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Protest of the North German Mission to start a mission in Bremen against plans of EMDOA in Togo; letters from Zahn and Vietor; letters from A. Schreiber, Barmen and Rundbrief der Deputation; letters from L. Dieselkamp, Dr. Latrille, Paul Wohlrab and L. Beyer; contract between the Bielefelder Anstalten and EMDOA for the training of mission personnel; contract between EMDOA and Neuendettelsau for leaving missionaries, 1886

Important documents concerning the Bukoba station
M 545 · Akt(e) · 1927-1939
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Agreements and treaties concerning coexistence with the Wesleyan Methodist Church of South Africa, 1930; Remarks by Johanssen on these documents, 1930; Arbitration award concerning compensation to Wesleyander, 1927; Memorandum "The Invasion of the Bishop of Tanganyika into the Missionary Territory of Bukoba, by W. Trittelvitz, 1929; Schlunk an Trittelvitz, 1929; Richtlinien für Missionskaufleute, n.J. ; Bericht über die Verhandlungen mit den Wesleyanern, 1927; Report on a conversation with Oldham in Berlin, 1931; Bertha Johanssen "Über den Ursprung Wamaras, 1934; Chairman to Bukoba-Christen (draft), 1929; personn "Unsere bisherige Baufpraxis - Art u. Berechtigung derselben, 1934; P. Scholten "Thoughts and Observations on the German Missionary Conference in Dar-es-Salaam, 1934; Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting of the Missionary Council for Tanganyika, Dar-es-Salaam (with draft statutes), Berlin-Mission, 1934; Final Statutes, 1934; Minutes of the Lutheran Missionary Conferences, including Augustana Synods, 1934 u. 1936; Instruction(s) for the director(s) of the Girls' School in Kidjunja, 1936; Sundry von Lukiko, 1935-1936; Sundry von Klein-Lukiko, 1937; Gemeindeordnung, 1938; Kirchenordnung u. Kirchenzuchtordnung, 1939; Advisory Points of the Missionary Conference for the First Synod in Bukoba, 1938; Memorandum on the Missionary Situation in East Africa, by Fr. Scholten, 19 S, ms. (several times present), 1936; Map with outstations of Bukoba, 1938

Leipzig Mission:
M 84 · Akt(e) · 1939-1949
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, circulars, etc.; Mitteilungen des Auswärtiges Amtes in Berlin über "Die Lage der Deutschen in Deutsch-Ostafrika unter Mandat in Britisch-Ostafrika in den ersten Kriegswochen, 1940; circulars with news about interned missionaries during the war years, 1939-1946; "50 Jahre Ostafrika-Arbeit der Leipziger Mission, lecture at the anniversary celebration of Pastor Martin Küchler, 1943

M 91 · Akt(e) · 1903-1912
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Memorandum by Inspector Trittelvitz on "The situation of our missionary society as reason for the inspectors' application to unite our mission with the Rhenish Mission, 10.02.1903; Concerns against the request of the missionary inspectors regarding the dissolution of Berlin III and the handing over of our stations to Barmen, 22.02.1903; "How should our relationship with the Rhenish missionary society and the Ravensberger Land develop in the future? By Inspector Trittelvitz, 13.06.1912

M 33 · Akt(e) · 1896-1899
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Evangelischer Afrikaverein, a.o. leaflets; German Colonial Society; "Philafrican Liberators League in New York: Statutes and Call of Chatelain; German Oriental Mission; Theological Society in Greifswald; Mission Conference of the Province of Brandenburg; YMCA Berlin; Student Union for the Mission; "Eine deutsche Kolonialschule, Denkschrift des Evangelischen Afrikaverein; Evangelischer Verein für Kirchliche Zwecke in Berlin; Deutscher Frauenverein für Krankenpflege in den Kolonien

M 31 · Akt(e) · 1891-1893
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Committee of German Missions, invitation to the Continental Mission Conference of 1893; Reformed Confederation; Mission Conference Brandenburg; German Protestant Mission in Japan; Protestant Association of Africa - founding call and statutes; Academic Association for External and Internal Mission - Semester Report and Statutes; Work Report of the Mission Society Berlin

Station Thong
M 577 · Akt(e) · 1894-1900
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters, reports and statistics about the work in thong, 1894-1900; letter from thong as printed by Mrs. Baudirektor Hoffmann to her husband in Berlin, February 1898; report about the consecration of the church in thong, February 1898; letter of the indigenous Christian Emil Barut to father Bodel-schwingh, November 1899

Various missionary associations
M 120 · Akt(e) · 1894-1895
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, annual reports, newsletters, etc.; Protestant Africa Association, also statutes; Silesian Mission Conference; Academic Association for External and Internal Mission in Berlin; Student Mission Association Halle; Missions-Hilfsverein Neusalz-Freystadt; Diaspora Conference, Ballenstedt; Muhammadanermission, Pastor W. Faber, Tschirma bei Greiz; Königsberger Missionsverein; Akademische Missionsvereine Berlin, Erlangen, Gnadenfeld, Greifswald, Tübingen, Halle, Kiel; Evangelischer Bund in Berlin; Nazareth-Missionsverein für Berlin III; Petition of the ev. Afrikaverein um Einstellung des Sklavenhandel in Afrika u. draft of a law to punish the slave trade

We use
M 601 · Akt(e) · 1892-1903
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Minutes of the conferences of the Usaramo missionaries, 1892, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898; baptismal form according to the Common Prayerbook, about 1900; map sketch of Usaramo northern half), 1 : 450,000, by W. Göttmann, about 1900; Report on an inspection trip by Missionary Liebau to Lungwi about Maneromango, 1900; "Die Zukunft von Usaramo, 5 p.., ms. 1902; Protocols and correspondence concerning the handover of Usaramo to Berlin I, 1901-1903
