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BArch, RM 3/10349 · Akt(e) · Sept. 1914 - Nov. 1915
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Activity of the Central Office for Foreign Service (formerly Central Intelligence Office or Central Office for Foreign Service), Sept. 1914 - Oct. 1915 A dozen English sins against international law. Facts and findings (print), n.a. The martyrdom of the evangelical missionaries in Cameroon 1914 Reports of eyewitnesses. Edited by Pastor W. Stark (print), Berlin-Steglitz 1915

BArch, RM 5/888 · Akt(e) · Dez. 1904-Febr. 1905
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Planning for the case of serious tensions with Great Britain, information of the Chancellor of the Reich, 31.1.1905 cooperation with the army against Denmark at war entry of Great Britain, Febr. 1905 memorandum about deployment and use of the fleet in a war with Great Britain 1905, 20.3.1905 report of the Japanese admiral Togo about naval battle at Tsushima on 27. u. 28.5.1905 observations about naval battle at Tsushima June 1905

"International law matters." vol. 11
BArch, RM 5/2511 · Akt(e) · (Okt.-Nov. 1914) Dez. 1914-März 1915
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: G. Vöhringer: "My experiences during the war in Cameroon and in English captivity". Druck, 1915 Schweizerische Oberzolldirektion: "List of those categories of goods whose export is prohibited". Print, 6.3.1915

"International law matters." vol. 22
BArch, RM 5/2522 · Akt(e) · (Apr.-Juli) Aug. 1915
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: From "Deutsches Kolonialblatt" No. 12/13: "Capture of a Pallotine Father in Cameroon". Print, 1.7.1915 "Der Krieg in den deutschen Schutzgebieten, 5. Mitteilung". Print, no date.

BArch, RM 3/24469 · Akt(e) · 1849 - 1911 (1912)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Battle of the Prussian paddle steamer "Adler" with the Danish brig "St.Croix" at Brüderort 1849 (1 soldier killed); Battle of S.M.S. "Danzig" with natives on the Moroccan coast at Tres Forcas 1856 (7 soldiers killed).); Battle S.M.S. "Arcona" and "Nymphe" with Danish ships at Jasmund 1864 (5 battles); Battle S.M.S. "Meteor" with the French Aviso "Bouvet" at Havana 1870 (2 battles); Battle S.M.S. "Olga" with natives at Kamerun 1884 (1 Gef.); battle S.M.S. "Olga" and "Eber" with natives at Apia 1888 (16 Gef.); battles at the blockade of the East African coast 1888/90 (4 Gef.); expedition to China 1900/01 (165 Gef.); campaign in Southwest Africa 1904/05 (92 Gef.); defeat of the indigenous uprising in East Africa 1905/06 (7 Gef.); defeat of the indigenous uprising in Ponape and Dschokatsch 1911 (3 Gef.); defeat of the indigenous uprising in East Africa 1905/06 (7 Gef.); defeat of the indigenous uprising in Ponape and Dschokatsch 1911 (3 Gef.)

