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Collection of material for the discussion of mission and the church with the leadership of the Third Reich and for forming opinions of the mission societies; consisting of correspondence, memoranda, newspaper articles, expert opinions, statements, etc., 12 fascicles (see also RMG 1.138)

M 719 · Akt(e) · 1901-1939
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Essay by Gerhard Jasper on this, not published; Letter of the Bethel missionaries on church discipline, 1901; Church Breeding Code of Buhaya, not published; Protocol of the first Kirchenbundtag in Kidugala, 1938; contributions by Personn, Leistner and Lehner, not published.

M 715 · Akt(e) · 1919-1925; 1955-1956
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Collection of material with own and foreign contributions on homeland issues of the mission, newspaper articles, etc. from the time of Jasper's work at the Saxon Main Mission Association in Dresden, 1919-1925; relationship mission and church; correspondence, protocols of the DEMR's homeland mission, articles and newspaper reports, 1955-1956

M 115 · Akt(e) · 1929-1964
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence; Statute of the Missionary Literary Publishers Community, 1929; Report on the state of cooperation between government and mission, concerning hygienic matters (in Usambara), Dr. Samuel Müller, 1929; "Church and people in the mission experience of the present, by Dr. W. Freytag, about 1935; "African Christians take responsibility for the young communities of M. Weber, 1941; "Educational work in an African missionary hospital of M. Weber, 1941; Essays by African writers (translations into German), 1942-1943; correspondence on financial and insurance issues, burden sharing, etc.; proposals for a joint photographic work by the German Mission Societies by F. Harre, 1950; statement on "Rheinfeldener Bericht vom W. Freytag, 1946; "Theology, Christ and the Missionary Obligation" by John A. Mackay, 8 pp, Druck, 1951; "The Calling of the Church to Mission and to Unity 5 S., Druck, 1951; "The Challenge of Cummunism by Charles Malik, 4 S., Druck, 1951; "Financing mission work from church funds? 6 S., ms., N. N., about 1957

Hermann Personn (1889-1960)
M 237 Bd. 2 · Akt(e) · 1934-1935
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Reports, correspondence, circulars, 1934-1935; In the Kiwingu steppe - a forgotten task?, 11 p., ms., 1934; Report on the meeting of the German Lutheran Mission Conference including the Augustan Synod in Dar-es-Salaam, January 1934; Transformation of the Centra-School in the new Ordinance, May 1934; Call of the provisional leadership of the German Protestant Church (Druck), signed by D. Marahrens, D. Koch, Breit, OKR Humburg, November 1934; Vom Reden des lebendigen Gottes unter unserem Volke, Bericht aus der Arbeit der Lehrerkurse in Lwandai, 1935; Gedanken zu eine gemeinsamen Predigererschule für alle in Tan-ganyika arbeitenden evangelisch-lutherischen Missionen, 1935; "Gerufen, Bericht über die Ältesten-Tagung der Usambarakirche in Mschihwi, July 1935; "Conference on Christian Co-Operation, Nairobi (Kenya), 30 p. Printed, July 1935

Hermann Personn (1889-1960)
M 237 Bd. 1 · Akt(e) · 1912-1933
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, travel diaries, reports, etc., 1912-1933; engagement announcement with Mariechen Strecker, 1918; vows of secondment and instructions, 1925; Our Central School in Lwandai, Rück- u. Ausblick, 1928; sketched plans of the Central School; Letter of Solomon Shangali, Ngwelo, 1929; inspection report of the English authorities at the School of Lwandai u. a timetable, 1930-1931 and 1933; Correspondence of the Lutheran Missions from the Tanganyika Territory in Dar-es-Salaam, 1930; The Becoming of the Churches on the Mission Field, 7 p.., ms, 1932; Report on the meeting with the "Führer des "Deutscher Bund concerning questions of the German school system in our mandate area, Tanga, August 1933; biography of the community elder Yeremia Kuasagha and his mother, Mamdowe in Mbalamo, 1933

