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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 Bü 11 · Akt(e) · 1900-1902
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • description: Contains, among other things: 1900: Course of the second journey to D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a until Naples (31.01.1900); further journey from Crete, review: Journey over the Brenner, description of Naples, Pompeii (06.02.1900); experiences in Port Said, journey in the Red Sea (13.02.1900); in Dar es Salaam, appointed chief of the 10th company - Tabora, forthcoming march there, district administered by him, visit of the governor (25.02.).1900); march to Tabora, hunting in the savannah (23.03.1900); hunting during the march, his mule (06.04.1900); in Tabora, holds first public trial, description of the march, outbreak of fever with him, captain powder, solemn greeting in Tabora (26.04.1900); greeting of Gansser by the local chieftains, court sessions ("baraza") of Gansser, plan to establish Neu-Tabora, large market in Tabora, floor plan of the building for Gansser, animals there and staff of Gansser (11th century). May 1900); 50th anniversary of his father's service, tax on huts, planned new installation of Tabora, typical course of the day (24.05.1900); celebration of the emperor's birthday in Tabora, composition of his company, Governor Liebert, animals in the Gansser estate (14.06.1900); Birthday package and mail received from the family, forthcoming two-month district trip through the west and north of his district, its probable course, assessment of the hut tax, repairs to the buildings in Tabora (22.06.1900); new lieutenant Ganssers: calf, district trip of Ganssers, among other things its purpose: assessment to the hut tax, first report to the governorate and reaction of the governor, composition of the company Ganssers after arrival of the reinforcement, probable change of the governor (03.07.).1900); on the district trip, first battle with locals, their weapons, peaceful action for Gansser better than armed, Herrnhut mission station, holding a court session ("baraza") (16.07.1900); on the district trip, many showers, wars between the local tribes, description of the "Mission des pères d'Afrique", holding a large court day, making peace, thanks to the bishop (; on the district trip, killing of 3 horse antelopes, meat supplies, cases of illness in the company, meeting with the new colonial director (17.08.1900); again in Tabora, state of health at the station, review of the district trip: Muanza and Victoria Nyanza, march to Sseke, Manyonga, Ussongo, Chief Mtinginia, his gift to Gansser, Mission Ndala, Uyui and arrival in Tabora, Gansser's fever attack (14.07.1900); Lake Victoria Nyanza, district tour (24.08.1900); cases of illness, Gansser's successes at the governorate, Gansser's work in Tabora, further construction of the new Boma (26.09.1900); new sergeant Gansser, expected meeting with Bishop Gerboin from Ushirombo, powder magazine of the new Boma (05.10.1900); severe cold of Gansser, construction at the Boma (14.10.1900); hope for a new lieutenant on duty, retirement of the old one, replacement of the sick sergeant, new case of illness, Chinin, drilling of wells and construction of markets the new tasks of Gansser, also construction of new roads, meeting with Bishop Gerboin (22.10.1900); 2 death sentences passed by Gansser, Captain Puder as predecessor of Gansser in office, no special promotion of Gansser by Governor Liebert, change of governor? (02.11.1900); border regulation with the Congo state (15.11.1900); border regulation commission, solar eclipse, question of governor, attacks on governor Liebert, correction by Gansser, role of the hut tax for the uprising at Kilimanjaro, hut tax should be levied carefully and without violence, new animals in the "menagerie" of the Gansser house, annoying state of the giraffe skin sent to Germany (23.11.1900) ; Gansser's relationship to Governor Liebert, colonial development in China distracts attention from East Africa, fate of v. Horns, 5 missionary fathers visited Gansser (03.12.1900); fate of Governor Liebert, new lieutenant for Gansser, small rainy season, outlook on the next festivities (14.12.1900); Christmas party in Tabora, damage during the delivery of the fruit juice by the parents, need of letter paper, plan for the New Year's Eve party, border regulation, 3 larger trips in the district necessary in the future (25.12.1900) 1901: new building, New Tabora, New Year's Eve party (01.01.1901); new lieutenant Freiherr v. Nordeck zur Rabenau, cases of illness, execution of Gansser's death sentences, visit of Captain Bethe von Ujiji, machine gun exercise, new Boma (14.01.1901); visit of Captain Bethe von Ujiji, new lieutenant healthy again, celebration of Ramadan end, celebration of emperor's birthday in Tabora (24.01.1901); new officer Lieutenant Göhring, new senior physician Dr. Brückner, Gansser's animal present to the zoological garden in Berlin, merit for his district, wish to leave it soon, contract fulfilled with the Deutsch-Ostafrika Gesellschaft about Negerkorn delivery, wishes for the new governor, celebration of 27.01. (birthday of the emperor) in Tabora (02.02.)1901); drilling of the wells, prospective travel plan, regulations of the boundaries of the district of Gansser (04.03.1901); expectations of the new governor, Count Götzen, letter of the former governor Liebert to Gansser and assessment by Gansser, status of the new stadium construction (13.03.1901); conversion of the draught oxen to Stirnjoch, plan to plant a vineyard (24.03.1901); planning of the construction of the new stadium (13.03.1901); planning of the new vineyard (24.03.1901); planning of the construction of the new stadium (13.03.1901); planning of the new stadium (13.03.1901); planning of the construction of the new stadium (13.03.1901); planning of the construction of the new stadium (13.03.1901); planning of the construction of the new stadium (24.03.1901).1901); missing European forces at Gansser, v. Horns reunited in Derema (04.04.1901); medical treatment of Gansser due to skin disease, planting of a vineyard in Tabora, fever of his lieutenant (14.04.1901); letter to Bildfinger with quotation for the closest family, plans, Gansser wants to leave colonial service in 1902 and ask for resignation to the army, wants to start a world trip after leaving colonial service (20th century); the first German army to be reunited with the German army (20th century)04.1901); safari to the south of the district, status of work on the new Boma, description of the newly planted vineyard in Tabora (04.05.1901); hiring of new boys, passing away of the old one, safari southbound, ceremonial reception in Kalula (09.05.); visit to the new Boma vineyard in Tabora (04.05.1901); visit to the new vineyard in Tabora (04.05.1901); visit to the southbound safari; reception in Kalula (09.05.).1901); persecution of the robbers of the post office in Ngulu, behaviour of the Sultan of Ngulu, border regulation at the eastern border of the district of Gansser, new decree that the military stations had to refrain from the local administration in the future, frustrated Gansser, "menagerie" Ganssers extended by a leopard (28.05.1901); desire for completion of his duties in Tabora, arrival of 2 new camels (22.07.1901); Safari to Kiwere for border regulation with Freiherr von Reitzenstein, head of Kilimatinde, also delimitation against the new district Iramba-Issansu, no more Chinin, arbitrary and contradictory administrative orders to Gansser, new responsibility at the site management, Gansser's report to the governor concerning this (31.07.1901); further course of the safari from Kiwere, hunting successes, negotiations with a representative of Reitzenstein, description of the new foundation of the brotherhood in Kitundu-Kiwere, Gansser's sketch for a house to be built there, Gansser's souvenir (08.10.1901); preparation of the journey home (01.09.1901); ideas for leaving colonial service and the subsequent trip around the world (24.09.1901); construction work on the old Boma, no money was available for drilling the wells, so no money was available (08.10.1901); successor for Gansser to arrive at the end of November (23.10.1901); Gansser's successor Captain von Beringe, preparation for the change, preparation for the trip around the world (07.11.1901); application for reinstatement in the army and for vacation for the world trip for 6 months made, transmission of postcards (22.11.1901) 1902: Departure from Tabora, delivery to the successor in Tabora, farewell dinner for Gansser (10.10.1902); transmission of the newest portrait picture and further photos of Gansser world trip 1902: Departure to Bombay for the world trip (22.01.); transmission of the newest portrait picture and further photos of Gansser world trip 1902: Departure to Bombay for the world trip (22.01.); transmission of postcards (22.11.1901) 1902: Departure from Tabora, delivery to the successor in Tabora, farewell dinner for Gansser (10.10.1902); transmission of the newest portrait picture and further photos of Gansser world trip 1902: departure to Bombay for the world trip (22.01.)1902), sending of marabou feathers, furs and horns for cleaning to Germany (25.01.1902); sending of carpets, old furniture etc. to the homeland (13.02.1902); further course of the world journey, announces sending of a feuilletonistic treatise about the journey with own photographs, has so far 1655 km behind itself (19.02.1902); celebration of the king's birthday in Darjeeling (26.02.1902), description of the experiences in Darjeeling and Calcutta (05.03.1902); further course of the journey (25.03.1902); on Java (02.04.1902); on to Singapore, tells retrospectively about the stay in Java, Java coffee as a present for the mother (18.04.1902); in Hong Kong (03.05.1902); in Shanghai, meeting with acquaintances, expected further course of the journey (17.05.1902); returning to Shanghai on a steamer, East Asia is transported better than East Africa (09.06.1902); in Japan, Gansser's career wishes and father's influence in the War Ministry, financial matters, souvenirs bought from China, itinerary in Japan (02.07.1902); voyage across the Pacific from Hawaii to San Francisco, further course of the voyage in the USA (26.07./02.08.1902)* Contains, among other things: 1900: Course of the second journey to D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a until Naples (31.01.1900); further journey from Crete, review: Journey over the Brenner, description of Naples, Pompeii (06.02.1900); experiences in Port Said, journey in the Red Sea (13.02.1900); in Dar es Salaam, appointed chief of the 10th company - Tabora, forthcoming march there, district administered by him, visit of the governor (25.02.).1900); march to Tabora, hunting in the savannah (23.03.1900); hunting during the march, his mule (06.04.1900); in Tabora, holds first public trial, description of the march, outbreak of fever with him, captain powder, solemn greeting in Tabora (26.04.1900); greeting of Gansser by the local chieftains, court sessions ("baraza") of Gansser, plan to establish Neu-Tabora, large market in Tabora, floor plan of the building for Gansser, animals there and staff of Gansser (11th century). May 1900); 50th anniversary of his father's service, tax on huts, planned new installation of Tabora, typical course of the day (24.05.1900); celebration of the emperor's birthday in Tabora, composition of his company, Governor Liebert, animals in the Gansser estate (14.06.1900); Birthday package and mail received from the family, forthcoming two-month district trip through the west and north of his district, its probable course, assessment of the hut tax, repairs to the buildings in Tabora (22.06.1900); new lieutenant Ganssers: calf, district trip of Ganssers, among other things its purpose: assessment to the hut tax, first report to the governorate and reaction of the governor, composition of the company Ganssers after arrival of the reinforcement, probable change of the governor (03.07.).1900); on the district trip, first battle with locals, their weapons, peaceful action for Gansser better than armed, Herrnhut mission station, holding a court session ("baraza") (16.07.1900); on the district trip, many showers, wars between the local tribes, description of the "Mission des pères d'Afrique", holding a large court day, making peace, thanks to the bishop (; on the district trip, killing of 3 horse antelopes, meat supplies, cases of illness in the company, meeting with the new colonial director (17.08.1900); again in Tabora, state of health at the station, review of the district trip: Muanza and Victoria Nyanza, march to Sseke, Manyonga, Ussongo, Chief Mtinginia, his gift to Gansser, Mission Ndala, Uyui and arrival in Tabora, Gansser's fever attack (14.07.1900); Lake Victoria Nyanza, district tour (24.08.1900); cases of illness, Gansser's successes at the governorate, Gansser's work in Tabora, further construction of the new Boma (26.09.1900); new sergeant Gansser, expected meeting with Bishop Gerboin from Ushirombo, powder magazine of the new Boma (05.10.1900); severe cold of Gansser, construction at the Boma (14.10.1900); hope for a new lieutenant on duty, retirement of the old one, replacement of the sick sergeant, new case of illness, Chinin, drilling of wells and construction of markets the new tasks of Gansser, also construction of new roads, meeting with Bishop Gerboin (22.10.1900); 2 death sentences passed by Gansser, Captain Puder as predecessor of Gansser in office, no special promotion of Gansser by Governor Liebert, change of governor? (02.11.1900); border regulation with the Congo state (15.11.1900); border regulation commission, solar eclipse, question of governor, attacks on governor Liebert, correction by Gansser, role of the hut tax for the uprising at Kilimanjaro, hut tax should be levied carefully and without violence, new animals in the "menagerie" of the Gansser house, annoying state of the giraffe skin sent to Germany (23.11.1900) ; Gansser's relationship to Governor Liebert, colonial development in China distracts attention from East Africa, fate of v. Horns, 5 missionary fathers visited Gansser (03.12.1900); fate of Governor Liebert, new lieutenant for Gansser, small rainy season, outlook on the next festivities (14.12.1900); Christmas party in Tabora, damage during the delivery of the fruit juice by the parents, need of letter paper, plan for the New Year's Eve party, border regulation, 3 larger trips in the district necessary in the future (25.12.1900)<br />1901: new building, Neu-Tabora, New Year's Eve party (01.01.1901); new lieutenant Freiherr v. Nordeck zur Rabenau, cases of illness, execution of Gansser's death sentences, visit of Captain Bethe von Ujiji, machine gun exercise, new Boma (14.01.1901); visit of Captain Bethe von Ujiji, new lieutenant healthy again, celebration of Ramadan end, celebration of emperor's birthday in Tabora (24.01.1901); new officer Lieutenant Göhring, new senior physician Dr. Brückner, Gansser's animal present to the zoological garden in Berlin, merit for his district, wish to leave it soon, contract fulfilled with the German East Africa Society about Negerkorn delivery, wishes for the new governor, celebration