BArch, RM 3/3043 · Akt(e) · 1903-1915
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S.M.S. "Cormoran": Economic development of the Marshall Islands (differences between Frigate Captain v. Burski and Berlin on the activities of the Jaluit Society) Nov. 1902 to Dec. 1903 S.M.S. "Loreley": Report on Turkey July 1903 Kreuzerdivision: Disputed behaviour of the German ambassador in Washington during an audience, June to July 1904 S.M.S. "Stein": Differences about statements concerning German lessons in German schools, which could be understood as propaganda, Jan. to Nov. 1903: "Loreley": Report on Turkey July 1903 Kreuzerdivision: Disputed behaviour of the German ambassador in Washington during an audience, June to July 1904 S.M.S. "Stein": Differences about statements concerning German lessons in German schools, which could be understood as propaganda, Jan. to Nov. 1903: "Loreley": Report on Turkey July 1903 Kreuzerdivision: Disputed behaviour of the German ambassador in Washington during an audience, June to July 1904 S.M.S. "Stein": Differences about statements concerning German lessons in German schools, which could be understood as propaganda, Jan. to Nov. 1904 Questionable indiscretions of German naval officers about the power positions of various nations in the West Indies, March to June 1904 Kreuzergeschwader: Berichte über den russisch-japanischen Krieg Aug. bis Dez. 1904 Report on China June 1906 S.M.S. "Habicht": accusations against the German consul Gebauer in Libreville, Nov. 1904 S.M.S. "Panther": "Berlin", "Eber": reports, statements, plans about the events during the 2nd Morocco crisis (Panther jump before Agadir), July to Sept. 1911 Turkish-Bulgarian war Feb. 1913 S.M.S. "Breslau": Situation in Albania June 1913 S.M.S. "Victoria Luise": Spezia, Naples Oct. 1913 S.M.S. "Vultures": Trieste Oct. 1913 Mediterranean Division: Mersina, Alexandrette, Constantinople, Nov. 1913 1913 audience with the king in Rome, Syracus, Messina, Maddalena, Malta, eastern Mediterranean, location of the Baghdad railway (with map), Jan. 1914 Spezia, Cartagena, Genoa, Rapallo, Feb. 1914 location in Albania Jan. and July 1914

Military policy reports - ships: vol. 17
BArch, RM 3/3031 · Akt(e) · 1911
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S.M.S. "Panther": Monrovia, Freetown, Dakar, Santa Cruz, Agadir, Cadiz, Vigo S.M.S. "Cormoran": Sydney, Brisbane, Matupi, Rabaul (Riots), Solomon Islands, East Caroline, Bismarck Archipelago, Admiralty Islands, Emperor Wilhelmsland, Moeve Port, Witu Islands S.M.S. "Bremen': Montreal, Haiti (unrest), Newport News, Kingston, Newport, Philadelphia S.M.S. 'Planet': Sydney, Brisbane S.M.S. 'Loreley': Black Sea, Therapia Italian-Turkish War), Thessaloniki S.M.S. 'Victoria Luise': Norway, Iceland, Newport, Halifax, Pensacola S. M. S. "Seagull": Santa Cruz, Dakar, Freetown, Lome, Lagos, Accra, Duala, Banana, Swakopmund, Lüderitz Bay S. M. S. "Hertha": Greenock, Rotterdam, Falmouth, Bilbao, (strike), Cadiz, Gibraltar, Las Palmas, Tenerife S. M. S. "Zieten": Iceland S. M. S. "Hansa": Cowes, Vigo, Queenstown, Horta, Philadelphia S. M. S. "Tiger": Bangkok, Batavia, Soerabaya, Pulo Lant, Macassar, Menado, Manila, Yangtze River (Flooding) S. M. S. "Vineta": Palma, Tangier, Dartmouth, Tenerife, Las Palmas, St. Vincent Cruiser Wing. China, Japan S. M. S. "Eber": Liberia, Gold Coast, Lome, Cotona, Lagos, Duala, Fernando Poo, Cameroon S. M. S. "Vaterland": Hankau (unrest) S. M. S. "Geier": Aden, Port Suice (Italian-Turkish war) S.M.S. "Otter": Szechuan (unrest)

Military policy reports - ships: vol. 18
BArch, RM 3/3032 · Akt(e) · 1912
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Enthält u.a.: Kreuzergeschwader: Ostasien, Japan, Sibirien, Korea, China S. M. S. "Victoria Luise": Havanna, Las Palmas, Kingston, Trinidad, Grenada, St. Thomas, Cadiz, Villagarcia, Vigo S. M. S. "Seeadler": Portugisich Ostafrika, Mozambique, Zansibar, Madagaskar, East London, Kapstadt, Port Elisabeth, Durban S. M. S. "Berlin": Las Palmas, Agadir (Unruhen), Casablanca, Tanger S. M. S. "Vineta": Trinidad, Barbados, Kingston, Port-au-Prince, Havanna, St. Thomas, Las Palmas, Vigo S. M. S. "Eber": Casablanca, Tanger, Las Palmas, Honakry, Freetown, Monrovia, Lome, Forcados, Kamerun, Kongo, Monamedes, Lüderitzbucht S. M. S. "Cormoran": Rabaul, Suva, Levuka, Samoa, Nauru, Jahut, Kusaie, Eniwetok, Gilang, Ponape, Mortlock, Guam, Saipan, Jap S. M. S. "Condor": Tsingtau, Kobe, Bonin-Inseln, Saipan, Guam, Ponape, Jahut, Samoa, Bismarck-Archipel S. M. S. "Jaguar": Futschau, Amoy S. M. S. "Geier": Piraeus, Alexandrien (Unruhe imd Sudan) S. M. S. "Hansa": Baltimore, Pensacola, Las Palmas, Madeira, Bermuda S. M. S. "Bremen": St. Thomas (Kartenskizze), Havanna, Newport News, Tampa, Kingston, Aux Xayes, Santo Domingo, Sam Pedro de Macores, San Juan de Portorico, New Orleans, Puerti Mexico, Salina Cruz, Vera Cruz S. M. S. "Hertha": Barbados, Dominicque, Martinique, Kingston, Santiago de Cuba, Charleston, Bermuda, Las Palmas, Vigo S. M. S. "Panther": Southampton, Lissabon, Las Palmas, Dakar, Freetown, Monrovia, Lome, Lagos S. M. S. "Loreley": Constantinopel, Piraeus, Alexandrien, Port Said, Jaffa, Haifa, Beirut (Türkisch-italienisches Gefecht), Messina, Smyrna S. M. S. "Planet": Jap

Military policy reports - ships: vol. 22
BArch, RM 3/3036 · Akt(e) · 1913
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Mediterranean Division: Report on the situation in Thessaloniki, Constantinople (War with Greece S.M.S. "Vineta": Syracuse, Naples, Algiers, Vigo S.M.S. "Vultures": Port Said, Haifa, Constantinople (War) Mersina, Alexandrette S.M.S. "Panther": Liberia (Uprising, River Cass incident) S.M.S. "Wroclaw": Alexandrette, Beirut, Smyrna, report on blockade of Albanian and Montenegrin coast and case of Skutari S. M. S.: "Victoria Luise": St. Thomas, Tenerife S. M. S. "Otter": Szechuan (tense situation) S. M. S. "Seagull": Lüderitz Bay, British South Africa, Portuguese East Africa S. M. S. "Bremen": Monrovia (River Cess incident), Pernambuco, Freetown, Cap Verde, Bermuda S. M. S. "Condor": New Guinea (punitive expedition), Bismarck Archipelago, Empress Augusta River (expedition), Rabaul, Ponape, Truk, Jap, Palau Islands, Guam, Saipan S.M.S. "Hansa": Las Palmas, Vigo S.M.S. "Cormoran": Pago-Pago, New Zealand, Sydney S.M.S. "Lynx": Manila S. M. S. "Tsingtau": Canton (tense situation) S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": South Africa, Mozambique S. M. S. "Loreley": Corfu, Trieste, Ragusa, Piraeus, Costantinopel S. M. S. "Emden": Tsingtau S. M. S. "Boars": Monrovia, Freetown, Porto Praya, Porto Grande S. M. S. "Nuremberg": Siamese Cruise Wing: Labuan, Batavia, Makassar, Dutch India, Singapore, Hong Kong S. M. S. "Gneisenau": Telok-Betong, Samarang, Batavia S. M. S. "Dresden": Gibraltar, Malta

Military policy reports - ships: vol. 4
BArch, RM 3/3018 · Akt(e) · 1905-1906
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. " Falcon": Peru, San Jose de Guatemala, San Salvator, Chile, San Diego, Mexico, San Francisco, Esquimalt, Vancouver, Alaska, Puget Sound, Portland, Astoria S. M. S. "Buzzard": Zansibar, Durban, Port Elisabeth, Cape Town, East London, Lourenzo-Marques, Mozambique Cruising Squadron: Effects of the Russian-Japanese War, China S.M.S. "Wolf": Cameroon, Fernando Poo, San Thomé, Freetown, Lisbon S.M.S. "Condor": New Guinea (riots), Japan, Sydney, Samoa (riots), Honolulu S. M. S. "Bremen": San Domingo, Haiti, St. Thomas, Dominica, St. Pierre, Puerto Rico, Kingston, La Guayra, Galveston S. M. S. "Loreley": Athos, Therapia, Piraeus, Constantinople (assassination attempt on the Sultan) S. M.S. 'Hawk': Gabon, Fernando Poo, Cameroon, Sanra Cruz, Loanda, Monrovia, Cape Town, Duala, South West Africa, Benguela, Lobito-Bai S.M.S. 'Panther': Guyana, Para, St Luiz de Maranham S. M.S. 'Stosch': Copenhagen, Tangier, Madeira, Las Palmas S.M.S. 'Charlotte': Färör, La Luz, Mogador, Vogo, Lisbon, Madeira, Kartagena, Barcelona, Corfu, Alexandria S.M.S. "Stone": Iceland, Vigo, Kartagena, Syracus, Taranto, Corfu, Venice, Fiume, Patras, San Nicolo, Volo, Alexandria (Riots) S.M.S. "Sparrowhawk": Tsingtau, Durban, Duala, Cape Town, Kribi, Sao Tomé, Congo, Loanda, Fernando Poo, Victoria, Bata (Riots) S.M.S. "Seagull": Mariana Islands, West Caroline Islands

Military policy reports - ships: vol. 9
BArch, RM 3/3023 · Akt(e) · 1908
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Bremen": Martinique, St. Lucia, Curacao, Rio de Janeiro, Port of Spain, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, St. Thomas, Port-au-Prince (transfer of refugees) Newport-News, Kingston S. M. S. "Sparrow Hawk: Fernando Poo, Lagos, Lome, Kontonou, Cameroon, Conakry, Axim, St. Paulo, Lobito Bay, Benquella, Mossamedes, Duala, Forcados, Southwest Africa, Loanda, Lobito Bay, Benquella, Elelefant-Bay S.M.S. "Panther: Dakar, Sierra Leone, Monrovia, Port Bouét, Aura, Angola, Lobito-Bai, Mossamedes S. M. S. Freya: Messina, Malta, Algiers, Barcelona, Mahon, Ferrol, Arendal, Falmouth, Madeira, Corfu, Norway S. M. S. "Stone": Spezia, Guerta, Naples, Palermo, Algiers, Malaga, Vigo S.M.S. "Loreley": Athens, Tophane (information on the Russian-Japanese war), Constantinople, Therapia, Thasos, Saloniki 2 S.M.S. "Moltke": Havana, St. Thomas, Kingston, Ponta Delgada, Dartmouth S. M. S. "Charlotte": Vera Cruz, Kingston, Tenerife, Port of Spain, Barbados, Guadeloupe, Horta, Antwerp, Habana, Charleston, Bermuda S. M. S. "Planet": Bismarck Archipelago Cruise Wing: China, Manila S. M.S. "Condor": Honolulu, Japan, Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands, Palau, New Guinea, Brisbane, Sydney S.M.S. "Sea Eagle":Cape Town, Southwest Africa, Durban, Mozambique S.M.S. "Buzzard": Durban, Dozaoudzi, Port Natal S.M.S. "Victoria Luise": Madeira, Tenerife

Military policy reports - ships: Volume 20
BArch, RM 3/3034 · Akt(e) · 1912
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": Zansibar, German East Africa S. M. S. "Bremen": St. Thomas, Christainsted, Rio de Janeiro, Santos, San Francisco do Sul S. M. S. "Jaguar": Hankau S. M. S. "Polecat": Hankau S. M. S. "Hansa": Queenstown, Bilbao, Horta, Philadelphia S. M. S. "Seagull": Cape Town S.M.S. "Vineta": Tangier, Malta, Gravoso, Corfu, Constantinople S.M.S. "Otter": Nanking, Shanghai S.M.S. "Cormoran": Tsingtau, Kobe, Saipan, Palau, Eitape, Friedrich Wilhelmshafen, Peterhafen, Matupi S.M.S. "Tiger": Hankau, Futschau (riots), Canton S.M.S. "Otter": Nanking, Shanghai S.M.S. "Cormoran": Tsingtau, Kobe, Saipan, Palau, Eitape, Friedrich Wilhelmshafen, Peterhafen, Matupi S.M.S. "Tiger": Hankau, Futschau (riots), Canton S.M.S. "Panther": Duala, Loanda, Swakopmund, Lüderitz Bay, Cape Town, Port Alexander, Benguella, Sao Tomé, Kribi, Fernando Poo Squadron of Cruisers: Wladiwostock, East Asia, Japan S. M. S. "Hertha": Plymouth, Pembroke, Dock, Milford, Haven, Madeira, Valencia, Barcelona, Mersina, Adana S. M. S. "Condor": Nauru, Jaluit, Panape, Bismarck Archipelago, Kaiser Wilhelm Land (unrest) S. M. S. "Vultures": Trieste S. M. S. "Victoria Luise": Azores, Halifax, Newport, Vera Cruz S. M. S. "Loreley": Constantinople (mobilization/war against Bulgaria) Mediterranean Division: Constantinople (war) S. M. S. "Wroclaw": Malta, Alexandrette S. M. S. 'Eber': Cameroon, Fernando Poo, Old Calabar, Principé, St. Thomé, Anno Bon, Loanda, Congo, Calinda, Kribi, Boma, Kobe, Yokohama, Nagasaki, Yokohama

Military policy reports - ships: Volume 21
BArch, RM 3/3035 · Akt(e) · 1913
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Seagull": Walvis Bay S. M. S. "Hansa": Charleston, Havana (Riots), St. Thomas, Kingston S. M. S. "Bremen": Montevideo, Punta Arenas, Cape Horn, Buenos Aires, Liberia (Uprising) S. M. S. "Otter": Ichang S. M. S. "Condor": Matupi, Ponape, Truk, Jap, Palau Islands, Angaur S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": Zansibar, Portuguese East Africa Squadron of Cruisers: Beijing, Tsingtau, Pukou, Yangtze River S. M. S. "Gneisenau": Nagasaki (sketch of Japan) S. M. S. "Goeben": Constantinople S. M. S. "Hertha": Mersina, Beirut, Jaffa, Alexandria, Port Said S. M. S. "Geier": Haifa, Alexandria Mediterranean Division: Constantinople (war against Greece, coup d'état) S. M. S. "Geier": Haifa, Alexandria Mediterranean Division: Constantinople (war against Greece, coup d'état) "Fatherland": Wong Shi Kong S. M. S. "Panther": Liberia (Uprising) S. M. S. "Eber": Liberia (Uprising), Cameroon S. M. S. "Vineta": Alexandria S. M. S. "Cormoran": Australia S. M. S. "Victoria Luise": St. Thomas, Curacao, Barbados, Dominica S. M. S. "Breslau": Alexandrette

BArch, R 15-IV · Bestand · 1934-1945(-1961)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: The "Reichsstelle für Garten- und Weinbauerzeugnisse" (Reichsstelle) was established on 01 November 1936. The legal basis for the establishment was the Act on the Sale of Horticultural and Viticultural Products of 30 September 1936 (RGBL. I p. 854). The Reich Office carried out a state economic activity. Its main task was to monitor and direct the import of the products farmed, in terms of quantity, place and time, in accordance with the requirements of the internal market and, at the same time, to guide the pricing of these products in such a way as to avoid, as far as possible, disturbances resulting from the difference between world prices and domestic prices. The Reich Office was thus also involved in the internal market equalization process and in stock management. They were the only means by which horticultural and wine-growing products imported from a customs territory or a customs exclusion area could be placed on the market in the customs territory. All horticultural and wine-growing products to be imported from a customs foreign country or from a customs exclusion area which were subject to the Act on the Trade in Horticultural and Wine-growing Products of 30 September 1936 were therefore to be offered for sale to the Reich Agency. The takeover by the Reich Office was effected by means of a takeover certificate, the issuance of which the importer applied for from the Reich Office. The Reich agency was not obliged to take over the offered horticultural and wine-growing products. The import of the goods could therefore be stopped at any time. The horticultural and wine-growing products placed on the domestic market by the domestic producer were not subject to the restrictions of the Horticultural and Wine-growing Products Trade Act in view of the market organisation implemented for them. Only the products imported from a customs foreign country or a customs exclusion area were managed by the Reich Office. Its scope resulted from Article III of the seventh Regulation implementing and supplementing the Law on the marketing of horticultural and wine-growing products of 7 June 1940 (RGBl. I p. 862). The Imperial Agency mainly imported products from the following countries: - European countries of origin: Baltic States, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Spain, Hungary and Portugal. - Non-European countries of origin: Afghanistan, Egypt, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Japan, India, Iran, Cameroon, Canada, Mexico, Palestine, Somalia, South African Union, Syria, Turkey, USA, West Indies and Cameroon. Imported products have been grouped into the following product groups: - Vegetables, fruit, tropical fruits, potatoes, vegetable seeds, flower seeds, tobacco seeds, caraway seeds, azaleas, cut flowers and reindeer lichen. The Reich Office was divided into main departments, departments and subject areas. The division into departments and their subdivision into subject areas resulted from the business allocation plan. The "Überwachungsstelle für Gartenbau-Erzeugnisse, Getränke und sonstige Lebensmittel" (Überwachungsstelle), which was established on 24 September 1934 (Deutscher Reichs- und Preußischer Staatsanzeiger 1934 No. 209), was merged with the Reichsstelle to form the "Reichsstelle für Garten- und Weinbauerzeugnisse als Überwachungsstelle" (Reichsstelle as Überwachungsstelle) by ordinance of 6 December 1938 (Deutscher Reichs- und Preußischer Staatsanzeiger 1938 No. 291). The merger brought together, as far as possible, bodies of the same or a similar nature from the two services, such as money, assets, staff and materials management, registers, the law firm, the post office and the branches located in the same place. The former Main Department III of the Reich Office and the country groups I - VI of the Surveillance Office were also merged, so that the applications for the issue of foreign exchange certificates and takeover certificates could be dealt with in one operation. The Reich Office as a supervisory office was now divided into 5 main departments, 6 departments, 21 subdivisions and 15 subject areas. The range of tasks of the Reich Office as such, however, remained unchanged in principle. In addition, the tasks of the supervisory authority remained essentially unchanged, namely the examination of applications for foreign exchange certificates submitted by importers from a formal and economic point of view, in particular in accordance with the rules on foreign exchange control, the import of vegetables, fruit, juices, wines, tea and live plants, and their allocation. It also issued foreign exchange certificates applied for and checked that the importers used the certificates issued in due time and in the proper manner. The tasks of the Reich Office as a supervisory authority were thus also determined by the Foreign Exchange Control Act. Pursuant to § 2 (2) of this Act, in addition to the foreign exchange offices, the monitoring offices also took their measures and made their decisions in accordance with guidelines drawn up by the Reich Office for Foreign Exchange Management in agreement with the Reich Minister for Economic