Rhenish Missionary Society Wuppertal-Barmen:
M 92 · Akt(e) · 1927-1957
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, circulars, papers, protocols; Declaration on the Integration of the External Mission into the German Protestant Church (German Christians), 1933; Agreement on Working Community between Bethel Mission and Rhenish Mission; drafts thereto, 1933; Concerns regarding the churchization of the German Mission of Warneck(?), 1933; Declaration of the Rhenish Mission as Confessing Church, 1934; Constitution of the Batak Church, 1934

Station Neu-Bethel
M 566 · Akt(e) · 1896-1913
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Report by Fr Cleve from Dar-es-Salaam, 1896; Diary of Neu-Bethel, 1896-1899; Diary Hoffnungshöhe von Liebau of September 1896; Report on a journey to Pare, by K. Roehl, 1897; "Inauguration of the Church in Neu-Bethel on November 26 by G. Ruccius, 1902; "Visit to Neu-Bethel, by W. Trittelvitz, 1905; Diary of Neu-Bethel, by N. Rösler of January 1913

Station Thong
M 577 · Akt(e) · 1894-1900
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters, reports and statistics about the work in thong, 1894-1900; letter from thong as printed by Mrs. Baudirektor Hoffmann to her husband in Berlin, February 1898; report about the consecration of the church in thong, February 1898; letter of the indigenous Christian Emil Barut to father Bodel-schwingh, November 1899

Swedish mission in Uppsala:
M 98 · Akt(e) · 1942-1956
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence; "Theology and the Young Churches, inaugural lecture by Professor Bengt Sundkler, University of Uppsala, 1949; "Recapitulation of the first meeting of the Swedish Missionary Committee at the Lutheran World Federation under the theme "The Lutheran Conception of the Church and the Church Autonomy, Uppsala, 8 p.., ms, 1950; Annual Report for the Karagwe District in Buhaya by Birger Wiking, 1951; Minutes of the Missionary Conference in Ndolage, July 1956

M 440 · Akt(e) · 1929-1965
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Curriculum Vitae and Testimonies, 1929; Instructions and Vows of Deputation, 1930; Correspondence (also during internment), 1929-1947; Photo by Werner Wittenberg, 1930; Certificate of Good Conduct and Medical Certificate by Werner Wittenberg, 1932; "Jubilee of the Bukoba Church on 28.07.1935; "Etwas vom Gelde im Haya-Lande, 1936; "From the work of the mission office in Bukoba, 1937; Correspondence during the stay in Queenstown in South Africa, 1947-1956; Correspondence with Hanni Wittenberg about supply matters, 1956-1965

Wilhelm Hosbach (1867-1964)
M 272 · Akt(e) · 1896-1964
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence (s.a. M 270), 1896-1897; correspondence, reports, diary excerpts (s.a. M 273) from 1906; Easter sermon in Hohenfriedeberg, 1914; "Vom Schulbau in Mutindili, 1914; Letters by Elfriede Kraemer (stepdaughter of Hosbach) to the Trittelvitz couple, 1912-1914; Hosbach's letters from prisoner of war in Egypt, 1917-1919; "Paulo Shempahila - Lebensbild eines einheimischen Gehilfen, 1919; 3 Songs in Swaheli (Text u. Sheet music by Martha Hosbach), 1927; Letters and reports by Martha Hosbach from 1926; "Die Schule von Kijunga von Josua Hermas, translated by Wilhelm Hosbach, 1932; Jahres-, Konferenz- u. Schulberichte von Bukoba, 1932; Gutachten zur Wasserversorgung in Kigarama, 1932; draft: "Integration of the mission into the German Protestant Church of Knak; "Neue Ordnung für die Missionsarbeiter der Bethel-Mission, 1933; "Ein Wort Dankbarer Erinnerung an Frau Künzel, 1934; Correspondenz während des 2. 1939-1949; letter from an African teacher to Wilhelm Hosbach, 1949; correspondence with the Hosbach couple at home, 1949-1961; obituary for Martha Hosbach, widowed Kraemer, née Wegener; obituary, obituary and memories of Wilhelm Hosbach, 1964