of 27.01. (birthday of the emperor) in Tabora (02.02.1901); execution of the well drilling, prospective itinerary, regulations of the borders of the district of Gansser (04.03.)1901); expectations of the new governor, Count Götzen, letter of the former governor Liebert to Gansser and assessment by Gansser, stand of the stadium new building (13.03.1901); conversion of the Zugochsen to Stirnjoch, plan to plant a vineyard (24.03.1901); lack of European strength in Gansser, v. Horns re-introduced into Derema (04.04.1901); medical treatment of Gansser due to skin disease, planting of a vineyard in Tabora, fever of his lieutenant (14th century); in the case of the death of his wife, he was hospitalized again in Derema (04.04.1901).04.1901); letter to Bildfinger with quote from it for the closest family, plans, Gansser wants to leave the colonial service in 1902 and ask for resignation into the army, wants to start a world trip after leaving the colonial service (20.04.1901); safari to the south of the district, status of the work on the new Boma, description of the newly planted vineyard in Tabora (04.05.); the first letter to Bildfinger is dated 20.04.1901.1901); hiring of new boys, offences of the old ones, safari southbound, ceremonial reception in Kalula (09.05.1901); persecution of the robbers of the post in Ngulu, behaviour of the Sultan of Ngulu, border regulation at the eastern border of the district of Gansser, new decree that the military stations must refrain from the local administration in the future, frustrated Gansser, "menagerie" Ganssers expanded by a leopard (28.05.1901); desire to finish his duties in Tabora, arrival of 2 new camels (22.07.1901); safari to Kiwere for border regulation with Baron von Reitzenstein, head of Kilimatinde, also delimitation against the new district Iramba-Issansu to be formed, no Chinin takes any more, arbitrary and contradictory administrative orders to Gansser, new responsibility at the construction management, report of Gansser to the governor in this regard (31.07.1901); further course of the safari from Kiwere, hunting successes, negotiations with a representative of Reitzenstein, description of the new foundation of the brotherhood in Kitundu-Kiwere, sketch by Gansser for a house to be built there, souvenir by Gansser (08.10.1901); preparation of the journey home (01.09.1901); ideas for leaving the colonial service and the following world trip (24.09.1901); construction work on the old Boma, for which no money was available to drill the wells, therefore no money was available (08.10.1901); successor for Gansser is to arrive at the end of November (23.10.); the first day of the journey home (24.09.1901); the second day of the colonial service (23.10.).1901) ; Gansser's successor Captain von Beringe, preparation for the change, preparation for the world trip (07.11.1901); application for reinstatement in the army and for vacation for the world trip for 6 months made, sending of postcards (22.11.1901)<br />>1902: Departure from Tabora, handover to the successor in Tabora, farewell dinner for Gansser (10.10.)1902); transmission of the newest portrait picture and further photos of Gansser<br />world trip 1902: Departure to Bombay for world trip (22.01.1902), transmission of marabou feathers, skins and horns for cleaning to Germany (25.01.1902); transmission of carpets, old furniture etc. to the homeland (13.02.).1902); further course of the world trip, announces transmission of a feuilletonistic treatise about the trip with own photographs, has so far 1655 km behind itself brought (19.02.1902); celebration of the birthday of the king in Darjeeling (26.02.1902), description of the experiences in Darjeeling and Calcutta (05.03.1902); further course of the trip (25.03.1902); on Java (02.04.)1902); further to Singapore, tells retrospectively of the stay in Java, Java coffee as a present for the mother (18.04.1902); in Hong Kong (03.05.1902); in Shanghai, meeting with acquaintances, expected further course of the journey (17.05.1902); returning to Shanghai on a steamer, East Asia is better transported than East Africa (09.06.); in Shanghai, meeting with acquaintances, likely further course of the journey (17.05.1902); on a steamer, returning to Shanghai, East Asia is better transported than East Africa (09.06.); in Shanghai, the journey to the city of Shanghai continues (09.06.1902); in Shanghai, the city of Shanghai, the city of Shanghai, the city of Shanghai, the city of Shanghai, the city of Shanghai, the city of Shanghai, the city of Shanghai, the city of Shanghai, the city of Shanghai, the city of Shanghai, the city of Shanghai, the city of Asia, is better transported than East Africa (09.06.1902); in Japan, Gansser's career aspirations and his father's influence in the War Ministry, financial affairs, souvenirs purchased from China, itinerary in Japan (02.07.1902); trip across the Pacific from Hawaii to San Francisco, further course of the trip in the USA (26.07./02.08.1902)* 1900-1902, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 bequests Rudolf von Gansser sen. and Rudolf Gansser jun.