Affairs and the Reich Minister for Food and Agriculture. These directives delimited the tasks of the supervisory authorities in that they supervised the import and payment of goods and controlled purchase prices. They also had to take measures in the field of internal management (e.g. processing and export bans). The Reich Office as well as the Surveillance Office were corporations under public law, i.e. legal entities of their own, which financed themselves and were not maintained from Reich funds. They were subject to the supervision of the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The Reichstelle, as the supervisory authority, also had to obtain approval for the scale of fees from this authority. Examples of chargeable events were the issue of foreign exchange certificates and the issue of expert opinions on private settlement transactions. However, the monitoring agency carried out book and company audits free of charge, unless the audit revealed that a company had violated official orders. After the outbreak of the war, the Reich Office was confronted with new tasks as a supervisory office with regard to the procurement of goods. All enemy states and a large part of the neutral states failed as suppliers, while the demand for food imports of all kinds grew steadily. As a result, prices abroad also rose sharply, so that the Reich Office's previous task of raising foreign prices to the German price level by means of differential amounts became illusory and was finally reversed in the opposite direction, namely that of reducing the price of imported goods. The other task, the territorial control of the import of goods, had already been transferred to a greater extent to the main associations (e.g.: Main Association of the German Horticultural Industry) at the outbreak of the war, so that only the area of responsibility of the supervisory authority remained. The Reich office as such was therefore closed at the beginning of July 1943. In the course of the effects of the war, the surveillance agency took on ever greater dimensions as the difficulties in procuring goods grew. After the end of the war, the assets of the Reichsstelle were liquidated by the Allies. The storage and import point in Hamburg was authorized by § 5 No. 2 of the Ordinance of the Central Office for Food and Agriculture of 17 August 1946 (Official Gazette for Food and Agriculture No. 2 of 24 August 1946) and by decree of the Food and Agriculture Council in Stuttgart of 04 July 1946 to liquidate the assets of the Reich Office, insofar as they were located in the American and British occupation zone. The branch office in Bavaria was handled by the office of the trade associations. A trustee was appointed to carry out the liquidation, who received his activity permit from the competent British supervisory authority and headed the 'Liquidation Office of the Reich Office for Horticultural and Viticultural Products as a Supervisory Office' in Berlin and the 'Liquidation Office of the Main Association of the German Horticultural Industry and Reich Office for Horticultural and Viticultural Products as a Supervisory Office - Munich Branch'. The final dispute over the assets of the former Reich offices within the four occupation zones was reserved for the decision of the Allied Control Council. Inventory description: Inventory description The files of the Reich Office for Horticultural and Viticultural Products were transferred to the Federal Archives in Koblenz in 1974 from the Oberfinanzdirektion Berlin, which was responsible for handling the Reich's food supply. The 248 files have a term from 1930 to 1973, whereby the mass of the files originated between 1936 and 1945. The documents contain above all documents which have arisen as a result of the Reich Office's business relations with the importers: agreements on quantities and prices for various products, currency certificates and takeover certificates, notes on business trips and company audits. The inventory can also be used to a limited extent as a substitute for the insufficient inventory of inventory R 3601 (Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture) due to war damage. No cassations were made. A file plan for the Reich Office did not exist. There was also no registry in the Reich office. The order of the files and their filing was carried out by the employees of the Reich Office according to their respective tasks and priorities. The rules of procedure are therefore partly unconventional and unsystematic. Consequently, there are documents in the files with different thematic classifications. Only an order according to individual countries is recognizable. The classification in the finding aid is based on this order by country. Only a few files were prearchived with titles. The file titles were therefore formed according to the predominant factual content of the file. The units of description were, if necessary, indexed more deeply by means of contained annotations. Characterisation of content: The main focus of the text is on documents relating to the business activities of the Reich Office, in particular ministerial decrees and materials for foreign trade with European and non-European countries: BArch, R 15-IV/...

