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' Development of Adamaua; Vol. 1'
BArch R 175-I/72 · Akt(e)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

'Mutation des Soldats Haoussa du Togo à Yaoundé afin d'y établir un contact avec les caravanes de marchands Haoussa de l'Adamaoua et leur redirection vers la côte du Protectorat du Cameroun. - Arrêté du Ministère des Affaires étrangères

Behörden des Schutzgebietes Kamerun
Expeditions to explore the protectorate; vol. 3
BArch R 175-I/79 · Akt(e)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Expédition au Nyong (Kund-Tappenbeck-Dr. Weissenborn) - Situation à Yaoundé après la mise en place de la Station et motifs du retour après la traversée de la Sanaga et l'arrivée à Nguila . - Extrait de la dernière lettre de Tappenbeck, 1889Station scientifique dans le territoire du Cameroun (Capitaine Kund). - Prise en charge des affaires du Chef de Station par le Premier-Lieutnant Morgen. - Transcription, 23 October 1889

Behörden des Schutzgebietes Kamerun
BArch R 175-I/22 · Akt(e)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Sheets 51-62 - Severe insect damage - Individual cases. - Oertel, Sanitary aid. - Maintained in Baré, 1912Taxes and charges for the indigenous population. - Tax regulations for the indigenous population came into force on 1.4.1913. - Telegraphic provision of Governor Dr. Ebermaier, 1912Cultivation trials. - Cotton. - Exploration of the eastern part of the Yoko District by the agricultural expert Dr. Simoneit in search of opportunities for cotton cultivation. - Disposition of Governor Dr. Ebermaier, 1912Local government services. - Bamenda. - Maintenance of the administration at the same location, extension and fortification of the Station (Provision of resources), 1912Bamoun (Foumban). - Establishment of a Residentur. - Memorandum from Dr. Ebermaier, 1912Chemin de fer du Nord. - Extension. - Development of the Bamoun (Foumban) region after the extension of the Northern Railway. - Memorandum by Governor Dr. Ebermaier, 1912The personality of Superior Chief Njoya. - Report by Governor Dr. Ebermaier, 1912Individual cases - Adametz, Captain. - Planned installation as Resident in Bamoun (Foumban) from spring 1913, 1912Question of regional borders. - Ossidinge, 1912Local government services. - Bamenda. - Changes in administration (Planning), April 1912Distribution of European members of the Civil Service. Lists. - Occupation of administrative posts by officers of the Colonial Troop of the Protectorate of Cameroon. - Project of Governor Dr. Ebermaier, 1912Reinforcement of the Gendarmerie by 10 Soldiers in the district of Dschang. - Approval of the District Post's request by Governor Dr. Ebermaier, 1912Gold deposit in the District of Garoua (Njoum) - Discovery of the site by The Niger Company, Ltd, 1912Chemin de fer du Nord. - Extension. - Completion of route reconnaissance. - Report by Technician Arnold, 1912Chemin de fer du Nord. -Extension. - Economic importance of the Bamoun region (Foumban). - Report by Technicien Arnold, 1912Special services of the administration. - Buea, Government Printing Office. - Situation of the service. - Memorandum by the Privy Councillor to the Government, Dr. Meyer, 1912Services spéciaux de l'administration. - Buea, Government Printing Office. - Health situation of the service. - Expertise of the official physician, Dr. Schütz, 1912Special Services of the Administration. - Buea, Government Printing Office. - Situation of the service and reinforcement of the private printing house. - Report by Governor Dr. Ebermaier, 1912Replacement of cowrie shells as a method of payment in the markets of the Bamoun region (Foumban). - Bermaier's memorandum, 1912Arrest of the Tedi Mbassa and Daloufene chiefs in the Doumé area. - Report by First Lieutenant Zipse, 1912Setting up a meteorological service in the Protectorate of Cameroon. - Memorandum by Governor Dr. Ebermaier, 1913Cotton. - Cotton growing in Nigeria. - Preparations for a tour by the agricultural expert, Dr. Wolff, 1913Livestock. - Cross-breeding trials with Allgäu bulls and zebus. - Report by Government Physician Immel, Banyo, 1912Breeding. - Sending European bulls or zebus for breeding to Banyo. - Report by the Government Medical Officer Immel, 1912Livestock farming. - Construction of a centre for breeding cattle, goats and chickens. - Estimate drawn up by the Medical Officer to the Immel Government, Banyo, 1912Livestock farming. - Acquisition of livestock for the Djoutitsa Breeding Centre, District of Dschang; setting up of the Breeding Centre in Bamenda; breeding at the Koutaba Agricultural Test Centre. - Provision of financial resources, 1913Administrative and territorial boundaries (Tribal boundaries). - Banyo and Bamenda, 1912 - 1913General political, military and economic conditions. - Bali region, including support for Chief Bali loyal to the Government, 1913Administrative and territorial boundaries (Tribal boundaries). - Dschang and Bamenda, 1912Missions and schools. - Report of a meeting between Governor Dr. Ebermaier and various experts at Koutaba near Bamoun country (Foumban), 1912Livestock. - Native cattle breeding in the Residenturen Districts. - Questionnaire, 1913Centre Railway. - Extension: Ngaoundéré - Garoua. - Memorandum by Dr. Ebermaier, 1913Questions from indigenous chiefs. - Maintenance and restoration (renewed gilding and silvering) of the batons of command awarded to the indigenous chiefs as a national emblem. - Provision by Dr. Ebermaier, 1913Questions from the indigenous chiefs. - Presentation of batons of command by Governor Dr. Ebermaier during his tour of Lake Chad. - Register of indigenous chiefs, January 1913Development of road transport in the Protectorate of Cameroon. - Memorandum from Councillor to the Government Schlosser to the colonial writer Zimmermann, 1913Europeans. - Departures for budgetary reasons of officers and non-commissioned officers of the Colonial Troop of the Protectorate of Cameroon during the financial year 1913/14. - Nominative list, 1913Effectifs du personnel (Projects) des fonctionnaires et militaires. - Financial year 1914/15 Local administration, in general. - Changes of name and modifications in the administration of the Residenturen. - Disposition of Dr. Ebermaier. Draft, 26.1.1913Taxes and charges on native populations. - Introduction of per capita and cattle taxes in the Lamidat of Ngaoundéré. - Report by Governor Dr. Ebermaier at the request of the Lamido, 1913General political, military and economic conditions. - Neukamerun (in particular the remarks relating to the insufficient military forces). - Report by Captain Schwartz, 1913Requests for the creation of posts for the 1914/15 financial year (with justification). - Banyo (Post of District Chief and abolition of the Post of District Director)Applications for the creation of posts for the 1914/15 financial year (with supporting documents). - Mouloundou (Post of District Chief)Eurpéens. - Change of personnel in the Colonial Troop of the Protectorate dsposition télégraphique du Gouverneur Dr. Ebermaier, 12.2.1913Europeans. - Change of personnel in the administration - Telegraphic provision by Governor Dr. Ebermaier, 12.2.1913Members of the special administration. - Personnel changes in the forestry sector following the death of Chief Forester Schorkopf. - Report by Privy Councillor to the Government Dr. Meyer, 1913Development of the railway network in the Protectorate of Cameroon taking into account the navigable rivers after the acquisition of the Neukamerun. - Report by Engineer Thevos, 1912Marche de Garoua-Mbassi-Baibokoum de la 12ème Compagnie (Capitaine von Raven, Premier-Lieutenant Wanka) de même que: Demonstration of German power in the eastern frontier region at the request of Governor Dr. Ebermaier, 1913Local administration, in general. - Establishment of the administration along the new eastern border on the Logone. - Memorandum from Dr. Ebermaier, 1913Land law, land registry, expropriation, land ownership by local populations. - Expropriation Douala. - Douala Chiefs' meeting. - Minutes (Extracts), 9.12.1912Land law, land register, expropriation, land ownership by local people. - Expropriation Douala. - Petition from the Douala chiefs to the attention of District Chief Röhm. - Transcript, 7.12.1912Questions from the indigenous chiefs. - Removal of Jaimo, Lamido of Kontcha. - Return of British territory to German territory. - Comment by Governor Dr. Ebermaier on Captain Eymael's report, Banyo, 1913Local government services. - Ngaoundéré - Taking charge of affairs. - Report by Captain von Stephani, 1.2.1913Fight against disturbances and rebellions. - Eastern frontier, 1907 - 1913

Behörden des Schutzgebietes Kamerun
BArch R 175-I/976 · Akt(e)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Visite du Secrétaire d'État, Dr. Solf (Comptes rendus). - Meeting of the Cameroon and Togo Planters' Association in Victoria. - Minutes, 1.9.1913Visit by Secretary of State Dr. Solf (reports) - Meeting of the Central Railway Chamber of Commerce in Douala. - Minutes, 10.9.1913

Behörden des Schutzgebietes Kamerun
Erschließung von Adamaua; Bd. 5
BArch R 175-I/76 · Akt(e)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Tour to Lake Chad of 6.8.1904 (Governor von Puttkamer) - Preparations for the tour (among other requests, authorisation to go on an official tour, collaboration with the British authorities in Nigeria)Expedition of the Niger-Bénoué-Lac Tchad Committee (writer Fritz Bauer). - Behaviour of expedition leader Bauer. - Report by Governor von Puttkamer to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 28.3.1904Setting up a trading post in Garoua. - Unsuccessful attempts by German and British firms, 1902 - 1904Transit traffic. - French transit traffic in the territory of the Protectorate of Cameroon, 1903 - 1913Garoua as the commercial centre of Adamaoua. - Report by Captain ThierryTroupe coloniale du Protectorat du Cameroun. - 1st company. - Removal of the garrison and deployment of the company to the Chari with a view to occupying the border with French territories and, subsequently, orders to return to Douala, 30.11.1903Individual case. - Atangana, non-commissioned officer, taken over by the Colonial Troop of the Protectorate of Cameroon to be enrolled in the GendarmerieMarch from Yaoundé to the Residentur of Garoua with 19 former Gendarmerie soldiers enrolled again, 16.12.1903Tour to Lake Chad of 6.8.1904 (Governor von Puttkamer) - Execution. - Report by Governor von PuttkamerReports from the general administration departments. - Residentur of Garoua September 1903 - January 1904, 1903 - 1904Local administration services. - Garoua. - Subordination of the Lamidat of Tibati. - Circular from Governor von Puttkamer, 15.4.1904Local administration services. - Garoua. - Establishment of the Residentur in charge of the Lake Chad countries. - Circular from Governor von Puttkamer (Draft), 15.4.1904Regional border issues. - BinderGeneral political, military and economic conditions. - Waza (burnt by Gaban populations) Report by First Lieutenant Stieber, Kousseri, April 1904General political, military and economic conditions. - Insecurity on the Garoua-Maroua road and on the Moubi-Kousseri mail road. Report by First Lieutenant Stieber, Kousseri, 10.4.1904Assassination of the Deputy Resident in Garoua, Captain Thierry, on 16.9.1904 near Moubi. - Punitive expedition from Garoua - Maroua - Gawar - Madagali - Ouba - Moubi - Gawar - Maroua from 18.11.- 23.12.1904 (Captain Langheld), 1904

Behörden des Schutzgebietes Kamerun
BArch R 175-I/77 · Akt(e)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Lutte contre des troubles et rébellions. - Expédition au Cameroun Occidental (du du Dr Schwarz et von Prittwitz et Gaffron II, novembre 1885, janvier 1886), 1885 - 1886Tournées et expéditions. - Tours. - Dr Krabbes: Langasi, Donga, Tiko sur le Bimbia, Mbinga, contrée de Wapaki, 1886Tournées officiels et expéditions - Tournées. - Gouverneur von Soden: Roumbi et Machke, 1886Station scientifique dans le territoire du Cameroun (Capitaine Kund) - Projets d'une mise en place de la Station, 1888Expéditions du Dr Zintgraff (1886 - 1892). Préparatifs pour le départ, 1885

Behörden des Schutzgebietes Kamerun
BArch R 175-I/78 · Akt(e)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Lutte contre des troubles et rébellions. - Expédition Rogozinski et Janikowski: Expulsion ou plus précisément arrestation du voyageur polonais Stanislaus von Scholz-Rogozinski et interdiction d'explorer le Protectorat au voyageur polonais Janikowski et companie. - Arrêté du Ministère des Affaires étrangères, 13 February 1887Lutte contre des troubles et rébellions. - Tournées. - Chancelier von Puttkamer: Region de Abo, Février 1887Expédition dans la région du Nyong (Kund-Tappenbeck-Dr. Weissenborn). - Audience au tribunal contre plusieurs Chefs indigènes Batanga et de la région de Kribi pour obstruction, Novembre 1887Troupe coloniale du Protectorat du Cameroun. - Première compagnie. - Occupation de la station de Garoua. - Arrêté du Ministère des Affaires étrangères, (cote incertaine) 10.5.1902Expédition sur le Nyong (Kund-Tappenbeck-Dr. Weissenborn) - Échec de l'expédition - Rapports, Avril 1888Flottille - Acquisition d'un vapeur gouvernemental pour la navigation fluviale. - Projet, 1888Weissenborn, Dr - Décédé à Douala le 21.2.1889 et enterrement, 1889Cas individuels - Tappenbeck, Hans, Lieutenant - Décès survenu à Douala le 26.7.1889, 1889Station scientifique dans le territoire du Cameroun (Capitaine Kund) - Mise en place et di Station, 1888 - 1889Expédition sur le Nyong (Kund-Tappenbeck-Dr. Weissenborn). - Préparatifs, exécution et dissolution de la Station, 1887

