Affichage de 22 résultats

Description archivistique
Church in the 3rd Reich
RMG 1.130 · Dossier · 1934
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Collection of newspaper clippings, pamphlets, printed matter, confessions, green letters on the situation and correspondence on the dispute between German Christians and Confessing Church; Die Deutsche Bekenntnis-Synode, S.-Dr., Barmer Zeitung, May 1934; Theological Declaration on the Barmer Confession Synod, 1934

Société des missions du Rhin
Eßlinger, Ernst (1906-1992)
VEM 241 a · Dossier · 1930-1949
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1934-1957 and 1967-1972 in Okahandja, Omaruru, Swakopmund, Grootfontein, Lüderitzbucht, Wupperthal 1957-1965; correspondence; annual reports; circulars to friends and relatives, also to d. German Protestant Church in Omaruru; personnel documents; school newsletter

Société des missions du Rhin
Federal Foreign Office Berlin
RMG 1.103 · Dossier · 1935-1942
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence and memos on the situation of mission members in China and the Netherlands India; lists of names and news about internees; description of the conditions on mission stations after the Chinese-Ja-Panic War; newspaper article by journalist Zentgraff against RMG, IN: "de Java-Bode", No. 109, 110 112, May 1935; K. Helbig: Something about Atjeh & the Alas Valley, p.-Dr., Ostasiatische Rundschau, 3 p., 1940; The situation of Germans in Dutch and English overseas possessions, 7 leaflets, printed, partly in English. Ill. from internment camps, 1940-1942

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 1.102 · Dossier · 1890-1929
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Protocols and correspondence on issues such as:; customs privileges; education; arbitrariness of colonial officials; whereabouts of mission property after World War I; internment and exchange of prisoners of war; overview of activities, assets and members of the mission in Southwest Africa and New Guinea, 1904; official stenographer. Report on speeches on the dissolution of the Reichstag and colonial politics, 47 p., Dr., 1907; Die deutsche Flagge im Stille Ozean, 25 p. m. Map, Dr., 1915

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 713 · Dossier · 1913-1957
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, 1913-1957; Correspondence Lic. Johannsen, Essen, due to application for admission of the East Asia Mission in German Evangelical Union, 1927-1957; comments in:; Reich-Gottes-Bote, vol. 85, 1929; Kirchlich Positive Blätter, vol. 42, 1929; Preuß. Kirchenzeitung, vol. 26, 1929; Dt. Pfarrerblatt, no. 45, 1930; Gutachten S. Knak über Ostasien-Mission, 41 p., ca. 1930; Begründung d. Rejection d. Aufnahmeantrag, 1930; Statements of various synods and institutions, 1930; 2 leaflets of the East Asia Mission, 1930; Report on the year 1930, pamphlet of the East Asia Mission, 1931

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 1.092 · Dossier · 1903-1942
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Statements, petitions, minutes of board meetings; correspondence; Die Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft: Geschichte, Ziele, Satzung, Dr., 1903; Petition of the Deportation Association to the Reichstag concerning the settlement of released prisoners in the South Seas, 17 p., D., 1907; Initiation and purpose of the Deportation Association Appendix to this appeal, Dr., 1907; Koloniale Erziehungsstätten, Denkschrift, c. 1908; Miss. Simon: Memorandum on the question of the mission in the colonies, 10 p., ms., 1927; Statute and list of members of the colony German Colonial Society, Abtlg. Essen, Dr., 1930; Kolonialverein u. Dt. Kolonialgesellschaft, eine Grundsatzerklärung zur Unterscheidung, ca. 1930; newspaper reports on lecture by Dr. Johannsen: Südwest-Afrika - Urdeutsches Land, 1931; advertising letter concerning membership of the RMG, 1938; NN: Future missionary activity. Church and School of the Natives in Africa, 5 p., 1941; Statement by You. Berner to Colonial Secretary of State of Lindequist, 5 p., ms., 1941

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 912 · Dossier · 1931-1933
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Protocols, Circulars, Communications, Correspondence; Der Dt. Evang. Kirchenausschuß zur Kriegsschuldfrage, 1931; Abkommen über Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gossner u. Berliner Mission, 5 p., ms., 1932; An die deutsche Missionsgemeinde u. Missionsfreunde, Erklärung d. Abkommens, 1932; Was erfordert die gegenwärtiger Wirtschaftslage von d. Missionsgesellschaften, Referat, 9 p.., 1932; Letter to Wehrkreispfr. Müller about the planned appointment of the Reichs-Missionskommissars, July 1933; Richtlinien zur Eingliederung d. Mission in d. Kirche, May 1933; J. Richter: Vorlage zum geforderten Zusammenschluss von Kirche u. Mission u. d. Missionen unter-einander, 1933; Expertise and opinions on the required integration, 1933; Call for entry into Die Deutsche Arbeitsfront, Flugblatt, September 1933

