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Description archivistique
BArch, RM 3/6884 · Dossier · 1905-1909
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Submissions to the R e i c h s t a g concerning the reorganization of the local administration of the German colonies budgets of the colonial government in Hong Kong for 1905 to 1908, for the expedition to East Asia for 1906, the East and Southwest African protectorates, New Guinea, Cameroon, and the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t for 1906 Memorandum on the establishment of a R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t

Office du Reich à la Marine
Kiautschou clothing: vol. 10
BArch, RM 3/6984 · Dossier · 1910-1911
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Budget questions for the maintenance of the clothing and equipment of the sea battalions Economic plan of the depot chamber of the III. sea battalion for the accounting year 1910 Descriptions of the gala, service and interim uniforms of the Imperial Governors of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, S ü d w e t a f r i k a, Cameroon, Togo, New Guinea and Samoa Proposals for equipment for Tsingtau Proposals for modifications of the III. sea battalion on clothing and equipment

Office du Reich à la Marine
Military policy reports - ships: vol. 10
BArch, RM 3/3024 · Dossier · 1908-1909
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Bremen": Philadelphia, New York, Bahia, Ilha Grande, Montevideo, Bahia, Blanca, Madrin S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": Benadir coast, Aden, Djibouti, Colombo, Mahé, Bombay (strike) S. M. S. "Loreley": Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea S. M. S. "Charlotte": Bergen, Balholm, Gudwangen, Lerwick, Greenock, Vigo, Cadiz, Reysertsbay, Madeira, Puerto de la Luz, Santiago de Cuba (election, American withdrawal), Havana, Kingston S.M.S. "Victoria Luise': Tenerife, Barcelona, Venice, Rapallo, Naples, Corfu, Cagliari, Alexandria S.M.S. 'Fatherland': Szetchuan S.M.S. 'Panther': Cape Town (political situation), Swakopmund, Lüderitz Bay (diamond find), St. Petersburg Helena, Grand Bassa, Freetown, Bissao, Boloma, South West Africa, Duala, Portuguese Guinea (Uprising) S.M.S. "Hertha": Queenstown, Palma, Cartagena, Madeira, Las Palmas, Palermo, Messina (earthquake relief), Naples S. M. S. "Sperber": Cape Town, Congo, Lüderitz Bay (diamond question), Swakopmund, Loanda, Cape Lopez, Bata, Victoria, Togo, Cameroon S. M.S. "Freya": Halifax, Charleston, Habana, Kingston, St. Thomas, Newport Cruise Wing: Dalmy, Port Arthur, Amoy, Kobe S.M.S. "Condor": Ponape, Samoa, Marshall Islands, Fije S.M.S. "Panther": Southwest Africa (Economic Situation Report)

Office du Reich à la Marine
Military policy reports - ships: vol. 11
BArch, RM 3/3025 · Dossier · 1909
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. 'Panther': Victoria, Libreville, Cape Lopez, Congo, Swakopmund, Walfischbay, Lüderitz Bay (diamond question) S. M. S. 'Hertha': Alexandria, Venice, Messina, Corfu, Cadiz,Ferrol, Algiers, Piraeus S. M. S. 'Freya': Port of Spain, Santiago de Cuba, Bermuda, Ponta Delgada, Pensacola S. M.S. 'Charlotte': Port of Spain, St Thomas, Vigo, Dartmouth S.M.S. 'Victoria Luise': Genoa, Corfu, Cadiz, Palermo, (bridge building for earthquake victims), Lisbon, Algiers S.M.S. "Bremen": Punta Arenas, Rio de Janeiro, Desterro, Santos, Port of Spain, La Guayra (overthrow in Caracas), Bahia, Pernambuco, Buenos Aires, New Orleans, Curacao, Colon (report on Panama Canal), Port Limon, Newport News, Havana, Baltimore, Puerto Barrios S. M.S. "Loreley": Tophane, Alexandria, Eastern Mediterranean S.M.S. "Sea Eagle": Zansibar, Mozambique, East London, Cape Town, Beira S.M.S. "Sperber": Togo, Cameroon, Lüderitz Bay, (diamond question), Duala, Worri, Forcados, Accra, Loanda S.M.S. "Nicole": Colombo S. M.S. "Buzzard": Inhambane, Lourenzo-Marques, Port Elisabeth, Cape Town, Durban Cruise Wing: Hogkong, Canton, Saigon S. M. S. "Condor": New Guinea, Caroline Islands, Sydney, Brisbane S. M. S. "Jaguar": Ponape, Caroline Islands S. M. S. "Stettin": Corfu, Malaga, Malta S. M. S. "Lübeck": Beirut (tense situation), Messina S. M. S. "Hamburg": Haifa, Jaffa

