Affichage de 1 résultats

Description archivistique
Letters from Bf. Vieter to other persons
A.11-287 · Dossier · 1892 - 1914
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Includes letters to:- Adams, Gustav (reference only)- relatives and friends: brothers Theodor and Wilhelm, 1904-1905; Bueer family, 1905; niece Henriette, 1912- Bauhus, Theodor, art and church painter in Süchteln, 1905-1913- Jöhren, Rev. Father, 1905-1906- Confreres: P. Bancken, 1904-1905; Br. Eugen Christlieb, 1905, 1901; P. Halbing (near Bancken); P. Alojzy Majewski, 1906; P. Massmann, 1914; P. Nekes, 1906-1914; P. Päppl, 1896; P. Rieder, 1902-1914; P. Rosenhuber, 1908; P. Georg Walter, 1893; Letters from and to several confreres:- Weiskamp, Hermann, 1896-1913- Benefactors, Mission Societies, 1906-1911; In it picture postcards:to Bauhus:- View of Bonaberl from Balldorf, 1911- View of Hickory from Akwa, 1911- Duala, Port Authority, 1911- Duala, Government Hospitalan family and friends:- Interior of the St. Peter and Paulskirche in Duala (Cameroon), 1905 to confreres, Massmann:- Buildings of the Catholic mission of the Pallottines in Yaoundé (Cameroon), 1914 to confreres, Nekes:- Abbaasspiel, verbotenes Glücksspiel der Neger, for photographic purposes, depicted by Catholic Christians of the Pallottine mission in Yaunde (Cameroon), 1914- Orphans of the Catholic Church. Mission of the Pallottines to Yaoundé (Cameroon), 1914 to confreres, several:- Bellstadt (Cameroon), 1904- Koblenz, Herz-Jesu-Kirche, St. Castor-Kirche- Ravensburg, St. Jodocuskirche
