Affichage de 35 résultats

Description archivistique
Affairs of the Kreuzergeschwader: Vol. 3
BArch, RM 3/3154 · Dossier · 1891-1894
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Leipzig", "Sophie", "Alexandrine", "Wolf Tätigkeits- und Reiseberichte Report on the situation of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a from May 1892 Dissolution of the Kreuzergeschwader in Apr. 1893

Office du Reich à la Marine
African coastal steamer: Vol. 1
BArch, RM 3/3149 · Dossier · 1889-1897
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Acquisition of government vehicles in Cameroon Activity reports of government vehicles Inspection reports of S.M. vehicle "Nightingale" vehicle

Office du Reich à la Marine
BArch, RM 3/3524 · Dossier · 1894-1897
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Equipment budget, compilation of orders, report on clothing and embarkation for the maritime soldier detachment sent to Cameroon by steamship "Admiral" Instructions, orders concerning the course of business Regulations for the office administration office Business distribution plans of Divisions VI and VII

Office du Reich à la Marine
Kiautschou - general average matters
BArch, RM 3/6856 · Dossier · 1908-1916
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Accident report about the destruction of cutters by storms in May 1912 Stranding of the steamer "Saxonia" in Feb. 1914 and of the steamer "Gernis" in Apr. 1914 in Kiautschou Bay.

Office du Reich à la Marine
BArch, RM 3/6721 · Dossier · 1907-1909
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Visit of a Reichstag delegation in Tsingtau Reports on trips to Tsinafu, Shanghai, Hong Kong Governor's trip to Japan and Manchuria Damage to the quay wall at the shipyard area by Japanese steamship "Tateyama-Maru" in March 1907

Office du Reich à la Marine
Kiautschou mined steamer: vol. 1
BArch, RM 3/6967 · Dossier · 1905-1906
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Procurement of steamers for the governorate of Kiautschou General technical conditions and building regulations for a minelayer and a tugboat

Office du Reich à la Marine
Kiautschou Port Facilities: Vol. 1
BArch, RM 3/6949 · Dossier · 1898-1899
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Project concerning the construction of a port in Kiautschou Bay Contract between the RMA and F.H. Schmidt in Altona concerning the supply, construction and equipping of a wooden house and building stalls in the port of Tsingtau Inventory of inventories transported on German steamers to Kiautschou Negotiation with C. Vering from Hanover concerning port construction in Kiautschou

Office du Reich à la Marine
Military policy reports - ships: vol. 11
BArch, RM 3/3025 · Dossier · 1909
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. 'Panther': Victoria, Libreville, Cape Lopez, Congo, Swakopmund, Walfischbay, Lüderitz Bay (diamond question) S. M. S. 'Hertha': Alexandria, Venice, Messina, Corfu, Cadiz,Ferrol, Algiers, Piraeus S. M. S. 'Freya': Port of Spain, Santiago de Cuba, Bermuda, Ponta Delgada, Pensacola S. M.S. 'Charlotte': Port of Spain, St Thomas, Vigo, Dartmouth S.M.S. 'Victoria Luise': Genoa, Corfu, Cadiz, Palermo, (bridge building for earthquake victims), Lisbon, Algiers S.M.S. "Bremen": Punta Arenas, Rio de Janeiro, Desterro, Santos, Port of Spain, La Guayra (overthrow in Caracas), Bahia, Pernambuco, Buenos Aires, New Orleans, Curacao, Colon (report on Panama Canal), Port Limon, Newport News, Havana, Baltimore, Puerto Barrios S. M.S. "Loreley": Tophane, Alexandria, Eastern Mediterranean S.M.S. "Sea Eagle": Zansibar, Mozambique, East London, Cape Town, Beira S.M.S. "Sperber": Togo, Cameroon, Lüderitz Bay, (diamond question), Duala, Worri, Forcados, Accra, Loanda S.M.S. "Nicole": Colombo S. M.S. "Buzzard": Inhambane, Lourenzo-Marques, Port Elisabeth, Cape Town, Durban Cruise Wing: Hogkong, Canton, Saigon S. M. S. "Condor": New Guinea, Caroline Islands, Sydney, Brisbane S. M. S. "Jaguar": Ponape, Caroline Islands S. M. S. "Stettin": Corfu, Malaga, Malta S. M. S. "Lübeck": Beirut (tense situation), Messina S. M. S. "Hamburg": Haifa, Jaffa

Office du Reich à la Marine
Military policy reports - ships: vol. 19
BArch, RM 3/3033 · Dossier · 1912
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Bremen": St. Thomas, Bermuda, Newport, St. John, Bahia, Cape Henry, Hampton Roads, New York, Washington S. M. S. "Panther": Cameroon, Lagos, Forcados, Freetown, Las Palmas, Oro-Mündung, Tenerife, Madeira, Monravia, Lome S. M. S. "Loreley": Constantinople (Turkish-Italian conflict), Galatia, Odessa, Nikolayev, Sevastopol, Novorossisk, Gagri, Batum, Sinope, Therapia, Thessaloniki, Athos, Thasos S. M. S. "Condor": Sydney, Suva, Brisbane (strike), Melbourne, Samoa S. M. S. "Scharnhorst": Nagasaki, Kobe, Yokohama S. M. S. "Eber": Cape Town, Lüderitz Bay, Swakopmund, Lobito, Loanda, Duala, Lome, Axin S. M. S. "Seeadler": Lourenco-Marques, Mozambique S. M. S. "G 175": Malta, Tunis, Southampton S. M. S. "Moltke/Stettin": Ponta Delgada, Cape Henry, Hamton Roads, New York, Washington S. M. S. "Hansa": Karlskrona, St. Petersburg S. M. S. "Tsingtau": Santong S. M. S. "Gdansk": Uddevalla S. M.S. "Vineta": Stockholm, Libau, Falmouth, Madeira S.M.S. "Polecat": Futschau, Swatau, Falmouth, Madeira S.M.S. "Lynx": Futschau S.M.S. "Hertha": Helsingfors (strike) S. M. S. "Vultures": Piraeus, Corfu, Port Said, Jaffa, Haifa, Trieste Cruise Wing: Report on the situation in China, Japan, Korea, North China S. M. S. "Planet": Kelung, Luzon, Cebu, Ternate

Office du Reich à la Marine
Mobilisation 1900: vol. 3
BArch, RM 3/4219 · Dossier · 1900-1901
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Equipment, costs, transport of coal supplies by steamer "Marie" to China Installation of steamer "Elsa" to transfer workers to Kiautschou

Office du Reich à la Marine
BArch, RM 3/3008 · Dossier · 1889-1894
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Report of the Governor of Cameroon on the state and training of local police forces from Sept. 1892 Report of mutiny of the police forces in Cameroon, request for a warship and people, preparation for shipment of ammunition and weapons there in Dec. 1893/Jan. 1894 Transparent contract between Reichsmarineamt Berlin and the Deutsche-Ost-Afrika-Linie Hamburg for the transport of people to Cameroon with the steamship "Admiral" on 8 Jan. 1894

Office du Reich à la Marine
S. M. Cruiser "Falcon": Vol. 2
BArch, RM 3/3072 · Dossier · 1894-1897
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Travelogues about journeys from Apia to Sydney, in the protectorates of the Marshall Islands and the New Guinea Company, activity and training reports, etc.

Office du Reich à la Marine
S. M. Cruiser "Falcon": vol. 3
BArch, RM 3/3073 · Dossier · 1898-1902
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Travel reports on journeys to Sydney, Apia, New Guinea Conservation Area, Bismarck Archipelago, Samoa, Colombo, Malta, Port-Said, Gibraltar, Hamburg and from Kiel to the East African station Training reports Military policy reports on the situation in Samoa in March 1899 and on events in Carupano in June 1902

Office du Reich à la Marine
S. M. Gunboat "Hyena": Vol. 3
BArch, RM 3/3103 · Dossier · 1897-1919
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Military political report on Cameroon from Apr. 1897 Ship movement lists from 1911 to 1914 Training and travel reports 1897 File note from March 1916 "Hyena" as surveying ship

Office du Reich à la Marine
S. M. Gunboat "Wolf": Vol. 2
BArch, RM 3/3067 · Dossier · 1898-1904
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Travel reports Angra Pequena, Walfischbay, St. Paul de Loanda, Banana, Gabon, Cameroon, Cape Town, Lüderitz Bay, Benguella, Swakopmund, Mossamedes, Duala, Bonny, San Thomé Military political reports from May 1899 to 1902 Travel plans from 1898 to 1905

Office du Reich à la Marine
S. M. Kreuzer "Hawk": Vol. 2
BArch, RM 3/3110 · Dossier · 1897-1900
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Travel and training reports Military policy report: Conditions in Cameroon Protocol on the annual inspection of the ship 1899

Office du Reich à la Marine
S. M. S. "Seagull": vol. 3
BArch, RM 3/3115 · Dossier · 1902-1906
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Travelogues Report about Bismarck-Archipelago and its future from Dec. 1902 Investigation of the hull 1904

Office du Reich à la Marine
S. M.S. "Seagull"
BArch, RM 3/3356 · Dossier · 1906-1918
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Plan for the testing of the surveying ship and final report of the testing from 12 to 26 March 1907 Travel reports Report on the "Seagull Department" on Lake Tanganyika in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a 1914 to 1916 as well as on the activities during the outbreak of war in D e u t s c h - O s t Asia 1914

Office du Reich à la Marine
S.M.S. "Panther": Bd. 5
BArch, RM 3/3294 · Dossier · 1912-1918
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Travel reports Reports, statements about a line baptism of July 1912 Salvage of the money stock from the wreck "Kamerun" by "Panther" in Jan. 1913

Office du Reich à la Marine
The Cruiser Wing: Vol. 12
BArch, RM 3/3163 · Dossier · 1909-1911
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Activity reports Distribution plans of the ships of the squadron Report on riots on Ponape of July 1910

Office du Reich à la Marine