to Stade and renamed to E-Stelle Stade in April 1945. The E post was commanded by Major i.G. August Hentz until April 1944, then until its dissolution by Major i.G. Cerener. ERPROBUNGSKOMMANDOS und ERPROBUNGSSTAFFELN Erprobungskommando 4 (ERPROBUNGSSTAFFELN Test Command 4) Set-up by order of 1 December 1944 by air fleet 10. Troop testing of the X4 guided missile and testing of operational procedures and tactical capabilities. Test Command 15 Formed from the Experimental Squadron Hs 293 and intended for troop testing of the Gleitbombe Hs 293. Test Command 16 Set up on the Command Path in April 1942 in Peenemünde-West, at the beginning of September budgeting and transfer to Zwischenahn, then in October to Brandis. Testing of the rocket-propelled hunter Me 163 B "Komet". Dissolution on 14 February 1945. Tasks were to be taken over by Jagdkommando 400, which also received the operational aircraft. Erprobungskommando 17 Transfer of the 2./Kampfgruppe 100 from Hannover-Langenhagen to the French Chartes, renaming into E-Kommando XY in January 1942 and temporarily into E-Kommando 100 (March to May 1942), then budgeted as E-Kommando 17. Further development of the X- and Y-process and deployment against England. Mid-September 1942 Renamed 15th Combat Squadron, 6th Experimental and Training Command, 18, set up on 1 August 1942 in Pillau and subordinated to the General of the Air Force by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy (Ob.d.M.). Testing of the aircraft types intended for the aircraft carrier "Graf Zeppelin" including the instruction and training of the flying and ground personnel on this equipment. Test Command 19 Deployment on 1 July 1942 at the Castel Benito airfield near Tripoli on the Command Way. Testing of the aircraft types Bf 109 and Fw 109 for tropical suitability as fighter and battle planes. Personnel of the supplementary groups of the fighter squadron 27 and 53, respectively. Test and training command 20 formation on 1 October 1942 in Travemünde (later Kamp). Testing of on-board special aircraft as well as instruction and training of flying and ground personnel for on-board special aircraft. Test and Training Command 21 Set up on 1 August 1942 in Garz/Usedom. Personnel and equipment of the disbanded II. combat squadron 3. troop testing of the bomb PC 1400X. Test and teaching command 22 Set up autumn 1942 in Lärz. Testing of the Fw 190 fighter bomber version with long range (Jaborei). Personnel of the combat squadron 40, of the fighter squadrons 2 and 26 as well as of a destroyer school. Spring 1943 Transfer to St. André in France and use for the formation of the I./Schlachtkampfgeschwader 10. Test and training command 24 formation on 1 March 1943 in Mark-Zwuschen. Testing of aircraft types suitable for reconnaissance purposes, including equipment (navigation and heading devices). Dissolution in October 1944, assumption of the tasks and the personnel by the experimental association OKL. Test Command 25 Set-up in accordance with the order of 17 April 1943. Troop testing of the aircraft required for day hunting, aircraft radio measuring equipment, weapons and combat procedures as well as deployment within the framework of the Reich Defence. Reclassification into hunting group 10 with the same tasks. Test Command 26 Set-up in accordance with the order of 29 December 1943 by renaming the 11th (Pz.)/battle squadron at the airfield of the Udetfeld E station. Dissolution on 14 February 1945 and transfer of personnel to General der Schlachtflieger. Assumption of the tasks of the supplementary squadron of the Schlachtgeschwader 151. Experimental squadron 36 Set up in Garz according to the order of 10 August 1943 by renaming the 13th/fighting squadron 100. Testing of the suitability for troops of the successor models of the Hs 293 as well as briefing of observers on the He 177 equipped with the Kehlgerät FuG 203. Dissolution on 12 July 1944. Transfer of the personnel to the E-Kommando 25 for the continuation of the testing of the fighter missiles. Test Command 40 The Fliegerforstschutzverband was formed on 5 March 1940 as an independent association from the "Pest Control Group" of the Flugkommando Berlin, which had existed since 1936. It was mainly used for forest pest control and from October 1941 also took over malaria control in the occupied territories. Numerous spraying and pollination flights were carried out for this purpose. Another focus of his activities was the sowing of agricultural and forestry seeds and the spreading of artificial fertilizers. After being placed under the command of the E units on 1 January 1944, the Fliegerforstschutzverband was renamed E-Kommando 40. By order of 3 September 1944, the command stationed in Göttingen was dissolved and the remainder of the command was transferred to Coburg in November 1944, where it was used to set up E-command 41. Erprobungskommando 41 Formation on January 22, 1945 from remaining parts of the Erprobungskommando 40 and subordination in military service under Luftgaukommando VII and operational under Luftflottenkommando Reich. Test Command 100 See Test Command 17 Test Command Bf 109 G Report of arrival at Rechlin on 15 March 1942. Equipped with eleven Bf 109 G-1 and seven pilots in July. No more data. Test Command Ta 152 Positioning on the Command Way on 2 November 1944 in Rechlin. In accordance with the order of January 9, 1945, the deployment was extended until April 1945, and the deployment was reorganized into a group staff with a staff company as well as four task forces and a technical testing squadron. No formation of the four operational squadrons due to takeover of troop testing of the aircraft type Ta 152 by III/Jagdgeschwader 301. Dissolution on January 23, 1945. Test command Ta 154 formation on December 9, 1943 at the air base Hannover-Langenhagen. Testing of the front suitability of the aircraft type Ta 154. Dissolution according to the order of August 1, 1944. Transfer of personnel to the E-command Me 262. Test command He 162, deployment order of January 9, 1945 for an E-command in group strength (but not with this designation). Implementation of the operational testing of the aircraft type He 162 by I./Jagdgeschwader 1. Experimental squadron He 177 deployment on 1 February 1942 in Lärz. Testing of the aircraft type He 177. Dissolution on September 20, 1943. Transfer of personnel to combat squadron 40. Test squadron Ju 188 set up on March 1, 1943 in Rechlin. Transfer at the end of July 1943 to Chièvres near Brussels. Used for 4th/combat squadron 66th test squadron Me 210 set up in late spring 1942 in Lechfeld, relocated in July 1942 to Evreux in France. Operational testing of the aircraft type. After temporary renaming into 16th/fighter squadron 6 and 11th/destroyer squadron 1, finally reclassification into test squadron Me 410. Test squadron Ar 234 set up summer 1944 (July) in Lärz. Operational testing of the aircraft type Ar 234 B as a bomber. Personnel of the combat squadron 76th Erprobungskommando Me 262, deployment on 9 December 1943 at the Lechfeld air base. First testing of the V-model Me 262 and personnel supply of the III./Zerstörergeschwader 26 in April 1944. Starting from August 1944 formation of Einsatzkommandoos among other things in Lärz. At the end of September use of parts of the E-command, the III./ZG 26 to form the E-command "Novotny" and a new E-command 262 in Lechfeld. Official dissolution of E-command 262 on 2 November 1944. Test command Do 335 set up on 4 September 1944 by command of the E-positions. Troop testing of the aircraft type Do 335 as a mosquito night fighter, fighter, reconnaissance and combat aircraft. Relocation to Rechlin on 20 November. Revocation of the dissolution order of 14 February 1945. Test command JU 388 set up on 15 July 1944 in Rechlin. Testing the Ju 388 as a night hunter. Dissolution on 14 February 1945. Transfer of personnel to Combat Wing 76, E-Command Do 335 and various units. Test squadron Me 410 See test squadron Me 210. Troop testing of the aircraft type Me 410. Integration as 9th squadron of the combat squadron 101 and renaming into 12./KG 2 in October 1943 and finally April 1944 into 13./KG 51. Test squadron 600 formation according to order of April 1, 1945, intended for testing the rocket-driven interceptor Ba 349 "Natter". No further data known. Test command "Kolb", order of 20 November 1944. No further information known. Test command "Nebel" (Fog), order of 26 July 1944, for the testing and production of the Me 264 aircraft type, then from December 1944 also for the testing of long-range aircraft. Etatisierung des E-Kommandoos Ende Februar 1945. Lehr- und Erprobungskommando (W) After Colonel Wachtel had already been commissioned since April 1943 to carry out the war operation of the Fieseler Fi 103 (camouflage designation Flak sight FZG 76), the establishment of the Erprobungskommando began in June 1943. In military service it was subordinated to the higher commander of the anti-aircraft artillery schools and in questions of training and testing to the general of the anti-aircraft weapon. It was supplied by Luftgaukommando III, to which it belonged in terms of war classification. On 15 August 1943, the Wachtel Command formed the Flak Regiment 155 (W), which was soon transferred to France. Sonderkommando Fähre (Siebel) The Sonderkommando Fähre was responsible for the provision and operation of air force ferries for the transport of air force goods. (The information on the E-positions and E-commands were published in abbreviated form by Heinrich Beauvais/Karl Kössler/Max Mayer/Christoph Regel: Flugerprobungsstellen bis 1945. Johannisthal, Lipezk, Rechlin, Travemünde, Tarnewitz, Peenemünde-West. Bonn 1998). Characterisation of content: The collection mainly comprises work and test reports as well as correspondence between the command of the test centres and the test centres themselves and superior departments and various companies. Most of the test reports are for the two E posts Rechlin (approx. 200 AU) and Travemünde (approx. 160 AU). About 60 volumes of files with pollination and spray reports including the corresponding maps have been handed down by the Fliegerforstschutzverband. Of the remaining e-positions, only minor fragments of files have been preserved. The seven file volumes of the command of the e-offices, which deal with organizational matters of the e-offices and e-commands, are to be emphasized. State of development: Online-Findbuch 2007 Scope, Explanation: 573 AE Citation method: BArch, RL 36/...

Bank der deutschen Luftfahrt AG (portfolio)
BArch, R 8121 · Bestand · 1933-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Former: The Bank der Deutschen Luftfahrt, also known as the Aero- or Luftfahrtbank, was formed by the transformation of Luftfahrtkontor GmbH into a public limited company with shareholder resolution of 6 July 1940, the object of which, according to the articles of association of that date, was "the execution of banking transactions of all kinds and of related transactions serving directly or indirectly aviation purposes, as well as the administration and supervision of aviation companies and the execution of all such transactions, including in a fiduciary capacity" [1]. Luftfahrtkontor GmbH had been founded in 1933/34 in the context of the takeover of the Junkers group by the Reich Aviation Ministry (RLM) and in 1938 was responsible for the administration of 1. the Reich-owned facilities leased to companies in the aviation industry, 2. the Reich's holdings in companies in the aviation industry and 3. the investment loans [2]. In the course of the so-called "capital cut" to reform corporate financing, the investment loans granted until then were converted into state aid for special depreciation and firms were encouraged to use more of their own funds and borrowed capital to finance investments. To this end, both the RLM and the Reich Ministry of Finance (RFM) considered it sensible to set up their own commercial bank for aviation, whose loans were intended to stimulate the involvement of other banks and other donors and to which all Reich shareholdings in the aviation industry and aviation were to be transferred. On 9 June 1939 Luftfahrtkontor GmbH received its banking licence from the Reich Commissioner for Banking and quickly acquired the character of a "universal bank for German aviation" [3] after the start of the war. In addition to the conventional investment loans, the Luftfahrtbank increasingly granted the aerospace armaments companies - similar to the Deutsche Industriebank for the suppliers of the army and navy - the credit assistance provided by the Reich Economic Ministry (RWM) for the mobilization of arms production (in short: "mobkredite") with Reich guarantees from autumn 1939 onwards. This resulted in a substantial increase in the Bank's lending volume, which, together with the significant increase in managed participations and deposits from aviation companies, as well as increased activity on the stock exchange and the money market, led to the Bank being renamed "Bank der Deutschen Luftfahrt" and converted into a stock corporation (AG). This was in response to the wish of the General Airworthiness Officer Ernst Udet that "the company's status as a bank should be expressed in the company name" [4]. Like its predecessor Luftfahrtkontor, the Bank der Deutschen Luftfahrt initially resided in Berlin-Schöneberg, Am Park 12. In the night from March 1 to March 2, 1943, Ge‧bäude burned out completely after an Allied air raid, whereupon the bank had to move its Geschäfts‧räume to the center of Berlin (Werderstr. 7). As a result of the fire, loss of files also seems to have been the cause of complaint [5]. Dissatisfied with the accommodation that was not considered to be standes‧gemäß, the bank pushed in the spring of 1944 the efforts that had previously been made by the Jewish company Panofski

Cameroon Shipping Company: Vol. 1
BArch, R 1001/3890 · Akt(e) · Jan. 1913 - Dez. 1919
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Statutes of the Colonial Society "Kameruner Schiffahrts-Gesellschaft" in Hamburg. Berlin 1913 Messagerie's Fluvial du Congo Société Anonyme du capital de 3 000 000 de Francs, Paris 1913

Cargo of the ships: vol. 5
BArch, RM 15/1605 · Akt(e) · 1940-1941
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: "Fort de Vaux (French); Formose (French); Mecanirin Principal Carvin (French); Fort Medine (French); Baoule (French); Saint Basile (French); Aurillag (French); Agen (French); "Medjerda" (French); "Saint Didier" (French); "Fort Douaumont" (French); "Henry Desprez" (French); "Paris" (French); "Lafayette" (French); "Ville de Majunga" (French); "Sarcoxie" (French); "Tetuan" (French); "Lorient" (French); Verhaven" (Dutch); Roslagen" (Danish); Hulda Thorden" (Danish); Karin Thorden" (Danish); Brita Thorden" (Danish); Disa" (Danish); Manhattan" (American); Washington" (American); "Falcon" (German); "Pometol" (German); "Wakama" (German); "Togo" (unknown); "Casamance" (unknown); "Armdius" (unknown); "Normanie" (unknown); "Chateau Palmer" (unknown); "Ville de Pamatave" (unknown); "Margaux" (unknown) Also contains: List of goods which were delivered before the 3. Sept. 1939 arrived at Le Harve and other releases

Cargo of the ships: vol. 7
BArch, RM 15/1607 · Akt(e) · 1941
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: "Oliva" (German); "Manizales" (German); "Togo" (German); "Wagogo" (German); "Niemburg" (German); "Ville de Reims" (French); "Arijon" (French); "Martiniere" (French); "Bourbonais" (French); "Ville de Tamatave" (French); "Arica" (French); "Alioth" (French); "Leoville" (French); "Fort de Troyen" (French); "Belle Isle" (French); "Cantal" (French); "Linois" (French); "Indiana" (French); "Forbin" (French); "Vendôme" (French); "Fort Binger" (French); "d'Entrecosteaux" (French); "Congo" (French); "Saint Octave" (French); "Ango" (French); "Fort de Vaux" (French); "Chateau Laroze" (French); "Margaux" (French); "Champlain" (French); "de la Salle" (French); "Colombie" (French); "Paris" (French); "Arigny" (French); "Formose" (French); "Barsac" (unknown); "Trondanger" (unknown); "Lady Cloe" (English); "Lady Emerald" (English); "Colwith Torre" (English); "City of Kobé/Cyclops" (English); "Clan Morison" (English); "Antilochus" (English); "City of Mandaley" (English); "Bangalore" (English); "Harmodius" (English); "City of Athens; Washington; West Cohas; President Harding; President Rooseweldt; Manhattan; "Brimanger" (Norwegian); "Raul Soares" (Brazilian); "Boringia" (Dutch); "Delfshaven" (Dutch); "Ceres" (Dutch); "Parkhaven" (Dutch); "Costa Rica" (Dutch)

Chefsachen Ia: Vol. 2
BArch, RW 34/10 · Akt(e) · 1941-1943
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Preparations for the "Axis" case (Italy's waste), Aug. 1943 Measures against French officers (proposals by Commander-in-Chief West), June 1943 Dt. Wünsche to France with special consideration of warfare in North Africa (talks between Gen. Vogl and Admiral Darlan on 23 Oct. 1942 in Rabat and between Göring and Gen. Juin - Befehlsh. frz. Truppen/Nordafrika am 22. Dez. 1941) Germany as occupying power in France (letter of Hitler to Marschall Pétain of 10. Nov. 1941 - photocopy of copy), 1941 wishes to France with special consideration of military policy. Situation of the French colonial possessions (excerpt from the list) Records of the conversation between Göring and Marshal Pétain in Florentin-Vergigny on Dec. 1 1941) Preparation of operations against "Rest of France" and the Iberian Peninsula (companies "Attila", "Isabella", "Anton" and "Ilona"), 1942 supply for the German-Italian armed forces in North Africa, 1941-1942 distribution of the Italian army in Italy, on the Balkans and in North Africa (maps 1:3,000,000), as of 13 May, 3 Aug. 1941 Thoughts on Franco-German cooperation in the naval area (memorandum of the Sub-Commission Navy), July 1941 Structure, equipment and instructions for the "Sonderstab F", Sept. 1941 Use of Dakar as submarine base, June 1941 German-French military-political agreements on Syria - Iraq and North Africa (draft protocol of the negotiations in the German embassy in Paris on 21 May 1941), 1941 "The current situation of France" (translation of the French protocol of the meeting between the French president of the French delegation at the armistice), Gen. Doyen, and Chairman of the German Armistice, Gen. v. Stülpnagel on 6 Jan. 1941 German-Italian Cooperation, especially in Military Affairs (Report of the German Liaison Delegation to the Italian Armistice for the Week from 16 Jan. to 23 Jan. 1941), 1941 Economic Exploitation of France (Chief OKW, Field Marshal General Keitel, to the Chief of the Wehrwirtschafts- und Rüstungsamt, General Thomas), Jan. 1941

Chief of Army Archives (stock)
BArch, RH 18 · Bestand · 1929-1944
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Description of the holdings: The head of the army archives was the head of archives for the Wehrmacht part of the army with its official seat in Potsdam. The chief of the army archives was in charge of the army archives in Potsdam, Vienna, Munich, Dresden and Stuttgart, the army archives branches in Prague and Gdansk, as well as the representatives in the occupied territories and the Wehrmacht sighting station for prey files. The Chief of the Army Archives was responsible for the recording of files of the High Command of the Wehrmacht, of the High Command of the Army with subordinate offices, of the command authorities, troops, administrative authorities and other institutions of the army (cf. HDv. 30 Correspondence and Business Transactions of the Wehrmacht, Appendix 2). The User Regulations regulated the lending and use of the Army Archives (cf. BArch RH 18/437). After three years of negotiations, the Reich and Prussian Minister of the Interior and the Reich War Minister agreed in September 1936 that the military files should be taken over by the High Command of the Army. On April 1, 1937, the chief of the army archives and the army archives under his command took over the military archives, which since 1919 had been administered by the Reichsarchiv, its branches in Dresden and Stuttgart, and the war archives in Munich. The Chief of the Army Archives was subordinate to the Chief Quartermaster V in the General Staff of the Army until 1942. With the reorientation of the writing of war history, Hitler subordinated the Chief of the Army Archives to the Commissioner of the Führer for Military History, Colonel Scherff, with effect from 1 July 1942. From 1937 to 1942 Friedrich von Rabenau was the chief of the army archives, from 1942 until the end of the war Karl Ruppert, who had been in charge of the Potsdam army archives since 1937. The management of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam and the office of Chief of Army Archives were merged in 1943. Heeresarchiv Potsdam The Heeresarchiv Potsdam was divided into three departments. Department A administered the Brandenburg-Prussian Army Archives, the archives of which ran from the 17th century until the dissolution of the Prussian army in 1920. Department B kept the files of the volunteer formations formed after World War I and of the Reichswehr. Section C was intended for the recording of Wehrmacht files, i.e. from 1935 with the re-establishment of military sovereignty. The departments of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam were divided into subject areas. Other organisational units included the collections, estates, maps and the picture collection. In 1935, the Berlin Department of the Reichsarchiv (especially the Prussian War Ministry after 1867) and the Central Office of Records for War Losses and War Graves were also subordinated to the Heeresarchiv Potsdam. The Heeresarchiv Potsdam continuously took over the war diaries of all command authorities and troops as well as the court files of the field and war courts in the court file collection centre. The file collection centre West in Berlin-Wannsee mainly recorded loot files from various military offices in France. The organisational structure of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam was not uniform and changed several times until 1945. In territorial matters, the Heeresarchiv Potsdam was bound by the instructions of the commander in Wehrkreis III (Berlin). A British air raid on Potsdam on 14 April 1945 hit the service and magazine building of the chief of the army archives and the army archive Potsdam hard. The holdings of the Brandenburg-Prussian Army Archives were almost destroyed. This concerned, among other things, the files of the Prussian military cabinet, the files of the Prussian Ministry of War, the war files of the unification wars and the most important war diaries with attachments from the First World War. The personal records of the Prussian army and the Reichswehr are considered almost completely destroyed. In 1943 the Heeresarchiv Potsdam outsourced the department for the recording of war diaries to Liegnitz in Silesia. At the end of 1944 this branch was moved back to Potsdam. Later, the Heeresarchiv Potsdam outsourced large quantities of its archives. Shortly before the enclosure of Berlin, the war diaries of the Second World War and a few particularly valuable older files were transferred to Blankenburg in the Harz Mountains and to Bad Reichenhall or Kufstein in "two transports of 4-6 railway wagons each" (Poll). The archives in Blankenburg were confiscated by the Western Allies. These were the war diaries of the Army High Commands, the General Commands, the divisions and other army departments as well as parts of older files. The war diaries of top army authorities were burned in Reichenhall and Kufstein on the orders of Scherff, the Führer's representative for military historiography. The destruction of older files, estates and collections in Reichenhall could be prevented by the responsible official. Heeresarchiv Wien The Chief of the Army Archives took over the War Archive Vienna after the integration of Austria in 1938. It was the central military archive of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy until 1918 and of the Republic of Austria until 1938. After the beginning of World War II, the Army Archives Vienna was assigned the Southeast Files Collection Point for the collection of loot files from the Southeast region. In territorial matters the Army Archives Vienna was bound to the instructions of the commander in the military district XVII (Vienna). Today the War Archives are under the control of the Austrian State Archives. Heeresarchiv München After the foundation of the Reichsarchiv in 1919, the Kriegsarchiv München was able to maintain its status as an independent Bavarian archive and was not subordinated to the Reichsarchiv as a branch of the Reichsarchiv, as were the archives in Dresden and Stuttgart. In 1937, the head of the Heeresarchiv took over the Kriegsarchiv München as the Heeresarchiv München. The Army Archives Munich covered the entire Bavarian military tradition from about 1650 to 1920. After the beginning of World War II, the Army Archives Munich was assigned the file collection point South, in particular for the recording of Italian booty files. In territorial matters, the Heeresarchiv München was bound by the instructions of the commander in Wehrkreis VII (Munich). After the Second World War, the Kriegsarchiv München was subordinated to the Bavarian Hauptstaatsarchiv. Despite losses during the war, the majority of the holdings have been preserved and enable source research into military history before 1919 as a replacement for the lost archive of the Potsdam Army Archives. Army Archives Dresden In 1937, the head of the army archives took over the Dresden branch of the Reichsarchiv from the Reichsarchiv as the Dresden Army Archives. This service was responsible for the stocks of the Saxon Army (XII. (I. Royal Saxon) Army Corps and XIX. (II. Royal Saxon Army Corps). The holdings of the Army Archives Dresden covered a period from 1830 - 1919 without a clear demarcation between the holdings and the Main State Archives Dresden. In territorial matters the Army Archives Dresden was bound to the instructions of the commander in the Military District IV (Dresden). During the Anglo-American air raid on Dresden on 13 February 1945, the personal documents of the Saxon army suffered losses. Despite losses during the war, the majority of the holdings have been preserved and enable source research for military history before 1919 as a replacement for the lost archive of the Potsdam Army Archives. The government of the USSR returned the preserved holdings of the Dresden Army Archives to the government of the GDR after the war. Until reunification they were administered in the military archives of the GDR in Potsdam. The Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv transferred the holdings to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden in 1991. Heeresarchiv Stuttgart The head of the army archives took over the Reichsarchiv branch Stuttgart from the Reichsarchiv in 1937 as Heeresarchiv Stuttgart. This office was responsible for the holdings of the Württemberg Army Corps (XIII (Royal Württemberg Army Corps) and the XIV (Grand Ducal Baden Army Corps). In territorial matters the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart was bound to the instructions of the commander in the Wehrkreis V (Stuttgart). The Heeresarchiv Stuttgart has been preserved without war losses and, as a replacement for the lost records of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam, enables source research for military history before 1919. Today the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart is subordinated to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart. The archives of the XIV (Grand Ducal Baden) Army Corps are stored in the General State Archive in Karlsruhe, although the Grand Duchy of Baden from 1871-1919, in contrast to Bavaria, Saxony and Württemberg, did not have a military reserve right. Army Archives Prague Branch The Army Archives Prague branch administered the former Czech army archives and recorded archival material of the Austro-Hungarian army in Bohemia and Moravia. It was in charge of supplementing the official archival material with collections, making the holdings available for use by Wehrmacht offices, and providing information. In territorial matters, the Army Archives Prague branch was bound to the instructions of the Wehrmacht Plenipotentiary at the Reich Protector in Bohemia and Moravia (Wehrkreisbefehlshaber in Böhmen und Mähren). The Gdansk Army Archives Branch The Gdansk Army Archives Branch captured the military archives captured during the Eastern campaigns, in particular the Polish Army Archives. It had to record this material, make it usable and provide information from the files. In territorial matters, the Gdansk Army Archives Branch was bound by the instructions of the Commander of Military District XX (Gdansk). The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Military Commander in France The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Military Commander in France in Paris had to supervise and evaluate the French army archives. He was to inventory sources on German history, copy documents and collect contemporary historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives at the Military Commander in Belgium and Northern France The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives at the Military Commander in Belgium and Northern France in Brussels was to evaluate the Belgian Army Archives, enable their use by German agencies, inventorise sources on German history, copy documents and collect material on contemporary history. The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives in Alsace-Lorraine The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives in Alsace-Lorraine in Metz was concerned with the re-registration of German army files, the sighting of French prey files, in particular the Maginot Line, and the provision of files for Wehrmacht offices. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives in the Netherlands The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives in the Netherlands, based in The Hague, was responsible for overseeing and evaluating the Dutch army archives. He was to inventory sources on German history, copy documents and collect contemporary historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Commander of the German Forces in Denmark The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Commander of the German Forces in Denmark, based in Copenhagen, was to evaluate the Danish Army Archives and collect material on contemporary history. The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives at the Wehrmacht Commander Norway The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives at the Wehrmacht Commander Norway in Oslo took over the management of the Norwegian Army Archives, gave information to German offices and collected contemporary historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives in Italy The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives in Italy was commissioned, after the fall of Italy and the invasion of the Wehrmacht in Italy in 1943, to secure the files of the Italian army for the writing of war history and for evaluation by Wehrmacht offices. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives in Athens After the occupation of Greece, the Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives in Athens was responsible for the inspection and safeguarding of the Greek Army records as well as an archival-military inventory. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives in Belgrade The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives in Belgrade evaluated the Yugoslavian Army files, provided military replacement services, pension offices and information on resettlement issues. Furthermore, he should collect contemporary historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Wehrmacht Commander Ostland The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Wehrmacht Commander Ostland in Riga administered and evaluated the military archives and holdings in Riga, Kaunas, Vilnius. He provided information for the military replacement services and recorded German and Polish army files. Furthermore, he should collect contemporary historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Wehrmacht Commander Ukraine The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Wehrmacht Commander Ukraine in Kiev had to evaluate the military archives in Kiev and Kharkov and to record Austrian and Polish military files. He was involved with the collection of contemporary historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Commanding General of the Security Forces and Commander in the Army Area North The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Commanding General of the Security Forces and Commander in the Army Area North had to evaluate the seized military archives and collect historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Commander of the Rear Army Area Center The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Commander of the Rear Army Area Center had to evaluate the seized military archives and collect historical material. Wehrmacht-Sichtungsstelle für Beuteakten The Wehrmacht-Sichtungsstelle für Beuteakten checked the loot files arriving from the front for their salary and forwarded them to Wehrmacht offices, as far as the files seemed important to them for further warfare. In territorial matters, the Wehrmacht sighting post for loot files was bound to the instructions of the commander in Wehrkreis III (Berlin). Preprovenience: Reichsarchiv Content characterization: The files of the RH 18 holdings Chief of Army Archives contain personal and material files of the "Chief of Army Archives" and almost all offices subordinated to him. In addition, the inventory contains regulations and announcements of the respective territorially competent command authority, e.g. of the military commander in France or of the commander in Wehrkreis VII (Munich). The records of the holdings of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam are assigned to the holdings. This includes finding aids of the registries, delivery directories and finding aids of the army archives. These records provide an overview of the numbers and contents of the former holdings and supplement the lost holdings of the Prussian army with organisational documents. The lists of estates contain biographical information. A special feature of the RH 18 collection are its personnel files, which, in contrast to most other personal documents of the Wehrmacht, have not been removed from the collection. The personnel files were classified by the respective services. The permanent exhibition of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam is virtually reconstructed in the online find book for RH 18, arranged according to display cases or themes. War diaries, orders, military conventions, correspondence between well-known generals and contemporary collection material from 1679 until after the end of the First World War were included in the Archivalienschau by the staff of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam. The documents have been filed thematically in display cases. On the reverse side of the documents the responsible subject area of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam, the holdings and the serial number are indicated. The Federal Archives and Military Archives do not present these archival records in their original form, but in microfiches. A large part of the documents was in stock MSg 101, which was completely re-signed to RH 18. State of development: Online-Findbuch Scope, Explanation: 2482 AE Citation method: BArch, RH 18/...

