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Archival description

Correspondence of Rorarius, Accounts, etc., 1937-1938; A Few Pen-pictures from the Work of the Bethel-Missionary Society; Mother's Love in the Heart of Africa, 4 p., print, 1938; "The Usambara Association (the Settler) - A Memorandum on the Objectives and Objects of this Association, June 1938

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Correspondence from Rorarius, accounts, etc.; "Christmas Greetings from Bethel, 4 p., printed, December 1935; flyer "We have promised our help from Friedrich von Bodelschwingh with an essay "Das rufende Land (Usambara) von Rorarius, September 1935

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Correspondence from Rorarius, 1929-1934; Correspondence concerning the return of mission property, 1930; Draft of a Land Order of the Bethel Mission, 1931; So-called "Landsache, July 1934; Draft of an Order for the Usambara Church Treasury, 1934

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Copy of the contract of the Bethel mission with the Belgian Society for Protestant Mission in Congo concerning the mission stations in Rwanda, 1921; translation of letters by Kirinda-Christians, 1925; interpellation to the Friends of the Mission in Rwanda by Miss. Ernst von der Heyden, 16 p., ms., 1931; "My impressions of the missionary work in Rwanda by Insp. Curt Ronicke, 17 p., ms., 1931; reports to the Belgian Society for Protestant Mission in Congo, 1930-1938; "Relations of the Bethel Mission to Rwanda, 26 p., ms., N. N., 1933; "Life story of the Tutsi with the name Mpfizi recorded in Lupembe 1934, 1972 as copy

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Station Bukoba

Correspondence and Reports, 1910-1917; Report on the current situation and the most important problems of the Rwanda mission by Missionary Roehl, 27 p., ms., 1913; Conference Protocols, 1928-1938; "Church Mission Society and Bethel Mission in Bukoba von Johanssen, 23 p., ms..., 1929; Discussion with Oldham about division of territory, 1930-1931; Minutes of a meeting of the mission societies working in East Africa on 04.07.1932 in Dresden, 1932; The Jubilee Year of our mission society of H. Scholten, 39 p., ms. 1936; "Gedanken zur Begründung einer Eingeborenenkirche Buhaja von H. Scholten, 19 p., ms., 1938; Gemeindeordnung Buhaja, n.J.; Ordnung der Gemeinde- u. Kirchenvertreter-Versammlung in Buhaja, n.J.; Kirchenzuchtordnung, n.J.; Kartenskizzen, n.J.

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Station Neu-Bethel

Report by Fr Cleve from Dar-es-Salaam, 1896; Diary of Neu-Bethel, 1896-1899; Diary Hoffnungshöhe von Liebau of September 1896; Report on a journey to Pare, by K. Roehl, 1897; "Inauguration of the Church in Neu-Bethel on November 26 by G. Ruccius, 1902; "Visit to Neu-Bethel, by W. Trittelvitz, 1905; Diary of Neu-Bethel, by N. Rösler of January 1913

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Statistical material on church, school and medical work in Bukoba, 1926-1938; statistical material on church, school and medical work in Digoland and Usambara, 1932-1939; statistical material on the work of the Bethel Mission, 1949-1970

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Usambara Prescripts

Correspondence on school issues, health care, reconstruction of Lwandai, printing works in Wuga etc., 1925-1927; monthly accounts, 1926; budget estimates, 1927-1928; conference protocol Mlalo, January 1927; oldest meeting of January 1927; status report on mission work(s) in Usambara by E. Johanssen, 1925; reports on the Bethel mission in "Dresdner Anzeiger, October 1927

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa