Showing 11 results

Archival description
Georg Cleve (1866-1914)

Diary entries, 1896-1898; Personal letters, mainly to P. Bodelschwingh, 1896-1899; Curriculum vitae, transcripts of certificates, contract of service, 1896; postcard of buildings of the EMDOA in East Africa, 1899; "German or Latin writing in the German colonies? Article by Cleve, 1900; "Die Auffassung der Neger Deutsch-Ostafrikas von den Krank-heitsztänden von Cleve, Sonderdruck aus der Deutschen Kolonialzeitung, 1899; Übersicht über die literarischen Arbeiten u. praktischen Fähigkeiten Cleves, 1902; Termination of the employment contract with EMDOA, 1902

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Memorandum concerning the German school in Mlalo, 1910; Statuten der Schule, 1910; Chronik der Schule, 1908-1918; Korrespondenz, 1928-1939; Festschrift zur Einweihung der Friedrich-von-Bodelschwingh-Schule in Mlalo (Lwandai) with photo, 1931; Baupläne der Friedrich-von-Bodelschwingh-Schule, 1930; Festschrift zum 25-jährigen Jubiläum der Schule, 8 pp, Druck, 1933; Founded and first plans of the German Confederation, local group Usambara, March 1934; "School dispute mainly because of the so-called "racial question and correspondence on this, 1934-1935; "30 years Friedrich von Bodelschwingh School, 1938; "The Decades German School in Mlalo (Lwandai), 1938

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Letters from Joel Kibera to Bertha Johanssen, 1930-1932; letters from Joel Kibera to Ernst Johanssen and Curt Ronicke, 1930-1933; letters to Ernst Johanssen from various senders, including by Alexander Kielima, Josua Hermas, G. A. Kajejero, Jakobo Ngombe, Kamara Kalembo, Andrea Kyaishozi, Petero Habugumisha, Yakobo Kajuma, Ernest Kalembo, Yuhi Musinga, Kamanzi, Saulo Kagya, Yusufu Hiliyai, and many more.., 1927-1933; Letters from local Christians translated into German, among others by Joel Kibira, Josua Hermas, Jakobo Ngombe, Lukas Sefu, Andrea Kajejero, Abel Mutungudja, Samuel Stepke, 1922-1934; transcriptions and replies, 1922-1934; travel diaries "Safari ya Bukoba Heft I u. II, 1929-1930; 2 booklets Grammatische Übungen, 1932

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Paul Wohlrab (1866-1949)

CV from 1891; Letters, circulars, reports, 1890-1907; "Bewegliche Stunden, Bericht über die Beginn der Mittelschule in Lwandai, ca. 1902; Korrespondenz (allgemein), i.a. deutsche Schule u. Mittelschule, 1908; Agreement between the Evangelische Mission u. der Katholischen Mission wegen demgrenzung der Arbeit, 1909; Correspondenz u.a. with W. Trittelvitz, 1910-1912; Überlegungen zur Errichtung einer Gewerbeschule, 1911; Correspondence during our stay at home, 1914-1927; "Urgent tasks for our female youth in Central Africa, 1927; "Wiederaufbau unserer Arbeit in Tanga, 1927; Important correspondence with the "Education Director u.a. because of English as a school language, 1928; decisions of the Mission Conference in Marangu, September 1928; "Serious questions and major tasks concerning mission schools, 1928; general correspondence, 1929-1933; correspondence Paul Wohlrab u. Daughter Frieda, 1934-1947; Obituary of Paul Wohlrab, 1949; Correspondence Margarethe Wohlrab (wife), 1951-1962; Correspondence Frieda Wohlrab (daughter), 1942-1972; Xerokopien betreffend Schulfragen, 1902-1908

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Correspondence, circulars, papers, protocols; Declaration on the Integration of the External Mission into the German Protestant Church (German Christians), 1933; Agreement on Working Community between Bethel Mission and Rhenish Mission; drafts thereto, 1933; Concerns regarding the churchization of the German Mission of Warneck(?), 1933; Declaration of the Rhenish Mission as Confessing Church, 1934; Constitution of the Batak Church, 1934

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Siegfried Delius (1875-1935)

Christening ceremony in Tanga, 1904; trip to Gombera, 1904; report about the visit of Professor Haussleiter in Tanga, 1909; thanksgiving song of Africa to the emperor, in Swahili by Jakobo Ngombe, teacher in Tanga, translated into German. by Siegfried Delius, 1910; How our native helpers preach the gospel to the Gentiles, report by Petro Sebwijo in Kibafuta near Tanga, 1914; In Maasailand, our relations with the Maasai and the resulting tasks, 10 pp, ms, 1914; Journey to Maasailand, June 1915; The mission work in Digoland during the war, 1914-1917; The mission work in Tanga and in the hinterland during the years of war, 1914-1917; Health certificates because of retirement, 1926; Five letters from Jakobo Ngombe, 1930-1936; Correspondence with Helene Delius, 1944-1967; Notice of death from Helene Delius, née Layer, 1968

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Evangelischer Afrikaverein, a.o. leaflets; German Colonial Society; "Philafrican Liberators League in New York: Statutes and Call of Chatelain; German Oriental Mission; Theological Society in Greifswald; Mission Conference of the Province of Brandenburg; YMCA Berlin; Student Union for the Mission; "Eine deutsche Kolonialschule, Denkschrift des Evangelischen Afrikaverein; Evangelischer Verein für Kirchliche Zwecke in Berlin; Deutscher Frauenverein für Krankenpflege in den Kolonien

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Committee of German Missions, invitation to the Continental Mission Conference of 1893; Reformed Confederation; Mission Conference Brandenburg; German Protestant Mission in Japan; Protestant Association of Africa - founding call and statutes; Academic Association for External and Internal Mission - Semester Report and Statutes; Work Report of the Mission Society Berlin

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Station Thong

Letters, reports, invoices, 1901-1910; So-called "Burensache, i. e. the employment of two Boers from Transvaal, father and son of Folker, who could not return to their homeland, 1902-1903; "Baptism of the first fruits of Gombero, December 1906; Plan of the Mission House in Gombero (Digo), 1907; Call to Organize a German Protestant Church in Tanga u. in the hinterland, printed flyer, 1909; A copy of the "Usambara-Post with an essay by Delius about "Die deutsche evangelische Kirchengemeinde von Tanga u. Hinterland vom September 1909

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa