7 Treffer anzeigen

Dr. Karl Wohlrab (1903-1943)
M 239 · Akt(e) · 1927-1969
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, travelogues, letters of friends, 1927-1935; vows of deputation, instructions, 1929; letters by Nehemia Kivulenge and Tadeo Kwalasi, 1930; Ein Blick in die Nöte u. Joy of our teachers, 1931; How our indigenous evangelists proclaim to their pagan compatriots, 1931; Violin sounds in Usambara, 1931; Pastoral questions from young Christianity on the Bethel Mission Field, 1932; Usambara Church Synod in Mtae, September 1934; map sketch of the coastal areas with marked parishes and planting communities, 1937; "Faith and Homeland, first year, publisher Dr. Wohlrab, number 1-3, January-July 1937; The Synod of the Church on the Coast of Usambara, July 1937; A Trombone Crusade, 1938; Pastoral Journey to the German Communities in the Kenya Colony on the Coast of East Africa, April to May 1939; Africa Letters from Dr. K. Wohlrab, 1936-1939; Medical Testimonies of the Wohlrab Family, 1940; The Interrelationship between Christian Family and the Church, 1940. Church on the one hand, and tribal world on the other hand, 1941; Gedanken zur Kriegsweihnacht, by Dr. K. Wohlrab in the East, 1942; letter of condolence on the occasion of the soldier's death of K. Wohlrab and memorial speech by Pastor Ronicke, 1943; correspondence with Hanna Wohlrab, née Hennig, 1943-1969

Ernst Johanssen (1864-1934)
M 212 · Akt(e) · 1890-1971
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Private letters, 1890-1893; travelogues, diary notes, correspondence with Trittelvitz, 1905-1914; manuscripts, fragments, diaries, etc.: "The first visit of German children to Queen Msinga of Rwanda, "Back to Queen Msinga, "Observations on the Characteristics of Natives, 1907-1908; General Correspondence and Monthly Reports, 1927-1929; Bugufi calls us - Bugufi needs us, 1929; Letter of Native Christians from Bukoba to the Bishop of Central Tanzania, 1929; Impressions and thoughts during a journey into the landscapes of Mischenye u. Karagwe, 1929; Questionnaires with personal data and birth dates of 14 children, 1930; "Church Mission Society u. Bethel-Bielefeld Mission in Bukoba, German and English version by E. Johanssen, 1930; Correspondence with E. Johanssen, 1930-1933; death notice and memorial certificate, 1934; correspondence with Martha Johanssen, 1934-1940; "On the 100th birthday of E. Johanssen, 1964; "On the 100th birthday of E. Johanssen, by J. Busse, with the addition of Albrecht sen.., 1971


Mission and Civilization in Newly Awakened Africa, 37 p.; The Missionary School System and the English Colonial Government, 21 p.; The Mission in the Fight against the Educational Goals of Colonial Governments, 77 p.; Formation of Indigenous Leaders - A (Very) High Mission Goal, 14 p.; The English Educational Idea in India and East Africa and the Mission, 50 p.

Heinrich Scholten (1897-1987), Praeses
M 238 Bd. 6 · Akt(e) · 1937
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, siblings' newsletters and reports; minutes of the working committee (small Lukiko); thoughts about sermon service and worship regulations; general guidelines of the home administration concerning the Bukoba finances; situation of the girls' school in Kijunya; names and term of office of the native pastors; minutes of the Tanganyika Missionary Council, Standing Committee, Dar-es-Salaam

Station Thong
M 577 · Akt(e) · 1894-1900
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters, reports and statistics about the work in thong, 1894-1900; letter from thong as printed by Mrs. Baudirektor Hoffmann to her husband in Berlin, February 1898; report about the consecration of the church in thong, February 1898; letter of the indigenous Christian Emil Barut to father Bodel-schwingh, November 1899

Usambara Prescripts
M 642 · Akt(e) · 1917-1922
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence with the English Political Officer, 1917-1922; lists of German prisoners of war in thong, 1917; correspondence with German prisoners of war, especially with S. Delius, 1917; order of the District Political Officer for the deportation of Germans to South Africa resp. Egypt (print), November 1917; Korrespondenz mit Ehepaar R. u. A. Köstlin, formerly Kaiserlicher Bezirksamtsmann in Wilhelmstal, 1917-1918; Verordnung zur Rückführung der deutschen Zivilisation als Druck, December 1918; Statistik von Hohenfriedeberg, December 1919; Proklamation über die Repatriierung früherer Feinde, 16 p.., printed in January 1920; "Zur Weihe eingeborener Prediger 8 S., ms. von F. Gleiss, ca. 1920; 2 issues of "Tanga Post, 1919 u. 1920; 2 newspaper clippings on "Native Policy by speaker Owen in "The East African Standard, 1920
