Affichage de 34 résultats

Description archivistique
conference transcripts
M 649 · Dossier · 1904-1934
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Minutes of the missionary conference in Wuga, September 1904; Minutes of the missionary conference in Mlalo, January 1905; Minutes of the missionary conference in Hohenfriedeberg, April 1905 with visitation report by W. Trittelvitz, April 1905; Minutes of the missionary conference in Wuga, August 1905; Minutes of the missionary conference in Hohenfriedeberg, August 1906; Minutes of the missionary conference in Hohenfriedeberg, April 1907; Minutes and. Resolutions of the Protestant Mission Conference in Marangu in German and English, September 1928; conference documents, October 1929; minutes of the Conference of German Protestant Missions in Dar-es-Salaam, January 1934

Bethel Mission
M 118 · Dossier · 1889-1890
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Information about German hospital in Zanzibar and on the mainland; correspondence with Wichern and Baron von Nettelbladt; reports from Nettelbladts to EMDOA about hospitals in Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam, Bagamojo; correspondence with the Foreign Office and field ministers for caretakers

Bethel Mission
M 222 · Dossier · 1895-1951
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Curriculum vitae, transcripts of testimonies, contract of service, 1896; letter of the local Christian Ibrahim Kerefu, 1900; confidential correspondence about Roehl's marriage affairs, 1903-1911; description of the rapes of the Evangelical Mission Societies for German East Africa by our enemies, list of damages for the years 1914-1916, died in addition. by Karl Roehl, 1920; "Eine Deutsche Evangelische Tat für Ostafrika, Werbedruck-schrift für das Suaheli-Neue Testament Roehls, 1930; Vertrag der Leipziger-, Berliner-, u. Bethel-Mission mit Karl Roehl wegen literarischem Sonderauftrag in Tansania, 1930; Johannes Raum "Um das Roehl´sche New Testament, Referat, 1931; Report on discussion with Mr. Tyndale-Biscoe, Director of Education in Dar-es-Salaam, 1932; Protocol of the Fourth General Lutheran Missionary Conference in Dar-es-Salaam, June 1933; Memorandum concerning the "Reichskirche u. Mission by Karl Roehl, November 1933; Report to the Church Foreign Office "On my work in Dar-es-Salaam, 1934; Memorandum on the printing of Karl Roehl's Swahili Bible, 1935; Introduction to Karl Roehl's Swahili Bible, 1937; Four issues of "Mapenzi ya Mungu, April to June 1937; Illustrations for the Swahili Bible, 1937; "Unser Prophet ist heilig u. a saint, translated by Karl Roehl from "Mapenzi ya Mungu, 1938; "The Story of Businsa from "Ufalme wa Mungu (In English: God's Kingdom) No.4, 1939; "Report on my 70th birthday of Karl Roehl, July 1940; obituary of Emmy Roehl, 1948; obituary of Karl Roehl, 1951

Bethel Mission
M 650 · Dossier · 1935-1940
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Korrespondenz, 1935-1940; Minutes of the conferences, also of the meetings of the Home Council, 1936-1940; Memorandum on the mission situation in East Africa, by Heinz Scholten, 19 p., ms.., 1936; Protocols of the General German Evangelical Lutheran Missionary Conference including the Augustana Synod in Dar-es-Salaam, 1936; "Sondershausen Declaration on the Communion as a Copy, 1937; Statute of the Federation of Missionary Churches (MKB) on a Lutheran basis for East Africa, 1938 (see also M 770!)

