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Archival description
BArch, R 1001/3083 · File · (1885) Jan. 1886 - Jan. 1887
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Map with property and land registrations of the Deutsche Handels- und Plantagen-Gesellschaft on the Solomon Islands. (o.M.) 1886 Cover letter for the New Guinea Company because of the islands of the Solomon Group under German protection of 13 Dec. 1886

BArch, R 1001/3002 · File · März 1902 - Mai 1905
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Disarmament of the local population Establishment of a station in Ruk-Attoll Born, Some remarks about music, poetry and dance of the Yaplente, 1903 Born, Some observations of ethnological nature about the Oleai Islands (o.D.) Map of Palau, m.: 1:300 000 with registered shipping lines, trade and mission stations (o.D.)

* III.11 003887 * III.11 - 003887 * l. Num.: 003887 · File · 1926
Part of Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, Historical Archive

Description: All-metal cabin aircraft Junkers G 31. Year of construction 1926. Intended use: Three-engined passenger and cargo aircraft as well as use for medical service. Photo shows cargo aircraft VH-UOU with open cockpit and large cargo hatch in fuselage spine in service of Bulolo Gold Dredging

Abschnitt Sumatra - Marquesas-Inseln, Japan - Neuseeland. Weigel und Schneider (Buchhandlung, Herausgeber). 2. Auflage, Stich, handkoloriert (Grenze von Asien rot, Gebiet Indonesien gelb, Australien, Neuguinea und Mikronesien grün, Polynesien und Melanesien rot) verbleicht. Ca. 1 : 23.000.000. Nürnberg. Vertikal gefaltet, 67,5 x 50 cm; thematische Karte (Entdeckungsfahrten); nicht maßstabsgetreu (Neuguinea gestreckt, Tasmanien mit Australien verbunden); auf Karton aufgezogen. Bem.: ohne Maßstab; äquatorialständiges Meridiangitternetz (Greenwich) mit Himmelsrichtungsangaben; Bezeichnung Australiens als "Neu-Holland"; Einzeichnung der Entdeckungsfahrten (farbig) und geographischer Besonderheiten, Stempel (?) auf Rückseite. Vorsignaturen: 222; A 19.

Municipality of Apia: Vol. 3
BArch, R 1001/3089 · File · Febr. 1885 - Nov. 1887
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Enthält u.a.: Convention between Great Britain, Germany, The United States, and Samoa as to the municipal board of Apia. Signed at Samoa, Sept. 29, 1883. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, 1885 Karte über das Gebiet der Munizipalität von Apia (o.M.), (o.D.)

Municipality of Apia: Vol. 6
BArch, R 1001/3092 · File · März - Mai 1888
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Municipality of Apia. Municipal Regulations, 1879 - 1886 Municipal board of Apia, 1886 Map of the territory of the former Municipal Administration of Apia with proposed border of the Municipality of Apia

Zendings Study-Raad, Zeist
RMG 827 · File · 1929-1949
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Conference minutes; circulars; lists of participants and invitations; card by Niederl. New Guinea with mission stations, 1:5,000,000, 1930; De Internationale Zendingsraad, by Baron E. von Boetzelaer van Dubeldam, 24 p., Dr., 1932; Lunteren, No. 5, 1932; Correspondence on the establishment of the e. Mission Museum in Zeist Castle, 1933; Statistical data on the RMG Missionange members currently and formerly active in Dutch India, 1948

Rhenish Missionary Society