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BArch, R 43/3598 · Akt(e) · Sept. 1942 - Aug. 1943
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Colonial Policy Office of the NSDAP, budget estimate 1943. Dissolution and liquidation of the CPA and its departments in Paris and Brussels. - Collection "Afrika, Handbuch der politischen Kolonialwissenschaften" (Africa, Handbook of Political Colonial Sciences); personnel requirements and budget for the remaining administration of the KPA. Affiliation of the remaining administration to the Federal Foreign Office

Italy: Vol. 4a
BArch, R 43-I/81 · Akt(e) · 1931
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Material for the Imperial Chancellor's trip to Rome in August 1931 (mostly notes by speakers of the Foreign Office) Structure of the volume: Political questions: a) Follow-up question b) Restoration of the Habsburgs in Hungary and Austria c) Brenner border d) Political situation in Southeastern Europe e) Balkan policy f) General act g) Disarmament question h) Scialoja customs union i) Colonial questions Economic questions: a) Reparations (coal question) b) Dt.-GermanyItalian economic relations c) Austrian-Italian economic issues d) Italy and Russia e) Preference for the south-east f) Fiume Cultural issues: a) Participation in the 1st International Colonial Art Exhibition b) Participation in the International Art Exhibition Venice 1932 c) Alleged ban on the film "The New Italy" d) Building site for the Archaeological Institute of the German Reich e) German cultural institutions in Rome f) International Educational Film Institute in Rome

BArch, RH 12-21/15 · Akt(e) · 1939-1941
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Storage, inspection and delivery of booty (1939) Reorganization of the field witness services in the course of the handover of military sovereign rights in Alsace, Lorraine and Luxembourg to the Chief of Army Armament and Commander of the Reserve Army (1940) Colonial Order of the Wehrmacht - Statement of the Field Command Inspectorate (1941) Establishment of demolition detachments for the removal of non-detonated enemy dropped ammunition (1941)