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Archival description
PAW 1812-1945 II-VI-112 · File · 1906 – 1912
Part of Archive of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Contains: above all: Letters accompanying, notifying and responding to submissions, including Rheinbott, E. v. (Ponewiesch): Translations of Russian songs (1907, 1908); Schmidt, K. (Gleiwitz): Memorandum on parts of the Corpus Inscriptionum Etruscarum and Etruscan inscriptions (1907); Mac Donald, A. (Washington): A Plan for the Study of Man (1910); Thöne, J. (Wipperfürth): Article about efforts for a world language(1912) - inquiries, information and messages to the academy, among others: Jelinek, L. (Zdolbunow): Words to the participants of the third International Congress of the Friends of Philosophy in Heidelberg (1908); Institut d'Estudis Catalans (Barcelona): Announcement of a scholar to study the Fonctionnement de la ville (1909); Königliches Materialprüfungsamt (Berlin): Communication on a cellite process for the preservation of manuscripts (1909); Wirsen (Stockholm): Remembrance of proposals for the Nobel Prize for Literature (1910); Inquiry by the Royal Materials Testing Office about experimental results with the cellite process (1911); Exchange of letters on the inquiry by the B. Koenigsberger after the whereabouts of his work on the Jerusalem Talmud (1911); correspondence on the inquiry of H. Hübner (secretary of the Bibliotheca Hertziana Rome) about interest in the continuation of the work of Aldrovandi (1912); Dieterich, K. (Leipzig): Report about the behaviour of H. Jantsch on a trip to the Athos monasteries to photograph manuscripts (1912) - Accompanying letter and information about applications to the academy for financial support, including..: Geisenhof, G. (Lübeck): Publication of the Bugenhagen Editions (1906); Mayer, L. (Munich): Journey into the South Seas for research for a comparative dictionary of Polynesian main dialects (1907); Gall, A. v. (Mainz): Edition of the Hebrew Pentateuch of the Samaritans (1907); Teutonia-Verlag (Leipzig): Collection of texts by the Sette Comuni Vicentini (1907); Ruzicka (Berlin): The consonant dissimilation in Semitic languages (1907); Hallensleben, M. (Sondershausen): Publication of the contributions to the Schwarzenburg local history of T. Irmisch (1907); Patzak, B. (Klausen): villa life and construction of Italians in the 15th and 16th centuries (1908); Preuss, G. F. (Breslau): publication of the self-biography of Autoinede Lumbres (1908); Schillmann, F. (Marburg): photography of the main manuscript of the papal formula book of Marinus de Ebulo (1910); Kluge, T. (Kluge): "The life and construction of villas of the Italians in the 15th and 16th centuries" (1908); Preuss, G. F. (Breslau): publication of the self-biography of Autoinede Lumbres (1908); Schillmann, F. (Marburg): photography of the main manuscript of the papal formula book of Marinus de Ebulo (1910). (Berlin): Photography of ancient Georgian literary monuments on a trip to the Caucasus (1910); Glahn, L. (Ichendorf): Publication of the work Das doppelte Gesetz im Menschen auf der Basis der Kantischen Freiheitslehre (1910); Ruge, A. (The Double Law in Man on the Basis of the Kantian Doctrine of Liberty). (Heidelberg): International Bibliography of Philosophy (1911); Löwenthal, E. (Berlin): Publication of the results of research on naturalistic transcendentalism (1911); Stückelberg, E. A. (Basel): Die Heiligen der Lombardei, including: treatise San Lucio, the patron saint of alpine dairies (1911); Braungart, R. (Munich): Die Südgermanen (1912); Anspach, A. E. (Duisburg): Reise zur Kollationierung von Handschriften für eine Edition der Etymologien Isidors (1912).- Correspondence on applications to the academy for financial support, including..: Norddeutsche Missionsgesellschaft: Wörterbuch Ewe-Deutsch (1906); Sikora, A. (Mühlau): Forschungen zur Theater- und Kunstgeschichte (1906); Schliebitz, J. (Wittenberg): Publication of the Syrian-German edition of Išodâdh's Hiob-Kommentars (1906); Karst, T. (Strasbourg): Lexikon des Mittelarmenischen (1908); Korn (Berlin): Production of a work with reproductions of his collection of portraits of German lawyers (1908); Reichelt, H. (Gießen): New edition of Pahlavi-Vendidad (1908); Moeller, E. v. (Berlin): Biography of Hermann von Cornrings (1909); Staerk, D. A. (St. Petersburg): Monuments of the Latin Palaeography of St. Petersburg (1909); Fritz-Eckardt-Verlag (Leipzig): Complete Edition of Hegel's Works (1910); Walleser, M. (Kehl a. Rh.): Madhyamaka-Karika von Nagarjuna (1910); Reimer-Verlagsbuchhandlung (Berlin): Publication of the Formae orbis antiqui by H. Kiepert (1911); Molin, J. (Vienna): Treatise on the religious significance of Goethe and Schiller (1911); Neumann, A. (Berlin): Journey to England for research on the English interior colonization (1911); Fischel, O. (Berlin): Publication of a corpus of Raphael's drawings (1911); Horten, M. (Bonn): Publication of works on the philosophy of the Arabs (1912); Paul, E. (Bad Aussee): Work on Germanity in the Zimbernlande (1912); Verein für Reformationsgeschichte: Publication of a treatise on the origin of the Worms edict by Kalkoff (Breslau) (1912): Hesse (Brandenburg): examination of treatises on stenography (1907); Wulff, L. (Parchim): examination of the treatise Dekalog und Vaterunser (1908); Paul, H. (Wiesbaden): examination of the work Chronologische Zusammenstellung der Fabel poets verschiedener Zeiten und Sprachen (1908); Frank, F. (1908): examination of the work Chronologische Zusammenstellung der Fabeldichter verschiedener Zeiten und Sprachen (1908). (Hof): Examination of the work Die Mogastisburg, a linguistic contribution to history (1909); Tucher, M. v. (La Valette): Examination of the work Quelques particularités du dialecte arabe de Malte by B. Roudanovsky (1909); Strack, H. L. (1909). (Berlin): Subscription to the facsimile edition of the Monacensis des Talmud (1911); U. v. Wilamowitz-Moellendorff: Mediation of a photo permit for manuscripts from the monasteries Esphigmenu and Patmos (1911) - Expert opinion on applications to the Academy for financial support, including: Bergner, H. (Nischwitz): Studies on the systematic representation of German art antiquities (1908); Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der evangelischen Mission unter den Heiden (Berlin): Publication of the dictionary of Sotho by D. Endemann (Berlin) (1907); Beck, J. B. (Paris): Die Melodien der Troubadours (1909); Vandenhoff, B. (Münster): Publication of the work System des geistlichen und weltlichen Rechtes der Nestorianer (1910); Curschmann, F. (1909). (Greifswald): Plan for a historical atlas of the eastern provinces of the Prussian state and inclusion in the Academy's publications, including: Historische Vierteljahresschrift (1910); Flügel, O. (Döhlau): Gesamtausgabe der Werke Herbarts (1912) - Expert opinion on the request of v. Nordenflycht (Havanna) for examination of an alleged record of Charles V. in a Bible by C. F. Finlay (Havana) (1907) - expert opinion for the Ministry of Culture on Glaser's estate of South Arabian inscriptions and geographical materials (1908) - Mayer, L. (Munich): Information about a trip to the South Seas for research for a Samoan-German dictionary and request for formal commission by the Academy (1907) - Reprint of the letters of H. V. Hilprecht (Philadelphia) to the University of Philadelphia to resign his offices and to disregard his rights (1910).

PAW 1812-1945 II-VI-22 · File · 1919
Part of Archive of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Contains: among others: The Hungarian Academy of Sciences to all academies of the civilized world - International Geodesy - Academic Accounts - Support for Strasbourg Professors - Promotion of Esperanto - Foundation of the Federation "Academic Union" - Solar Eclipse in Bucaramanga - Declaration of Piety by Africans who studied in Germany.

PAW 1812-1945 II-VIII-322 · File · 1889 - 1903
Part of Archive of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Contains: A. Brückner, Studies in Petersburg on a History of Polish Literature in the German Language, 1889-1902 - H. Fitting, Halle, H. Suchier: Critical impression and publication of a Provencal legal book, 1889-1903 - H. Thorbecke, Halle, publication of the Arab poet Al-A'schâ, 1889-1891 - H. Kühlewein, Ilfeld, studies in Florence and Paris on the edition of Hippocrates, 1889-1892 - W. Schmitz, Cologne, publication of a Leidener Codex tironischer Noten, 1889 - Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, publication of a dictionary of the Namaqua language by J. G. Kroenlein, 1889 - G. Weigand, Leipzig, linguistic-ethnographic research in the area of the Linzars with 9 photos, 1889-1894.