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BArch, N 239/52 · Akt(e) · Jan. - Juni 1929
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Appeal of the Working Committee for the Kaiser Wilhelm Dankesgabe concerning exemptions in hospitals and for Landerholung (print), c. 1929; Kampfbund für deutsche Kultur, 11 Jan. and May 1929; Wilhelm Cuno, 24 Jan. and 1 May 1929 (letters), 20 and 28 Apr. [May] 1929 (telegrams); Deutscher Hochschulring, 1 and 16 Feb. 1929; Flyer "Was sind die Vereinigten Vaterländischen Verbände Bayerns? (print), (6 March 1929); Levetzow to Otto Schmidt-Hannover concerning the statement of the Reich President Paul v. Hindenburg on the Reich Constitution, 17 March 1929; GL Friedrich Graf v. der Schulenburg, 24 March and 4 April 1929; Reich Secretariat of the United Patriotic Associations of Germany: Mitteilungen Nr. 1 (reprint), 26. March 1929; Ewald v. Kleist-Schmenzin, 5. Apr. 1929; Two drafts for the call of the steel helmet - Bund der Frontsoldaten, 17. Apr. 1929; Political thoughts of Wilhelm Cuno, 18. Apr. 1929; Correspondence between HdR Franz Seldte and the Prince of Oettingen concerning the following Takeover of the protectorate via the Reichsfrontsoldatenrat 1929 by Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria, Apr. 1929; Adolf Hitler to Stahlhelm - Bund der Frontsoldaten - concerning accession of the NSDAP to the petition for a referendum (copy), Apr. 1929 (22. May 1929); list of military associations, political alliances, alliances for German culture, women's, sports and youth alliances, economic and cultural organisations (reprint), (May 1929); programme of the "Vaterländische Kundgebung gegen Versailles, Kriegs- und Kolonialschuldlüge" (patriotic rally against Versailles, war and colonial guilt lie) on 28 June 1929 (reprint), o.Dat.

BArch, R 1501/115959 · Akt(e) · Juli 1904 - Apr. 1906
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: Aid for a Martha house and hospice, application of the Association for Inner Mission in Metz and support of the Empress, 1904 hospital of the Baseler Mission in Kiayingchow, request for aid, 1904 public and private charity institutions in Germany, request of the Spanish Ambassador in Berlin, 1905 subsidy request of the International Botanical Society at the University of Leiden, 1905 procurement of material for the work on the colour of water, petition of C. Baumann, 1905 aid for the construction of a sisters' house, application of the priest Franzmathes from Mainflingen, 1906 maintenance of the annual aid, request of the priest E. Lessing of the German Protestant community in Florence, 1906 preservation of the colonial museum, immediate submission of the Duke Johann Albrecht of Mecklenburg, 1906

Togo: Bd. 1
BArch, N 2345/77 · Akt(e) · Juli 1885 - Mai 1897
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Customs tariffs and export duties for chieftains Hospital construction Expedition Gruner Telegraphie

Tropenkrankheiten; vol. 1
BArch, R 86/2601 · Akt(e) · 1902-1912, 1918
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Protectorate Togo, general map of the Lome district, 1907; plans for the construction of a hospital in Lome, 1907; map and plans of Lagos, 1907

War Damage to Germans in Togo: Vol. 2
BArch, R 2/814 · Akt(e) · 1929-1932
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Case of damage of the German Women's Association of the Red Cross by loss of the Queen Charlotten Hospital in Lomé Also includes: Application of the German Women's Association of the Red Cross for Nursing Care in the Colonies for a different arrangement of its relationship to the Central Committee (1908); Contract between the State Treasury of the Togo Protectorate and the German Women's Association of the Red Cross for the Colonies (1914)