Showing 33 results

Archival description

Correspondence from Rorarius, 1929-1934; Correspondence concerning the return of mission property, 1930; Draft of a Land Order of the Bethel Mission, 1931; So-called "Landsache, July 1934; Draft of an Order for the Usambara Church Treasury, 1934

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
conference transcripts

Minutes of the missionary conference in Wuga, September 1904; Minutes of the missionary conference in Mlalo, January 1905; Minutes of the missionary conference in Hohenfriedeberg, April 1905 with visitation report by W. Trittelvitz, April 1905; Minutes of the missionary conference in Wuga, August 1905; Minutes of the missionary conference in Hohenfriedeberg, August 1906; Minutes of the missionary conference in Hohenfriedeberg, April 1907; Minutes and. Resolutions of the Protestant Mission Conference in Marangu in German and English, September 1928; conference documents, October 1929; minutes of the Conference of German Protestant Missions in Dar-es-Salaam, January 1934

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Dsinga Station in Rwanda

Reports, correspondence and letters of friends; "The first days of the station Dsinga from July 1907 by Missionary Mörchen, 1910; list of Dsinga friends in Germany; "The medical activity practiced on Dsinga, 1914; "Ruben Kabesi, 1914

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Korrespondenz, 1935-1940; Minutes of the conferences, also of the meetings of the Home Council, 1936-1940; Memorandum on the mission situation in East Africa, by Heinz Scholten, 19 p., ms.., 1936; Protocols of the General German Evangelical Lutheran Missionary Conference including the Augustana Synod in Dar-es-Salaam, 1936; "Sondershausen Declaration on the Communion as a Copy, 1937; Statute of the Federation of Missionary Churches (MKB) on a Lutheran basis for East Africa, 1938 (see also M 770!)

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Agreements and treaties concerning coexistence with the Wesleyan Methodist Church of South Africa, 1930; Remarks by Johanssen on these documents, 1930; Arbitration award concerning compensation to Wesleyander, 1927; Memorandum "The Invasion of the Bishop of Tanganyika into the Missionary Territory of Bukoba, by W. Trittelvitz, 1929; Schlunk an Trittelvitz, 1929; Richtlinien für Missionskaufleute, n.J. ; Bericht über die Verhandlungen mit den Wesleyanern, 1927; Report on a conversation with Oldham in Berlin, 1931; Bertha Johanssen "Über den Ursprung Wamaras, 1934; Chairman to Bukoba-Christen (draft), 1929; personn "Unsere bisherige Baufpraxis - Art u. Berechtigung derselben, 1934; P. Scholten "Thoughts and Observations on the German Missionary Conference in Dar-es-Salaam, 1934; Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting of the Missionary Council for Tanganyika, Dar-es-Salaam (with draft statutes), Berlin-Mission, 1934; Final Statutes, 1934; Minutes of the Lutheran Missionary Conferences, including Augustana Synods, 1934 u. 1936; Instruction(s) for the director(s) of the Girls' School in Kidjunja, 1936; Sundry von Lukiko, 1935-1936; Sundry von Klein-Lukiko, 1937; Gemeindeordnung, 1938; Kirchenordnung u. Kirchenzuchtordnung, 1939; Advisory Points of the Missionary Conference for the First Synod in Bukoba, 1938; Memorandum on the Missionary Situation in East Africa, by Fr. Scholten, 19 S, ms. (several times present), 1936; Map with outstations of Bukoba, 1938

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Letters to teacher Küchler from Lutindi, especially from Katakula 1899-1902, Mjomba, 1901-1902, Samuel Stepke, 1901-1902; Letters to Missionary Rösler especially from:; Lazalo Shauli, also diaries and other articles Hosbach's statements on Shaulis death, 1905-1923; Silas, 1905; Tito Hiza, n.d. ; Mfuzi Solomo, 1915; Mfuzi Daudi, 1916; Jeremias Kika, 1915; Job Kunyonga, 1914; Luka Sefu, 1914 u. 1918; Johana Mtungasi, 1913; Ruben Mutangi, 1914 and 1916; Enea Mutunguja, 1914 and 1917; notes by Jakobo Ngombe on experiences during and after the war, 1914-1923; letters by Jakobo Ngombe to Hosbach and Gleiss, 1925-1927; letters to Missionary Gleiss and student essays, 1921

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Lutindi Station

Reports and letters by Maaß, Johanssen, Hosbach and Bokermann, 1896-1904; correspondence with the Africa Association; photo by the Bokermann family, 1903; "News from the East African Mission, 1903, No 9

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Copy of the contract of the Bethel mission with the Belgian Society for Protestant Mission in Congo concerning the mission stations in Rwanda, 1921; translation of letters by Kirinda-Christians, 1925; interpellation to the Friends of the Mission in Rwanda by Miss. Ernst von der Heyden, 16 p., ms., 1931; "My impressions of the missionary work in Rwanda by Insp. Curt Ronicke, 17 p., ms., 1931; reports to the Belgian Society for Protestant Mission in Congo, 1930-1938; "Relations of the Bethel Mission to Rwanda, 26 p., ms., N. N., 1933; "Life story of the Tutsi with the name Mpfizi recorded in Lupembe 1934, 1972 as copy