Classified information: vol. 30
BArch, R 1501/106104 · Akt(e) · 1909
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Acceptance of the airship Z 1 as well as the use of the national donation for further projects of Count Zeppelin, correspondence between the ministries with marginal remarks of the emperor and statement of the Minister of War Preußisch-Sächsische Verständigung in Sachen der Schiffahrtsabgaben, statement of the Minister of Public Works, Feb. 24, 1909 Course of the English royal visit to Berlin and conduct of the All-German Association, Protocol of the Ministry of State, Feb. 13, 1909. Feb. 1909 Determination of the Imperial Budget 1909 for the Imperial Office of the Interior, Report of the State Secretary of the Imperial Treasury, 16 March 1909 So-called Prussian harmlessness certificate for draft laws of the Imperial State, Letter of the Imperial Chancellery, 14 March 1909 Export of horses to Serbia, Report of the President of the Government in Poznan as well as Decision of the State Ministry, 19th February 1909. March 1909 transit of an imperial mail steamer from Sydney to Apia (Samoa), report of the R e i c h s m a r i n e a m t , 15 March 1909 grouping of the customs supervisors into the pay scale, letter of the Ministry of State, 26 Apr. 1909 indiscretion of an official in connection with press attacks against the RVO, letter of the Ministry of State, 26 Apr. 1909 Protection against acts of terror of the social democratic workers at the Kieler Werft, submission of the National Workers Association for Kiel and the surrounding area, 15 June 1909 applications for the Reich budget for 1910 and the necessity of a reduction of the expenditures, report of the Reich Treasury Office, 26 Aug. 1909 Political situation in North Schleswig, report of the Ministry for Agriculture, Domains and Forests, 30 Sept. 1909 Date for the convening of the Reichstag, letter of the Ministry of State, 23 Sept. 1909 Okt. 1909 Stimmung im Ruhrgebiet, Bericht des Büros für Sozialpolitik, 26. Nov. 1909 Participation of civil servants in the Katowice city elections and their casting of votes for Wielkopolska deputies and transfer of these civil servants by the Royal Prussian Government, report of the District President and discussion of the ministers, 30. Nov. 1909 Miners' movement in the Rhine-Westphalian coal district, report of the President of Police, 23. Nov. 1909 Interpellations in the Reichstag because of the election procedures in Katowice and because of the Mecklenburg constitutional question, statement of the State Ministry, Dec. 14, 1909 use of the Privy Legation Council Klehmet in the Reich Office of the Interior, instruction of the Reich Chancellor, March 8, 1909 request of the Landtag for the absence of the Minister of Culture, reply letter of the State Ministry, March 24, 1909 Apr. 1909 Position of the German Reich Party on inheritance tax rates, position of the Reich Chancellor on a letter from the Duke of Trachenberg, 6 May 1909 Efforts to obtain the title of Privy Government Councillor for Dr. Levin-Stoelping from another side, memo from Jonquieres to the Minister, 29 May 1909 Arbeitskammer-Gesetz as well as the position of the coal industrialists on this, report of the licentiate Mumm, 29 May 1909. Oct. 1909 Sending of persons to the art exhibition in Rome 1911, submission of the German Art Cooperative to Lewald as well as letter from Prof. A. Kampf, 29 Oct. 1909 demonstration in Mulhouse/Alsace, cover letter of the Reich Chancellery, 23 Dec. 1909 investigations after the author of an article in the Weserzeitung, report of the Minister of State Delbrück to the President of the Ministry of State, 29 Dec. 1909

Commanders of rear army areas (inventory)
BArch, RH 23 · Bestand · 1939-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: The Commandant Rückwärtiges Armeegebiet (Korück) was established during the mobilization as a command post at the Army Commandos of the Wehrmacht. The Korücks were used as administration of the occupied enemy areas directly between battle zone and rear army areas under the administration of the army groups. At the beginning of the war there were nine Korücks, in the course of the war more Korücks were built as needed. During the war, some Korücks were transformed into supreme commanders. A Korück consisted of 17 officers, 6 civil servants, 18 non-commissioned officers and 38 crews, plus 7 "Hilfswillige. The task was to secure supply routes, supply bases, railway lines, communication links, the most important airports as well as to guard and transport prisoners of war. The Korücks were in charge of the security divisions and regiments, Landesschützen battalions, field and orc commandant posts, units of the field gendarmerie and the secret field police as well as staffs for prison collection points and transit camps (Dulag). The Korücks were distributed as follows during the Polish campaign: In the east: 3rd army (501), 4th army (580), 8th army (530), 10th army (540), 14th army (520), HGr. south (570) in the west: 5th army (560), 1st army (590), 7th army (550) Between 10th and 16.09.1939 the Korücks 581-589 and 591-592 were reassembled. Of these altogether 20 Korücks remained however in Poland or were otherwise used: 501 as staff 421.infantry division in East Prussia 530 as Oberfeld-Kommandantur (OFK) Warschau, later 386.Infantry Division 570 as OFK Krakow, later transferred to the Netherlands 581 as OFK Radom, later 372 Infantry Division 586 as Staff "Oberost" (Commander-in-Chief East), later Commander's Office Warsaw 587 as OFK Tschenstochau, later 351.Infantry Division On 5.01.1940 further 3 Korücks (670-672) were established, but were renamed with some others still in the winter 1939/1940 into Oberfeldkommandanturen and were used after the France campaign as follows: 520 as OFK 520 in Mons 570 as OFK 570 in Gent 589 as OFK 589 in Liège 591 as military administrative district A St.Germain (initially OFK) 592 as Military Administrative District C Dijon (initially OFK) 670 as OFK 670 in Lille 671 as Military Administrative District B in Angers (initially OFK) 672 as OFK 672 in Brussels For use by the armies only: HGr. B 18.Armee, Korück 588, later (1942) Commander H.Gebiet Südfrankreich 6.Army, Korück 585 HGr. A 9. army, Korück 582 2. army, Korück 583 4. army, Korück 580 12. army, Korück 560 16. army, Korück 584 HGr. C 1. army, Korück 590 7. army, Korück 550 Since the armies in France had no more army territory after the armistice, the office of the Korück was also cancelled with them. In the Russian campaign and on the other theaters of war Korück's armies were assigned from north to south as follows: 20.Geb.Armee Korück 525 (10.09.1941, first for East Karelia) HGr. Nord 18.Armee 583 (from 2.Armee Westen) 16.Armee 584 (as in the west) HGr. Mitte 9.Army 582 (as in West; exchange August 1943 with 2.Pz.Army, now 532) 3.Pz.Army 590 (from 1.Army West) 4.Army 559 (01.02.1041) 2.Pz.Army 532 (16.02.1942; Exchange August 1943 with 9.Army, now 582 in the Balkans) HGr. B 2.Army 580 (from 4th Army West) 4.Pz.Army 593 (15.01.1942; December 1942 Exchange with 6.Army, now 585) 6.Army 585 (as in the West; December 1942 Exchange with 4.Pz. Army, now 593) HGr. A 1.Pz.Army 351 (27.03.1942) 17.Army 550 (from 7.Army West) 11.Army 553 (01.02.1041; remained in Crimea; 1943 dissolved) Balkan 12.Armye/HGr. E: 560 (became 01.10.1942 Command) Thessaloniki Aegean Sea) Italy 10.Army 594 ( 01.02.1944 from Field Commandantur 1047) 14.Army 511 ( 1944?) The 8.Army newly established in southern Russia in 1943 first had the Korück 595, which went to Italy as OFK 379 and was replaced on 01.10.1943 by the Korück 558 (formerly OFK 787 Kharkov). In 1944 also the armies in the west received again a Korück: 1.Army 535 (01.10.1944 as Korück AOK 1) 7.Army 534 (10.01.1945) - or 534 with the 1.Fallsch.Army (presumably from OFK 770) 15.Army 517 (December 1944 from Feld-Kommandantur 517) 19.Army 536 (1944/1945) 25.Army 533 (*November 1944 from OFK 670) (according to Tessin, Georg: Associations and troops and the German Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS in the Second World War 1939-1945, 1st vol, Osnabrück 1979) Characterization of the contents: The Korücks' war diaries have survived. These mainly document security measures and supplies, operations against partisans with reports of fighting by troops and police. In addition, there are commands, service instructions and arrangements, e.g. for supply. Furthermore, situation, combat, activity and deployment reports as well as organisational and personnel documents (staffing lists, etc.) are available in the inventory. Occasionally photographs and maps (maps of operations and locations) have been handed down. Parts of the documents were already handed over to the Army Archives in Potsdam during the war. After the end of the war in 1945, the documents were confiscated by the US armed forces. After their return to the Document Centre of the Military History Research Office in the 1960s, the holdings were taken over by the Military Archives of the Federal Archives. State of development: Findbuch Zitierweise: BArch, RH 23/...

BArch, N 253/17 · Akt(e) · 1897-1914
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Georg Graf von Herting, 1913 Paul von Hintze concerning naval visit to England, 1907 Fritz Hoenig, 1897 and 1900 Paul Hoffmann concerning cruiser building, 1897 - 1899, 1913 Franz von Holleben, 1907 Georg Graf Hoyos and others concerning German-Austrian naval relations, 1897 - 1901 August von Janson, in particular on the essay "Marineverwaltung, Bureaukratismus und Verwaltungsreformen" published in the "Nauticus", 1910 and 1914, 1910 and 1914. Jellicoe on the losses of the German airships "L1" and "L2" and the British submarine "A7", 1913 - 1914 Robert Katzenstein on the imperial manoeuvre of the fleet, 1912 Walter Frhr. Von Keyserlingk, 1912 - 1913, present: Keyserlingk to the Swedish General Wrangel and to Georg Alexander von Müller for visiting German coastal fortifications, 1912, see also Nos. 179 and 207 Wilhelm Knappe concerning Kiautschou, 1898 Friedrich Wilhelm von Loebell concerning fleet laws, Nov. 1905

Tirpitz, Alfred von
Deimling, Berthold von (inventory)
BArch, N 559 · Bestand · 1881-1949
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: General of the Infantry Berthold von Deimling Life data 21.03.1853 in Karlsruhe 03.02.1944 in Baden-Baden Career 1873 Promotion to Lieutenant Seconde 1875 Change to Infantry Regiment "Duke of Holstein" (Holsteinic) No. 85 (Rendsburg) 1880 promotion to lieutenant 1879 to 1882 Kriegsakademie Berlin 1882 officer in infantry regiment no. 85 1886 transfer to the Großer Generalstab (railway department) 1888 captain 1891 general staff officer in the 1st division in Königsberg 1893 major 1895 in the general staff of the XVI. Army Corps 1898 Battalion Commander in the infantry regiment "Prince Wilhelm" (4th Baden) No. 112 in Mulhouse (Sundgau) 1900 Lieutenant Colonel and transfer to the Great General Staff (Chief of Operations Division II) 1903 Colonel and Commander of the infantry regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse 1904 Commander of the 2nd Army Commandant of the German Army (Battalion) No. 112 in Mulhouse (Sundgau) 1903 Colonel and Commander of the infantry regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse 1904 Commander of the 2nd Army Command No. 112 in Mulhouse (Sundgau) 1904 Commander of the infantry regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse (Sundgau) 1900 Lieutenant Colon and Commander of the infantry regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse 1903 Commander of the infantry Regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse 1904 Field Regiment 1905 deputy of the commander-in-chief for the southern region 1905 elevation to hereditary nobility 1906 commander of the Schutztruppe in southwest Africa 1907 major general 1908 return and commander of the Infanterie-Brigade 58 (Mühlhausen) 1910 lieutenant-general and appointment as commander of the 29. Division in Freiburg i. Br. 1913 General of the Infantry and Commanding General of the XV Army Corps (Strasbourg) 1914 War operation in southern Alsace, on the Aisne, off Ypres in Flanders, off Verdun (XV. Army Corps) 1916 Awarded the Pour le Merite (capture of the Fort Vaux) 1916 Assignment to the Somme 1916 Transfer to the Section Commander of the Army Division B (Vosges) 1917 Farewell with simultaneous appointment as Chief of the 1st Under Alsatian Infantry Regiment No. 132. Description of the stock: The stock contains life memories, anda. on his activities as commander of the Schutztruppe in South West Africa (1906-1907), the 58th Infantry Brigade in Mulhouse/Alsace (1907-1910) and the 29th Division in Freiburg (1910-1913) and as commander general of the XVth Army Corps in the 2nd Infantry Army Corps in the United Kingdom. Feldartillerieregiments in Südwestafrika 1904-1906 (Herero- und Hottentottenaufständen); further documents from the period of service in Südwestafrika as well as from the 1st World War; correspondence with Ludendorf and Hindenburg as well as from the time after retirement; further newspaper articles and pictorial material. References to other holdings R 1001 Reichskolonialamt (Online-Findmittel) R 1002 Authorities of the former protectorate Deutsch-Südwestafrika (Online-Findmittel) N 14 Ludwig Boell estate N 38 Arnold Lequis estate N 103 Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck estate NL 30 Viktor Franke citation: BArch, N 559/...

Deimling, Berthold von
BArch, NS 30 · Bestand · 1917-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

The Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) is one of the largest "robbery organisations" of the "Third Reich". Equipped with the authority to "secure" material in the occupied territories for the fight against the "ideological opponents" of National Socialism, he brought countless books, documents and other cultural assets from the possession of libraries, institutes, archives, private individuals, etc. into his hands in the occupied western and eastern territories; in addition, he was actively involved in art theft. The evaluation of the cultural property to be captured and secured by the ERR was to be carried out by the "Hohe Schule" or the "Institut zur Erforschung der Judenfrage" in Frankfurt, at least as far as research on the "Jewish question" could be useful, to which even "materials" of an incommensurable scope were then directed. The haste with which the "seizures" had to be made within a few years or months in areas often far from the borders of the German Reich, made final decisions about the whereabouts of the captured property, especially in the territory of the Soviet Union, at most theoretically visible; in its mass it remained in the territories cleared by German troops. In addition to the Institute for the Study of the Jewish Question, the East Library and the Central Library of Rosenberg in Berlin were the main places of reception, apparently for material on the "Study of Bolshevism". There were also numerous other recipients, such as the Wehrmacht (for entertainment literature, but also for "military files and archive material" from the occupied Eastern territories, which had to be handed over to the Danzig branch of the Army Archives). The following decrees are the basis for the establishment and mission of the task force: Führererlass of 29.1.1940 concerning the establishment of the "Hohe Schule": The Hohe Schule is to become the central site of National Socialist research, teaching and education. Their construction will take place after the war. However, in order to promote the preparations that have begun, I order Reichsleiter Alfred Rosenberg to continue this preparatory work - especially in the field of research and the establishment of the library. The services of the Party and the State shall give him every assistance in this work. Decree of the chief of the OKW of 4.7.1940 to the commander-in-chief of the army and the commander-in-chief of the Wehrmacht in the Netherlands: Reichsleiter Rosenberg has applied to the Führer: 1. to search the state libraries and archives for writings of value to Germany, 2. to search the chancelleries of the high church authorities and lodges for political actions directed against us, and to confiscate the material in question. The Führer has ordered that this proposal be complied with and that the Secret State Police - supported by archivists of the Reichsleiter Rosenberg - be entrusted with the investigation. The head of the security police, SS-Gruppenführer Heydrich, has been notified; he will contact the responsible military commanders for the purpose of executing the order. This measure will be implemented in all the territories we occupy in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France. It is requested to inform the subordinate services. Order of the chief of the OKW of 17.9.1940: To the commander-in-chief of the army for the military administration in occupied France In addition to the s.Zt. The Führer has decided, on the basis of the instructions given by the Führer to Reichsleiter Rosenberg to search lodges, libraries and archives in the occupied territories of the West for material of value to Germany and to secure it through the Gestapo: "The conditions before the war in France and before the declaration of war on 1.9.1939 are decisive for the possessions. After this deadline, transfers of ownership to the French Reichsleiter Rosenberg have been completed. State or the like are void and legally ineffective (e.g. Polish and Slovak library in Paris, holdings of the Palais Rothschild and other abandoned Jewish property). Reservations regarding search, seizure and removal to Germany on the basis of such objections shall not be accepted. Reichsleiter Rosenberg or his representative Reichshauptstellenleiter Ebert has clear instructions from the Führer personally regarding the right of access. He is authorised to transport the cultural goods that appear valuable to him to Germany and to secure them here. The Führer has reserved the right to decide on their use. It is requested that the relevant military commanders or services be instructed accordingly. Führer decree of 1.3.1942: Jews, Freemasons and the ideological opponents of National Socialism allied with them are the authors of the present war directed against the Reich. The systematic spiritual combat of these powers is a task necessary for war. I have therefore commissioned Reichsleiter Rosenberg to carry out this task in agreement with the head of the OKW. Its task force for the occupied territories has the right to investigate libraries, archives, lodges and other ideological and cultural institutions of all kinds for corresponding material and to seize it for the ideological tasks of the NSDAP and the later scientific research projects of the high school. The same regulation applies to cultural objects which are in the possession or property of Jews, of stray origin or of origin which cannot be clarified unobjectionably. The implementing regulations for cooperation with the Wehrmacht are issued by the head of the OKW in agreement with Reichsleiter Rosenberg. The necessary measures within the Eastern territories under German administration are taken by Reichsleiter Rosenberg in his capacity as Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories. For a short time the full name of the office was "Einsatzstab der Dienststellen des Reichsleiters Rosenberg für die besetzten westlichen Gebiete und die Niederlande", then "Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg für die besetzten Gebiete". The addition "for the occupied territories" was omitted according to the order of the Joint Staff Committee of 17.11.1944. The headquarters of the Joint Staff Committee was initially Paris. The expansion of the tasks made it necessary to relocate her to Berlin, where she temporarily stayed in the office building at Margarethenstrasse 17. The later office in Berlin, Bismarckstraße 1, was destroyed by an air raid. Organisation and structure: The structure of the ERR consisted in its main features of staff management, main working groups and working groups (set up regionally), occasionally also special detachments, branch offices, etc. The ERR was structured in such a way that it was able to provide a clear overview of the various departments. In addition, there were special staffs which were mainly charged with the "recording of cultural assets", which took place in constant collision with the equal interests of other authorities, such as the Reich Minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda (in France with regard to the recording of musical works, musical manuscripts and instruments by the Special Staff for Music) and the Reichsführer-SS (for example with regard to the recording of prehistory and early history). The organisation and distribution of responsibilities of the staff management were adapted to the respective tasks of the ERR institution, which were constantly expanding until 1943 and have been changing ever since. The constant change of tasks, organisation and personnel conditions became a principle for the large number of the departments themselves active in the "worked" areas, which were also completely dependent on the politico-military and administrative conditions in these areas, caused by the respective military, civil or national administrations, and not least by the perpetual conflicts of competence of the party and imperial authorities touching or fighting each other in their areas of interest and ambitions. The development of the ERR began in France with the institution "Einsatzstab Westen" under the leadership of Kurt von Behr. Soon the "Westen" task force was divided into three independent main working groups: France (Paris), Belgium and Northern France (Brussels), Netherlands (Amsterdam). At the same time, V. Behr was the head of the Western Office, which was responsible for securing furnishings for the occupied eastern territories, the so-called M Action. This office was in itself "detached" to the East Ministry; according to Rosenberg's order of 24.11.1944, it was "taken back" to the task force. In the first half of 1944, both the M campaign and the "art collection campaign" were extended to southern France. Probably related to this is the establishment of the South of France Working Group, which finally set up a branch office in Nice and an external command in Marseilles. From the very beginning of its activity in France, the ERR had not confined itself to securing only material from libraries, archives, etc. for the "ideological struggle". He also began to collect and secure art treasures and thus entered into a certain competition with the actions carried out on behalf of Hitler ("Linz" Führer order) and Göring as well as with the art protection carried out by the military commander. Institutionally, he created a special task force "Fine Arts" (SBK) for this task, to which the collection points for fine arts in the Louvre and Jeu de Paume belonged. The Special Staff was only responsible for securing and inventorying the objects of art; the right of disposal over the objects of art - including those seized by the Office of the West in the course of the M Action and handed over to the Special Staff - had been reserved to the "Führer", a demand that was later extended to all works of art "that were or will be confiscated by German authorities in the territories occupied by German troops". The SBK maintained its activity in France to a certain extent until its dissolution. The struggle for responsibility for seized works of art continued until the end of the war, up to and including issues of relocation to Germany (Führer construction and salvage sites such as Neuschwanstein and Herrenchiemsee, etc.) and ultimately works of art to be seized in Austrian mines (Alt-Aussee). The activities of the Italian working group are described in the report of its leader of 28.8.1944 as follows: "The procurement of material on the activities of ideological opponents will continue to be at the forefront of our work in Italy. In the form of translations, reports and evaluation work, this material is prepared by AG Italy and forwarded to the management. At the beginning of 1941, the ERR extended its activities to the Balkans and further to Greece. A Sonderkommando Greece was formed, which was dissolved in 1941. A Sonderkommando Saloniki is still provable until 1942. ERR services were also established in 1941 in Serbia - Special Staff of the Commanding General and Commander of Serbia, an Agram Liaison Office and a Belgrade Liaison Office for the Yugoslav Territories. Efforts to gain a foothold in Hungary failed apparently because of the resistance or influence of the envoy Dr. Veesenmayer. Later, a main working group for the southeast (Belgrade) can be proved, which was formed with effect from 15 February 1944 from the working group for the southeast, which in turn could have originated from the command "Southeast", proven for 1942, which was transferred from Belgrade to Thessaloniki on 10 July 1942. In Denmark, the ERR established a service in Copenhagen. Any approach to "profitable" activity was soon nullified by Dr. Best, representative of the German Reich in Denmark: "Confiscation in the style of the other occupied territories would never come into question". Immediately after his appointment as Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories (RMbO), Rosenberg began to direct the initiative of his task force to the eastern territories as well. On April 2, 1941, Rosenberg had already conceived a Führer's order to instruct him "to carry out the same tasks as in the occupied western territories in all the countries occupied or still occupied by the German Wehrmacht within the framework of this war". Until the Führer's order of 1 March 1942 was issued, Rosenberg referred to "the orders issued by the Führer for the West and the tasks carried out in the Western territories by the departments of Art, Archive and Library Protection within the framework of military administration". Rosenberg's guidelines on the protection of cultural assets for "research into the activities of opponents of National Socialism and for National Socialist research" were issued to the Reichskommissariate Ostland and Ukraine on 20.8.1941 and 3.10.1941 respectively. By decree of 27.4.In 1942 Rosenberg finally commissioned the RKO and RKU as the RMbO to once again expressly "commission the ERR for the occupied Eastern territories with the recording and uniform processing of cultural assets, research material and scientific institutions from libraries, museums, etc.", which are found in public, ecclesiastical or private spaces". With the same decree, a central office was founded for the collection and recovery of cultural assets in the occupied Eastern territories. A special department for the collection and recovery of cultural assets was set up at the Reichskommissariaten (Imperial Commissionariats), whose leadership was entrusted to the head of the responsible main working group. For the two Reichskommissariate the main working group Ostland (Riga) with the working groups existed at first: Estonia (Reval), Lithuania (Vilnius), Latvia (Riga), White Ruthenia (Minsk) and the main working group Ukraine (Kiev, later Bialystok). With effect from 1.5.1943 the AG Weißruthenien was elevated to the main working group Mitte. In all HAG areas, in addition to the working groups, mobile staffs, known as "Sonderkommandos" or "Außenstellen", whose activities extended as far as the Crimea and the Caucasus region, worked directly under their command or under the command of the staff. The special staffs included, among others "Sonderstab Bildende Kunst", "Sonderstab Vorgeschichte", "Sonderstab Archive", "Sonderstab Sippenkunde", "Sonderstab Wissenschaft", "Sonderstab Volkskunde", "Sonderstab Presse" (founded 1944), "Sonderstab Dr. Abb", "Sonderstab Musik", "Sonderstab Zentralbibliothek" of the "Hohen Schule" (ZBHS), "Sonderstab weltanschauliche Information in Berlin". Structure of the staff leadership 1942 Staff leader: Utikal deputy: Ebeling 1st Division Organisation: Langkopf Group Indoor Service Group Human Resources Group Procurement Group Readiness to drive 2nd Division West and Southeast: by Ingram Group Planning Group Report 3rd Division East: Dr. Will Group Planning Group Report 4th Division Evaluation: Dr. Brethauer; Deputy: Dr. Wunder; from 1.11.1942: Lommatzsch Group General Group Library Group Inventory Group Photograph 5 Dept. Special Tasks: Rehbock Structure of the staff leadership 1944 Staff leader: Utikal representative: The senior head of department department I (head of department I: SEF Rehbock; head of department z.b.V.: SEF Brethauer) group I/1 personal adviser of the chief of staff: Rehbock group I/2 mob- and locksmith matters: Rehbock Group I/3 Personal Representative of the Chief of Staff for the Art Recording Action and Head of the Louvre Working Group: Rehbock Group I/4 Defense Representative of the Operational Staff: HEF Braune Group I/5 Procurement, Courier Service, Supply: OEF Jach Group I/6 Publications: HEF Tenschert Group I/7 Special Reports: EF Tost Division II (Head of Division: OSEF Dr. Will; Deputy: SEF Dr. Zeiß) Division IIa: Western Division, covering France, Belgium, Holland, Italy and Southeast: SEF Dr. Zeiß Division IIb: Division East, covering the occupied territories of the Soviet Union: OSEF Dr. Will Division III (Head of Division: SEF Zölffel) Division IIIa: SEF Zölffel Group III/1 Legal Affairs, Orders and Communications: SEF Zölffel Gruppe III/2 Wehrmachttfragen, Marschpapiere, Veranstaltungen, Marketenderei: HEF Gummert Abteilung IIIb: HEF Webendoerfer Gruppe III/3 Personal: HEF Sklaschus Gruppe III/4 Business Distribution: HEF Webendoerfer Gruppe III/5 Registratur: OEF Hechler Hauptabteilung IV (Head of Department: OSEF Dr. Wunder; Deputy: SEF Lommatzsch) Translation Office: OEF Dr. Benrath Gruppe IV/1 Archiv: HEF Dr. Mücke Group IV/3 Material preparation: HEF Reichardt Group IV/4 Evaluation by scientists: HEF Rudolph Group IV/5 Book control centre: HEF Ruhbaum Group IV/6 East Library: HEF Dr. Müller Abbreviations DBFU The commander's representative for the supervision of the entire intellectual and ideological training and education of the NSDAP EF Einsatzführer ERR Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg HAG Hauptarbeitsgruppe HEF Haupteinsatzführer IMT Internationales Militärtribunal MTS Maschinen-Traktoren-Station NKWD Volkskommissariat für Innere Angelegenheiten NSDAP National Socialist German Workers' Party NSPO National Socialist Party Organization OEF Upper Operations Leader OKH Army High Command OKW Wehrmacht High Command OSEF Wehrmacht Upper Staff Operations Leader RKO Reichskommissar für das Ostland RKU Reichskommissar für die Ukraine RMbO Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete SEF Stabseinsatzführer WKP (b) Communistische Partei der Sovietunion ZbV zur besonderen Verwendung Inventory description: Inventory history In the 1960s, scattered files of the ERR were brought into the Federal Archives, with various returns of written material from the USA and predominantly in association with other provenances from the Rosenberg business area as well as with individual levies from the Rehse Collection, which were formed into an inventory there. Most of these files are written documents which were last found in the alternative office of the ERR in Ratibor. A part of the staff and the management of the Ostbücherei with large stocks of books were evacuated from Berlin to there. The remains of documents rescued by the members of the HAG Ostland, Ukraine and White Ruthenia were also recorded in Ratibor. The preserved files should come from holdings that were moved from Ratibor to the west. Subsequent additions to the holdings were mainly made by levies from the military archives, by re-enlargements of microfilms from the YIVO Institute, New York, by late recorded files from American repatriation, by three volumes from the dissolved holdings of the Rosenberg offices of the Central State Archives of the GDR (62 Tue 1) and by personal documents from the so-called "NS Archive of the Ministry for State Security of the GDR". The documents preserved at the end of the war and accessible to the Western Allies were used as evidence for the IMT process. The essential components were then left to the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine (CDJC), Paris. ERR documents can also be found today in the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Washington, in the YIVO Institute for Jewish Reserch, Washington, and in the Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (NIOD), Amsterdam. Documents from Rosenberg offices also reached archives of the former Soviet Union. An extensive collection (especially the provenance ERR) is kept in the Tsentral`nyi derzhavnyi arhiv vyshchykh orhaniv vlady ta upravlinnia Ukraïny (TsDAVO Ukraïny) in Kiev, further files in the Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi voennyi arkhiv (RGVA) in Moscow and in the Lithuanian Central State Archives, Vilnius. The Federal Archives, Bildarchiv, holds an extensive collection of photographs from the ERR (holdings Fig. 131). Inventories, directories and transport lists by the ERR of "seized objects" are contained in the holdings of B 323 Treuhandverwaltung von Kulturgut. Archive processing The NS 30 collection is a conglomerate of scattered files and individual documents. In the interest of rapid utilisation, the documents were recorded provisionally without costly evaluation and administrative work. Mrs. Elisabeth Kinder produced the preliminary finding aid book in 1968, from which essential elements of this introduction are taken. The "new entries" were recorded by the undersigned in 2003/2004. Citation method BArch NS 30/ .... State of development: Findbuch (1968/2005), Online-Findbuch (2004). Citation style: BArch, NS 30/...

BArch, RW 61 · Bestand · 1900-1918
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the inventor: On 14 November 1897, the German Reich occupied the Chinese port of Tsingtau and, in a contract with the Chinese Empire dated 6 March 1898, leased an area of 550 km² with Tsingtau as its centre for 99 years - the Kiautschou protectorate. The province of Schantung, to which the leased area actually belonged, was declared a German area of interest and a neutral zone. In this area the empire received concessions for the construction and maintenance of railway lines and mines. However, as early as 30 October 1895, the German Reich had the right to establish branches in the international contracted ports of Tientsin and Hankou, which had existed since 1859/60. And of course the empire, like the other great powers and other states involved in China trade, also maintained a legation in Beijing. German missions were also active in the interior of China, as were German merchants, especially in Shanghai. The German Reich was therefore indeed heavily involved in China and saw itself as such. Against this background, the xenophobic riots in China in Germany that began at the end of 1899 and quickly became more serious were perceived as a threat. The regent, Empress Cixi, remained ambiguous at first in her measures against the "fist fighters united in righteousness", referred to by the colonial powers as "boxers" for short, units of the imperial Chinese army partly allied themselves with them. The uprising continued to increase from January 1900 onwards, with excessive acts of violence against Chinese Christians and foreigners. From May 1900 the foreign landscapes in Beijing were threatened by insurgents, the railway lines from Beijing to the coast were attacked. The Gesandschaften therefore requested military support. In May 1900, the German Reich sent a contingent of the III Sea Battalion stationed in Tsingtau to Beijing, two further companies were ordered to Tientsin, and the cruiser squadron moved to the roadstead before the Taku forts at the mouth of the river Peiho. Meanwhile, the situation in Beijing continued to deteriorate and further troops were needed. In June 1900, the troops of the colonial powers in China formed an expeditionary corps led by the British admiral Seymour (2066 men). However, this was stopped in mid-June by Chinese troops (boxers and regular army) and had to turn back. The foreigners and Chinese Christians in Beijing had meanwhile barricaded themselves in the Gesandschaftsviertel and were cut off from the outside world. The allied colonial powers (USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Japan) stormed the Taku-Forts on June 17, the Chinese government ultimatively called on all foreigners to leave China on June 19. On 20 June the German envoy, Baron Clemens von Ketteler, was murdered in Beijing. By edict of 21 June, China effectively declared war on the Allies, but this was not reciprocated by them. The Allied troops withdrew to Tientsin at the end of June 1900. In Germany, on 25 June, a naval expedition corps of 2528 men (under Major General von Höpfner) was formed from the members of the naval infantry. In addition, on 3 July the order was given to set up an expedition corps of volunteers from the army (under Lieutenant General von Lessel). The Allies had agreed to form an international expeditionary corps, with Germany as commander-in-chief. On 12 August 1900, the former chief of the Great General Staff, Field Marshal Alfred Graf von Waldersee, was appointed commander-in-chief of the international armed force, which finally comprised 64,000 troops. Waldersee used the "Army Command East Asia" as a staff. The East Asian Expeditionary Corps set sail with its first parts on 27 July in Bremerhaven, when Emperor Wilhelm II gave the famous "Hun speech" at their farewell. With the 19,093 men of its East Asian Expeditionary Corps under Lieutenant General von Lessel, the German Reich provided almost a third of the international armed forces. Structure of the East Asian Expeditionary Corps: 3 infantry brigades to 2 infantry regiments with 9 companies each 1 fighter company 1 cavalry regiment to 4 escadrons 1 field artillery regiment to 3 divisions with a total of 8 batteries 2 light ammunition columns 1 battalion heavy field howitzers with 2 batteries 1 pioneer regiment with 9 companies each 1 hunter company 1 cavalry regiment to 4 escadrons 1 field artillery regiment to 3 divisions with a total of 8 batteries 2 light ammunition columns 1 battalion heavy field howitzers with 2 batteries 1 pioneerBattalion of 3 Companies 1 Railway Battalion of 3 Companies 1 Corps Telegraph Department 1 Medical Company 1 Munitions Column Department with 7 Munitions Columns 1 Train Command with 3 Supply Columns, 1 field bakery company, 6 field hospitals 1 stage command with 1 horse depot, 1 military hospital depot, 1 stage ammunition column, personnel for 3 war hospitals and one hospital ship, several supply stations Already on the 4th day of operations, the first day of operations was at the hospital. On August 1, the Allied troops (about 20,000 men) gathered in Tientsin had once again set out and this time were able to fight their way through to Beijing. On August 14, Beijing was taken and then plundered for three days. The Chinese government fled to the south. When the international troops under Waldersee arrived in China, the situation was essentially settled, Beijing and Tientsin were horrified. Numerous "punitive expeditions" for the final destruction of the Boxers followed, in which the East Asian Expeditionary Corps was also intensively involved. The Allied approach was characterized by excessive brutality and numerous riots against the civilian population. On January 10, 1901, the Regent accepted the conditions of the Allies as laid down in the "Boxer Protocol" signed on September 7, 1901. The East Asian Expeditionary Corps was disbanded on 17 May 1901 and transformed into the East Asian Occupation Brigade stationed at Beijing, Tientsin, Langfang, Yangtsun, Tangku and Shanghaikwan. Structure of the East Asian Occupation Brigade: 1 command staff with administrative authorities 2 infantry regiments with 6 companies each, of which 1 company mounted 1 escadron hunter on horseback 1 field battery 1 pioneer company with telegraph detachment 1 field hospital The East Asian Occupation Brigade was further reduced in size and restructured on 1 May and 11 December 1902. On 6 March 1906, the East Asian Occupation Brigade was also dissolved and replaced by a battalion-strength detachment. This was replaced on 5 April 1909 by a naval infantry unit, which was wound up in 1910. The East Asian Department in the Prussian Ministry of War (inventory PH 2) was organizationally responsible. Processing note: The holdings initially comprised only three AE, which together with the few files of the Schutztruppen formed the holdings of RW 51 Kaiserliche Schutztruppen and other armed forces overseas. In 2008, nine further AE of different origins were added and a separate portfolio RW 61 was now formed. The inventory was developed in February 2010. Description of the holdings: The holdings contain the documents of the East Asian Expeditionary Corps and the East Asian Occupation Brigade, as far as they are available in the military archives. Characterization of content: The inventory contains hardly any real material files. It consists mainly of several German-Chinese place name glossaries. Worth mentioning is a publication about the locations Langfang, Yangtsun, Tangku and Schanghaikwan with numerous illustrations. State of development: The inventory initially comprised only three AE, which together with the few files of the Schutztruppen formed the inventory RW 51 Kaiserliche Schutztruppen and other armed forces overseas. In 2008, nine further AE of different origins were added and a separate portfolio RW 61 was now formed. The inventory was developed in February 2010. Pre-archival order: The documents of the East Asian Expeditionary Corps and the East Asian Occupation Brigade must essentially be regarded as lost in the fire of the Army Archives in 1945. Only pieces that have survived by chance have been preserved. These were supplemented by documents from the environment of the two associations, the branches in Tientsin, Hankou and Beijing. Citation style: BArch, RW 61/...

BArch, RW 19/1558 · Akt(e) · 1939-1941
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Kriegswirtschaftlicher Lagebericht Nr. 10 des Reichswirtschaftsministerium, 10 June 1940 Surveillance of export and transit (discussions at the Special Staff for Trade War and Economic Combat Measures), Jan./Feb. 1940

BArch, R 2/11496 · Akt(e) · 1894, 1938-1940
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Definition of competence between the foreign organisation of the NSDAP and state foreign offices, 1938 claim by Deutsche Lufthansa for transport remuneration for letters from the Foreign Office, 1939 maintenance costs for German lecturers abroad, 1939 letter from the Reich Minister of Science, Education and Popular Education to the Reich Minister of Finance, 1939 Die Konsularakademie in Wien, internationale Akademie für Politik und Volkswirtschaft (Druck), Vienna 1937 Staff level of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Oriental Academy in Vienna, Nov. 1894 Establishment of the Consular Academy in Vienna - Design by Dr. Walter Schmitt, former director of the foreign policy training centre of the NSDAP in Berlin-Dahlem as well as recording of the Legation Council of Etzdorf/Foreign Office, 1939 relief measures in Spain on the occasion of the liberation of Spanish territories by the national Spanish troops, 1939 compensation to neutral countries for sinking their ships - Question of Budgetary Jurisdiction, 1939 Planned Expansion of the Economic Department of the German Embassy in Moscow due to Impending Economic Agreement with the Soviet Union, 1939

Federal Foreign Office (inventory)
BArch, R 901 · Bestand · 1867-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: 1867 Interim assumption of the foreign policy tasks for the North German Confederation by the Prussian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; on 1 January 1867, the Prussian Ministry of Foreign Affairs took over the tasks of the North German Confederation. January 1870 Foundation of the Foreign Office of the North German Confederation, 1871 of the German Rei‧ches as a subordinate authority of the Reich Chancellor with the main departments Politics, Han‧delspolitik, Law (from 1885) and News (from 1915); until 1918 at the same time foreign Ver‧tretung Prussia; 1919 appointment of a politically responsible Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs; 1920 extensive reorganization in regional departments and assumption of cultural-political tasks, 1936 dissolution of the regional departments, reintroduction of the departments inventory description: The Foreign Office, which emerged in 1870 from the Royal Prussian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the North German Confederation (since 1867), underwent numerous reforms and restructurings during the Bismarck period and the Wilhelminian Empire, the Weimar Republic until the end of the National Socialist dictatorship. old office) comprise only a fraction of the total volume (approx. 1.6 shelf kilometres) from this period. The largest part (about 18 shelf kilometres) of the files remaining after the losses in the final phase of the Second World War is now in the Political Archive of the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin. In the 1920s, mainly for reasons of space, the Political Archive had deposited most of the local archival material in the Potsdam Reichsarchiv (mainly files of the Imperial Office, the Trade Policy Department and the Legal Department). Together with other holdings, the Reichsarchiv also stored these documents in 1944/45 in the salt mine shafts near Staßfurt (Saxony-Anhalt) to protect them from bombing. Confiscated by the Soviet occupying forces, most of the material was transferred after 1949 to the then German Central Archive Potsdam (later the Central State Archive of the GDR, inventory signature 09.01) via the Ministry for State Security of the GDR in several charges, and after the German division was overcome to the responsibility of the Federal Archive. Residual files of the Trade Policy and Legal Departments (Dept. II and III, 1885-1920), which for official reasons had remained in the Political Archives of the AA and had finally been taken to England after confiscation by the British occupying forces, were recorded by the then Federal Archives after their return to the Federal Republic (1957) in October 1962 under the inventory signature R 85. About 350 file units are currently still in the "Special Archive" at the Russian State Military Archives in Moscow under the ("Fund") stock number 1357. They are described there in 3 finding aids (for further information and contact see www.sonderarchiv.de). The Federal Archives have lent important documents and files to the Political Archive of the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin (Auswärtiges Amt, Politisches Archiv, 10117 Berlin; Tel.: 49 (0) 30/5000-3948). They can only be used and evaluated there (see the respective finding aids for further information). Archival evaluation and processing The first archival revision of the volumes took place at the end of the 1950s in what was then the German Central Archive. They were originally described in a total of 44 finding aids from the Reichsarchiv. The file titles of the units of registration recorded in the Potsdam DZA at the time were integrated into the database of the Federal Archives by means of a retroconversion procedure. When processing the data records, numerous corrections were made to the file titles and runtimes. The currently valid archive rules could not always be applied. While maintaining the existing classification, which was predominantly no longer based on the organisational structure of the AA, series or series of bands were formed as required, whereby numerous subordinate series of bands were also created in series. In some cases, the existing factual structure was expanded and supplemented with modern terminology (e.g. legal department). The Potsdam tradition was merged with that of the old Federal Archives in Koblenz (old finding aids for stock R 85, legal department and trade policy department). Characterization of content: Traditional focus Office of the Reich Foreign Minister 1928-1943: Minister's Office and Personal Staff 1928-1944, Personal Press Archive of the Minister 1934-1943 Personnel and Administration Department (incl. Protocol) 1876-1944 [loaned to Political Archive AA] Commercial Policy Department 1869-1920: Exhibition 1875-1920, Service 1885-1914, Railways 1866-1915, Fisheries 1903-1913, Trade, Generalia 1884-1921, Trade, Countries 1868-1920, Foreign Trade 1867-1922, Trade and Shipping, Generalia 1862-1906, Trade and Shipping, Countries 1858-1909, Agriculture 1868-1920, Literature 1847-1917, Marine 1853-1913, Weights and Measures 1911-1920, Medical 1868-1913, Coinage 1867-1913, Minting 1853-1913, Trade, Generalia 1884-1920, Trade, Countries 1868-1909, Agriculture 1868-1920, Trade and Shipping 1847-1917, Marine 1853-1913, Weights and Measures 1911-1920, Medical 1868-1913, Coinage Shipping, Generalia 1887-1914, Inland Navigation, Countries 1907-1913, Shipping, Countries 1844-1913, River Navigation 1869-1913, Telegraphing 1866-1913, Transportation 1890-1920, Insurance 1895-1920, Economics, Generalia 1887-1920, Economics, Countries 1881-1920, Water Management 1907-1913, Customs and Tax, General 1910-1919, Customs and Tax, Countries 1902-1920 Commercial Policy Division 1936-1945: Exhibitions 1936-1943, emigration 1937-1943, railway 1921-1943, finance 1936-1943, fishing 1936-1943, business 1937-1943, health 1937-1942, trade 1936-1945, industry, technology, Trade 1936-1943, Internal Administration of the Länder 1936-1943, Motor Vehicles 1936-1942, Agriculture 1936-1943, Politics 1941-1942, Post, Telegraph and Telephone 1936-1943, Legal 1936-1942, Raw Materials and Goods 1936-1943, Shipping 1936-1943, social policy 1941-1942, taxation 1936-1943, transport 1936-1945, veterinary 1936-1942, roads 1936-1942, economy 1936-1944, customs 1936-1945, trade in war equipment 1936-1944, Handakten 1920-1944, telegram correspondence with the German representations, offices and commercial enterprises 1941-1943 Länderabteilung II und III (1920-1936) [loaned to Political Archive AA] Rechtsabteilung 1858-1945: Emigration, General 1868-1932, Citizenship and Liquidation 1928-1944, Emigration, Countries 1858-1932, International Law Differences 1867-1920, Clergy, School and Abbey Matters 1867-1933, Border Matters 1862-1944, Hand Files 1900-1926, Internal Administration of Individual Countries 1862-1940, Intercessions 1871-1932, Art and Science 1865-1914, Mediatized 1866-1913, Militaria 1869-1942, News 1869-1936, neutrality 1854-1918, passport matters 1816-1932, police matters 1865-1937, postal matters 1829-1932, press 1861-1931, cases, general 1836-1944, cases, countries outside Europe 1869-1936, cases countries Europe 1869-1936, international law 1941-1945, delivery of documents and orders 1937-1945 news and press department 1915-1945: General 1915-1938, war 1914-1921, colonies 1915-1920, head of state 1910-1919, parliaments 1910-1921, state parliaments 1917-1921, imperial government 1916-1924, revolution 1910-1921, League of Nations 1918-1920, parliamentarization and democratization 1918, right to vote 1917-1918, armistice and peace 1914-1923, news about individual countries 1918-1921, news 1914-1921, Business files of the Press Department 1939-1945, German News Office 1940-1943, Interception Service 1942-1943, Foreign Agencies 1942-1945, Own Service 1942-1943, News Material 1933-1945, Press Attachments 1939-1944, Press Archive 1927-1945, Press Information Service 1936-1945, Foreign Information Bodies 1934-1945, Central Office for Foreign Service 1912-1922: Service and business operations 1914-1921, personnel affairs 1912-1921, passport affairs 1917-1920, budget and cash affairs 1914-1922 , relations with institutions and individuals 1914-1920, libraries, publishing houses, bookshops and art dealers 1915-1920, Economic, Political and Military Situation 1915-1920, Propaganda 1914-1921 Department of Cultural Policy 1865-1945 Department of Broadcasting Policy 1939-1945 Department D (Germany) [Liaison Office to the NSDAP] 1939-1943 State of Development: Files from the Personnel and Administration Department and the Country Department were transferred to the Political Archive of the AA as a permanent loan to supplement the holdings there. Citation style: BArch, R 901/...

Auswärtiges Amt
BArch, RL 40/151 · Akt(e) · 1941-1944
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Flight climate overview of the Iberian Peninsula, 1941; weather conditions during the deployment of the L.G. 1 in the eastern Mediterranean in the summer of 1941. According to RR Noack, April 1942; results of meteorological observations on Athens. By Dr. H. Scultetus, o.Dat.; Flight meteorological experiences from Greece, Crete and the following sea areas in winter 1941 - 1942. By RR Pieper, Sept. 1942; Flight meteorological information. Extended special print out: Aerographical description "Italy", Volume I, 1944 and English translation; Flugmeteorologische Hinweise NW-Balkan, 1944; Flugmeteorologische Hinweise Süd-Balkan, 1943; Flugklimatische Übersicht über Ägypten und den Englisch-ägyptischen Sudan, 1942; The summer cloudiness of the North-East African Mediterranean coast. By RR Dr. H.G. Koch and RR Dr. P. Thran, Nov. 1942; The Weather of Africa. By H. Seikopf, o.Dat.; Aerographical booklet: Egypt and Cyrenaika, ca. 1942 (incomplete); Overview of the air climate in Turkey, o.Dat.; Seabellage in the Saronic Gulf, 27.04. to 30.04.1943, 07.05.1943; Weather conditions in NW-Greece, 1943; The weather conditions in the Greek Aegean region, o.Dat.; Explanations to the physiological climate map of West and Central Africa north of the Congo, Sept. 1942; Physiological climate map of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, n.d.; Meteorological and climatological work for the North African combat space, Oct. 1942; Map of North-East Africa, 1941; Black and Azov Sea: Climate and Weather, Navigation Routes, 1941; Flight Climate Overview of the Black Sea Countries, 1941; Flight Climate Overview of Iran, 1941; Flight Climate Overview of the Middle East Countries (Turkistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Baluchistan), 1941;

France: Treatment of German property
BArch, R 3001/22566 · Akt(e) · (1938) 1939-1943
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Negotiations of the German Armistice Delegation for Economy, 1940-1941 "Possibilities and Limits of a French War Compensation" as well as "The Raw Material Economic Importance of the French Colonial Area" - elaborations of the Reich Ministry of Economics, (1938) 1940 Booty and Confiscation in Occupied France with the Exception of Alsace and Lorraine, 1939, 1942-1943 Fuel Procurement for French West Africa as well as Commissioning of Foreign Ships by France. Discussion in the Foreign Office (record), 1941 France's obligation to reimburse the costs of restoration work in the occupied territories, 1942-1943

General Aircraft Master (Stock)
BArch, RL 3 · Bestand · 1933-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: 1.2.1939 Appointment of the "General Aircraft Master", subordinate to the Secretary of State for Aviation and Inspector General of the Air Force, who was in charge of the Technical Office for the Development, Testing and Procurement of Air Force Equipment established on 17.7.1933, as well as the Supply Office in existence since 1.8.1936. At the same time, the "Amtsgruppe Industrie-Plan und Wirtschaft" was established, which from June 1939 was called the "Amtsgruppe Technische Wirtschaft und Haushalt" and from 1941 the "Industriewirtschaftsamt". In 1940/41 a planning office was created at the Generalflugmeister and on 1.3.1944 a fighter staff to increase the production of fighter planes. The Jägestab was under both the State Secretary for Aviation and the Reich Minister for Armaments and War Production, who assumed full responsibility for air force production in 1944. The office of the General Flight Attendant was dissolved on 29.7.1944. The responsibility for testing, developing and taking over the device remained with the Luftwaffe and was assumed by the Chief of Technical Air Defence (ChefTLR). In addition, the Industrial Office, now the "Economic Office", remained in existence. On 15 April 1943, the tasks of the Supply Office had already been transferred to the Chief of the Supply Department, who was subordinate to the General Aircraft Master, who described the inventory: On 17 July 1933, the Flight Technology Department of the General Aircraft Office was made independent as the Technical Office. He was responsible for the development, testing and procurement of the air force equipment. On 1 February 1939 it was subordinated to the newly appointed General Airworthiness Inspector (GL), who was subordinate to the State Secretary of Aviation and General Inspector of the Air Force, and also to the Supply Office, which had existed since 1 August 1936 and whose duties were transferred on 15 April 1943 to the Chief of Supply to the General Quartermaster. At the same time, in 1939, the Industry and Economy Section was set up under GL to carry out development and procurement contracts, to monitor prices, to set delivery conditions and to broker loans. From June 1939 it was called Amtsgruppe Technische Wirtschaft und Haushalt, from 1941 Industriewirtschaftsamt. In 1940/41 a planning office was created at GL and a fighter baton was set up on 1 March 1944 to increase the production of fighter planes. The latter was subordinate both to the Secretary of State for Aviation and to the Reich Minister for Armament and War Production, who finally assumed full responsibility for the production of the Luftwaffe, so that the office of the General Aircraft Master was dissolved on 29 July 1944, while the Inspector General of the Luftwaffe continued to exist as an independent office. Responsibility for testing, developing and taking over the device was transferred to the Chief of Technical Air Defence (ChefTLR). Characterisation of the contents: Only a few documents have survived from the staff of the General Aircraft Master and the Chief Technical Air Defence (ChefTLR). The war diary of the Chief of Technical Air Armament from 18 December 1944 to the end of the war has been preserved. In addition, there is an extensive collection of circulars and minutes of conferences by Göring, Milch, the General Aircraft Master and the Reich Minister for Armaments and War Production as well as the Hunter's Staff. Much of the overdelivery is due to technical documentation and correspondence with companies. Particularly noteworthy here are raw materials, construction and procurement programmes and tables on flight inventory. Pre-archival order: The archive material, which has only been handed down in fragments, originates from the return of files from the USA and Great Britain to the Document Centre of the Military History Research Office, from where it was handed over to the military archive in 1968. Citation style: BArch, RL 3/...

Great Britain": Vol. 1
BArch, RM 5/3091 · Akt(e) · 1917-1918
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Parliament paper: final report of the forestry subcommittee of the reconstruction committee, 1918 report of the Ministry of Trade on coal supply. Druck, 1918 Wirtschaftsdienst, edited by the Central Office of the Hamburg Colonial Institute, No. 23. Druck, 7.6.1918

