Showing 31 results

Archival description
RMG 717 · File · 1921-1928
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence on border issues in the mission hinterland; correspondence on the handover of Borneo to Basel; contract of service between Miss. doctor Dr. Boeckh and Basler Mission, 1921; contract between "De Classical Zendingscommissie te Amsterdam" and Basler Mission, 1925; appeal to the Basler Mission, flyer, 1927

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 720 · File · 1942-1946
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence on the question of the mission hinterland; Correspondence on the fate of the missionaries affected by the Second World War; Agreement between the Basler and the RMG on work in the common home area of Kurhessen, 1942; Notice of death for the former president Rev. Dr. Wilhelm Burckhardt (1856-1943), 1943; To the registered friend of the Basler Mission, Dr...., 1944; From our medical mission, pamphlet, 1944 1945; minutes of the meeting on 19.10.1945 m. President D. Köchlin, 1945; Letter from Prelate Dr. Hartenstein on this, 1945; Guidelines of the Basel Mission in the Question of Relationship to the German Home Church, 1945

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 715 · File · 1820-1844
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Beratungen über Aussendung von Missionaren zur Krim, 1820; Jahresrechnung, 1821; Jahresbericht, 1821; Erläuterungen hierzu von Insp. Blumhardt, 1822; 3 letters by Blumhardt; Wilhelm Kruse über das Missions-Seminar Basel, 1823; Jahresrechnungen, 1824, 1831, 1834, 1836 1842; 8 letters by Blumhardt, 1826-1830; 8 circular letters, 1828-1833; draft e. Missionsbund zwischen Basel, Barmen u. Bremen (Blumhardt, Dr. Richter u. Brauer), 1837; Invitations to the Basel Mission Festival, 1840-1843; Confidential communications from A. Bräm, Neukirchen on the Basel Mission, 1844; letter from Insp. Hoffmann, 1844

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 716 · File · 1859-1920
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence on border issues in the hinterland of the mission; correspondence on the handover of Borneo to Basel; founding of a missionary association for the Protestant church in Nassau, statutes and founding protocol, 24 p., Dr.., 1859; Olpp, Pastor: Das neutr Missionshinterland im Nordwesten Deutschlands und seine gegenwärtigen Beziehungen zur Rheinischen Mission, Vortr., 24 p., ms., 1908; Statutes of the Oberhessische Hilfsverein f. d. Rheinische Mission, 1910; Protokoll über Vertrauensmänner-Versammlung, Dr., 1911

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.611 a-b · File · 1872-1880, 1867-1871,; (1990)
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1870-1872 teacher at the Seminar d. RMG, 1873-1880 in Otjimbingue, 1880-1887 pastor in Königsberg, 1887-1889 inspector of the East Africa Mission and lecturer at the Oriental Seminar Berlin III; Letters and Reports, 1872-1880; Protocoll about the abolition of the forging of the Mission Colony Otjimbingue, 1874; Regen im Damralande, 7 p., hs., 1875; Löwengeschichten, 10 p. hs..., 1875; Sociale Verhältnisse im Hereroland, 36 p., hs., 1876; Die Bergdamra, 16 p., 1877; Wege im Damaraland, 16 p., 1877; 2 letters of J. Chr. Goliath from d. Augustineum, 1877; The Augustineum in Otjimbingue, 5 p.., hs., 1877; school visit in Hererolande, 20 p., hs., 1879; church consecration in Scheppmannsdorf, 10 p., 1879; September 1990 preserved: Personal Diarium of Büttner from the years 1867-1871; biographical material on Büttner (copies) by Prof. Ernst Hans Dammann;[Büttner's letters contain interesting information on the Mission Trade Society and on political conditions in Southwest Africa, see also Bethel Mission];

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 821 · File · 1912-1924
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

[see also RMG 815]; correspondence on cooperation in Borneo; correspondence in matters de Vries and Hendrich; De Classical Zendingsbode: No. 30, 1921 33, 1923; report by Praeses Epple on the Kazongan case, 1923; contract with Miss. Vieker, 1923; Contract with Miss. Bakker, 1924; Contract with Basler Mission to take over the Kantigan area on Borneo, 1924

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.083 · File · 1905-1935
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Submissions, Applications, Circulars; Correspondence mainly for the establishment of e. Chair f. Islamic Studies and Missionary Lectureship Bethel; F. v. Bodelschwingh: The Free Theological School of Bethel b. Bielefeld, 8 p., Dr., 1905; F. v. Bodelschwingh: Epilogue, 13 p., Dr., 1905; The Theol. school in Bethel, Prospekt m. Abb, Dr., ca. 1910; F. v. Bodelschwingh: Die tiefere Einwurzelung d. Mission in die Kirche, pamphlet, 4 p.., Dr. 1905; Statutes of the Association for Foundation and Entertainment e. Practical Theological School in Bethel, 4 p., Dr., 1906; RMG: Our Relations with the Theolog. School in Bethel and the East African Mission, 3 p., Dr., 1912

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 780 · File · 1909-1920
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence and advertising material on training at the DIFÄM; Correspondence on the construction and operation of the tropical convalescent home; Prospectus for admission seekers, 1909; Minutes of the Annual Meetings, Dr., 1909-1914; Insp. Trittelvitz (Bethel): A visit to the tropical convalescent home in Tübingen, 4 p., Dr., 1917; Dr. Olpp: The tropical convalescent home in Tübingen, 25 p., Dr., with ills., 1917

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 921 · File · 1933-1934
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Successor organizations of DEMA and DEMB; Circulars, Communications, Annual Financial Statements, Conference Resolutions and Correspondence; A Word of Mission on the Racial Question, 1933; The Outer Mission in the German Protestant Church, with definition of DEMT u. DEMR, 1933; Declaration of the DEMB on the planned reorganization, 1933; Declaration of the representative of the German Christians on the draft of the DEMB, October 1933; Statute of the DEMT as successor organization of the DEMB, 1933; Statute of the DEMB, Dr., n.J.; H. Johannsen: New Consideration of German Protestant Mission, 17 p., Dr., signs DEMR, 1933; Mission and Confessing Church, DEMR Rally on the Church Question, Bethel, June 1934; Brother Council: Guidelines for Joint Action by the Miss. and Diaconal Associations and Works of the German Protestant Church, October 1934; International Missionary Council: Memorandum on Aid for German Missions, 1934

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 922 · File · 1935-1936
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Circulars, Communications, Minutes, Conference Decisions, Correspondence; Reply to International Missionary Council, 1935; Foreign Exchange Leaflet for German Evangelical Missionaries, 4 p., Dr., 1935; 1. 2. preliminary draft f. Satzung d. DEMR, e.V., Tübingen, 1935; 3rd draft by Barmen-Bethel, 1935; Satzung d. DEMT e.V., 1935; Freytag: Impressions from the visit of German mission fields in South Asia, 7 p., ms., 1935; Bodelschwingh: Letter to the advisory board of the Arbeitsgem. missionary and diaconal works and associations in German Evangelical Church, 10 p., ms. 1936; Order on the registration of German nationals abroad f. active military service and Reichsar-beitsdienst, 1936; Die beiden Wege (d. Bekennende Kirche), 5 p., ms., 1936; Knak: Reflection in German evangelical mission, 5 p., ms., 1936

Rhenish Missionary Society
Home Committee of the DEMR
RMG 942 · File · 1939-1944
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Protocols, circulars, communications; correspondence for mutual exchange on the provisions of the Collective Activity; Leaflet for Confidence Women of Christ. Frauendienstes f. Äussere Mission, 7 p., ms., 1939; Official announcement of the Reichsschrifttumskammer, no. 133, 1939; Circular of the Basler Mission to members of the Kollektenverein (half-bat collection), 1940

Rhenish Missionary Society
Johannes Warneck (1867-1944)
RMG 448 · File · 1892-1905
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1892-1905 Missionary on Sumatra, 1908-1912 Africa consultant, 1912-1919 lecturer in Bethel, 1920-1932 Ephorus Sumatra, 1932-1937 director; conference reports, station reports and private letters from Sumatra, 1892-1905; Der Bote vom Tobasee, news sheet of the Missions-Hilfsverein f. d. Station d. Rhein. Miss. J. War-neck, printed Berlin: No. 7, 2nd edition, 1895/96 No. 14, 5th edition, 1899

Rhenish Missionary Society
Johannes Warneck (1867-1944)
RMG 449 · File · 1906-1936
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

to mission leadership during home leave, 1906-1908; certificate of appointment as inspector, 1908; circular to all employees of the RMG, 1908; letters to Spiecker, 1908-1916; the situation of the Batak mission and the resulting tasks for position and work of Ephorus, Memorandum, hs, 1916; Negotiations about connection to state pension funds, 1930; document of appointment and instructions, 1932; correspondence, among others with sculptor Kuhn, Düsseldorf, due to Nommensen monument, 1932-1936; letter to P. Jäger/Bethel written in Pearadja, copy, 1920; values friends, printed circulars, Dec. 1922 Dec. 1929

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.163 · File · 1936-1941
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Involved: Rheinische, Neukirchener, Herrnhuter, Neuendettelsauer, China-Allianz u. Basler Mission; contracts, guidelines for design; editor's reports, publisher's reports; correspondence; negotiations with Miss. Oelschner, Neukirchen, 1939; Ms. Schmitz: Fundamental report on the youth work of the RMG, 5 p., ms., 1939; Tole, No. 10/11, 16 p., Dr., 1939

Rhenish Missionary Society
missionary aid organizations
RMG 211 · File · 1857-1898
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence; Statutes Duisburger Missionshilfsges., Dr.; Reply letter of the priest asked for membership in the extended advisory board of the Deputation, 1865; Correspondence with the Hilfsges., 1870-1895; Circular letter to the chairmen of the Hilfsges. and answers thereto, 1886-1895; The German people's Christian duty, Call for missionization in German colonial areas, Dr.; Invitations to annual festivals of the Lüdenscheider Hilfsverein, Dr, 1887, 1895; Invitations to the annual festivals of the Märkische Hilfsverein, Dr., 1886 1887; leaflets "Die Rheinische Mission am Ende des Jahres...", Dr., 1887-1890; same at the beginning of the year...", Dr., 1892-1895; Die Position der Rhein. Mission to the East African. Mission, Dr., 1891; pamphlets of the Märkischer Hilfsverein, Dr., 1891 1894; pamphlet of the Lenneper Hilfsverein "Wie stehts mit unserer Missionsarbeit", Dr., 1892; annual reports of the Märkische Missions-Hilfsverein, Dr., 1887-1894 1898

Rhenish Missionary Society
Olpp, Theodor (1875-1968)
RMG 355 · File · 1904-1950
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1904-1908 teacher and secretary; vocations as missionary, 1904; work report (1904-1906), 1907; letter of resignation, 1908; correspondence with director Spiecker, 1908-1909; correspondence with director Berner, 1948-1950; estate:; timetable of the preschool 1903-1904; invitation and statutes of the Westphalian Miss.Conference, Dr., 1916; Westphalia and the Rhenish Mission 1905-1907, lecture, 1908; Programs of the Mission Course for Ministers and the Missionary Preacher Conference, 1908; Letters from various missionaries, 1932-1938

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.368 · File · 1863 - o. J. (1903/4)
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

see also RMG 1.593,[the typescript bears the note "Archiv Karibib, Rheinische Mission"]; In distant worlds: Letters from a German missionary woman in d. Homeland, covering the years 1863-1903 with interesting descriptions of life at the mission stations Berseba, Keetmannshoop, Windhoek, Warmbad, Komaggas, Southwest Africa, 120 p., ms., no year;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 338 · File · 1914-1915
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Our Rhenish Mission at War, 1st-9th sheet, Dr., August 1914-August 1915; List of the consequences of the state of war for the mission, August 1914; A petition of the Friends of the Rhine. Mission to the Protestant Comrades, Dr., July 1915; The Indian Press on the Expulsion of German Missionaries, Dr., 1915; The War in the German Protectorates, Dr., 5 p., ca. 1915; Statements by Foreign Friends on the War, partly curious, 1915; Appeal for Peace by the Churches of Europe and America to the Warring Nations, Dr., Uppsala November 1914

Rhenish Missionary Society