Showing 13 results

Archival description

Protest of the North German Mission to start a mission in Bremen against plans of EMDOA in Togo; letters from Zahn and Vietor; letters from A. Schreiber, Barmen and Rundbrief der Deputation; letters from L. Dieselkamp, Dr. Latrille, Paul Wohlrab and L. Beyer; contract between the Bielefelder Anstalten and EMDOA for the training of mission personnel; contract between EMDOA and Neuendettelsau for leaving missionaries, 1886

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Erich Leistner (1893-1975)

Curriculum vitae, health certificates, vows of secondment, 1936; farewell sermon by Erich Leistner in Leipzig, 1936; letters from teacher Hirsch in Mlalo, 1936; work reports, letters of friendship, correspondence, 1936-1939; contract between the Bethel-Mission u. of the Protestant Church in Tanga, 1936; "Volksmission im Lande des Night-Porter, by Erich Leistner, 1938; "Soldaten enliven eine Gemeinde von Erich Leistner, 1938; Agreement between the Bethel-Mission u. Kontraktor Kirschinger, 1938; Conference of Shepherds and Elders of Shambalei and Digolandes, 1938; Overview of school work in Usambara-Bergland, 1938; correspondence because of Leistner's leave of absence with the LKA Dresden, old-age pensions, etc. Kindergeld, 1936-1946; Correspondence with the Leistner family during internment, 1940-1947; Correspondence concerning entry into the Berlin Mission Society, 1947; Correspondence with the Leistner couple during their work in Cape Town: Protokolle, Berichte, Aufsätze, 1947-1975; Geburtsurkunden von Ehepaar Leistner, 1950; "Zu den Füßen des Tafelbergs von Erich Leistner, 1950; "Aus dem Leben der braunen Gemeinden in u. around Cape Town by Erich Leistner, 1953; conference report of the Protestant Academy at the Cape, 1955; curriculum vitae and speech at the funeral of Erich Leistner, 1975

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Correspondence Büttner and Dieselkamp (EMDOA) because of German missionary work and establishment of a hospital in the colonies; negotiation protocols; agreement with the German Women's Association for Nursing in the German Protectorate in East Africa

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Correspondence, reports and health reports about the mission members living in Africa, 1926-1938; Instructions and vows, 1928; Pictures from the medical work in Bukobalande, 10 p., ms.., 1929; "Im Auto um den Viktoriasee, 1930; "Aus der Hospitalarbeit in Kamachumu, 1931; "Reise nach Rwanda, 17 S. ms., 1931; "Einer der Reichen im Lande (A funeral celebration), 1934; "Etwas vom Alltag, 19 S., ms., 1934; "Inderpraxis in Afrika, 9 S. ms, 1934; "Ärztliche Mission u. Regierung, 9 S. ms., 1936; "Ärztliche Mission u. Volkstum, 16 S. ms., 1936; decision of the church assembly of Buhaya to give Doctor Kröber the honorary name "Mujunangoma(= saviour of the people), 1937; testimony for Doctor Kröber, 1938; report on the work of Doctor Kröber in the service of the Bethel mission, 1938; correspondence with Doctor Kröber in Kirchen an der Sieg (also in the field) and with his family, 1938-1978; obituary for Maria Kröber, née Augustin, 1978

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Correspondence; Statute of the Missionary Literary Publishers Community, 1929; Report on the state of cooperation between government and mission, concerning hygienic matters (in Usambara), Dr. Samuel Müller, 1929; "Church and people in the mission experience of the present, by Dr. W. Freytag, about 1935; "African Christians take responsibility for the young communities of M. Weber, 1941; "Educational work in an African missionary hospital of M. Weber, 1941; Essays by African writers (translations into German), 1942-1943; correspondence on financial and insurance issues, burden sharing, etc.; proposals for a joint photographic work by the German Mission Societies by F. Harre, 1950; statement on "Rheinfeldener Bericht vom W. Freytag, 1946; "Theology, Christ and the Missionary Obligation" by John A. Mackay, 8 pp, Druck, 1951; "The Calling of the Church to Mission and to Unity 5 S., Druck, 1951; "The Challenge of Cummunism by Charles Malik, 4 S., Druck, 1951; "Financing mission work from church funds? 6 S., ms., N. N., about 1957

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Curriculum vitae, 1935; instructions and vows of secondment, 1936; correspondence and circular letters from friends (also during internment), 1935-1947; contract with the Bibelhaus Malche because of the takeover of Irmgard Stauch as a sister, 1942; correspondence and circulars from Cape Town (South Africa), 1947-1969

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Curriculum Vitae, 1929; Correspondence, 1929-1964; Instructions and vows of secondment, 1930; Letters and. Reports from the German School in Lwandai, 1930-1939; "From the work of a bush teacher, 1937; "Christenfrauen in Usambara, 1938; Kinderbriefe aus der Schule in Lwandai, 1939; Reports from the camp Salisbury (Southern Rhodesia), 1941-1947; Contract with the Bibelhaus "Malche wegen Übernahme in den dortige Schwesternschaft, 1942; Testimony for Margret Dorendorf, 1947; Ärztlicher Bericht, 1955; Versorgungsfragen, 1955 u. 1961

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Marie Melzer (1901-1987)

Curriculum vitae, 1927; instructions and Vow of Deputation, 1929; Correspondence with Marie Melzer (also during internment), 1929-1945; Berichte von Ferientage in den Usambarabergen, 1930; Ein Wedding Nachmittag in Mlalo (Report), 1930; Mein erstes Weihnachten in Afrika (Report), 1930; Wie man Weddings im Herzen Afrikas feiert (Report), 1930; Heuschrecken im Bukobaland (Report), 1931; Aufzeichnungen über die Haya-Götter (Report), 1936; Aus der weiblichen Erziehungsarbeit in Buhaya (Report), 1938; Testimony to Marie Melzer, 1932; Ärztlicher Befunde (Report), 1934; Contract with the Bible House "Malche wegen der Übernahme von Marie Melzer in den Schwesternverband, 1942; Briefe u. Reports from Cape Town (South Africa), among others, in the service of the Brotherhood, 1946-1970; Medical findings, 1954, 1961 and 1970

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa