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BArch, N 1138/59 · Akt(e) · 1911-1928
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: "Attempts to Cultivate Cigarette Tobacco in the German Protectorates", 1922; "The Colonial Problem"; "The German Schools in Southwest Africa", Kastl paper, 1921; newspaper article on colonial policy (1914) and Hindenburg's death (1934); Report of the Deutsche Afrika-Bank Aktiengesellschaft, 1908; Report of the Deutsche Kolonial-Eisenbahn-Bau- und Betriebs-Gesellschfat, 1908; Outline of the Terms and Conditions for the Mortgage Loans of the Southwest African Soil Credit Society

Kastl, Ludwig
BArch, N 1138/40 · Akt(e) · 1917-1920
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Disputes about the farm Otjituezu of the deceased farmer Fr. Koppe, 1917; Resolution of the Windhoeker German population on the future of the protectorate Deutsch-Südwestafrika, March 1919; Regulation of the return journey of German civil servants and employees and their families to Germany and the forced return journey of civil servants, Schutztruppe members and ZIvil persons, March 1919-Nov. 1919; "Südwest im Friedenstraktat": Ausführungen zur Übernahme Deutsch-Südwestafrikas durch die Südafrikanische Union, 29.7.1919; Economic and financial negotiations with the South African Union, Jan. 1920; "Die Eingeborenen in Südwestafrika und die britische Verwaltung": Elaboration, author not named, 1920 (?)

Kastl, Ludwig
Kastl, Ludwig (inventory)
BArch, N 1138 · Bestand · 1926-1933
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: NDB 11, p. 323 Managing Executive Member of the Reich Federation of German Industry Inventory description: Correspondence, mainly in economic and financial policy matters, including Young Plan, Hoover Moratorium, German credit agreements and foreign debt, international financing plans. (as of 1977) Citation method: BArch, N 1138/...

Kastl, Ludwig
BArch, N 1138/43 · Akt(e) · Sep. 1920
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Dr. Seelmann (Generalverband der Raiffeisengenossenschaften): The Importance of the Cooperative System for German Emigrants; Governing Council Kastl: Successes and Current Status of the Cooperative System in D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a

Kastl, Ludwig
BArch, N 1138/55 · Akt(e) · 1914-1923
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Reports (e.g. from Paris, Bordeaux, Venice, Copenhagen) on general issues, economists. Lage, Neutrale Staaten 10.10.-24.10.[1914]; "Truthful description of the cause and the beginning of the brawl with the operating directors which took place on 18 August 1918 in Bogenfels near the Deutsche Diamanten-Ges."; Explanations of the budget statement for 1913; Memorandum concerning the establishment of an institute for the granting of land credit in Deutsch-Südwestafrika

Kastl, Ludwig