BArch, PH 3 · Bestand · 1867-1920 (1926-1972)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Tasks and Organization Essentially follows: (1) Jany, Curt: History of the Prussian Army from the 15th century to 1914, 2nd ed. Edition (= Die Königlich Preußische Armee und das Deutsche Reichsheer 1807 bis 1914, vol. 4), Osnabrück 1967, pp. 294-296. (2) Cron, Hermann: Geschichte des deutschen Armeres im Weltkriege 1914 bis 1918, Berlin 1937, pp. 3-23. (3) PH 3/124 Die Organisation des Großen Generalstabes 1803-1914 (4) PH 3/1026 Die Organisation des Großen Generalstabes (vom 18. Jhr.. until its dissolution in 1919, manuscript by HOAR Stoeckel) (5) PH 3/1272-1273 Graphical representation of the development of the organisation of the Great General Staff 1802-1914 (6) PH 3/310 First introduction to the organisation and activities of the Deputy General Staff of the Armed Forces (1919) (7) Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt, MGFA (Ed. by the German Military Historical Research Institute, MGFA) (ed. by the German historian HOAR Stoeckel)): German military history in six volumes 1648 - 1939. Munich 1983 ff, pp. 69-72. (8) Enzyklopädie Erster Weltkrieg, ed. v: Gerhard Hirschfeld, Gerd Krumeich, Irina Renz in conjunction with Markus Pöhlmann, updated and extended study edition, Paderborn 2009, p. 754f. (9) PH 3/3 (10) Waldemar Erfurth: The History of the German General Staff 1918-1945 (= Studies on the History of the Second World War, ed. by Arbeitskreis für Wehrforschung in Frankfurt/Main, vol. 1), Göttingen 1957. 1. Großer Generalstab und Oberster Heeresleitung Großer Generalstab (7) With the Cabinet Order of 24 May 1883, the Generalstab became an Immediatbehörde (Immediate Authority), in fact it had held this position since the Wars of Unification. The General Staff was also assigned independently and directly to the monarch by the War Ministry. The tasks of the War Ministry and the Great General Staff overlapped in part, which occasionally led to conflicts. The position of Chief of Staff of the General Staff was respected, but, apart from operational management in the event of war, it was not endowed with important powers. The General Staff nevertheless exerted a decisive influence on the formation of the army through the training of leaders (the War Academy was subordinate to the Great General Staff), the care for the training of troops in warfare, and the handling of all questions connected with the conduct of a mobilization and a war. His activities included the cultivation of war science education, especially the study and processing of war history, the collection of news and statistical material on foreign armies and the various theatres of war, mapping, investigation and description of his own country. In the peacetime there were no far-reaching changes in the organization of the Grand General Staff, only some expansions due to the increasing scope of the General Staff duties. General Staff of the Field Army and Supreme Army Command (OHL) of the German Army (2) "According to Article 63 of the Constitution of the German Reich of 16 April 1871, the entire land power of the Reich formed a unified army, which was under the Emperor's command in war and peace. In peace, the head of the Great General Staff had practically no power of command and no right of inspection. He merely acted as chief and disciplinary superior of the Grand General Staff. The highest power of command was in fact with the emperor, but in practice it was the chief of the general staff of the army. During the war, the Chief of the General Staff issued operational orders in the name of the Emperor in accordance with the mobilization regulations and was jointly responsible for the management and execution of military operations as well as the other branches of service (ammunition replacement, catering, health, stage service). With the mobilization on August 2, 1914, the chief of the Prussian General Staff of the Army was formed as the "Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army" and the OHL, which was located in the Great Headquarters. The Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army thus embodied the OHL and was always equated with it by concept. On August 5, 1914, the deputy general staff of the army was mobilized in Berlin. The latter remained in existence until 31 January 1919. With the demobilisation, de Große Generalstab resumed its activities on 1 February 1919, with the exception of the positions remaining with OHL. (10) On the basis of the Treaty of Versailles, the dissolution of the Great General Staff was decided and initiated in July 1919. On 4 July 1919 Major General von Seeckt took over the business of the Chief of the General Staff. The name of the service is now "General von Seeckt". On September 30, 1919, the Great General Staff was finally dissolved with the establishment of a liquidation office from part of the central department. The Heads of the General Staff of the Army in Prussia from 1857 to 1918 Field Marshal General Hemuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke 1857-1888 Field Marshal General Alfred Heinrich Karl Ludwig von Waldersee 1888-1891 Field Marshal General Alfred Graf von Schlieffen 1891-1906 General Colonel Helmuth von Moltke 1906-1914 Between 1914 and 1918 a total of four OHLs were formed (8) 1. OHL: General Colonel Helmuth von Moltke, Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army from Aug. 2 to Sep. 14, 1914 2. OHL: General of the Infantry Erich von Falkenhayn, Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army from Aug. 14 to Sept. 14, 1914 2. 3rd Sept. (officially from 3 Sept. 1914) to 29 Aug. 1916 3rd OHL: General Field Marshal Paul von Beneckendorff and von Hindenburg, Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army from 29 Aug. 1916 to 9 Nov. 1916. 1918, Commander-in-Chief of the Field Army from 9 Nov. 1918 to 3 July 1919, assisted by the First Quartermaster General of the Infantry Erich von Ludendorff, First Quartermaster General from 29 Aug. 1916 to 26 Oct. 1918, then Lieutenant General Wilhelm Groener became First Quartermaster General from 29 Oct. 1918 to 3 July 1919 4. OHL: Lieutenant General Wilhelm Groener took over the OHL after the resignation of Hindenburgs on June 25, 1919 until the dissolution on Sept. 30, 1919 3. The organizational development of the Great General Staff The organization of the Great General Staff since April 1, 1889 (1) The Quartermaster General was first abolished again, but on April 1, 1889 three Quartermasters (O.Q.) were established. Central Office (from 1890 Central Division) Oberquartiermeister (O. Q.) I since 1 April 1889: 2nd Division Ordre de Bataille (Battle Regulations) and deployment of the German Army Railway Division Railway Section The Railway Section was responsible for the operation and training of the Railway Regiment, subordinate to the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, and of the Airship Division. Eisenbahn-Regiment Oberquartiermeister (O.Q.) II 4th Section - New Formation for the Affairs of Foreign Fortresses and the Preparation of the Drafts of Attacks, with AKO of Dec. 19, 1889 the Department for Foreign Fortresses was added by the Engineering Committee Geographical-Statistical Department (since 1894 an independent Department) German Section - Affairs of the Academy of War and the Training Trips of the General Staff Oberquartiermeister (O.Q.) III 1st Division (Russia, the Scandinavian states, Austria, the Balkans, etc.) 3rd Division (France, England, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy) Division of War History National Recording The position of the Quartermaster General was abolished. Structure of the Large General Staff of the Army since 1908 (1) Central Division 6th Division (Manoeuvre) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) I 2nd Division (Aufmasch) Technical Section (Air Force) 4th Division (Foreign Fortresses of the Western War Theatre) 7th Division (Foreign Fortresses of the Eastern War Theatre) Railway Division Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) II 3rd Division (O.Q.) Department (Foreign Armies in the West) 9th Department (German Colonies) Oberquartiermeister (O. Q.) III 5th Department (Training Trips of the General Staff) 8th Department (Affairs of the War Academy) Oberquartiermeister IV (newly added since 1 April 1894) 1st Department (Foreign Armies in the East) 10th Department (Foreign Armies in the East) Oberquartiermeister V War Historical Department I and II The Head of the Large General Staff Central Department (Personnel, Organisation, Administration) with Section III b (Communications) 6th Section (Manoeuvres) War History Department II (Older War History) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) I. 2. (German Division) - Deployment and Operations Division Railway Division Section 1a (for the revision of the Military Transport Order) 4th Division (Foreign Fortresses) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) II 3rd Division (France with Morocco, England with Egypt, Afghanistan) 9th Division (Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Holland, Spain, Portugal, America, German Colonies) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) III 5th Division (Operations Studies) 8th Division (Operations Studies) Division (War Academy and General Staff Service) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) IV 1st Division (Russia, Nordic States, East Asia, Persia, Turkey) 10th Division (Russia, Northern States, East Asia, Persia, Turkey) Department (Austria-Hungary and Balkan States) Oberquartiermeister V Kriegsgeschichtliche Abteilung I (neuere Kriege) Kriegsarchiv Kartenarchiv Chief of the Landesaufnahme and Oberquartiermeister Trigonometrische Abteilung Topographische Abteilung Kartographische Abteilung Photogrammetische Abteilung Kolonialsektion Der Chef des Generalstabes des Feldheeres 1914 bis 1918 (2) 1. General Staff Departments Central Department She was responsible for receiving and forwarding correspondence to the relevant departments, in cooperation with the Military Cabinet for Personnel Matters and Administration. The department was headed by Colonel von Fabeck, and from 26 March 1916 it was headed by Colonel Tieschowitz von Tieschowa. Operations Department The department with the closest connection to the Chief of Staff. She was also the office for his personal letters. It was responsible for creating the conditions for all operational measures of the army: to monitor the organisation and organisation of the entire army and to propose improvements as well as the training, armament and operational capability of the units. The Chief of the Opera Department was responsible for advising the Chief of General Staff, drawing up the operational plans of the General Staff and issuing his orders. During the war the department was expanded extensively. Heads: Major General Tappen Lieutenant Colonel Wetzell (since 31 Aug. 1916) Operations Department B On 18 August 1916, a subdivision was set up under the Operations Department which was responsible for the Macedonian and Turkish fronts. Operations Division II On 23 September 1916, the post of Chief of Field Ammunition was dissolved. The tasks of ammunition and equipment replacement were taken over by the ammunition section in the operations department. Subsequently, the ammunition section was merged with the warfare section to form Operations Division II. Chief: Colonel Bauer News Department, since 20 May 1917 Foreign Armies Department She was responsible for the prosecution of military operations abroad, especially for the warfare of the enemy states. She primarily collected information on their organization and distribution of forces. Division III b Your task was to transmit the enemy's messages. This was done by intelligence officers deployed to the armies and at suitable points in the home country. There were also voluntary or paid agents in neutral and hostile foreign countries and the Secret Field Police in the occupied territories. News material was also provided by the border police and the field police, which also served to carry out espionage. The intelligence and counter-espionage services in the homeland communicated with Division IIIb of the Deputy General Staff, which in turn was subordinated to Division IIIb in the Great Headquarters. The guidelines for patriotic education were issued by the department, as was the press service set up to steer public opinion. Political Department since Feb. 10, 1916 Military Political Department It was responsible for the military political affairs of all states, dealt with legal issues and passed on the information to the military attachés and the written authority on peace issues. 2. the Quartermaster General and his subordinates The Quartermaster General was responsible for all the duties relating directly to the relief of the Chief of the Quartermaster General. operations. This included the entire supply, stage and railway system, field post and administration of justice, field medical services and veterinary services. Generalquartiermeister Generalleutnant von Stein since 14 Sept. 1914 Generalleutnant Hahndorff since 16 Jan. 1916 Subordinate positions Generalintendant des Feldheeeres He was responsible for providing the army with food. In addition, he was the head of the field and troop directorships. With the transition to the positional war, the monitoring of the nutrition in the occupied territory was added. In particular the cultivation of the soil and the necessary procurement of the agricultural machine material and the utilization of the harvest surplus for the field army. Later the industrial use of the occupied territories was added. A new economic department was set up for the West with effect from 5 September 1916. With effect from January 1, 1917, the economic department was made independent and expanded and set up on behalf of the General Quartermaster for the Western Theatre of War (B.d.G. West). He was responsible for the administration, management and utilization of the occupied territories in the West. Besides, he was subordinated: - General Wechselamt - art expert for monument preservation - prisoners of war - and civilian worker battalions - electrotechnical workshop West - artillery and training equipment repair workshops - looting and collecting (until subordinated to a special commissioner) At the beginning, the following positions were also subordinated to the Generalquartiermeister: - Chief of field munitions - Chief of field telegraphy - Chief of field railways - Chief of field aviation - Inspector of balloon guns Chief of field medical services General staff physician of the army Prof. Dr. Schiernig headed the medical services in the entire war zone as the highest superior of the medical personnel. His responsibilities included: the medical service, the care and transport of the wounded, the distribution of hospital trains and ships, hospitals in the homeland. Field Chief Postmaster He supervised the postal system on all theatres of war. The Field Oberpost Inspections West and East were set up to relieve him. Second Commander of the Great Headquarters He was responsible for the security and supply of the headquarters and the control of the sub personnel. He commanded the Infantry and Cavalry Staff Guard, a Land Storm Battalion, a Field Gendarmerie Command, Military Police, a motor vehicle spark station and a telephone department, three balloon defence guns (later ducrh replaced two air defence batteries), a headlight train (later expanded into a headlight department), the field directorate of the Great Headquarters together with the field warfare fund, motor vehicle fleet, field post office, Central Postal Surveillance West with the post office monitoring centre of the Great Headquarters, marketing department and reading hall. Secret Field Police cooperated closely with Division III b. During the war, B.d.G.West also added a number of agencies to the Great Headquarters. The commander of the troops, newly created in 1915, was located in Luxembourg. The Chief of Field Service was established at the end of 1916 and placed under the authority of the Quartermaster General. It served to centralise the motor vehicle formations. After the approval of the Generalqaurtiermeister, he was authorized to give instructions to the motor troops of the army high commandos and the staff figures assigned to the army groups in the west. On 17 May 1918, the staff of the commander of the combat vehicle departments was subordinated to the head of the motor vehicle division. The B.d.G. Ost with its seat in Warsaw was responsible for the utilization of the land in the administrative area of the Supreme Commander East and the General Government of Warsaw. Valenciennes Military Mine Directorate It fell under the jurisdiction of the Quartermaster General in September 1917. The mining administrations of Mons and Valenciennes, which until then had been part of the Metz government, were united to form a military directorate. The German representation in occupied Italy Used in February 1918 in Udine with evacuation of the 14th army. It served to assert German interests in the war spoils acquired jointly with Austria. The commander of the 13th Cavalry Brigade and his staff were to regulate the demand for horses on the eastern and western fronts due to the increasing shortage of horses. He was assigned to the GQ on 31 December 1916. In February 1918 he became the Commissioner of the Quartermaster General in equestrian affairs. Commissioner of the General Quartermaster in Berlin In order to reestablish trade relations with the former Russian territories resulting from the treaties with the Allies, coordination between the central authorities and the General Staff was necessary. He also took over the supervision of the import and export points. Commissioner of the Master Quartermaster General for Prey and Collecting This was created with effect from 1 June 1918. It had already been settled in 1917. He was responsible for the administration of the spoils of war and the control of the services. General of the Ammunition Columns and Trains in the Great Headquarters The increase in the number of formations was accompanied by the technical contraction of weapons, which was created in July 1918. Her task was to use the units, to supervise the technical service in the war zone and at home, and to replace the clothing and field equipment. 3. foot artillery and pioneers were among the special weapons and their technical training was monitored by the inspections. The General of the Foot Artillery in the Great Headquarters He was adviser to the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army on technical matters and the deployment of heavy artillery. In addition, he shaped the training in his home country. He was subordinate to the later established "Inspector of Artillery Metrology" and the "Staff Officer for Heavy Flat Fire". At first he had no direct influence on the general of artillery. This did not change when the OHL introduced the unit staffs "Artillery Generals" instead of "Field Artillery Brigade Commanders" and Foot Artillery Generals to unify artillery. Thus his name was changed to "General von der Artillerie Nr. 1". A month later he became "Inspector General of Artillery Shooting Schools". He was in charge of the shooting training of the entire field and foot artillery in the field and at home. General Inspectors: General of the Artillery of Lauter (until 15 Oct. 1917) Lieutenant General Ziethen The General of the Engineering and Pioneer Corps in the Great Headquarters He was the supreme weapons superior during the war of increasing and specializing formations of the pioneers. He advised the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army and was responsible for the organizational and technical development of the pioneers. The special services of the pioneers, such as the stage-managers of the mine-throwing machine, in existence since the end of 1915, the inspector of the gas regiments created in 1916 and the stage-manager of the pioneer melee means of close combat established in May 1918. In August 1918 he received the designation General of the Pioneers from the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army. General der Pioniere: General der Infanterie von Claer bis bis zum 2. Juli 1916 Major General Marschall von Bieberstein seit 28. Aug. 1918 The Chief of the Field Ammunition Service This was initially subordinated to the Generalquartiermeister. His tasks included coordinating the ammunition provided by the War Ministry in conjunction with the Chief of Field Railways as well as the replacement of equipment on the basis of the reports from the Army High Commands and the Stage Inspection. In addition, he was responsible for planning the needs of the army commandos and the stage inspections and reporting them to the War Ministry. With effect from 10 May 1915, he was directly subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army. This should ensure close coordination with the operations department. On 23 September 1916 the position of Chief of Field Ammunition was dissolved. His duties were performed by the Operations Department. The Chief of the Field Telegraphy The Chief of the Field Telegraphy was settled during the first three years of war at the General Quartermaster. He was in charge of the entire intelligence troops and intelligence media of the field army. During the war the news formations were strongly expanded, which caused the army leadership under Hindenburg to carry out a reorganization. A general of the telegraph troops for the western, eastern and southeastern theater of war was created to relieve the field telegraphy chief. These generals were subordinated to the chief of field telegraphy. A new restructuring of the intelligence system took place, with the head of the field telegraphy reporting to it. A new organizational change was made by the Chief of Field Telegraphy to "Chief of Intelligence" and reporting directly to the Chief of General Staff of the Field Army. He also became commanding general. He was now responsible for organisation, use, training, staffing, replacement, replenishment, technical requirements and all German spark telegraphy traffic. Chief: Major General Balck Colonel von Wolff since Dec. 7, 1914 Major General von Hesse since Apr. 9, 1917 The Chief of Field Railways He was initially subordinate to the Quartermaster General. It was not until his replacement in October 1916 that he was directly subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff. His tasks included the complete railway system and the use of the waterways. At the commander-in-chief east he was represented by the field railway boss east. There were also railway officers at the stage commandos and the stage inspections, later there were authorized general staff officers at the allied states in Constantinople, Sofia, Vienna, and from mid-1916 also at the army groups. Further streamlining of the organization was achieved by the creation of independent railway transport departments based at the Great Headquarters in Kowno and Pleßhatten. Heads: Major General Groener until 31 Oct. 1916 Colonel Freiherr von Oldershausen Chief of War Surveying With the war of positions and the production of a wide variety of maps, war surveying became increasingly important. The head of war surveying was to steer this task. Therefore, the authority was created in July 1915. All surveying units were subject to this authority. Depending on requirements, staff figures for surveying were assigned to the army commandos in the west and the army groups in the west. Chief of the military aviation While one was superior to the army airships, one lay back with the planes behind France, with the captive balloons one was set up in something equal. In order to make the air forces more efficient, the chief of the air force was set up in 1915 with the general quartermaster. He ran the aviators, the airmen and the weather service. On 1 July 1915, an inspector of the balloon guns of the General Quartermaster was created for the air defence, which belonged to artillery. On 8 October 1916, Lieutenant General Hoppner was appointed Commanding General of the Air Force by Allerhöchste Kabinettsordrre and the former Chief of Field Aviation, Lieutenant Colonel Thomsen, became his Chief of Staff. All formations of the airmen, the airship, the air defence and the weather service in the field and in the homeland were subordinated to the Kogenluft. This was directly subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff in October 1915. The head censorship office was also integrated into this, which had previously been the organisational office of the deputy commanding generals. The tasks of the War Press Office were to improve cooperation between the home authorities and the Supreme Army Command in the field of the press, to provide information to the authorities and the press, and to ensure that the supervision of the press was uniform. She was also responsible for forwarding the censorship guidelines to the censorship offices. The press office had contact to all departments, the otherwise usual way of appeal did not exist. In October 1918, the War Press Office was subordinated to the War Ministry. Military post of the Federal Foreign Office The post was established on 1 July 1916 and was subordinated to the Supreme Army Command, but was organisationally subordinated to the Federal Foreign Office, Division IIIb of the Deputy General Staff, the War Press Office, the War Ministry, the Admiral Staff and the R e i c h s m a r i n e a m t . She was responsible for the defense against enemy propaganda and for German propaganda at home and abroad. On 30 January 1917, a "Picture and Photo Office" was set up, which in April 1917 was designated as the "Picture and Film Office". In December 1917, Universum Film AG was founded on the initiative of the Picture and Film Office and used for educational purposes. In January 1918, the Bild- und Filmamt was administratively subordinated to the War Ministry. However, the Military Office of the Federal Foreign Office continued to be empowered to issue directives. The organization of the Great General Staff from 1. February 1919 Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army (9) Central Department Chief of the Landesaufnahme General Staff Departments Department Foreign Army Department (F) Railway Department (E) War Economics Department (Kriweis) Economics Department (W) War History Department (K) War History Department (K 1) War History Department (K 2) War History Department (K 3) Description of the Collection: The Federal Archives have a few copies of organisational documents as well as orders, leaflets and reports from the various areas of responsibility, but also individual documents on events of the First World War and lists of formations of the field army. The Railway Department has received some files on individual projects, and the Chief of the Deputy General Staff has duplicated news from the Surveying Department on the evaluation of aerial photographs. Most of the files of the General Staff were destroyed by the effects of war in 1945 during the fire at the Army Archives in Potsdam. What has remained are only fragmented individual pieces that have been handed down. At the beginning of 1994, a large part of the documents again reached the inventory. These remains were originally kept in the military archives of the former GDR. The stock of official printed matter PHD 7 was dissolved and transferred to the stock. The large-format plans and maps were taken from the files, placed in map folders and attached to the holdings. With the exception of the official printed matter (old PHD 7) and the large formats, the stock was microfilmed. Microfilms are available for use. Content characterisation: Based on the area of responsibility, the collection contains documents on the organisation and distribution of responsibilities, on military measures by foreign states and defensive measures by German agencies, reconnaissance reports and news about foreign armies, evaluation of prisoner testimonies as well as on the deployment, use and strength of foot artillery in war. In addition, there are occasionally reproduced organisational documents as well as orders, orders, notices, leaflets and elaborations from various areas of responsibility, but also individual news about war events from the First World War. From the railway department of the Great General Staff a remnant of individual case files on railway projects has been preserved. The head of the deputy general staff has handed down duplicated reports from the surveying department on the evaluation of aerial photographs. A very small number of copies of the files from the First World War were preserved in the National Archives in Washington. Additional copies of these have been delivered here. Replacement traditions, e.g. of fundamental decrees, orders or correspondence of Prussian military and command authorities, which went to civilian or military authorities of the individual states, can be found in the holdings of the respective competent state archives, in particular Bavaria, Württemberg, Baden as well as Saxony. State of development: Invenio Scope, Explanation: Inventory without increase 37.0 m 1006 AE Citation method: BArch, PH 3/...

BArch, R 86/5825 · Akt(e) · 1893-1908
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Health inspection of seagoing ships calling at a German port, 1894, 1897; draft of the programme of the German Department for Health Care, Welfare Care and Workers' Insurance at the World Exhibition in Paris 1900, 1898; establishment of a German doctor in Tangier, 1900; disinfection instructions for human and animal infectious diseases, 1900

BArch, NS 5-VI/17520 · Akt(e) · 1926-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Basch, Dr. Franz, German leader in Hungary, German-born Hungarian, leader of the Volksdeutsche Kameradschaft Hungary, founded the "Volksbund der Deutschen in Ungarn" in 1938, 1936 - 1939 Basch, Viktor, President of the French League for Human Rights, 1929 Basedow, Heinz, painter, o.Dat. Basils, Fritz, actor, honorary member of the Bavarian State Theatre, 1931 Basse, Vice Admiral a.D.v., born Kolberger, chairman of the Reichsmarinejugend, naval career from 1871 to 1918?, 1934 Bassermann, Albert, born 07.09.1867 in Mannheim, first active as a chemist, then started his acting career, played e.g. Works by Hauptmann and Ibsen, 1932 - 1936 Bassermann, Dr. Alfred, born 09.02.1856 in Mannheim, Dante researcher, due to his Dante researches and translations he was awarded the degree of Dr. philh.c. awarded, 1936 Bassermann, Dr. August, born 04.12.1848 in Mannheim, Ms. Intendant of the Karlsruher Hoftheater, 1927 Bassermann, Ernst, Führer der Nationallivaralen Partei, 1925 - 1930 Bassermann-Jordan, Dr. Friedrich von, née. 23.03.1872 in Deidesheim, he was awarded: hereditary nobility, the title "Geheimer Rat", Pfälzischer Weingutbesitzer, he wrote: Geschichte des Weinanbau's unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der bayerischen Rheinpfalz et al, 1933 - 1942 Bassewitz, Count Rudolf von, born 21.07.1881 in Weffelsdorf, German diplomat, active in the Foreign Office as Chief of the Protocol, 1936 Basson, Walther, member of the management of the economic group 1935/36, leader of the economic group Wholesale, Import and Export Trade, Foreign Trade Department, 1937 Bast, Wilhelm, writer, colonialist, 1936 Bastanier, Hans, born 24.12.1885 in Berlin, Berlin sculptor and Painter, member of the "Norddeutscher Ring" and the Society for Germanic Prehistory and Prehistory, Chairman of the Reichsverband bildender Künstler Deutschlands f.d. Gau Berlin, 1933 Basters, Pg Otto von, Head of Base, d. c. 17.09.1937 in Jöldingen, 1937 Bastian, Max, born 28.08. in Spandau, German Admiral, President of the Reich Military Tribunal, bearer of the Knight's Cross of the War Merit Cross, 1940 - 1945 Bat'a, Jan A., born 1898, shoe manufacturer, founder of Bata-Werke, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bat'a AG, 1936 - 1938 Bata, Thomas, stepbrother of J. Bat'a, Czech industrialist, in an aircraft crash in 1942(32)? fatally injured, 1939;Bathe, Rolf, Doctor, 1939 Batocki, Adolf von, born 31.07.1868, nutrition dictator of the I. Batoloff, Constantine, born 04.01.1878 in Sopot, Bulgarian politician and diplomat, Foreign Minister in the Georgieff Cabinet, 1936 - 1939 Batt William L., Chairman of the Executive Committee of the International Office, 1939 Batten, Jean, born 1910 in New Zealand, first flying woman from England to Brazil, 1939 Battenberg, Princess Beatice von, born 14.04.1857, painter, 1929 Battenberg, Mathilde, painter, 1936 Batzer, Paul, born 18.04.1895 in Hammerstein, 1933 appointed head of the Gaupropagandaleiter of the NSDAP, head of the Senate Department for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda, 1933 appointed state commissioner, 1934

BArch, NS 5-VI/17706 · Akt(e) · 1926-1944
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Rahn, Dr. Rudolf, German diplomat, 1943 Raiffeisen, Friedrich Wilhelm, creator of agricultural cooperatives, creator of rural credit organizations, 1938 Raimund, Ferdinand, poet and popular dramatist, humorist, actor, 1940 Rainalter, Erwin H., German writer, 1942 Rainer, Dr.jur. Friedrich, Gauleiter - reichsstatthalter des Reichsgaues Kärnten, SS-Gruppenführer, 1944 Raiser, Dr.jur. Carl, General Director of Württembergische Feuerversicherung AG, Head of the Fire Insurance Division, 1937 Rahobrandt, Arthur, Major a.D.., SA-Gruppenführer, 1936 Rall, Günter, German officer, Jagdfllieger, 1943 Ramche, general of the parachute troop, defender of Brest, 1944 Ramek, Dr. Rudolf, Austrian lawyer and politician, 1935 Ramin, Fürgen von, Bismarks Großneffe (probably), 1928 Ramhorst, Dr. Friedrich, deputy managing director in the Reichsgruppe Industrie, 1936 Ramm, Dr.rer.pol. Eberhard, Prussia. State Secretary, 1936 Ramm, Karl Kraft von, Lieutenant awarded the Iron Cross, 1940 Ramsauer, Dr. Carl, Director of the Research Institute and Deputy Member of the Board of Directors of AEG Berlin, 1940 Ramsay, Lieutenant Colonel "German Kolonialpionier", 1938 Ranft, Hans, member of the bibliographic department of the Börsenverein, 1939 Ranke, Leopold von, historian, 1931 Raust, Herbert, former lieutenant of the German army, specialist for aviation issues, was arrested in France as a spy, 1936 Ranzoui, Hans the Younger, Viennese graphic artist, 1942 Rarkowski, Franz Justus, Apostolic Administrator and Protonotary, Catholic Bishop of the German Wehrmacht, 1938 Rasch, Hugo, German music writer, 1935 Raschdau, Ludwig, Reich Minister, personal assistant to the Reich, 1935 Raschdau, Ludwig, Reich Minister, German Minister of the Interior, Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Vienna Employees of Mismark, 1943 Rasche Erwin, Franz, Head of the Rhineland-Palatinate Regional Association in the R.D.P. and main editor of the NSZ Rhine Front, 1936 Rasche, Thea, German aviatrix, 1937 Raschick, Erich, German general, Army, 1939 Rasching, Dr. F., Company Dr. F. Rasching GmbH, Chemische Fabrik, Ludwigshafen a. Rhein - 50 years old Beskhen, 1941 Raschke, Dr.jur. Marie, German women's rights activist, first German lawyer, founder of the company Zentralstelle für Rechtsschutz, 1930 Raschke, Rudolf, Landesbauernführer für das Sudetenland u. SS-Sturmbannführer, 1939 Rasin, Aloois, 1939 Rasien, Dr. Ladislav, Czech-Slovak politician, Tscheche, 1934 Raskin, Dr., Head of the foreign department of the Reichsrundfunkgesellschaft and provisional director of the German short-wave radio station, 1940 Rassow, Berthold, pioneer of chemical-technological education in Germany, 1936 Raszewski Kazimierz, general, former corps commander of the V. Polish army corps in Poznan, 1938

BArch, RH 69/1755 · Akt(e) · Jan. 1919 - Dez. 1919
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: The lessons of the current political situation Service division of the staff of the 1st Saxon Border Guard Brigade Security measures for the elections to the National Assembly Calculation of the infantry ammunition to which the subordinate troops were entitled War division of the 1st Saxon Border Guard Reichswehr Brigade No. 12 Brochure: Guidelines for the area of activity of troop welfare Also contains: Transcripts of letters from the Reichswanderungsamt on prospects for the employment of German printers in Sweden and land acquisition in the Gulf of Guinea Contains, among other things: Loss of Noske identity cards Protection of troops on rail transports Request for exemption of Jewish members of the Reich Armed Forces on Jewish holidays Announcements on the South American Colonial Association, Association for Settlement East, Mexico, Colonial Trade and Farm Company

BArch, RM 5/903 · Akt(e) · Mai-Juni 1916
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Plan of an advance of the fleet against Sunderland and the Tyne estuary, 20.5.1916 Temporary deployment of a torpedo boat flotilla of the Hochseestreitkträfte to Flanders, 20.5.1916 "Explanation of the English mine network blockade", 22.5.1916 Repeated deployment of an auxiliary steamer to German East Africa. 27.5.1916 Losses of the German merchant shipping by submarines, 21.5.1916 naval battle in front of the Skagerrak on 21.5.1916, 3./4.6.1916 Listing "Losses of the Imperial Navy in the naval battle in front of the Skagerrak on 31 May and 1 June 1916", 10.6.1916

BArch, RM 5/904 · Akt(e) · Mai-Nov. 1916
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Chief of the Admiral Staff to Reich Chancellor concerning intensification of the U-boat Trade War, 15.5.1916 battle report of the battle cruiser "Von der Tann" about naval battle in front of the Skagerrak, 8.6.1916 draft of an instruction manual for the case of internment of war vehicles, 18.6.1916 immediate report about experiences of the naval decoding service in the naval battle in front of the Skagerrak, 26.6.1916 "Record about the continuation of the [submarine] trade war", 27.6.1916 "Compilation of the cases in which hostile submarines acted contrary to international law against hospital ships and merchant ships of the Central Powers", 28.6.1916 Immediatbericht betr. Activity of the submarines in connection with the fleet advance to the naval battle in front of the Skagerrak, with marginal remarks of Kaiser Wilhelm II, 26.6.1916 Suggestion of Kaiser Wilhelm II, To use submarines for the procurement of raw materials, with letter of the Secretary of State of the Interior to Chief of the Naval Cabinet of 21.7.1916, 27.7.1916 Overview "State of the Airship and Aircraft Industry at the Outbreak of the War and on 15.7.1916", 25.7.1916 Recruitment of naval officers for submarines and aviation from the fleet; authority of the Chief of the Admiral Staff to issue orders "on the highest order", 27.7.1916 Successes of the submarines of the high seas armed forces and the naval corps since order of 24.4.1916, to wage a commercial war with submarines only according to Prisenordnung, 23.7.1916 Compilation of the "German [merchant] ships lost in the Baltic Sea since the beginning of the war due to mines and submarines", after 19.6.1916 overviews of the stock of submarines on 23.7. and 1.8.1916 as well as the state of readiness of the high seas armed forces on 28.7. and 7.8.1916 "Compilation of the news about the closure of the English Channel by the English in Aug. 1916 1916", 23.7.1916 Correspondence and minutes concerning the fight against allied transport traffic in the English Channel, Aug. and 17.9.1916 Deputy Chief of the Admiral Staff concerning the arming of enemy and neutral merchant ships as well as the use of radio communication equipment in neutral ports, 8.8.1916 Treatment of Swedish merchant ships by "UB 20" in the Gulf of Bothnia, 7. and 17.8.1916 "Successes of the submarines during their military use in July/Aug. 1916", 12.8.1916 Closure of the cog gutter and extension of the so-called timber agreement with Sweden, 20.9.1916 Compilation of the losses and damages caused by mines on the North Sea war scene, 1.7.-16.9.1916, 18.9.1916 regrouping of the linen ships (new formation of the IV. squadron), 1.10.1916 Report of the commander of the auxiliary ship "Rubens" sent to Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1.10.1916 Military action against Denmark and the Netherlands, 20./21.10.1916 Navy activity on the Bulgarian and Romanian coast of the Black Sea, 25.10.1916 Takeover of the Greek fleet by the Allies, 24.10.1916 Record of the meeting of the Chief of Admiral Staff with First Quartermaster General on 20.11.1916 about war cases J u. K, , submarine-trading war according to Prisenordnung and treatment of armed merchant ships as warships Monthly compilation of the enemy's list destroyed by the Central Powers from the beginning of the war to 30.9.1916 Merchant ships Compilation of the merchant ships sunk by submarines in Oct. 1916 and information about merchant ships that could have been destroyed in a reckless warfare War case J against Denmark, 22.11.1916