BArch, R 67/806 · Akt(e) · Dez. 1914 - Okt. 1919
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Burnham Beeches; Northolt; Waddesdon and Wantage, Sept. 1919 Knockaloe and Douglas, Oct. 1915 Angmering; Hailsham and Steyning, June 1918 Donington Hall; Hull; Lofthouse Park and Ripon, Nov. 1919 New Zealand: Somes Island; Motuihi Island and Devonport, Aug. 1919. 1915, May 1916 Aden, Arabia; Nanaimo, Canada, and Berrima, Australia, Sept. 1915 Verdala, Malta; Kingston, Canada; Amherst, Canada, and Victoria, Canada, Nov. 1915 Singapore; Fort Henry, Canada; Port Elizabeth, South Africa; Southwest Africa and British East Africa, Oct. 1915

BArch, RM 8/75 · Akt(e) · 1849-1911
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Battle of the Prussian paddle steamer 'Adler' with the Danish brig 'St.Croix' at Brüderort in 1849 (1 casualty); Battle of S.M.S. 'Danzig' with natives on the Moroccan coast near Tres Forcas 1856 (7 prisoners); battle S.M.S. 'Arcona' and 'Nymphe' with Danish ships near Jasmund 1864 (5 ships); battle S.M.S. 'Meteor' with the French Aviso 'Bouvet' near Havana in 1870 (2 battles); battle S.M.S. 'Olga' with natives near Cameroon 1884 (1 battle); battle S.M.S. 'Olga' and 'Eber' with natives on Apia in 1888 (16 prisoners); battles during the blockade of the East African coast in 1888/90 (4 prisoners); expedition to China in 1900/01 (165 prisoners). ); campaign in South West Africa 1904/05 (92 prisoners); suppression of the native uprising in East Africa 1905/06 (7 prisoners); suppression of the native uprising in Ponape and Dschokatsch 1911 (3 prisoners)

War Diary Part C III: Vol. 3
BArch, RM 7/161 · Akt(e) · 9. Jan. - 29. Juni 1944
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: with: Preparations (for withdrawal) of Finland from the war Naval coastal artillery Deployment of light naval forces and security forces, submarines Fuel situation Waste of Finland Deployment of submarines in the eastern Baltic Sea Company "Tanne" Merchant ship affairs Coastal defence of West Denmark Army troops Geb. AOK 20 Surveillance against sabotage and illegal passenger traffic in Danish waters as well as after Sweden Evacuation of the sea area of the naval commander R. Enemy situation inner Kronstadt bay Use of the Peipus Sea flotilla Situation in the Finn bust Planned settling movement from Luga bay area Preparations Withdrawal Army front in line Hungerburg - Narwa Action "Forwards" Defense of Estonia Mine situation in western Baltic Sea Enemy news on the use of the Soviet Baltic fleet Enemy and ice situation in the Finn bust Material on the enemy situation East, Soviet Union, Baltic Sea Threatening situation Narwa-Front Use of heavy cruisers "Prince Eugene" and resulting change in the command organisation in the northern area Hunting protection in the Finnish bosom Report on the political situation Finland's enemy air mine deployment in the Baltic Sea area Night hunting escort vessel "Togo" Occupation of the Aaland Islands and the island Hochland Command Army Group North for coastal protection on the north coast of Estonia Directive for companies "Tanne" Practice firing Protection of the bridges important for transport over the emperor's seaWilhelm-Kanal in case of a hostile landing Night hunt against hostile mine planes Communiqué of the Finnish government on the negotiations with the Soviet Union Material on the enemy situation East (Baltic Sea) Memorandum of the ObdM on the significance of the Narwa position for the overall warfare Dredging work in the port of Libau Operation order for keyword "Leipzig" Status Transfer of combat vehicles for Peipus Sea on 9. Apr. 1944 Reinforcement of combat forces in the Skagerrak area Termination of deliveries to Finland Statistics for month Apr. 1944 Expansion of Reval as a fixed place Code name "Rotbuche" Report on enemy air raid on Kiel (including damage to the Germania shipyard) Führer's order concerning removal of the 20th Lw Field Division from area W.Bfh. Denmark to Ob. Southwest to Northern Italy Mining Sea urchin barriers Land target shooting Use of school vehicles and inspections to clear mines in the Baltic Sea Closure planning in the Finnenbusen Possibilities of repatriating people and material from Estonian area Russian attack on the Karelian isthmus Location Finnenbusen Defence of the Koivisto offshore islands Guideline No. 50 Evacuation of the Koivisto islands Short report on companies against Narvi