Bethel Mission
Heinrich Scholten (1897-1987), Praeses
M 238 Bd. 6 · Dossier · 1937
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, siblings' newsletters and reports; minutes of the working committee (small Lukiko); thoughts about sermon service and worship regulations; general guidelines of the home administration concerning the Bukoba finances; situation of the girls' school in Kijunya; names and term of office of the native pastors; minutes of the Tanganyika Missionary Council, Standing Committee, Dar-es-Salaam

Bethel Mission
Heinrich Waltenberg (1902-1995)
M 241 · Dossier · 1929-1977
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Medical questionnaires for Heinrich Waltenberg and Hildegard Bokermann (his bride), 1929; vows of the Evangelischer Afrikaverein for Heinrich Waltenberg, 1930; correspondence, reports and stories, also by Hildegard Waltenberg, 1930-1946; "Meine Ferienreise durch Usambara im Jahre 1947, 26 S., ms.; Accounting

Bethel Mission
Herbert Moebius (1906-1974)
M 309 · Dossier · 1933-1965
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, 1933-1965; Instruction and personnel questionnaire, 1936; Medical report for Käte Hamann, teacher in Lwandai, 1937; Report on "Medical Missionary Council in Dar-es-Salaam, July 1938; Annual reports of the Mission Hospital in Bumbuli, 1938-1939; "Die Aussätzigen in der Bethel-Mission, 1939; Letters from the internment camps Andalusia and Salisbury, 1940-1947

Bethel Mission
Hermann Personn (1889-1960)
M 237 Bd. 2 · Dossier · 1934-1935
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Reports, correspondence, circulars, 1934-1935; In the Kiwingu steppe - a forgotten task?, 11 p., ms., 1934; Report on the meeting of the German Lutheran Mission Conference including the Augustan Synod in Dar-es-Salaam, January 1934; Transformation of the Centra-School in the new Ordinance, May 1934; Call of the provisional leadership of the German Protestant Church (Druck), signed by D. Marahrens, D. Koch, Breit, OKR Humburg, November 1934; Vom Reden des lebendigen Gottes unter unserem Volke, Bericht aus der Arbeit der Lehrerkurse in Lwandai, 1935; Gedanken zu eine gemeinsamen Predigererschule für alle in Tan-ganyika arbeitenden evangelisch-lutherischen Missionen, 1935; "Gerufen, Bericht über die Ältesten-Tagung der Usambarakirche in Mschihwi, July 1935; "Conference on Christian Co-Operation, Nairobi (Kenya), 30 p. Printed, July 1935

Bethel Mission
Hermann Personn (1889-1960)
M 237 Bd. 1 · Dossier · 1912-1933
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, travel diaries, reports, etc., 1912-1933; engagement announcement with Mariechen Strecker, 1918; vows of secondment and instructions, 1925; Our Central School in Lwandai, Rück- u. Ausblick, 1928; sketched plans of the Central School; Letter of Solomon Shangali, Ngwelo, 1929; inspection report of the English authorities at the School of Lwandai u. a timetable, 1930-1931 and 1933; Correspondence of the Lutheran Missions from the Tanganyika Territory in Dar-es-Salaam, 1930; The Becoming of the Churches on the Mission Field, 7 p.., ms, 1932; Report on the meeting with the "Führer des "Deutscher Bund concerning questions of the German school system in our mandate area, Tanga, August 1933; biography of the community elder Yeremia Kuasagha and his mother, Mamdowe in Mbalamo, 1933

Bethel Mission
M 545 · Dossier · 1927-1939
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Agreements and treaties concerning coexistence with the Wesleyan Methodist Church of South Africa, 1930; Remarks by Johanssen on these documents, 1930; Arbitration award concerning compensation to Wesleyander, 1927; Memorandum "The Invasion of the Bishop of Tanganyika into the Missionary Territory of Bukoba, by W. Trittelvitz, 1929; Schlunk an Trittelvitz, 1929; Richtlinien für Missionskaufleute, n.J. ; Bericht über die Verhandlungen mit den Wesleyanern, 1927; Report on a conversation with Oldham in Berlin, 1931; Bertha Johanssen "Über den Ursprung Wamaras, 1934; Chairman to Bukoba-Christen (draft), 1929; personn "Unsere bisherige Baufpraxis - Art u. Berechtigung derselben, 1934; P. Scholten "Thoughts and Observations on the German Missionary Conference in Dar-es-Salaam, 1934; Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting of the Missionary Council for Tanganyika, Dar-es-Salaam (with draft statutes), Berlin-Mission, 1934; Final Statutes, 1934; Minutes of the Lutheran Missionary Conferences, including Augustana Synods, 1934 u. 1936; Instruction(s) for the director(s) of the Girls' School in Kidjunja, 1936; Sundry von Lukiko, 1935-1936; Sundry von Klein-Lukiko, 1937; Gemeindeordnung, 1938; Kirchenordnung u. Kirchenzuchtordnung, 1939; Advisory Points of the Missionary Conference for the First Synod in Bukoba, 1938; Memorandum on the Missionary Situation in East Africa, by Fr. Scholten, 19 S, ms. (several times present), 1936; Map with outstations of Bukoba, 1938

Bethel Mission
Johann Jacob Greiner (1842-1905)
M 208 · Dossier · 1887-1907
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

"Afrikanischer Sklavenhandel, Supplement to No. 227 of the Allgemeine Schweizer Zeitung of 25.09.1886, (Report on Greiner's 12-year activity in Abyssinia and Gallaland), 1886; employment negotiations, travel preparations, and Service contract, 1887; travelogues and first experiences in Zanzibar, 1887-1888; letters and reports from Zanzibar and Dar-es-Salaam, 1889; contract with Ismael Wahora for the expansion of the station in Dar-es-Salaam, 1889; letters and reports from Zanzibar and Dar-es-Salaam, 1889. Reports from Zanzibar and Dar-es-Salaam, 1890; CVs of African school children, 1890; correspondence during their stay at home, 1891; letters and reports from Zanzibar and Dar-es-Salaam, 1892; letters and reports (general), 1894-1905; Greiner's extensive life and illness history, 1899; correspondence with Mrs Greiner, 1906; design of Greiner's tomb in Kisserawe, 1907

Bethel Mission
M 175 · Dossier · 1890-1896
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters from Becker; Bokermann; Diekmann, Lina; Gerdes; Greiner; Göttmann; Hoener; Hosbach; Johanssen; Kraemer; Klein, G.; Peters; Seemann; Schütte, Friederike; Winkelmann; Worms; von Wichmann, Amalie; Roggenkamp, Johanna, 1890-1896; Letters from Johannes Holst to father Bodelschwingh from Dar-es-Salaam, 1893-1896; reports and letters to father Bodelschwingh, 1893-1896 Accounts of Holst about the hospital, 1891-1894; report about an excursion to Mji Mwema in the surroundings of Dar-es-Salaam, 14 p., ms, 1894

Bethel Mission
M 770 · Dossier · 1929-1952
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Baptismal order for the congregations of the Lutheran Mission in East Africa, 1929; Baptismal order of the Leipzig Mission, n.y.; "On the Bantuisierungsversuche der Suaheli-Sprache in der Übersetzung des NT durch Pastor Roehl Referat von Paul Rother, 1931; "Um das Roehl´sche Neue Testament Referat von Johannes Raum, 1931; "Church Union in East Africa, Proposed Basis of Union", 16 pp. Druck, 1933; Protokoll der Konferenz der deutschen evangelischen Missionen in Dar-es-Salaam, 1934; Report by Doctor Samuel Müller, 1934; Protokoll der "Conference on Christian Co-Operation in Nairobi, 30 p. Druck, 1935; M.C.F. Protocols, 1936-1946; Draft Statute of the Lutheran Missionary Church Federation MKB, 1936; Statistics, 1939-1940 and 1945; Report on the Neukirchen Mission in Uha after the departure of the Europeans by J Geikie, 1941-1942; Correspondence of the President of M.C.F.R. Reusch, 1940-1946; Correspondence of the President of M.C.F.H. Uhlin, 1948-1952

Bethel Mission
Lwandai Station
M 561 · Dossier · 1894-1913
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters and reports from Dar-es-Salaam and Kisserawe von Cleve u. Holst, 1894-1898; Letters and reports from Lwandai von Langheinrich, Wohlrab, Warth u. Rorarius, 1904-1913; "Entwurf zur Anbahnung einer festen Ordnung für unsere Elementarschulen von P. Wohlrab, 1906

Bethel Mission
Maneromango Station
M 562 · Dossier · 1896-1897
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Diary entries of Pastor Peter's travel experiences and conditions in Dar-es-Salaam and Usambara, as well as foundation and development of the mission work in Maneromango concerning Diary of Maaß concerning the construction of the mission station Maneromango (copies), 1896

Bethel Mission
M 582 · Dossier · 1925-1929
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Reise- u. Arbeitsberichte von E. Johanssen, 1925-1928; "Wieder auf dem alten Arbeitsfeld in Ostafrika, 1925; "Zur Erziehungskonferenz von Usambara nach Dar-es-Salaam 13 p., ms., 1925; "Meeting of indigenous priests in Mlalo, 1925; Reports and letters by Johanssen, Mörchen, Gleiss, Dr. Kröber, Hosbach, Scholten, Hagena and others, 1929; Report on Lutindi von Nickel, 1929; Reports by women on women's fates and women's work in Buhaya (see table of contents in the file), 1929

Bethel Mission
Station Neu-Bethel
M 566 · Dossier · 1896-1913
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Report by Fr Cleve from Dar-es-Salaam, 1896; Diary of Neu-Bethel, 1896-1899; Diary Hoffnungshöhe von Liebau of September 1896; Report on a journey to Pare, by K. Roehl, 1897; "Inauguration of the Church in Neu-Bethel on November 26 by G. Ruccius, 1902; "Visit to Neu-Bethel, by W. Trittelvitz, 1905; Diary of Neu-Bethel, by N. Rösler of January 1913

Bethel Mission
Wilhelm Bokermann (1867-1947)
M 274 · Dossier · 1895-1946
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Six letters from Dar-es-Salaam, 1895-1896; "A "Eben-Ezer of the Lutindi lunatic asylum in western Usambara, history of Lutindi for the 25th anniversary recorded by Wilhelm Bokermann, 34 p., ms., 1929; letters of thanks Ronicke to donors of the Nazareth Missionary League; death announcement for Friedhelm Bokermann, died 1944; correspondence with Wilhelm Bokermann, 1929-1946

Bethel Mission
William Nickel (1885-1960)
M 288 · Dossier · 1925-1964
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Medical certificate for married couple Nickel, 1925; Correspondence, 1926-1959; Curriculum Vitae, 1926; Circular(s) to Lutindi-Freunde, 1926; Month- and. Annual reports from Lutindi, 1927-1938; letter of the German Archives Office in Dar-es-Salaam concerning the transfer of property Lutindi of the Evangelischer Afrikaverein, 1928; plans for the extension of the lunatic asylum in Lutindi, 1929; photo of the new building in Lutindi, 1930; report on the death of Hermann Kanafunzi, 1930; various documents from the work in Lutindi, 1931; medical testimony of the married couple Nickel, 1932 u. 1939; Confidential correspondence concerning the personality of Wilhelm Nickel, 1938-1939; death announcement for Wilhelmine Nickel, 1960; death announcement for Wilhelmine Nickel, née Diehl, 1962

Bethel Mission
Wuga and Mshihui Station
M 581 · Dossier · 1892-1920
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Travelogue Johanssen "From Dar-es-Salaam to Wuga, 1892; Untersuchungsreise von Gleiss u. Wohlrab von Hohenfriedeberg nach Wuga, 1894; Report on the founding negotiations of Wuga concerning von Wohlrab, 1895; diary reports, chronicles, letters (originals and copies), statistics especially of Gleiss, Langheinrich u. Rösler, 1895-1914 u. 1919-1920; Report on the founding of Wuga by Franz Gleiss, 12 p. printed, published as supplement to Semesterbrief Number 23 of the Greifswald Theological Society, 1896; "How it looks like in an African school by N. Rösler, 14 p., ms., January 1900; "Auf den Trümmern von Wuga von Missionar Döring, 14 p., Druck, 1902; "Die ersten Jahre der Station Wuga 33 p., ca. 1902; Berichte über die Station Mshihwi (s. a. M 603), 1908-1909

Bethel Mission