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Imperial Treasurer of the NSDAP (stock)
BArch, NS 1 · Bestand · 1906-1919, 1922-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: The function of the Reich Treasurer was already enshrined in the statutes of the NSDAP of 1926. As chairman of the party's finance committee, he was responsible for the entire treasury system and for securing the financial basis of the "movement". 1931 by order of Hitler, authorized to administer and represent all economic, financial, property, and legal affairs of the Party; also responsible for all membership matters. He was responsible for the entire financial and administrative organization. Offices under the control of the Reich Treasurer and/or over which he exercised financial sovereignty: I. Party 1. Reichsleitungsdienststellen Zentralkassen- und Vermögensverwaltung Amt für Lotteriewesen Reichszeugmeisterei Hilfszug Bayern Catering facilities of the Reichsleitung Reichsautozug Germany Reichsorganisationsleitung Reichspropagandaleitung Verwaltungsleitung der Organisationsleitung der Reichsparteitage Local Group Brown House Section Reichsleitung Adolf-Hitler Schulen Hohe Schulen Reichsschule Feldafing Reichslager Bad Tölz 2. Reichsdienststellen Chancellery of the Führer Party Chancellery Nußdorf Reich Press Office Offices of the Reichsleiter Rosenberg including World Service Frankfurt/M. Reichsamt für das Landvolk Rassenpolitisches Amt für Sippenforschung NS-Schrifttum Party Liaison Office Prague 3. Special facilities of the Reich Administration - Reichspropagandalleitung: Deutsche Filmherstellungs- und Verwertungs-GmbH, Institut für Deutsche Kultur- und Wirtschaftspropaganda, Deutsche Kulturpropaganda GmbH, Dr. Goebbels Rundfunkspende, Reichszentralstelle Gemeinderundfunk - Wirtschaftsbetriebe der Reichsleitung: Hotelbetriebs-GmbH "Der Deutsche Hof" Nürnberg, Hotelbetriebs-GmbH "Berchtesgadener Hof", Berchtesgaden 4. Gaue, districts and local groups NSDAP Gaue NSDAP Districts NSDAP Local groups NSDAP Gau- und Kreisschulen Auslandsorganisation Landesgruppe Norwegen Arbeitsbereich Niederlande einschließlich Bezirksstellen Arbeitsbereich Generalgouvernement einschließlich Distrikte Arbeitsbereich Ostland einschließlich Bezirksstellen 5. Special facilities of the Gauleitungen Parteiforum Bayreuth Münchener Großveranstaltungen Gemeinschaftshaus München-Oberbayern 6. special offices of the Germanische Leitstelle including domestic and foreign offices Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle including domestic and foreign offices II. divisions of the NSD-Dozentenbund NS-Frauenschaft including Reichsfrauenführung, Gaufrauenschaften and NS-Frauenwarte NSD-Studentenbund SA SS NS-Kraftfahrkorps Hitlerjugend III. divisions of the NS-Kraftfahrkorps Hitlerjugend III. divisions of the NSD-Dozentenbund NS-Frauenschaft including Reichsfrauenführung, Gaufrauenschaften and NS-Frauenwarte NSD-Studentenbund SA SS NS-Kraftfahrkorps Hitlerjugend III. divisions of the Gauleitungen Parteiforum Bayreuth Munich major events Gemeinschaftshaus München-Oberbayern 6. special offices of the Germanische Leitstelle including domestic and foreign offices Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle including domestic and foreign offices Affiliated Associations of the German Medical Association NS War Victim Care Reichsbund of the German Civil Servants NS Teachers' Association NS Legal Guardian Association NS German Technology Association including School Plessenburg NS People's Welfare Nutrition Aid Association NS Sisters German Sisters Winter Aid Association of the German People German Work Front Strength through Joy IV. Other Organisations NS-Altherrenbund Working Group for Comradeship Houses German Volksgemeinschaft in Lothringen Volksdeutsche Bewegung in Luxemburg Kärntner Volksbund e. V. Sacrificial ring in Alsace Volksbund for the Germans abroad Reichsluftschutzbund Kyffhäuser Foundation Parteiforum Weimar Reichsbund German Family Stillhaltekommissar Ostmark Stillhaltekommissar Sudetenland Stillhaltekommissar Alsace Stillhaltekommissar Lothringen Stillhaltekommissar Luxemburg Aufbaufonds GmbH Heimattreue Front Eupen-Malmedy Steirischer Heimatbund e. V. Anhalt-Dank-Stiftung Dessau NS-Schulungsverein Schwerin Association Stedingsehre e. V., Bookholzberg Ostmark-Selbsthilfe GmbH, Bayreuth Lebensborn e. V. Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk Deutsche Gemeinschaft im Generalgouvernement Reichsbeauftragter für die Altmaterialerfassung Verein zur Pflege des deutschen Volkstums in Böhmen und Mähren Erholungsheime Verwaltungs-GmbH, Berlin Tag der Deutschen Kunst Gemeinschaft "Das Ahnenerbe" Reichstagfraktion der NSDAP Deutsches Frauenwerk Through administrative release of 1. In October 1940, the Reich Treasurer elevated the previous office for membership to the main office under the name of Hauptmitgliedschaftsamt. With Announcement 14/41 of 5 August 1941, the Hauptamt VII - Hilfskasse - was renamed Hauptamt VII - Sozialamt - with effect from 1 July 1941. By resolution of 22 May 1942, the Reich Treasurer decreed that the membership system be reintegrated into the Hauptamt V. The Reich Treasurer's office was to be reinstated on 22 May 1942. The dissolution of the Main Office II - Reich Budget Office - took place on 1 July 1943. The area of responsibility of the previous Main Office II was integrated into the Main Offices I and VI. Willi Damson, the previous head of the Hauptamt II, was called to Berlin to be the representative for folklore issues. Processing note: Online-Findbuch (2011) Inventory description: Inventory history In September/October 1962, a large stock of documents from the collections of the former Berlin Document Center Berlin, including those of the Reich Treasurer of the NSDAP, was transferred to the Federal Archives. Further charges by the Berlin Document Center followed in 1978, 1980 and 1988. 68 bundles of files were handed over by the Bavarian Main State Archives in Munich in 2003. These were applications for admission and the questionnaire attached to the application for admission. As before, the personal records of the former Berlin Document Center include above all the NSDAP's Reichskartei (Central and Gaukartei), which is part of the Membership Office, the applications for membership as well as processes of individual party members, such as the loss of membership books, payments of dues, recognition of former memberships, etc. The NSDAP's membership records are still recorded in the personal records of the former Berlin Document Center. Archive evaluation and processing Only for a small part were the files indexed by an inadequate list of deliveries, which formed the provisional NS 1 finding aid. The overwhelming majority of the documents were handed over by the Berlin Document Center in a completely disordered and undeveloped manner. Part of the portfolio - reported by the BDC as "asset, property and legal matters" - was ordered in 1968 and recorded by Mr Gregor Verlande. The first structure of the stock resulted from the organization of the office of the Reich Treasurer of the NSDAP. Since 1937 this included the office of the chief of staff, the main offices I - VIII as well as two special commissioners, since 1939 also the office for lottery affairs, which had been separated from the main office I, and the office physician of the Reich leadership. The files from the access of the BDC originate from the areas of the Chief of Staff as well as from the main offices I, II, IV, V and VII. These are only relatively small parts of the files created in the individual offices with the exception of the files of the main office V. This major part consists of files relating to the NSDAP's asset management. Such files were created by the chief of staff and in the main offices I, III and V. The main part of them are files of the main office V on the administration of the party's own properties, buildings and homes. These are not only properties which were acquired or rented by the NSDAP for sale or by donation, but also those which originated from confiscated Jewish property within the territory of the Reich which had been transferred to the NSDAP or from hostile property in the territories incorporated and occupied before and during the Second World War. In a smaller subgroup of files, the administration is mainly reflected in the movable assets of dissolved associations and other organisations in the incorporated and occupied territories that have been transferred to the NSDAP. Additional information can be found in the corresponding volumes of the Hauptamt I and the Staff Chief, the latter also containing an incomplete list of NSDAP properties. The files of the Main Office III contain property overviews of the Gaue, districts and local groups of the NSDAP for the period from December 1936 to December 1938. In addition to annual and monthly balance sheets, the number of party members of the Gaue and districts is also indicated monthly, so that for the years 1937 and 1938 the growth of the NSDAP in the Gaue and districts can be followed. At that time, the receipts of the central accounting were cashed in the central, cash and asset management of the Hauptamt I. In the course of the further levies by the Berlin Document Center, the inventory was revised in 1988. However, the indexing was so different with regard to many different agents that the completion of a finding aid book was initially postponed. A complete revision of the holdings, including the 1293 archive units already recorded, was started in 2009. The existing classification according to the organization chart of the Reich Treasurer was adopted and only slightly changed. The individual head offices essentially worked according to the file plan, so that the classification of the files, provided they were still in their original state, was relatively unproblematic within the classification. It was more difficult to assign the files taken over from the BDC. In the BDC, files were for the most part newly created according to the pertinence principle, so that especially in the area of the Membership Office, documents from the Arbitration Office, the Card Index Office and the Admission Office can be found in one file. Since the files were already in use, however, a reorganization of individual files was dispensed with, also for reasons of time. Only too large files were separated. The files were indexed in accordance with the valid indexing guidelines for the Federal Archives and included corrections (nominal style, valid grammar and spelling rules) and the adaptation of titles (often abbreviations) in accordance with the technical possibilities of the BASYS S database. Abbreviations a. D. out of service b. registered with BDM Bund Deutscher Mädel DAF Deutsche Arbeitsfront Dr. Doktor d. R. der Reserve e. V. association E. Z. Deposit number HJ Hitlerjugend HZD Hilfszug Bayern i. L. in Liquidation year born Krs. Kreis NSDAP Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei NSKK NS-Kraftfahrkorps o. Dat. ohne Datum OS Oberschlesien Prof. Professor RAD Reichsarbeitsdienst RJF Reichsjugendführung State of development: Online Findbuch (2011) Citation method: BArch, NS 1/...