Showing 18 results

Archival description
RMG 868 · File · 1866, 1904-1938
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Invitations, programmes, lists of participants, calls, presentations, reports (partly printed); correspondence; invitation to the 1st Continental Mission Conference Bremen, starting from the Rheinische and Norddt. Mission, 1866; Leitsätze zu den Vorträge, 1909; Satzung, 1913; Korrespondenz d. Dt. Gesellschaft f. Eingeborenenschutz m. katholischen Geistlichen, 1914; Monatsblatt d. Norddt. Missionsgesellschaft, May 1938; Erinnerungsfoto d. Konferenzthemen, 1938

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 872 · File · 1901-1920
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, Communications, Minutes, Accounts and Scholarships; Draft Statutes and Statements, 1903; Invitations, Programs, Directories of Participants and Final Reports of the 3rd-6th Mission Week in Herrnhut, 1905-1915; The Evangelical Pagan Mission in: German reading book f. evang. Volks- u. Bürgerschulen, Osnabrück, 1907; Press-Kommission d. Dt. Miss.-Ausschuss: Verbindung d. Außen Mission m.d. Evang. Pressver-band f. Germany, Guidelines by A.W. Schreiber, Bremen, 1909; Statutes of the German Evangelical Missionary Association, c. 1909; A War Conference of the German Evangelical Mission, Dr., 1915; H. Johannsen, Essen: The ratio d. German Mission Conferences on German Evangelical Missionary Aid, 17 p., ms, 1917

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 873 · File · 1921-1932
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, Communications, Minutes, Accounts and Scholarships; Invitations, Programs, Directories of Participants and Minutes of the 7-10th Mission Week in Herrnhut, 1921-1930; Decision to Found the German Evangelical Federation of Missions, Head Hinrich Johannsen, Essen, 1923; Julius Richter: The International Mission Convention in Washington, Report, 6 p.., ms, c. 1924; Invitation to tender e. Preisarbeit über e. Missionsthema, 1928; German Association for Combating the African Spirits Trade: Submission to the Foreign Office Berlin, 1928; Pax Europaea, Neue Wege zur Sicherung d. Europaea. Peace, efforts to found e. corresponding international. Initiativkomités by Julius Richter, Berlin, 1928; Sup. Petrich: Historical Review and Memories of Pomeranian Mission Life and Beginnings of the Herrnhut Mission Weeks, 1925; 200 Years of the Herrnhut Mission 1732-1932, News from the Herrnhut Mission, 16 p., Dr., 1932

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 654 · File · 1909-1965
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Invitations, Programs, Participant Lists; Call for the Foundation of the Federation of Women's Missions and Statutes, Dr., 1909; Guiding Principles of the Frauenbund d. RMG, Dr., 1921; Principles d. Rhine. Frauen-Missions-Gebetsbund, Dr., 1926; To the German Mothers, Call of the Frauen-Gebetsbund zum Bau e. Töchterheims in Kaiserswerth, n.J.

Rhenish Missionary Society
Olpp, Theodor (1875-1968)
RMG 355 · File · 1904-1950
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1904-1908 teacher and secretary; vocations as missionary, 1904; work report (1904-1906), 1907; letter of resignation, 1908; correspondence with director Spiecker, 1908-1909; correspondence with director Berner, 1948-1950; estate:; timetable of the preschool 1903-1904; invitation and statutes of the Westphalian Miss.Conference, Dr., 1916; Westphalia and the Rhenish Mission 1905-1907, lecture, 1908; Programs of the Mission Course for Ministers and the Missionary Preacher Conference, 1908; Letters from various missionaries, 1932-1938

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 126 · File · 1840-1868
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Privatberichte von 1840-1860; Teilnehmerlisten a.d. Predigererkonf. in Barmen, 1846-1850; Eingabe der Predigererkonferenz an die Preußische Nationalvers. gegen Trennung von Schule u. Kirche, 1848; Flyer "Joachim, heraus, der Heiland ist da", 1848; Programm der Wuppertaler Festwochen, 1854-1868; Summarische Darstellung der Schriftlehre von der Herrlichkeit, o.J.

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 639 · File · 1926-1932
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

(organized by Rheinischer Missionskonferenz, Fr. Hinrich Johannsen); invitations, programs, lists of participants; correspondence with authorities due to financial subsidies; correspondence with professors such as: Albert Schweitzer, Karl Barth, Ritschl, Weber, Schlatter, Goeters u. Heim; newspaper reports about the courses

Rhenish Missionary Society
Tersteegensruh Conference
RMG 1.076 · File · 1913-1967
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Invitations, programs, correspondence; Bible studies and sermons by:; Prof. Schniewind, Halle; Insp. A. Hoffmann, Barmen; Pastor Heinrichs, Essen; Insp. Möller, Berlin; owner of the manor of Reden, Wendlinghausen; Superint. von Oettingen, Barmen; Pastor Modersohn, Blankenburg; Preacher A. Zeller, Männedorf; Pastor Kirchhoff, Barmen; Pastor Humburg, Barmen; Prof. Dr. Schmitz, Barmen; Pastor Johannes Busch, Witten; Pastor Wilhelm Busch, Essen; Pastor Bopp, Wuppertal; Pastor Altenpohl, Essen

Rhenish Missionary Society