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Station Bukoba

Correspondence and Reports, 1910-1917; Report on the current situation and the most important problems of the Rwanda mission by Missionary Roehl, 27 p., ms., 1913; Conference Protocols, 1928-1938; "Church Mission Society and Bethel Mission in Bukoba von Johanssen, 23 p., ms..., 1929; Discussion with Oldham about division of territory, 1930-1931; Minutes of a meeting of the mission societies working in East Africa on 04.07.1932 in Dresden, 1932; The Jubilee Year of our mission society of H. Scholten, 39 p., ms. 1936; "Gedanken zur Begründung einer Eingeborenenkirche Buhaja von H. Scholten, 19 p., ms., 1938; Gemeindeordnung Buhaja, n.J.; Ordnung der Gemeinde- u. Kirchenvertreter-Versammlung in Buhaja, n.J.; Kirchenzuchtordnung, n.J.; Kartenskizzen, n.J.

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Station Hohenfriedeberg

Letters and reports (originals and copies) by Langheinrich, Döring, Holst, Johanssen and Wohlrab; design of an altarpiece for Hohenfriedeberg on a scale of 1 : 10, about 1900; map sketches of the Hohenfriedeberg mission district, 1909

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Station Thong

Letters, reports, accounts, 1911-1914; land register entry for the property at Panganiweg in Tanga, January 1911; monthly reports from Wound near Gombero and a report about a consecration of a church in Wound (only as fragment!), 1911; Chronicle of Magodi (Nngweneni), 1911-1912; thank-you letters from Yakobo Ngombe u. Hermann Kanafunzi as translations, 1912; Map sketch of the area in the south of Tanga, 1913; "How we found a house for the girls' school in the native quarter of Tanga by S. Delius, April 1913; individual documents from the years 1917, 1922 and 1929, including a report by Wohlrab on Tanga (Usambara), 1929; "Ein Kampf um Tanga - Bericht über den Tod von Missionar Günther (Druck), 1915

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Station Thong

Letters, reports, invoices, 1901-1910; So-called "Burensache, i. e. the employment of two Boers from Transvaal, father and son of Folker, who could not return to their homeland, 1902-1903; "Baptism of the first fruits of Gombero, December 1906; Plan of the Mission House in Gombero (Digo), 1907; Call to Organize a German Protestant Church in Tanga u. in the hinterland, printed flyer, 1909; A copy of the "Usambara-Post with an essay by Delius about "Die deutsche evangelische Kirchengemeinde von Tanga u. Hinterland vom September 1909

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Statistical material on church, school and medical work in Bukoba, 1926-1938; statistical material on church, school and medical work in Digoland and Usambara, 1932-1939; statistical material on the work of the Bethel Mission, 1949-1970

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Usambara Prescripts

Correspondence with the Missionary Brothers and Sisters and the Home Administration, 1914-1915; Correspondence with various local persons and imperial authorities because of the war events, 1914; War Reports by D. Delius, 30.10.1914-20.12.1914; Order for the field service in Moshi, Christmas 1914; collection of special sheets of the "Usambara Post on Austria's declaration of war in Serbia and the war situation in Germany and East Africa, August 1914; Official announcement of the district official Köstlin in Wilhelmstal, 1914; "The Battle of Tanga, report by S. Delius, November 1914

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Usambara Prescripts

Correspondence with the mission brothers and sisters and other German families living in East Africa, as well as with the official German, later British administrative offices, 1915-1916; Personal letter of thanks from the commander of the Schutztruppen von Lettow to the Mission zur Herstellung eines Feldliederbücher, 1915; "Christ der Retter ist da! by Gustav von Bodelschwingh, voluntary nurse in Feldlazarett Rwanda, 9 p.., St., Christmas 1915; Martial Law Provisions of the English General Smuts, March/April 1916; Correspondence with the English Political Officer, 1916; Orders of the English War Law for Westusambara, November 1916; Newspaper clippings from English newspapers on the events of the war, 1915-1916

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Usambara Prescripts

Correspondence on school issues, health care, reconstruction of Lwandai, printing works in Wuga etc., 1925-1927; monthly accounts, 1926; budget estimates, 1927-1928; conference protocol Mlalo, January 1927; oldest meeting of January 1927; status report on mission work(s) in Usambara by E. Johanssen, 1925; reports on the Bethel mission in "Dresdner Anzeiger, October 1927

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
war reports

Reports on the war in East Africa by Pastor Siegfried Delius, 1914-1917; reports on the battle at Jassini, sinking of the "Königs-berg, Battle of Tanga, etc. by Weiss, Nickel, Gregorius and Warth

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
We use

Minutes of the conferences of the Usaramo missionaries, 1892, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898; baptismal form according to the Common Prayerbook, about 1900; map sketch of Usaramo northern half), 1 : 450,000, by W. Göttmann, about 1900; Report on an inspection trip by Missionary Liebau to Lungwi about Maneromango, 1900; "Die Zukunft von Usaramo, 5 p.., ms. 1902; Protocols and correspondence concerning the handover of Usaramo to Berlin I, 1901-1903

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa