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African Federation of the Sarepta Sisters
M 128 · Akt(e) · 1922-1944
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence between inspectors Ronicke u. Kittelvitz u. Sister Magdalena Hagena, mostly thank-you letters for donations, often expressed in the form of poems, 1922-1944; membership card of the Sarepta-Afrikabund, 1933; obituary for sister Magdalene Hagena, 1944; estate of sister Magdalena Hagena circulars to the members of the Afrikabund, partly printed with photos of the first baptized Tutsi, 1925-1941; letters of African Christians, u.a. by Hermann Kanafunzi, Jakobo Ngombe, Samuel Stepke, Sospater Boko, Johana Kikkule, Heilgehilfe Paulo, Elisabeth Nyaboro and many more with a photo by Sospater Boko, 1929-1938; letters from missionary sisters and missionaries from Africa, 1925-1937; letters from the Missionaries Gleiß, von der Heyden, Hosbach and Johanssen, 1924-1930

Dr. Karl Wohlrab (1903-1943)
M 239 · Akt(e) · 1927-1969
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, travelogues, letters of friends, 1927-1935; vows of deputation, instructions, 1929; letters by Nehemia Kivulenge and Tadeo Kwalasi, 1930; Ein Blick in die Nöte u. Joy of our teachers, 1931; How our indigenous evangelists proclaim to their pagan compatriots, 1931; Violin sounds in Usambara, 1931; Pastoral questions from young Christianity on the Bethel Mission Field, 1932; Usambara Church Synod in Mtae, September 1934; map sketch of the coastal areas with marked parishes and planting communities, 1937; "Faith and Homeland, first year, publisher Dr. Wohlrab, number 1-3, January-July 1937; The Synod of the Church on the Coast of Usambara, July 1937; A Trombone Crusade, 1938; Pastoral Journey to the German Communities in the Kenya Colony on the Coast of East Africa, April to May 1939; Africa Letters from Dr. K. Wohlrab, 1936-1939; Medical Testimonies of the Wohlrab Family, 1940; The Interrelationship between Christian Family and the Church, 1940. Church on the one hand, and tribal world on the other hand, 1941; Gedanken zur Kriegsweihnacht, by Dr. K. Wohlrab in the East, 1942; letter of condolence on the occasion of the soldier's death of K. Wohlrab and memorial speech by Pastor Ronicke, 1943; correspondence with Hanna Wohlrab, née Hennig, 1943-1969

Erich Leistner (1893-1975)
M 248 · Akt(e) · 1936-1975
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Curriculum vitae, health certificates, vows of secondment, 1936; farewell sermon by Erich Leistner in Leipzig, 1936; letters from teacher Hirsch in Mlalo, 1936; work reports, letters of friendship, correspondence, 1936-1939; contract between the Bethel-Mission u. of the Protestant Church in Tanga, 1936; "Volksmission im Lande des Night-Porter, by Erich Leistner, 1938; "Soldaten enliven eine Gemeinde von Erich Leistner, 1938; Agreement between the Bethel-Mission u. Kontraktor Kirschinger, 1938; Conference of Shepherds and Elders of Shambalei and Digolandes, 1938; Overview of school work in Usambara-Bergland, 1938; correspondence because of Leistner's leave of absence with the LKA Dresden, old-age pensions, etc. Kindergeld, 1936-1946; Correspondence with the Leistner family during internment, 1940-1947; Correspondence concerning entry into the Berlin Mission Society, 1947; Correspondence with the Leistner couple during their work in Cape Town: Protokolle, Berichte, Aufsätze, 1947-1975; Geburtsurkunden von Ehepaar Leistner, 1950; "Zu den Füßen des Tafelbergs von Erich Leistner, 1950; "Aus dem Leben der braunen Gemeinden in u. around Cape Town by Erich Leistner, 1953; conference report of the Protestant Academy at the Cape, 1955; curriculum vitae and speech at the funeral of Erich Leistner, 1975

Ernst Dammann (1904-2003)
M 245 · Akt(e) · 1929-1977
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Medical testimonies for the Dammann couple, 1932; curriculum vitae, instructions, vows of secondment, 1933; "First impressions from Tanga and Digo, 1933; Statistics of the German Protestant Church in Tanga, 1933; Programme of a field service in Tanga (Druck), 1934; "Die Mitarbeit der Bethel-Mission an der Suaheli-Literatur, 1934; Correspondenz, 1929-1937 u. 1949-1977; reproduction of a letter by Jakobo N. Lumwe and J. Ngombe, 1950; "Zur Wiedergabe biblischer & christlicher Personennamen in Suaheli, 1953; Bibliographie von Ernst Dammann (Druck), 1969

M 22 · Akt(e) · 1895-1900
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters from Sister Lina Dieckmann, 1895-1896; letters from deacon G. Liebusch. 1896-1900; Letters from deacon Wilhelm Bokermann and his wife Marie, née Lohoff, 1896-1900; Letters from deacon Friedrich Gerdes, 1897-1899; Letters from missionaries Cleve, Gleiß and Langheinrich, 1896-1898

Franz Gleiss (1868-1939)
M 218 Bd. 4 · Akt(e) · 1919-1925
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Chronicle of Bungu-Lutindi, 1920; Dr. Arthur's visit to Wuga, 1920; On the ordination of our 7 clergy in Wuga, 1920; How will missionary work in Usambara and Tanga-Digo, 8 p., 1921; Report on the life and death of Laura Gleiss, née Kniess, 1921; Lukas Sefu, 1923; Letters by Jakobo Ngombe and Hermann Kanafunzi, 1922, 1923

Fritz Langheinrich (1861-1943)
M 217 · Akt(e) · 1894-1957
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters to the Brothers in the Konvikt, 1894-1898; Letters and. Reports from Africa, partly as Güterwart, 1909-1914; Report on the collapse of the chapel tower in Bungu, 1913; Report on the production of the Schambala dictionary, 1921; Correspondence with Fritz Langheinrich in Germany, 1914-1941; Obituary of Fritz Langheinrich, 1943; Correspondence with Emilie Langheinrich, 1943-1957; Obituary of Emilie Langheinrich, 1957; "Wie ich Missionar wurde, Lebenserinnerungen von Fritz Langheinrich, handwritten manuscript with typewritten copy, about 1921[s.a. M 205].

Georg Cleve (1866-1914)
M 223 · Akt(e) · 1896-1910
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Diary entries, 1896-1898; Personal letters, mainly to P. Bodelschwingh, 1896-1899; Curriculum vitae, transcripts of certificates, contract of service, 1896; postcard of buildings of the EMDOA in East Africa, 1899; "German or Latin writing in the German colonies? Article by Cleve, 1900; "Die Auffassung der Neger Deutsch-Ostafrikas von den Krank-heitsztänden von Cleve, Sonderdruck aus der Deutschen Kolonialzeitung, 1899; Übersicht über die literarischen Arbeiten u. praktischen Fähigkeiten Cleves, 1902; Termination of the employment contract with EMDOA, 1902

Gustav Neumann (1882-1955), master carpenter
M 437 · Akt(e) · 1913-1970
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Health certificate, 1913; Correspondence (also during prisoner of war), 1913-1924; Engagement announcement with photograph of the bride and groom, 1913; vow of secondment and instructions, 1913; Photo Gustav Neumann as French prisoner of war, 1918; Correspondence and work report(s) during his work in the "´schen Landonzession Manytsch im Kaukasus, 1925-1927; Various testimonies and instructions, 1913. Papers of the children of the Neumann family, 1914-1940; Letters and reports from Kamachumu and the internment, 1928-1948; "Der Bau- u. Tischlereibetrieb in Kamachumu, 1938; "Unter den Mädchen von Helene Neumann, 1938; Ärztliche Berichte, 1948 u. 1954; Correspondenz mit Ehepaar Neumann in der Heimat, 1948-1955; Correspondenz mit Frau Neumann, 1955-1970

Gustav Schelp (1904-1950), master carpenter
M 439 · Akt(e) · 1927-1968
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Health Certificate, 1927; Vow of Deputation and Instruction, 1928; Correspondence (also with Luise Seidel, his bride), 1928-1930; Briefe u. Reports from Bumbuli, 1928-1939; Photos from the carpentry workshop in Bumbuli, 1930; Medical certificates for the Schelp family, 1940-1942; Obituary for Gustav Schelp, 1950; Correspondence with the Schelp couple, 1940-1950; Correspondence with Mrs Schelp, 1950-1968

Gustav Schuttkus (1895-?)
M 242 · Akt(e) · 1929-1953
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence for admission to the Bethel Theological School, 1929-1930; curriculum vitae, vows of secondment and instructions, 1931; correspondence and circulars from Africa, 1931-1932; testimony for Gustav Schuttkus, u. Correspondence for professional future, 1932; testimony for Hertha Haarmann, married Schuttkus; correspondence with sister Hertha Haarmann, 1929-1934; letters and photos from Nova Breslau in South America, 1934-1953

Herbert Moebius (1906-1974)
M 309 · Akt(e) · 1933-1965
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, 1933-1965; Instruction and personnel questionnaire, 1936; Medical report for Käte Hamann, teacher in Lwandai, 1937; Report on "Medical Missionary Council in Dar-es-Salaam, July 1938; Annual reports of the Mission Hospital in Bumbuli, 1938-1939; "Die Aussätzigen in der Bethel-Mission, 1939; Letters from the internment camps Andalusia and Salisbury, 1940-1947

Hermann Becker (1865-1929)
M 213 · Akt(e) · 1892-1899
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters and reports, excerpts from the diary, 1892-1899; private letters, 1892-1895; "Something about the magicians of the Wasuahili, 1892; Report on the baptism of Nathaniel and Benjamin (Hamis and Mroafaris), 1893; "My journey from Tanga to Hohenfriedeberg, 1893; "Baptism of Daudi, 1894

Hermann Fischbeck (1901-1981)
M 331 · Akt(e) · 1930-1989
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, 1930-1971; Tropenzeugnis, 1930; Lebenslauf u. Abordnungsgewöbte, 1931; Berichte über Leben u. Tätigkeit in Kigarama, 1932-1939; "Eine Europäer-Hochzeit (Hege) in Afrika, 1932; "Ein Prignitzer als Missionslehrer in Afrika, newspaper report by Hermann Fischbeck, 1932; "Theaterspielen in Afrika, 1933; "Elterntag in Kigarama, 1933; "In Kigarama ist was los, 1934; "Von Kinder u. other people in Bugabo, 1935; "On the Education of Haya Boys, 1936; "The Religion of our Fathers - School Essay by Mika Ishemo, 1936; "Auf Schulwarts Reisen, 1938; "The Fate of Women under the Spell of Elisabeth Fischbeck, 1938; "How our country is - school essays by African children about the country of Buhaya with German transmission, 1938; letters from internment, 1940-1947; correspondence with Hermann Fischbeck during his work as a teacher in Stendal, also engagement and engagement book. Marriage announcement by daughter Marlies (with photos, 1951 and 1953), 1947-1967; correspondence with retired Hermann Fischbeck in Pinneberg, 1967-1971; reports from a trip to Bukoba, 1968; death announcement for Hermann Fischbeck, 1981; condolences on the death of Elisabeth Fischbeck, 1989

Johann Jacob Greiner (1842-1905)
M 208 · Akt(e) · 1887-1907
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

"Afrikanischer Sklavenhandel, Supplement to No. 227 of the Allgemeine Schweizer Zeitung of 25.09.1886, (Report on Greiner's 12-year activity in Abyssinia and Gallaland), 1886; employment negotiations, travel preparations, and Service contract, 1887; travelogues and first experiences in Zanzibar, 1887-1888; letters and reports from Zanzibar and Dar-es-Salaam, 1889; contract with Ismael Wahora for the expansion of the station in Dar-es-Salaam, 1889; letters and reports from Zanzibar and Dar-es-Salaam, 1889. Reports from Zanzibar and Dar-es-Salaam, 1890; CVs of African school children, 1890; correspondence during their stay at home, 1891; letters and reports from Zanzibar and Dar-es-Salaam, 1892; letters and reports (general), 1894-1905; Greiner's extensive life and illness history, 1899; correspondence with Mrs Greiner, 1906; design of Greiner's tomb in Kisserawe, 1907

M 175 · Akt(e) · 1890-1896
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters from Becker; Bokermann; Diekmann, Lina; Gerdes; Greiner; Göttmann; Hoener; Hosbach; Johanssen; Kraemer; Klein, G.; Peters; Seemann; Schütte, Friederike; Winkelmann; Worms; von Wichmann, Amalie; Roggenkamp, Johanna, 1890-1896; Letters from Johannes Holst to father Bodelschwingh from Dar-es-Salaam, 1893-1896; reports and letters to father Bodelschwingh, 1893-1896 Accounts of Holst about the hospital, 1891-1894; report about an excursion to Mji Mwema in the surroundings of Dar-es-Salaam, 14 p., ms, 1894

Lutindi Station
M 560 · Akt(e) · 1896-1904
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Reports and letters by Maaß, Johanssen, Hosbach and Bokermann, 1896-1904; correspondence with the Africa Association; photo by the Bokermann family, 1903; "News from the East African Mission, 1903, No 9

Lwandai Station
M 561 · Akt(e) · 1894-1913
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters and reports from Dar-es-Salaam and Kisserawe von Cleve u. Holst, 1894-1898; Letters and reports from Lwandai von Langheinrich, Wohlrab, Warth u. Rorarius, 1904-1913; "Entwurf zur Anbahnung einer festen Ordnung für unsere Elementarschulen von P. Wohlrab, 1906

Margarethe Dorendorf (1901-1985)
M 328 · Akt(e) · 1929-1964
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Curriculum Vitae, 1929; Correspondence, 1929-1964; Instructions and vows of secondment, 1930; Letters and. Reports from the German School in Lwandai, 1930-1939; "From the work of a bush teacher, 1937; "Christenfrauen in Usambara, 1938; Kinderbriefe aus der Schule in Lwandai, 1939; Reports from the camp Salisbury (Southern Rhodesia), 1941-1947; Contract with the Bibelhaus "Malche wegen Übernahme in den dortige Schwesternschaft, 1942; Testimony for Margret Dorendorf, 1947; Ärztlicher Bericht, 1955; Versorgungsfragen, 1955 u. 1961

M 739 · Akt(e) · 1919-1958
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters, circulars, reports from Bukoba and Kijunja by Maria Fröhlich, 1929-1935; circulars by W. Hosbach, Brothers and Sisters number 1-7 by H. Scholten, 1934; letter by Christiane Blasyo Kashasha, 1934; letter by Josua Hermas, 1934; letters and cards by Martha and Wilhelm Hosbach, 1949-1958

Marie Melzer (1901-1987)
M 327 · Akt(e) · 1927-1970
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Curriculum vitae, 1927; instructions and Vow of Deputation, 1929; Correspondence with Marie Melzer (also during internment), 1929-1945; Berichte von Ferientage in den Usambarabergen, 1930; Ein Wedding Nachmittag in Mlalo (Report), 1930; Mein erstes Weihnachten in Afrika (Report), 1930; Wie man Weddings im Herzen Afrikas feiert (Report), 1930; Heuschrecken im Bukobaland (Report), 1931; Aufzeichnungen über die Haya-Götter (Report), 1936; Aus der weiblichen Erziehungsarbeit in Buhaya (Report), 1938; Testimony to Marie Melzer, 1932; Ärztlicher Befunde (Report), 1934; Contract with the Bible House "Malche wegen der Übernahme von Marie Melzer in den Schwesternverband, 1942; Briefe u. Reports from Cape Town (South Africa), among others, in the service of the Brotherhood, 1946-1970; Medical findings, 1954, 1961 and 1970

Nathanael Rösler (1869-1949)
M 227 · Akt(e) · 1898-1955
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters and correspondence, 1898-1909; Personal correspondence by Dr. Philipps and a letter by Pastor von Bodelschwingh, 1911, and a newspaper clipping, 1912; family letters, 1914-1919; testimony for Pastor Rösler, 1921; letters from African Christians to Rösler "New Letters from Usambara, 1922

Oswald Joppe (1889-1966), printer
M 436 · Akt(e) · 1911-1959
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Official Instruction, 1912; Correspondence (also from prisoner of war in Egypt), 1911-1919; Health Certificate, 1923; Letters and Reports from Rosario in Argentina, 1924-1925; "Call for cooperation in the states of South America by Johann Ick as print, about 1922; Plans of the printing works in Rosario, 1924; Letters and reports from Rosario, 1924; Letters and reports from Rosario in Argentina, 1924, 1911-1925. Reports from Vuga in East Africa, 1926-1940; "Ufalme Wa Mungu(In English: The Kingdom of God) Number 17, two copies printed in July 1928; "Die Missionsdruckerei in Vuga (Druck), 1931; Medical testimonies of the Joppe family, 1938 and 1942; Correspondence, 1940-1959
