Affichage de 196 résultats

Description archivistique
Administrative files (administrative files)
Administrative files (administrative files)
[Case files] - Saipaia I Satumalufilufi (The Testament of Saifaia)
[Case files] - Saipaia I Satumalufilufi (The Testament of Saifaia)
Census returns (census results)
Census returns (census results)
Circulars - Customs Office
Circulars - Customs Office
Correspondence Files
Correspondence Files
Correspondence Files
Correspondence Files
[Correspondence files] Agriculture. Plantation companies (Agriculture. Plantation Companies)
[Correspondence files] Agriculture. Plantation companies (Agriculture. Plantation Companies)
[Correspondence files] Aleipata: 1 Tiaveaa, Amaile, Samusu [see Mirco R reels for series 6059]
[Correspondence files] Aleipata: 1 Tiaveaa, Amaile, Samusu [see Mirco R reels for series 6059]
[Correspondence files] Apia Konsularkorps (Consular corps Apia)
[Correspondence files] Apia Konsularkorps (Consular corps Apia)
[Correspondence files] Appendices to 'Samoan Policy' (printing facilities)
[Correspondence files] Appendices to 'Samoan Policy' (printing facilities)
[Correspondence files] Arms sale. Specialia (Arms sales, miscellaneous)
[Correspondence files] Arms sale. Specialia (Arms sales, miscellaneous)
[Correspondence files] Atu o le Fao Lotofaga: 4 Vavaa, Etemuli, Lotofaga, Matatufu, Leteupo [see Mirco R reels for series 6059]
[Correspondence files] Atu o le Fao Lotofaga: 4 Vavaa, Etemuli, Lotofaga, Matatufu, Leteupo [see Mirco R reels for series 6059]
[Correspondence files] Beschlüsse des Munizipalrats und Schriftwechsel mit den beiden anderen Konsuln in derselben Angelegenheit (Decisions of the municipal council and correspondence with the other two consuls in the same matter)
[Correspondence files] Beschlüsse des Munizipalrats und Schriftwechsel mit den beiden anderen Konsuln in derselben Angelegenheit (Decisions of the municipal council and correspondence with the other two consuls in the same matter)
[Correspondence files] Britisch-Neu-Guinea
[Correspondence files] Britisch-Neu-Guinea
[Correspondence files] Business connections. Stamps, collections (Business relations. Postage stamps, collections)
[Correspondence files] Business connections. Stamps, collections (Business relations. Postage stamps, collections)
[Correspondence files] Business relations
[Correspondence files] Business relations
[Correspondence files] Chiffreakten (Code files)
[Correspondence files] Chiffreakten (Code files)
[Correspondence files] Claims of the McArthur Company
[Correspondence files] Claims of the McArthur Company
[Correspondence files] Collection of newspaper clippings about Samoan Policy (Collection of newspaper clippings about Samoan Policy)
[Correspondence files] Collection of newspaper clippings about Samoan Policy (Collection of newspaper clippings about Samoan Policy)
[Correspondence files] Collection of ordinances of the consuls and [and] the Samoan government. (Collection of decrees made by the Consul and the Samoan Goernment)
[Correspondence files] Collection of ordinances of the consuls and [and] the Samoan government. (Collection of decrees made by the Consul and the Samoan Goernment)
[Correspondence files] Compensation claims relating to Satupaitea (Satupaitea)
[Correspondence files] Compensation claims relating to Satupaitea (Satupaitea)
[Correspondence files] Complaints from Bülows in Savaii about property violations. (Complaints laid in Savaii by Bulow about trespass)
[Correspondence files] Complaints from Bülows in Savaii about property violations. (Complaints laid in Savaii by Bulow about trespass)
[Correspondence files] Consulate. Land and Buildings (Consulate. Land and Buildings)
[Correspondence files] Consulate. Land and Buildings (Consulate. Land and Buildings)
[Correspondence files] Das Schutzgebiet der Neu-Guinea-Kompagnie (The Protectorate of the New Guinea Company)
[Correspondence files] Das Schutzgebiet der Neu-Guinea-Kompagnie (The Protectorate of the New Guinea Company)
[Correspondence files] Dechiffres und Sekretsachen aus der Zeit des Konsuls Becker (Decoded material and secret documents from the time of consul Becker)
[Correspondence files] Dechiffres und Sekretsachen aus der Zeit des Konsuls Becker (Decoded material and secret documents from the time of consul Becker)
[Correspondence files] Depositen (Deposits)
[Correspondence files] Depositen (Deposits)
[Correspondence files] Deutsche Interessen in Samoa (German interests in Samoa)
[Correspondence files] Deutsche Interessen in Samoa (German interests in Samoa)
[Correspondence files] Deutsches Hospital (German Hospital)
[Correspondence files] Deutsches Hospital (German Hospital)
[Correspondence files] D.H.
[Correspondence files] D.H.
[Correspondence files] Duplikate der Kassenbelege für hies. Konten (nicht Legationskasse) (Sales-slips for local accounts (not Legation Finance Office))
[Correspondence files] Duplikate der Kassenbelege für hies. Konten (nicht Legationskasse) (Sales-slips for local accounts (not Legation Finance Office))
[Correspondence files] Duplikate Samoapolitik (Copies of Samoan Policy)
[Correspondence files] Duplikate Samoapolitik (Copies of Samoan Policy)
[Correspondence files] Ellice-, Tokelau-, Cook-Inseln
[Correspondence files] Ellice-, Tokelau-, Cook-Inseln
[Correspondence files] Ermittlungen (inquiries)
[Correspondence files] Ermittlungen (inquiries)
[Correspondence files] Falealei: 7 Matautu, Vaovai, Poutasi, Saleilua, Ili Ili
[Correspondence files] Falealei: 7 Matautu, Vaovai, Poutasi, Saleilua, Ili Ili
[Correspondence files] Falealili: 5 Sapoe, Utulaelae, Salesatele, Siuniu, Sapunaoa
[Correspondence files] Falealili: 5 Sapoe, Utulaelae, Salesatele, Siuniu, Sapunaoa
[Correspondence files] Falealili: 6 Faleulu, Siu, Satalo, Malaemalu, Matavai, Tafatafa [see Mirco R reels for series 6059]
[Correspondence files] Falealili: 6 Faleulu, Siu, Satalo, Malaemalu, Matavai, Tafatafa [see Mirco R reels for series 6059]
[Correspondence files] Familie- und Erbrechtliches, Legimationen usw. (Family and Law of Inheritance matters, Legitimation etc)
[Correspondence files] Familie- und Erbrechtliches, Legimationen usw. (Family and Law of Inheritance matters, Legitimation etc)
[Correspondence files] Fiji
[Correspondence files] Fiji