Behörden des Schutzgebietes Kamerun
BArch R 175-I/86 · Akt(e)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Opération au Sud du Protectorat du 25.5.1905 - 4.3.1907 (Capitaine Scheunemann, Premier-Lieutenant Bertram, Capitaine Schlosser). - Responsibility of companies based in Kribi for the outbreak of the rebellion. - Governor von Puttkamer's reports to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June, August 1905Local administration departments. - Yaoundé. - Occupation of the post of Head of Station after the replacement of First-Lieutenant Dominik. - Requests from commercial companies established in the Southern District, 1905Workers and porters. - Provision of porters by the District Station of Kribi, February - May 1905Operation in the South of the Protectorate from 25.5.1905 - 4.3.1907 (Captain Scheunemann, First-Lieutenant Bertram, Captain Schlosser). - Background to the expeditions of Captain von Stein-Lausnitz and Captain Dominik, the interests of the Gesellschaft Süd-Kamerun and the Maka rebellion. - Report by Governor von Puttkamer, 1905Gendarmerie of the administration on the Ngoko. - Justificatif des effectifs, 1.6.1905Opération au Sud du Protectorat du 25.5.1905 - 4.3.1907 (Capitaine Scheunemann, Premier-Lieutenant Bertram, Capitaine Schlosser). - Fortification of the Kribi Station against possible Boulou attacks. - Request from firms in the Southern District, 18.4.1905Operation in the South of the Protectorate from 25.5.1905 - 4.3.1907 (Captain Scheunemann, First Lieutenant Bertram, Captain Schlosser). - Difficulties in recruiting ammunition carriers from Édéa to Yaoundé by the Édéa District Post, November 1905Operation in the South of the Protectorate from 25.5.1905 - 4.3.1907 (Captain Scheunemann, First-Lieutenant Bertram, Captain Schlosser). - Continuation of operations against the Esso, Maka and Njem. - Orders, 18.1., 17.5.1906Operation in the South of the Protectorate from 25.5.1905 - 4.3.1907 (Captain Scheunemann, First Lieutenant Bertram, Captain Schlosser). - Collaboration with the Southern Expedition. - Memorandum for the Akonolinga post, 28.2.1906Southern expedition of the Protectorate from 25.5.1905 - 4.3.1907 (Captain Scheunemann, First Lieutenant Bertram, Cer). - Difficulties in recruiting porters encountered by Captain Dominik, Yaoundé, due to the disproportionate losses of porters from the Expedition of the South, February - May 1906Local administration departments. - Bertoua. -Establishment of an administrative district. - Report by First Lieutenant Müller, 22.5.1906General political, military and economic conditions. - Bertoua region. - Report by Captain von Stein, 22.3.1906

Behörden des Schutzgebietes Kamerun
BArch R 175-I/88 · Akt(e)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Réparation des dommages. - Njem rebellion. - Losses of the Gesellschaft Süd-Kamerun in autumn 1903, 1903 - 1904Violation of the ban on trade in the Nzimu and Njem area by the trader Wenzel of the firm Woermann & Co, August 1905Request from the Verein Westafrikanischer Kaufleute (Association of German Traders in Africa), Hamburg, concerning the ban on importing gunpowder and rifles to the Protectorate of Cameroon. - Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 5.2.1907Combating disturbances and rebellions - Expedition to the Northern Maka region from 22.11.1906 - 20.01.1907. - Execution - Report by Captain DominikInspection tour through the Southern Districts from 18.2. to the end of March 1907 (Brigadier General Müller) - Execution, 1907Map on the submission of the Yetyang region, 1: 200,000, pen-and-ink drawing with coloured markings, June 1907Expedition on the Ngoko (First-Lieutenant Scheunemann), DKB 1 1907/347-352, 391-399 (map 349), 1904 - 1905Setting up of the administration in the Ngoko by the expedition on the Ngoko (First-Lieutenant Scheunemann), May-July 1904

Behörden des Schutzgebietes Kamerun
BArch R 175-I/23 · Akt(e)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Troupe coloniale du Protectorat du Cameroun. - Distribution of the Colonial Troops of the Protectorate of Cameroon. The Protectorate as a whole - Planning, 1912 - 1913Cameroon Protectorate Colonial Troop. - Distribution of the Colonial Troops of the Protectorate of Cameroon. - Reinforcement. - Planning, 1912 - 1913Local administration, in general. - Transfer of the administration of the German territories of Lake Chad from Kousseri to Mora on 1.1.1913 as part of the preparations for a possible European war encroaching on the territory of the Protectorate of Cameroon; preparations for the withdrawal of the colonial troops from the Protectorate of Cameroon, February 1913Local administration, in general. - Withdrawal of the German territories of Lake Chad and Adamaoua in the event of an invasion by British and French troops on the occasion of European complications leading to the transfer of the administration of the German territories of Lake Chad from Kousseri to Mora. - Report by Governor Dr. Ebermaier, February 1913Individual cases. - Pulver, Lieutenant-Colonel. - Illness and request to be excused from accompanying Governor Dr. Ebermaier on a tour of Lake Chad, 14.2.1913Individual cases. - Hansen, Government Privy Councillor, First Chargé d'Affaires. - Measure taken because of his conduct as a representative of Governor Dr. Ebermaier during his tour of Adamaoua, 1912 - 1913Colonial Group of the Protectorate of Cameroon - 12th Company - Establishment and cooperation with an administrator, position requested for the 1913/14 financial year in the eastern regions, 1913Cameroon Protectorate Colonial Group. - 12th Company. - New Oriental Territories (Position of Regional Chief)Return of the Bangwa Chief, Fontem, suspected of having participated in the assassination of the explorer Conrau in October 1900 from his exile in Garoua in the District of Dschang. - Governor Dr. Ebermaier's initiatives, 1913Geology and mining. - The Niger Company, Ltd. - Collaborations in the 1913Dismissal of the Sultan of Mindif for failure to provide reports. - Report by Governor Dr. Ebermaier, 1913Installation and removal of important native chiefs. - Circular from Governor Dr. Ebermaier (Project), February 1913Exploration of cotton growing possibilities in northern Cameroon. - Memo to the agricultural expert, Dr. Wolff, 1913Questions from the Chiefs. - Pardon granted to Chief Etoudi, Tanga-Jiki, formerly deported to Garoua. - Proposal by Dr. Ebermaier, 1913Individual cases - Netzbrand, health assistant. - Transfer as Gendarmerie Officer from Tiko to Baré to replace Gendarmerie Officer Zydel, January 1913Individual cases. - Oertel. - Transfer to Ebolowa, January 1913Individual cases - Wilske, Secretary. - Transfer from Ossidinge to Baré, January 1913Individual cases. - Zimmerer, Eugen von, Regional Legal Adviser. - Appointment as Chancellor of the Government of Cameroon and temporary representative of the Governor, 1887Individual cases. - Zydel, Gendarmerie officer in Baré. Replaced by sanitary aid Netzbrand, Tiko, January 1913Economic expeditions of Dr. Fickendey and Dr. Mildbread: Instruction concerning its implementation. - Telegram from Governor Dr. Ebermaier sent from Germany, 1913Centre Railway. - Extension to Ngaoundéré. - Memorandum from Governor Dr. Ebermaier, 1913Centre Railway. - Extension not planned via Bamoun (Foumban) or beyond the Mbam, Memorandum from Governor Dr. Ebermaier, 1913Livestock: Golombe, the stud farm. - Budget 1914/15 (with explanatory note), 1913Expedition to reconnoitre the railway (Engineer Thévos - 1913). - Reconnaissance of the Ngaoundéré - Tibati - Yoko - Yaoundé route, 1913Chiefs' affairs. - Jaimo, Lamido deposed from Kontcha. - Search measures. - Instruction from Governor Dr. Ebermaier to Capiatine Eymael, 1913Gold deposit in the Garoua district (Njoum). - Granting of mining authorisation, 1912Local government departments. - Akoafem - Provisional delimitation of the Iwindo District and transfer of administrative powers to the 11th Company of the Colonial Troop of the Protectorate of Cameroon, 1913Altitude map and itinerary of the tour of the Governor of Cameroon to Lake Chad, Dr. Karl Ebermaier, in 1914, altitude measurements 1:25,000, longitude measurements 1:2,000,000. Based on expedition records and available statistical material, 1914Expropriation and relocation of the indigenous areas of Douala, (1912 - 1913)

Behörden des Schutzgebietes Kamerun