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BArch, N 253/6 · Akt(e) · 1905-1906
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Budget Department of the R e i c h s m a r i n e a m t concerning the possibility of a fleet amendment, May 1905 Records of the immediate lecture of 11 Feb. 1905 on the statement in the Budget Commission Second consultation of the navy budget in the Reichstag on 25 Feb. 1905. 1905 (print) Third draft of the novella (print) with statement of the General Marine Department of the Reichsmarineamts/August of Heeringen, July 1905 Notes to the Immediatvortrag in Rominten on 4 Oct. 1905 and submission of the administrative department of the Reichsmarineamts/Eduard von Capelle of 26 Sept. 1905 Draft of the novella (print), as of Sept. 1905 Tirpitz to Bernhard Fürst von Bülow betr. Marinvorlage 1906 und Deutschen Flottenverein, 8. Nov. 1905 Correspondence with Prince Heinrich von Preußen, Nov. - Dec. 1915 Throne speech of Emperor Wilhelm II from 28. Nov 1905 (print) Reichstag speech of Tirpitz on the naval template (revised version), Dec. 1905 Marinvorlage (print), Nov. 1905 Leaflets of the German Fleet Association, 1905 - 1906 Shortening the lifespan of liner ships Manuscripts and notes for speeches in the Reichstag Negotiations of the Budget Commission on Kiautschou and the Navy (print), Feb. - March 1906 Karl von Sauer, March 1906 Felix von Bendemann, 17 March 1906 Karl Hollweg, 17 March 1906

Tirpitz, Alfred von
Hand files: vol. 7
BArch, N 253/24 · Akt(e) · Mai 1910 - Sept. 1911, Jan. 1914
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: August von Heeringen, May 1910 Gustav Bachmann, May 1910 and March 1911 Grand Duchess of Baden for the naming of the liner "Nassau", June 1910 press article about rumours of a resignation of Tirpitz, July 1910 correspondence with Duke Jaohann Albrecht of Mecklenburg about Tsingatu, July - Aug. 1910 correspondence with Eduard von Capelle, July 1910 correspondence with the Chief of the Admiral Staff of the Navy, Max von Fischel, Aug. 1910, bem. 1910, rem. Memorandum of Fischel not enclosed Wilhelm von Lans on torpedoes, Aug. - Sept. 1910, March 1911 Sale of ship to Turkey. Correspondence especially with Emperor Wilhelm II, Georg Alexander von Müller, Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg and the State Secretary of the Reich Treasury, Adolf Wermuth, July - Sept. 1910 Correspondence with Rudolph Rittmeyer about his naval war history, Sept. 1910 Hunold von Ahlefeld, July - Nov. 1910 Hubert von Reuber-Paschwitz, July 1910 Reichsmarineamt: Minutes of meetings of liner ships and large cruisers 1911, Aug. 1911, Aug. 1910 Hunold von Ahlefeld, July - Nov. 1910 Hubert von Reuber-Paschwitz, July 1910 Reichsmarineamt: Minutes of meetings of the ships and large cruisers 1911, Aug. 1910, Aug. 1910, Aug. 1910 - Oct. 1910 Telegram change with Grand Duke Friedrich II: and Grand Duchess Luise of Baden, Sept. and Dec. 1910 Telegram from Crown Princess Cecilie of 14 Jan. 1914, cf. No. 182 Eduard von Capelle zum deutsch-Eglischen Flottenagrement, Sept. 1910 Philipp A. Mumm von Schwarzenstein concerning the death of the chief of the Kreuzergeschwader, Erich Gühler, 22. Jan. 1911 telegram of thanks to Emperor Wilhelm II. on the occasion of the wedding of Ilse von Tirpitz, Jan. 1911 congratulations of Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg on his 62. birthday, 19. birthday, 22. January 1911 March 1911 Negotiations on German-English naval technical exchange of information: Memoranda and Positions of Tirpitz, Feb. - June 1911 Wilhelm Höpfner concerning Alfred Meyer-Waldeck as Governor of Kiatschou, 7 Apr. 1911 Reichstag Speech of Tirpitz concerning the German-English naval technical exchange of information, Feb. - June 1911 Wilhelm Höpfner concerning Alfred Meyer-Waldeck as Governor of Kiatschou, 7 Apr. 1911 Reichstag Speech of Tirpitz concerning the German-English naval technical exchange of information, Feb. Fleet Laws and Navy Budget 1899 - 1908 (excerpts) Statements of German and English Government Representatives on Fleet Construction, Dec. 1908 - March 1911 Fleet Construction Plan 1912 - 1917 Correspondence with the State Secretary of the Reich Treasury, Adolf Wermuth, on the subject of the German Navy's Navy's budget. Resolution of the German Fleet Association on fleet construction, June 1911 Eduard von Capelle on negotiations on a new Reichsmarineamt building, June 1911 Correspondence with Georg Alexander von Müller, particularly on job matters, July 1911 Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin, July 1911 Command Relationships of the Naval Forces in War: Immediatbericht sowie Schreiben des Chefs des Admiralstabs der Marine und des Marinekabinetts, Juni - Sept. 1911 Harald Dähnhardt concerning appointments in the Reichsmarineamt, 13. June 1911 Correspondence with the chief of the Admiralstabs der Marine, August von Heeringen, Juni - Aug. 1911 Thoughts about the development of fleet tactics Efforts for a German-English fleet agreement (excerpts from files), Jan. 1907 - June 1911

Tirpitz, Alfred von
Reichstag printed matter
BArch, N 253/324 · Akt(e) · 1896-1921
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Reichstag session of Dec. 1, 1896 concerning household for Imperial Navy and protectorates, among others Reichstag sessions of Feb. 13 - 17, 1911 concerning household for Imperial Navy and protectorate Kiautschou White Paper of the Reich Minister of Justice with judgments of the Reich Court against soldiers for war crimes, 1920 - 1921

Tirpitz, Alfred von