Société des missions du Rhin
German Evangelical Missionary Aid (DEMH)
RMG 920 · Dossier · 1935-1960
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Minutes, circulars, annual accounts, notices, correspondence; Constitution of the DEMH of 5.12.1913, amended 1939, approved 25. 11. 1940; Dr. Freytag: Facts on the question: Mission, 4 p., Dr., 1941; Overview of articles published in leading mission magazines, arranged by topic, 17 p., Dr., 1935-1942; Dr. Freytag: Sermon on Luke 8:4-15, on the Feast of the Year 1943; Work Report of DEMH for 1943-1946

Société des missions du Rhin
German Evangelical Missionary Aid (DEMH)
RMG 918 · Dossier · 1915-1919
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Minutes, Circulars, Communications, Correspondence; On the War, Prison Camp in South Africa, North German General Newspaper, No. 135, May 1915; A. W.Schreiber: Die Kriegsarbeit der Dt. Evang. Missions-Hilfe, 6 p., Dr., July 1915; Th. Kaftan: Zur Frage der Dt. Evang. Missions-Hilfe, 8 p., Dr., August 1915; A. W.Schreiber: Kriegstagung der DEMH, 6 p., Dr., 1915; The Church Chonicle, September 1915; Allgemeine Missions-Nachrichten, Okober 1915; A. W.Schreiber: Numerical overview of the participation of missions in domestic military service until autumn 1916; H. Johannsen: Das Verhältnis d. Mission Conferences to DEMH, paper, 15 p., ms., 1917; Against the rape of German missions, flyer with demands for peace treaty, 1919

Société des missions du Rhin
German Evangelical Missionary Aid (DEMH)
RMG 919 · Dossier · 1920-1934
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Minutes, circulars, annual accounts, communications, correspondence; list of names of the Richter, Dept. Berlin, for Southwest Africa due to compensation of colonial war damages, 1920; Schomerus: Sadhu Sundar Singh, description of the disputed Indian, 3 p., ms.., 1933; A. W. Schreiber: Memorandum on Replacement of the Directorate and Future Work of DEMH, 14 p., ms., 1925; Invitation to the Ordinary General Assembly of the Colonial Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft in Cologne, Dr., 1928; Hoffnung und Weg, Reden u. Schrift zur Amtseinführung v. Miss.-Dir. Freytag, 20 p., Dr., 1929; 2 pamphlets of the DEMA on the matter Dr. Baronigian, 1929; Satzung d. missions-literarische Verleger Gemeinschaft (MVG), 1929; Was tut die Missions-Hilfe, Bericht über die Arbeit d. DEMH von 1926-1929, 16 p., Dr., 1929; Again Dr. Baronigian, 1931

Société des missions du Rhin
German Society for Missiology (DGfM)
RMG 967 · Dossier · 1918-1966
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Minutes of the Annual Meetings; Annual Accounts, Correspondence with Rosary and Genius; Statutes of the DGfM, Dr., 1918 1960; C. Mirbt: German Society for Missiology, 7 p., Dr., 1918; The catechumenate in the RMG churches in; Southwest Africa by F. Pönnighaus, Karibib, 1951; New Guinea until 1930, N.N.; China, W. Grundmann, 1951; Sumatra, H. Berghäuser; Mentawai Islands, R. Smidt, 1951; Rosary: German Society for Missionary Science, 8 p., Dr., 1957; list of members, as of 1957

Société des missions du Rhin
Olpp, John George Henry (1870-1948)
RMG 1.636 a-c · Dossier · 1894-1961
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1895-1937 in Otjimbingue, Karibib, Praeses and Inspector from 1910; Letters and reports (Presidential files separate), 1895-1910; application for missionary service, curriculum vitae, expert opinion Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp, 1894; private letters to Inspectors d. RMG, 1895-1899; Instruction for Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp, 1895; Report on Franz Heinrich Kleinschmidts Death in Otjimbingue, 1896; Overview of the Mountain Damra Church in Otjimbingue, 1896; What drives for faithful work in the mission can the biblical teaching of Christ's Second Coming grant us? Lecture, 12 p., hs., 1898; Lieutenant Kuhn to inspector because of missionary for Karibib, 1901; property case Redecker with sketch, 1904; holiday application Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp, 1907; plan about Biblical history education to be mastered in the schools, Otjimbingue, 1908; private correspondence from and. with Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp (partly from the estate), 1928-1948; correspondence with Maria Olpp, née Johannsen (also curriculum vitae and death certificate), 1948-1961; Olpp translated the book "Eine Reise durch Afrika", by J. Du Plessis, 1916, from the Netherlands into German, under the signature 1-02812 in the holdings of the Archive Library ;

Société des missions du Rhin
Press feuds
RMG 1.148 · Dossier · 1928-1937
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence with publishers and authors concerning polemical or misleading reporting on mission; correspondence about "Die Deutsche Christenfibel" by Fritz Beckmann, 1934; voucher copies of various journals and magazines

Société des missions du Rhin