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Mission and Civilization in Newly Awakened Africa, 37 p.; The Missionary School System and the English Colonial Government, 21 p.; The Mission in the Fight against the Educational Goals of Colonial Governments, 77 p.; Formation of Indigenous Leaders - A (Very) High Mission Goal, 14 p.; The English Educational Idea in India and East Africa and the Mission, 50 p.

Mission Inspector Walther Trittelvitz (1870-1958)
M 37 · Akt(e) · 1895-1963
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters addressed to Trittelvitz personally, especially from mission members from Africa, 1899-1911; "Kindergabe vom April 1901; Afrika-Reiseberichte von Trittelvitz from 1904-1905; Visitationsbericht, bound in Hohenfriedeberg, 1905; Brief von Friedrich von Bodelschwingh zum Verhältnis der EMDOA - Bethel, 1899; Memorandum Trittelvitz zum Zusammenschluss Bethel u. Barmen, 1903; Statement on the takeover of the mission in Japan, 1905; correspondence from Trittelvitz with the missionaries Ruccius, Gilsdorf, Ostwald, Gleiß, u.a. on questions of music, questions of marriage, Bible translation, 1901-1904; correspondence Trittelvitz - Michaelis, 1904-1905; contract of service Trittelvitz, 1909; correspondence with Held and others. Ronicke, 1908-1948; Information about the fate of missionaries in the field and in internment, 1940-1948; private correspondence with Gustav von Bodelschwingh, 1895-1946; "Father von Bodelschwingh and his work, 70 p. ms, ca. 1945; Obituary for Sister Mathilde Wegener, 1945; Correspondence from the last years of life, death announcement and condolences, 1950-1958; Correspondence Lina Trittelvitz, death announcement, condolences, 1958-1963

Paul Rorarius (1886-1973), Missionskaufmann
M 433 · Akt(e) · 1909-1973
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Curriculum vitae and health certificate for Elisabeth Reiß, married Rorarius, 1910; correspondence with Elisabeth Reiß, 1911; correspondence with Elisabeth and Paul Rorarius, 1909-1973; curriculum vitae and health certificate for Elisabeth Reiß, 1910; correspondence with Elisabeth Reiß, 1911; correspondence with Elisabeth and Paul Rorarius, 1909-1973. Copies of testimonies, 1910; medical testimonies, 1910 and 1911; hiking booklet for the members of Evangelischer Jünglingsver-eine as print, probably 1898; correspondence during the internment in Ahmednagar in India, 1914-1920; reports and articles in German Circular letters from Bumbuli, 1927-1938; "Mit meiner Baugruppe durch Usambara u. Digoland, 1929; "Wie die Mtaikirche zu einem neuen Dach kam, 1931; Ariernachweis für Winfried Rorarius (Sohn), 1935; Ärztliche Zeugnisse für Familie Rorarius, 1939 u. 1941; Little Lutheran Catechism in Swahili as print, 1939; "Handwerksbetriebe der Bethel-Mission in Ostafrika, 1969; Obituary for Paul Rorarius, 1973

M 109 · Akt(e) · 1921-1924
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Handwritten transcript of the second meeting of the DEMK in Frankfurt, 1921; list of participants of the third meeting in the monastery Arnsburg (Lich), 1922; A. Nagel "Das AT im Rahmen der Missionsarbeit in China ; H. Schröder, Statement on the Polygamist Question; J. Rauner, Polygamie - ihre Behandlung in der Missionsarbeit; N. N., Entwicklung christlicher Sittlichkeit bei primitive Völkern, 1924

M 31 · Akt(e) · 1891-1893
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Committee of German Missions, invitation to the Continental Mission Conference of 1893; Reformed Confederation; Mission Conference Brandenburg; German Protestant Mission in Japan; Protestant Association of Africa - founding call and statutes; Academic Association for External and Internal Mission - Semester Report and Statutes; Work Report of the Mission Society Berlin