Office du Reich à la Marine
Military policy reports - ships: vol. 15
BArch, RM 3/3029 · Dossier · 1910-1911
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm/Weissenburg": Dardanellen, Algiers, Constantinople (transfer of ships to Turkey) S. M. S. "Panther": Monrovia, Cameroon, Accra, Lagos, Duala, Banana, Swakopmund S. M. S. "Nuremberg": Hansa Bay, Hatzfeldhafen (punitive expedition S. M. S. "Hertha": Marmarice, Haifa, Port Said, Cattaro, Alexandria, Pola, Venice, Corfu, Vigo, Genoa, Livorno S. M. S. "Victoria Luise": Corfu, Cattaro, Venice, Marmarice, Beirut, Alexandria, Syracus, Cadiz, Naples, Vigo S. "Hertha": Marmarice, Haifa, Port Said, Cattaro, Alexandria, Pola, Venice, Corfu, Vigo, Livorno S. M. S. "Victoria Luise": Corfu, Cattaro, Venice, Marmarice, Beirut, Alexandria, Syracus, Cadiz, Naples, Vigo S. M. S. "Tiger": Nagasaki, Kobe, Shanghai S. M. S. "Loreley": Gulf of Corinth, Constantinople, Trieste Cruise Wing: New Guinea, South Seas, Samoa, East Asia S. M. S. "Condor": Samoa, Bismarck Archipelago, Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land S. M. S. "Condor": Samoa, Bismarck Archipelago, Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land S. M. S. "Cormoran": Samoa, Marshall Islands, East Caroline Islands, Bismarck Archipelago, Hong Kong, Apia, Helen Reef, Palau Islands, West Caroline Islands, Saipan, Ponape (Riots) S. M. S. "Sparrowhawk": Diego-Suarez, Durban, Cape Town S. M. S. "Bremen': Valparaiso, Callao, Guayaquille, Panama, Amapalla, Corintu, San José de Guatemala, Callao S.M.S. 'Planet': Singapore, Makassar, Amboina, Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen (punitive expedition) S.M.S. 'Freya': Charleston, Havana, Kingston, Curacao, Puerto Cabello, Trinidad S.M.S. 'Gneisenau': Colombo S. M.S. "Hansa": Barbados, Trinidad, Kingston, Pensacola, Las Palmas, Vigo. Plymouth S. M. S. "Eber": Cape Town, German Southwest Africa, Cameroon, Old Calabar, Lome, Liberia S. M. S. "Bremen": La Libertad, Puntarenas

Office du Reich à la Marine
Military policy reports - ships: vol. 2
BArch, RM 3/3016 · Dossier · 1904
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Stone": Vigo, Havana, Charleston, Dartmouth, Plymouth, Las Palmas, Balearic Islands, Madeira, Gibraltar, Cartagena S. M. S. "Loreley": Piraeus, Syria, Egypt, Black Sea, Constantinople Cruising Division: Canada, Mexico, Haiti, West Indies, Newport News, Norfolk S. M. S. "Wolf": Loanda, Southwest Africa, Cape Town S. M. S. "Condor": Bismarck Archipelago, New Guinea, Samoa, Jahuit, Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands, Admiralty Islands (Riots), Tonga, Pago-Pago S.M.S. "Falcon": Jamoel, Aux, Cayes, Carriacon, Bequia, Montserat, Nevis, Barbuda, Tortola, Guadeloupe, Sam Luis de Maranhao, Maceia, Rio de Janeiro S.M.S. "Goshawk": South West Africa, Cape Town, Mossamedes, Loanda, Duala S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": Shanghai S. M. S. "Lynx": Hong Kong S. M. S. "Tsingtau": Canton S. M. S. "Moltke": Karlskrona, Portmouth, Madeira S. M. S. "Panther": Port-au-Prince/tense situation S. M. S. "Stosch": Stockholm, Bergen, Dartmouth, Centa, Almeria, Malta, Corfu S. M. S. "Vineta": Neuport News S. M. S. "Bremen": Rio de Janeiro, Ilha Grande, Barbados S. M. S. "Fatherland": Lake Poyang

Office du Reich à la Marine
Military policy reports - ships: vol. 3
BArch, RM 3/3017 · Dossier · 1905
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Falcon: Santos, Paranagua, San Francisco do Sul, Florianopolis, Rosario, Bahia Blanca, Puerto Begrano, Argentina, Coronel, Talcahuano, Punta Arenas, Valpareiso, Coquimbo, Taltal, Antofagasta, Tocopilla, Iquique, Arica, Panama, Puerzo Montt, Corral S. M.S. 'Hertha': German East Africa, Calcutta S.M.S. 'Bremen': Port of Spain, San Domingo, Port-au-Prince, Kingston, Pensacola, Tampa, Havana, Savannah S. M. S. "Hawk": Libreville, Cap Lopez, San Thomé, Cameroon, Sandwich Harbour, Loanda, Southwest Africa, Cape Town S. M. S. "Panther": San Domingo, Haiti S. M. S. "Stosch": Venice, Paraeus, Constantinople, Smyrna, Thessaloniki, Alexandria, Naples, Syracus, Messina, Ferrol Cruiser Squadron: China (Unrest), Effects of the Russian-Japanese War, Philippines S. M.S. 'Wolf': Cape Town, South West Africa, Mossamedes, Loanda, Cap Lopez S.M.S. 'Whey': Dominica, St, Thomas, Kingston, Key West, Santaigo de Cuba, Habana, Las Palmas, Port of Spain, Vigo, Dartmouth, Horta, Charleston, Bermuda S. M.S. 'Stein': Livorno, Gaeta, Messina, Beirut, Valencia, Barcelona, Algiers, Tangier, Palermo, Nieuwediep Cruiser Division: St. Petersburg, Spain Helena, Cape Town, Simonstown, Congo, St. Thome, Libreville, Kribi, Fernando Poo, Southwest Africa, Angola, Cameroon, Guinea Coast, Monrovia, Freetown S. M. S. "Condor": Marshall Islands, East Caroline S. M. S. "Loreley": Athens, Alexandria, Port Said, Jaffa, Haifa, Smyrna, Thessaloniki, Constantinople

Office du Reich à la Marine
Military policy reports - ships: vol. 4
BArch, RM 3/3018 · Dossier · 1905-1906
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. " Falcon": Peru, San Jose de Guatemala, San Salvator, Chile, San Diego, Mexico, San Francisco, Esquimalt, Vancouver, Alaska, Puget Sound, Portland, Astoria S. M. S. "Buzzard": Zansibar, Durban, Port Elisabeth, Cape Town, East London, Lourenzo-Marques, Mozambique Cruising Squadron: Effects of the Russian-Japanese War, China S.M.S. "Wolf": Cameroon, Fernando Poo, San Thomé, Freetown, Lisbon S.M.S. "Condor": New Guinea (riots), Japan, Sydney, Samoa (riots), Honolulu S. M. S. "Bremen": San Domingo, Haiti, St. Thomas, Dominica, St. Pierre, Puerto Rico, Kingston, La Guayra, Galveston S. M. S. "Loreley": Athos, Therapia, Piraeus, Constantinople (assassination attempt on the Sultan) S. M.S. 'Hawk': Gabon, Fernando Poo, Cameroon, Sanra Cruz, Loanda, Monrovia, Cape Town, Duala, South West Africa, Benguela, Lobito-Bai S.M.S. 'Panther': Guyana, Para, St Luiz de Maranham S. M.S. 'Stosch': Copenhagen, Tangier, Madeira, Las Palmas S.M.S. 'Charlotte': Färör, La Luz, Mogador, Vogo, Lisbon, Madeira, Kartagena, Barcelona, Corfu, Alexandria S.M.S. "Stone": Iceland, Vigo, Kartagena, Syracus, Taranto, Corfu, Venice, Fiume, Patras, San Nicolo, Volo, Alexandria (Riots) S.M.S. "Sparrowhawk": Tsingtau, Durban, Duala, Cape Town, Kribi, Sao Tomé, Congo, Loanda, Fernando Poo, Victoria, Bata (Riots) S.M.S. "Seagull": Mariana Islands, West Caroline Islands

