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Kiautschou clothing: vol. 10
BArch, RM 3/6984 · Akt(e) · 1910-1911
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Budget questions for the maintenance of the clothing and equipment of the sea battalions Economic plan of the depot chamber of the III. sea battalion for the accounting year 1910 Descriptions of the gala, service and interim uniforms of the Imperial Governors of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, S ü d w e t a f r i k a, Cameroon, Togo, New Guinea and Samoa Proposals for equipment for Tsingtau Proposals for modifications of the III. sea battalion on clothing and equipment

BArch, RM 108/142 · Akt(e) · o.Dat.
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Ship plans and drawings of the mine clearance mother ship "Moss 86", night hunting lead ship "Togo", mine ship "Linz" and "Lorraine", artillery carrier "Nijenburg", net layer "Deime", net tender "6", torpedo clarification ships "Uerdingen", "Leverkusen", "Ponts", "Riga", "Heluan", torpedo transport ship "Hanseat", Target ship "Mimi Horn", submarine shooting range ship "Marianne", navigation training ship "Enz" and "Orla", schoolboat "Brahe", auxiliary dinghy "Twin", auxiliary mine search boat "Kuckuck", weather ship "Wuppertal" and "Coburg", trawler special class experimental ships "Kurt Ramin" and "Frieda Peters", Hamburg motor dinghy and shark boats