Office du Reich à la Marine
Military policy reports - ships: vol. 7
BArch, RM 3/3021 · Dossier · 1907
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. 'Panther': Key West, Port Limon, Bluefields, Nassau, Inagua, Santiago de Cuba, Kingston; Havana, St. Thomas, Port-au-Prince, Vera Cruz, Coatzacoaleos, Colon (map of Panama Canal) Puerto Colombia S. M. S. 'Stosch': La Valetta, Barcelona, Naples, Palermo, Cadiz, Ferrol S. M.S. 'Loreley': Constantinople, Piraeus, Syria, Egypt, Rhodes, Smyrna, Therapia, Thessos, Thessos, Thessaloniki, Athos S.M.S. 'Stein': New Orleans, San Juan de Puertorico, Kingston, Havana, Bermuda, Horta, Nieuwendiep, Stockholm S.M.S. "Charlotte": Volo, Smyrna, Alexandria, Kartagena, Arosa Bay, Beirut, Messina, Naples, Rotterdam, Copenhagen, Gothenburg S. M. S. "Bremen": Puerto Cortez, Livingston, Galveston, Savannah, Pensacola, Tampa, Jacksonville, Kingston, Newport News, Hampton, Boston, Newport, St. Thomas S.M.S. "Planet": Amboina, New Guinea, Admiralty Islands, Simpson Port, Nusan Jap, Palau Islands S.M.S. "Condor": Palaus, West Caroline, Mariana Islands, Apia, Samoa, Ellice, Gilbert and Marshall Islands, Ponape, Nouméa, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland S. M. S. "Falcon": Chile, Brazil, Las Palmas, Lisbon, Montevideo, Dakar S. M. S. "Sparrowhawk": Lome. Monrovia, Freetown, Dakar, Bissao, Boloma, Sekondi, Cameroon, Port Bouét, Togo, Duala, Cape Town, Lobito Bay, South West Africa, Lüderitz Bay Squadron of Cruisers: Korea, South Journey (Yangtze Unrest) S. M. S. "Planet": Manila, Hong Kong S. M. S. Buzzard: Port Elisabeth, East London S. M. S. Borussia: Port Said S. M. S. Roon: Hampton

Office du Reich à la Marine
Military policy reports - ships: vol. 9
BArch, RM 3/3023 · Dossier · 1908
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Bremen": Martinique, St. Lucia, Curacao, Rio de Janeiro, Port of Spain, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, St. Thomas, Port-au-Prince (transfer of refugees) Newport-News, Kingston S. M. S. "Sparrow Hawk: Fernando Poo, Lagos, Lome, Kontonou, Cameroon, Conakry, Axim, St. Paulo, Lobito Bay, Benquella, Mossamedes, Duala, Forcados, Southwest Africa, Loanda, Lobito Bay, Benquella, Elelefant-Bay S.M.S. "Panther: Dakar, Sierra Leone, Monrovia, Port Bouét, Aura, Angola, Lobito-Bai, Mossamedes S. M. S. Freya: Messina, Malta, Algiers, Barcelona, Mahon, Ferrol, Arendal, Falmouth, Madeira, Corfu, Norway S. M. S. "Stone": Spezia, Guerta, Naples, Palermo, Algiers, Malaga, Vigo S.M.S. "Loreley": Athens, Tophane (information on the Russian-Japanese war), Constantinople, Therapia, Thasos, Saloniki 2 S.M.S. "Moltke": Havana, St. Thomas, Kingston, Ponta Delgada, Dartmouth S. M. S. "Charlotte": Vera Cruz, Kingston, Tenerife, Port of Spain, Barbados, Guadeloupe, Horta, Antwerp, Habana, Charleston, Bermuda S. M. S. "Planet": Bismarck Archipelago Cruise Wing: China, Manila S. M.S. "Condor": Honolulu, Japan, Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands, Palau, New Guinea, Brisbane, Sydney S.M.S. "Sea Eagle":Cape Town, Southwest Africa, Durban, Mozambique S.M.S. "Buzzard": Durban, Dozaoudzi, Port Natal S.M.S. "Victoria Luise": Madeira, Tenerife

Office du Reich à la Marine
BArch, RM 3/3026 · Dossier · 1909-1910
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Lübeck: Alexandrette, Beirut, Messina (troubled situation), Jaffa S. M. S. "Hansa: Norway, Bilbao, Vigo, Naples, Venice, Port Said, Latovia, Alexandrette, Alexandria S. M. S. "Cormoran": Messina, Syria, Aden, Colombo, Batavia, Amboina, New Guinea Cruise Squadron: South Seas, Northbound S. M. S. "Scharnhorst": Port Arthur, Seoul (Uprising) S. M. S. "Bremen": New York, St. Thomas, Mayaguez, Havana, Kingston, Newport, Port of Spain S. M. S. "Planet": Sydney, Nouméa S. "Planet": Sydney, Nouméa S. M.S. 'Panther': South West Africa, Cape Town (merging of provinces), Mossamedes, Loanda, Congo, Bata, Lagos, Lome, Forcados, Old Calabar, Victoria, Sao Tomé, Duala S. M.S. "Sea Eagle": Dar es Salaam, Mozambique, Durban, Cape Town S.M.S. "Loreley": Therapia (military uprising in Constantinople), Black Sea, Constantinople S.M.S. "Hertha": Norway, Ferrol, Madeira, Ponta Delgada, Domenica, Prince, Rupertbay, Newport, New York S.M.S. "Hertha": Norway, Ferrol, Madeira, Ponta Delgada, Domenica, Prince, Rupertbay, Newport, New York S.M.S. "Freya": Norway, Dartmouth, Madeira, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, San Sebastian, Tangier, Cagliari, Genoa, Tunis, Corfu S. M. S. "Sparrowhawk": Cape Town, South West Africa, St. Helena, Freetown, Liberia, Cameroon S. M. S. "Condor": Sydney, Suva, Samoa, Auckland, Brisbane (search for S. M. S. "Seestern"), Apia S. M. S. "Victoria Luise": Norway, New York, Newport S. M. S. "Dresden": Horta, Queenstown, Newport, New York S. M. S. "Buzzard": Dzaoudzi, Nossibé, Majunga, Durban, East London, Cape Town, Lourenzo Marques

Office du Reich à la Marine
BArch, RM 3/3039 · Dossier · 1913-1914
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S.M.S. "Hansa": Palma, Naples S.M.S. "Hertha": Halifax, Vera Cruz (political unrest), Havana, Port-au-Prince, St. Thomas, Jamaica, Trinidad, St. Lucia S.M.S. "Eber": Duala, Boma, Matadi, Loanda S.M.S. "Victoria Luise": Gibraltar S.M.S. "Panther": Southwest Africa, Duala (report of unrest in Cameroon) S.M.S. "Condor": Japan, Maron, Kaiser Wilhelm Land, Bismarck Archipelago, Solomon Islands, Rabaul, Käwieng, Suva, Samoa, Ponape S.M.S. "Goeben": Pola S.M.S. "Nuremberg": Honolulu, West Coast Mexico (political unrest) Cruiser squadrons: East Asia, Nanking (uprising in South China, plan of Nanking) S.M.S. "Otter": Upper Yangtse S.M.S "Bremen": Vera Cruz, Pampico, Tampico (political unrest, report on the situation in Mexico) S.M.S. "Tiger": Futschau S.M.S. "Fatherland": Nanking S.M.S. "Seagull": Zanzibar Mediterranean Division: Egypt, Corfu, Shutari, Venice, Trieste, Athens S.M.S. "Cormoran": Sydney, Rabaul, Käwieng, New Guinea (unrest) S.M.S. "Strasbourg": Freetown Detached Division: Las Palmas, Santa Cruz, Lome S.M.S. "Sea Eagle": German East Africa, Aden S.M.S. "Dresden": Madeira, St. Thomas. Vera Cruz

Office du Reich à la Marine
S. M. Cruiser "Falcon": Vol. 2
BArch, RM 3/3072 · Dossier · 1894-1897
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Travelogues about journeys from Apia to Sydney, in the protectorates of the Marshall Islands and the New Guinea Company, activity and training reports, etc.

Office du Reich à la Marine
S. M. Cruiser "Falcon": vol. 3
BArch, RM 3/3073 · Dossier · 1898-1902
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Travel reports on journeys to Sydney, Apia, New Guinea Conservation Area, Bismarck Archipelago, Samoa, Colombo, Malta, Port-Said, Gibraltar, Hamburg and from Kiel to the East African station Training reports Military policy reports on the situation in Samoa in March 1899 and on events in Carupano in June 1902

Office du Reich à la Marine
Travelogues by ship commanders: vol. 1
BArch, RM 3/10644 · Dossier · 1873-1875, Jan. 1878 - Nov. 1886
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Ships: "Elisabeth", "Prinz", "Adalbert", "Olga", "Ariadne", "Stein", "Gneisenau", "Cyclop", "Nautilus", "Iltis", "Stosch", "Möwe", "Sophie", "Wolf", "Adler", "Nixe", "Albatros", "Bismarck", "Elisabeth": Sydney, New Britain, New Ireland, New Guinea, Jokohama, 16. Oct. 1884 - 2 Jan. 1885 "Nautilus": Chemulpo, Shanghai, 9 - 21 July 1885 "Polecat": Chemulpo, Mokpo, July 1885 "Polecat": Mokpo, Shanghai, 15 - 20 July 1885 "Seagull": Somali coast, Manda-Bai, island Songa-songa, May 1886 "Bismarck": Jaluit, Ebon, Namourik, Madjuro, 29 May - 3 June 1886 Meteorological observations in St. Thomas, 1878-1883

Office du Reich à la Marine